THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART 11 WEST 53 STREET. NEW YORK 19. N. Y. TELEPHONE' CIRCLE 5·1900 PHOTOGRj>PHS FOR COLLECTORS MoMAExh_0671_MasterChecklist OCTOBER 1 - OCTOBER 16. 1960 This exhibition inaugurates the sale of photographs as a permament part of t.he Art Lending Service Program. PHOTOGRAPHS FOR COLLECTORS October 1 - October 16, 1960 Key: F - Framed ,~- In Exhibition (all framed) S - Sold, prints can be ordered in most instances ANDUJAR, Claudia. American, born in Switzerland, 1931. 1. Untitled. (Village in Abruzzi, Italy). 1959. $25. 2. Untitled. (Hospital in Porto Nacional, Central Brazill 1960. $25. 3. Untitled. (Caraja Iniian Woman, Central Brazil). 1960. ~25. !,. Untitled.(State of Sao Paulo, Brazil.Pregnant Homan and Child)1960.~;25. ,~ 5. Untitled. (Faval a «Slum)) Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). 1960. ~;;35. ARNOLD, Eve. (Magnum).American, Contemporary. 6. Port Jefferson. 1958. " 7. Hothar- and Child. 1959. MoMAExh_0671_MasterChecklist ATGET, Jean-Eugene-Auguste. French, 1856 - 1927. S 8. Rue Asselin. S 9. Nagasin avenue des Cobelins. 10. Roses. 11. Porteuse de Pain. 12. Marchand Ambulant., Montmartre. 13. Street Car No. 315. 14. White Blossoms. 15~ Street Repairs. 16., Le Petit Journal. 1 T. Bedroom. 18~ Rue St. Rusti~ue, March 1922. 19. vlash Stand. 20; Side Show. 21. Faire du Trone. 22, Fa shi.ng, 23. Le Geant Armand. F 24,.Nagas in avenue des Gobelins. F 25. rue Desnouettes, vieille mai.son, F 2.6,.Cour, rue de Valence. F 27. Boulevard d~ Strasbourg. F 28. Foire du Trone. F 29. Side Show. F 30. Figaro Populaire. F 31. Rue Eouffetard, Paris. " 32. March~ du Temple, Paris. About 1900. FS 33. Street Musicians. 34. Untitled. (Girl in Doorway). BOURDIN, Guy. French, born 1928. if 35. Sophie. 1954. $33. 36. Chez Ie Sculpteur Adam. 1953. S25. 37. Abstraction. 1953. ~25. 38. Untitled. (Wall with cat hole). 1956. &25. BRAKE, Brian. (Magnum). New Zelander, Contemporary. " 39.'Nigerian Girl. 1956. $33. BULLOCK, Wynn. American, born 1902. 40. "Let There Be Light". 1953. * 41; Child in The Forest. 1950. 42. Untitled. (NUde in Forest). 1952.. 43. Untitled. (Seascape). 1958. BURRI, Rene. (l'Iagnum).Swiss, Contemporary. S 44; Untitled. (Cattle). $25. * 45. Untitled.(Horses). $33.. From .!a. Gaucho (Photo-essa,y in ~, March, 1959). For photographs by Oscar a~LEY and Werner BISCHOF see ADDENDA CALLAH.I\N,Harry.American, born 1912. 46. Untitled. (South Chicago Beach). 1959. F 47. Untitled. (Wabash Avenue, Chicago). 1959. S 48. Untitled. (Weed). S" 49. Untitled. (Weed, France). 1958. S 50. Untitled. (Mother and Child). 51. Untitled. (Nude). CAPA, Cornell. (Magnum). American, born Hungary, 1918. 52. Pasternak. 1958. 53. Talmudic Scholars. 1955. " 54. Moscow Ballet School. 1958. 55. Stevenson. 1952. (Courtesy of ~). CAPA, Robert. (Magnum). American, born Hungar)'. ],913 _ 1954. 56. Death of a Spanish Loyalist. 1936. 57. Collaborators, France. 1944. t;:<:7. MoMAExh_0671_MasterChecklist 58. D-Day. 1944. $28. {, 59. Picasso and Son. 1951. :~;27• $33. CAPONIGRO, Paul •.~erican, born 1932, ':,60. Untitled. (Ice, Newton, Massachusetts). 1960. ~~40. 61. Untitled.(Road, Glacier National Park, Montana). 1959. $50. CARTIER-BRESSON, Henri. (Magnum). French, born 1908. 