NEVE SHALOM Jewish Community Center 250 Grove Avenue Metuchen, NJ 08840 732-548-2238 x 14 NEVE SHALOM 5781 [email protected] h,ps.//www.neveshalom.net/form/ad-ed-fall/spring-57 1.html Neve Shalom and Temple Emanu-El will be sharing many of our Adult Educa5on courses this year with classes taught on 6oom un5l we are able to safely meet together in person. When you register you will receive the appropriate Zoom links. Neve Shalom members should pay our synagogue; Temple Emanu-El members will pay their Temple (both synagogues will be charging the same fees) and students, at no addi$onal charge, can take any or all classes that the two shuls will be o%ering. We encourage you to register early so we can guarantee that each class will have su&cient a'endance to meet. Please contact )azzan Levin )azzan,NeveShalom.net for addi$onal informa$on about these o%erings and any of Neve Shalom-s .dult Educa$on programs and events. Adult Educaon Classes Beyond Disputes Parts I & II Rabbi Eric Rosin Sundays 10 am at Neve Shalom Fall Semester: starts Oct. 25 Spring Semester: To Be Announced This class has been prepared by the faculty of the Jewish Theological Seminary. Each session will examine one of the major philosophical, spiritual, ethical, and cultural discussions that have helped shape Jewish history. The class consists of text study, classroom discussion, and recorded video lectures delivered by J. T. S. professors. Rabbi Rosin is the spiritual leader of Neve Shalom. What is Jewish Music? Hazzan Sheldon Levin Fall Semester: Tuesdays at 11 am: Oct. 13, 20, 27, Nov. 3, 10 & 17 Using new curricula developed by UCLA Herb Albert School of Music and the Milken Archives, we will listen to recordings and see videos on the following topics: Ernst Bloch, Leonard Bernstein, Music through the Holocaust, Jews & Jazz, and 21st Century American and Israeli Music. These are different than last year’s course. Hazzan Levin is the cantor and Robert Moss Adult Ed Director of Neve Shalom. Rebels with Causes Rabbi Rebecca Gutterman Wednesdays at 9:00 am Dates will be announced This course continues with the end of Kings II. As we move into the words of the prophet Isaiah, and the prophets who follow, we find that they were unique and sometimes controversial figures in the their time. Their calls for ethical behavior and social justice are ones we need to hear as much today as we did then. Rabbi Gutterman is the spiritual leader of Temple Emanu -El. Lunch and Learn Rabbi Rebecca Gutterman Reinvention, Reimagination, and Rejuvenation: Jewish Responses to Crossroads Wednesdays at 12:30 pm Dates will be announced Our story is one of constant change and adaptation. Each week we will choose a different text, story or historical moment and look at it together as a means of investigating how we, as a people, have found and still find the tenacity to grow past pain and keep moving forward. Torah Study Rabbi Eric Rosin Tuesdays and Thursdays at 1 pm Beginning Oct. 11 Join this thirty -minute Torah study through Hasidic texts. Talmud in English Parts I & II Stephan Gross Wednesdays 7:30 pm This bi -weekly class, taught in English, covers different topics of interest today that are discussed in the Talmud. Stephan Gross is an experienced lay learner and teacher. Holocaust Presentations Debra Maller Part I Thursdays at 7:30 pm Oct. 15, 22, 29, Nov. 5 Using the book The Sunflower by Simon Wiesenthal, which students are expected to purchase or borrow from a library, we will discuss topics of the Holocaust and issues faced by Wiesenthal. Part II Thursdays at 7:30 pm Apr. 22, 29, May 6, 13 & 20 We will look at the works of young Holocaust writers, discuss issues of immigration and learn of America’s response in the 1940s. We will view excerpts from the film America’s Response. Debra Maller is a high school teacher who helped develop curricula for Holocaust studies. Jewish Meditation Techniques Lisa McNerney Wednesdays at 7:00 pm Oct. 14, Nov. 4, Dec 16 In these stressful times, meditation can be helpful. Do you know about Jewish Meditation techniques? These include practices of setting the mind, introspection, visualization, concentration on philosophical, ethical or mystical ideas. Jewish mystics have viewed meditation as leading to devekut (cleaving to God). Lisa McNer- ney is the new Educational Director at Temple Emanu -El with 30 years of experience in Jewish education. The Book Club Mondays at 7:30 pm Oct. 12 The Only Woman in the Room by Marie Benedict Nov. 23 The Third Daughter by Talia Carner (pre -registration required) Dec 21 Acts of Assumption by S. S. Leicher Jan. 18 Button Man by Andrew Gross Feb. 1 The Book of V by Anna Solomon (with the author) Mar. 15 Cilka’s Journey by Heather