62. Children Playing in Ruins, Spain. 1934. * 63. Sunday on the Banks of the Marne. 1938. 64. Indonesian Rice Fields. 1950. CASSIDY, HaaneL Canadian, born in Japan, 1902. * 65. From "Hawaiian Plant Series". About 1939. 66. From "Hawaiian Plant Series". About 1939. 67. From "Hawaiian Plant Series". About 1939. 68. From "Hawaiian Plant Series". About 1939. CHAPPELL, WaIter. American, born 1925. 69. Untitled. (Snowscape). 1959. $30. 70. Untitled.· (Tree Peony Blossom). 1959. ~;30. i S 71. Untitled. (Tree). 1957. ~30. 72. Untitled. (Barnacles, Maine Coast). 1958. ~30. 73; Untitled. (Peach tree branches covered with ice, Honeoye Falls, New York, New Year's Day). 1960. ~,30. 74. Untitled. (Part of Grand Piano in Junkyard). 1959. ~!;30. * 75. Untitled. (Pond). 1957. ';,40. 76. Untitled. (Reed Pond). 1955. $30. No. 71 is reproduced in minER ~ ~ by Nathan Lyons~ Syl Labrot, and Walter Chappell. New York: George Braziller, Inc., 1960. Nos. 75 and 76 are reproduced in GEST~ .2E INFINITY by Wal ter Chappell, 1957. CUNNINGHll1"l,Imogen.American, Contemporary. 77. Ruth Asawa Working. 1956. 8;25. * 78. Nuns at a Calder Show. 1953. ~t33. 79. In Trinity Churchyard No.1, New York. 1956. $25. 80. In Trinity Churchyard No.2, New York. 1956. $25. DAVIDSON, Bruce. (Magnum). American, born 1933 •. * 81. The Clown. 1958. $33. 82. Widow of Montmartre. (MIne •. Fauch~) •.1956. ~27. 8]. Teenagers. 1959. ~;2.7• 3. DAVIS, James E. (Jim). American, born 1901. * 84. Light Reflections. No. 11. 1958. (Color) 85. Light Reflections. No. 11. 1958. (Color) $45. $35. DeC_~VA, Roy. American, born 1919. 86. Torn Shade. New York Cit.)'.1960'.,]0. 87. Two Boys in Snow. New York City. 1960. ~:,30. 88. Pigeon on Fire LSCape. New York City. 1959. 830. * 89. Three Men Walking Offstage. Ellenville Jazz Festival. 1957. ~40. ERvITTT, Elliott. (Magnum). American, born 1925. S 90. Loo~ie, Baby and Cat. 91. Florence. ./ $25. 92. The Ar~. 1953. $27. 93. Pigeon .• ~i;;n• ~,27• * 94. Southern Charm. 1955. MoMAExh_0671_MasterChecklist ~;33. FRANK, Robert. Swiss, born 1924. 95. Untitled. (Springs, Long Island). 1959. * 96. Untitled. (Man - Tennessee). 1959. GLINN, Burton. (Magnum). American, Contem90rary. * 97. Krushchev. 1959. GRIGSBY, William A. American, born 1915. 98. No.4. (Berries). (Color). ;, 99. No.5. (Leaves). (Color). GROSSI, Emilio. American, Contemporary. 100. Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode Island. 1960. 101. Gnarled Stump, Wallingford, Connecticut. 1959. * 102. Portrait of Leonard Baskin, Hilford, Connecticut. 1960. 103. Milford Beach, Milford, Connecticut. 1959. HAAS, Ernst. Austrian, born 1921. * 104. Priest - Portofino. 1953. S 105. Pigeons. 1959. 633. 106. Boys in Egypt. 1954. $25. $27. JitU,SMAN,Philippe. (Nagnum}, American, born in Latvia, 1906. * 107. Dame Edith Sitwell. 1958. 108. Albert Einstein. 1948. ~,60. 1,$0. HAJ~YA, Jiiroshi. (Magnum). Japanese, born 1915. ;, 109. Woman With Turnip. HlVlTMANN, Erich. (Magnum). American, bern Germany, 1922. 110. Dead Leaf, Sherman, Connecticut. 1957. ;f Ill. Conver eat.Lon, Champs Elysee. 1957. $25. 112. Plant Pattern. 1954. $33. 113. Pl~~t Pattern. 1954. $25. ~25. HENRIQUES, Bob. (Magnum). American, Contemporai"y•. * 114. Cuba. $33. HOTTA, Takeichi. Japanese, born 1915. ;, 115. Fall. 1958. 4.• HYDE, Scott. American, born 1926. * 116. Moonbugs. 1959. (Color). 117. Diffraction thru Calcite Crystal. 1959. (Color). 118. Boingg. 1960. (Color). 119. Sidewalks. 1960. (Color). JACOBI, Lotte. American, born in Germany, 1896. * 120. Photogenic. (From Series Made 1948 _ 1959). 121. Photogenic. (From Series Made 1948 _ 1959). 122. Photogenic. (From Series }Iade 1948 - 1959). UillROT, Sy1. American, born 1929. S,'!"123.Untitled. (Tree trunk, Connecticut). 1959. 625. S 124. Untitled. (Tree trunk, Connecticut). 1959. ~25. 125. Untitled. (Tree trunks, Connecticut). 1959. $25. 126. Untitled. (Brambles, Connecticut). 1959. ~,25. F 127. Untitled. (Hoof, Connecticut). 1960. ~,35. 128. Untitled. (Shore line, Colorado). 1957. 129. Unti tled. (Brambles, Colorado). 19;;8. ~25. MoMAExh_0671_MasterChecklist ~,25. Nos. 123,124,125, and 126 are reproduced in UNDER THE SUN by Nathan Lyons, Syl Labrot and Wa1t~r Ctappe11. New York:-neorge Brazil1er, Inc., 1960. LESSING, Erich. (Magnum). Austrian, Contemporary. * 130. De Gaulle. 1958. LEVIN3TEIN, Leon. Americnn, born 1913. 131. }~XICO 1958. (Swines). * 132. Ilexi.co1958. (Children and Gravel Heap). $25. 133. New York 1956. (Group in Park). ~i35. ~~25• 134. New York 1958. (Children blOWing soap bubbles). $25. LORRAIN, Sergio. (Nagnum); Chilean, Contemporary. 135. London. 1959. 136. Vagabond Child in Chile. 1957. ~;27• ti27 • •~ 137. Peru. 1957. ,~33. 138. South American Pigeon. 1957. $.2.7. ) LYONS, Nathan. American, born 1930. * 139. Untitled. (Printshop Window, Rochester, N. Y.). 1959. ~,3S. 140. Untitled. (Auto Glass, Angelica, N. Y.). 1958. ~25. 141. Untit16d. (Water Heater, Rochester, N. Y.). 1959. $25. No. 141 is reproduced in L~Fll TtlliSUN by Nathan Lyons, Syl Labrot and Walter Chappell. New York: GeOrge Braziller, Inc., 1960. MEATYilRD, Ralph Eugene. American, born 1925 • •~ 142. Wing Series if 1. Romant. Sleep. 1953. 143. Wing Series # 2. Non-rep. Whisper.1957. G35. 144. Wing Series # 3. Non-rep. Memory. 1956. $25. 145. Wing Series # 4. Lite. Sound. 1959. $25. $25. MIGDOIL, Herbert. American, born 1935. * 146. Untitled. (Cactus, California). 1959. (Color). 147, Untitled. (Cactus, California). 1959 $60. 148. Untitled. (California Woods). 1959 ." ;j.25. 149; Untitled. (California Tree). 1959.' :825. 150. Untitled. (California Mist). 1959. ~i!25• $25. MILLER, Wayne. (Magnum). American, born 1918. * 151. From THE WORLD IS YOUNG. 1958. 152. From THE I'IORLDIS YGTING. 1958. $33. S 153. From THE .JORLD IS 'l'5'i:iNG. 1958. )27 ; --- $2}• s. Nos. 151, 152'1 and 1$3 are reproduced in THEWORLDISYOill,Oby WayneHiller. NewYork: The Hidee Press and Sliii0ri'8:ndsChUS'ter,195B. MOR4TH,Inge. (Magnum).Austrian, Contempcrary. ; -r, 154. Persia. 1956•. , OKADA,Kayo.Japanese •. born 1895. 155. !"it. FUji LoomingOver The Sea. 1959. 156. Mt. Fuji "Hagor-oma" Coast. 1956. 157. Mt. Ruji. Fields in Spring. 1955. 158. Mt. Fuji. Spr-irig by the Lake. 1955. * 159. Mt. Fuji. CleaTing Up. 1948. 160. Mt. Fuji. A F~est in Winter. 1958. , Nos. 155. 156 and 157 are reproduced in ~.~I by Kayo Okada. Japan: HobundoPublishing Co., 1959. OLSON,Lennar t , (Tio Jlotografer). Swedish,
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