Morris Apr. 19 Rebel Cinderella: From Rags to Riches to Radical, the Epic Journey of Rose Pastor Stokes by Adam Hochschild Building Your Family Tree Sundays at 12:30 pm We will be learning about genealogy and hearing from speakers knowledgeable in tracing your lineage. We will discuss who are our relatives, from what countries did they come and why. Faculty includes lay experts from these communities. Oct. 25 What is Genealogy Dec. 20 Jews of the Philippines Feb. 21 Jews of New Mexico Apr. 18 Jews of Chile June 13 Building Your Family Tree To Be Announced Jews of Belgium Jewish History Film Series hosted by Hazzan Levin Thursdays at 11:00 am and 7:00 pm Jan. 7 Hester Street starring Carol Kane Jan. 14 Prisoner of Honor starring Richard Dreyfus Jan. 21 Cast a Giant Shadow starring Kirk Douglas Jan. 28 Operation Finale starring Ben Kingsley Sweet Ivrit Cantor Emily Simkin Wednesdays at 7:30 pm There’s an old Jewish tradition of pouring a little honey on stu- dents’ books before they they begin their learning. Cantor Simkin believes that learning Hebrew should be sweet, fun and anxiety - free. Join her in learning the fundamentals of reading and writing Hebrew. This beginning -level course will take you through all of the basics you’ll need to know including the alphabet, vowels, and how to decode. It will cater to different types of learners and learn- ing needs. Cantor Simkin is the new cantor at Temple Emanu -El. Special Events Global Day of Learning (for all ages) Sunday, Nov. 8 at 9:45am -1pm This community day of study is part of the world -wide program designed by Adin Steinsaltz, z”l. Rabbi Eric Rosin, Hazzan Sheldon Levin, Miriam Dobin, Rabbi Gutterman, Cantor Simkin and other area educators will be teaching this year’s theme: Human Dignity . Donald and Ruth Kahn One Community Book Event * Sunday, Mar 21 at 10 am at Neve Shalom Attention all book lovers - the Book and Author Event will be returning! We invite you to hear from a panel of authors about their Jewish books, meet these authors, purchase books, and get their signatures. Securing Justice for the Lost Voices of the Holocaust : Martin Mendelsohn * Thursday, Apr. 8 at 7:30 pm at Temple Emanu -El Mr. Mendelsohn was the first Chief of Office of Special Investigations in the U.S. Dept. of Justice. He will discuss the U.S. efforts to ensure that justice was and will continue to be afforded to the many victims who perished or who were forever harmed by the atrocities of the Nazis. Susy Schwartz Memorial Fund Concert * DIVAS ON THE BIMAH Sunday, Apr. 25 at 7pm at Neve Shalom The Susy Schwartz Concert brings contemporary Jewish music to our community while raising funds for our "Passport to Israel" program and has featured such luminaries as Debbie Friedman, Craig Taubman, Neshama Carlebach, Josh Nelson, and Safam. The concert this year features four outstanding women cantors: Jen Cohen, Magda Fishman, Alisa Pomerantz -Boro, and Elizabeth Shammash, all exciting performers of different musical styles. The program will be filled with joyful songs from Broadway, Israel, and Pop. Israel and Shirley Segal Memorial Lecture * Sunday To Be Determined at 10 am at Neve Shalom Dr. Lila Corwin Berman , Director, Feinstein Center for American Jewish History at Temple University will speak about Anti -Semitism in the “Golden Land”: Is America Different ?. A light brunch will follow the the program, if we can meet in person. Honoree Event * Sunday afternoon June 13 at Neve Shalom Our honoree this year will be Hazzan Sheldon Levin. Details of the program will follow. *May be restructured depending on health restrictions in the Spring Gilbert & Claudie Hayat Speaker Series Sundays 11:00 am on ZOOM un5l further no5ce Existential Issues for Jews and Israel Oct. 25 Dr. Uriel Abuloff is a professor in the Political Science departments of both Tel Aviv and Princeton Universities. He will address the angst of many issues facing both Israel and world - wide Jewry today. Fourth Reich: Nazism Since World War II Nov. 22 Dr. Gavriel Rosenfeld is a professor of History at Fairfield University. Anti -Semitism and other hate activities are still plaguing us in Europe and America, even today. Join us for this important discussion. Ordination of Orthodox Women Rabbis Dec. 20 Dr. Michal Raucher is an Associate Professor of Jewish History at Rutgers University. While Conservative and Reform congregations have fully accepted women as clergy, the Orthodox world is in the midst of difficult struggles of welcoming women rabbis. We will learn of progress and issues facing Orthodox women who wish to be rabbis and scholars today. Believe: Moving Forward in the #MeToo Era Jan.
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