Exhibitors for The Inspired Home Show 2020 Company Name Address Category Phone, Booth # 14832 Arrow Hwy. PH 626-962-2990 Above All Co. Forearm Forklift Inc. Baldwin Park, CA 91706 clean + contain Booth N6660 United States 1 Mira street, Sosnoy Bor, Leningrad Region, Russia, 188540 PH +78136973000 Abrasive Technologies, LLC clean + contain Sosnovy Bor, Leningrad Region, 188540 Booth N6563 Russian Federation Zone 3, Waterton Point Brocastle Avenue PH 44-0-1656-66 Addis Housewares, Ltd. Bridgend, CF31 3US clean + contain Booth N7143 United Kingdom 250 Liberty St PH 718-832-8512 Aduro Products LLC METUCHEN, NJ 08840 clean + contain Booth N6151 United States 1821 N Highway CC PO Box 2310 PH 417-725-2691 Aire-Master of America, Inc. Nixa, MO 65714 clean + contain Booth N6918 United States ISTOC 9 ADA NO 1 BAGCILAR PH 90-212-659-4 AKYUZ PLASTIK A. S. ISTANBUL, 34218 clean + contain Booth N6843 Turkey Partida La Marjal, N 61 PH 34-965567319 Alberto Forte Composite, S.L. Banyeres De Mariola, Alicante, 03450 clean + contain Booth N7140 Spain 1301 Park Avenue South PH 908-445-7840 Alio Home LINDEN, NJ 07036 clean + contain Booth N7733 United States 210 Carpenter Dam Rd PH 501-262-2700 Alliance Rubber Company Hot Springs, AR 71903-0950 clean + contain Booth N8159 United States Via Manzoni 172/176 PH 39-0375-2004 Alphaitalia S.p.A. Casalmaggiore, CR 26041 clean + contain Booth N6142 Italy Estrada da Paz, 1119 Bom Retiro PH 55-114-03558 Aluminio Oliveira Braganca Paulista, 12913501 clean + contain Booth N7562 Brazil 115 Enterprise Ave S PH 7326623624 AMG Brands LLC Secaucus, NJ 07094 clean + contain Booth N6360 United States San 1 Bulvari 1 Bolge 3 Cad No6 Kirac ANSAN METAL VE PLASTIK San. Ve Tic. Buyukcekmece PH 90-212-88685 clean + contain Ltd. Sti. Istanbul, 34500 Booth N8449 Turkey PO Box 611 PH 248-669-2100 Armaly Brands Walled Lake, MI 48390-0611 clean + contain Booth N6508 United States 1800 NW 79 AVE PH 786-477-4174 Aromar DORAL, FL 33126 clean + contain Booth N8546, N8748 United States 350 5th avenue suite 501 PH 646-652-1551 Around The Home by Baum-Essex new york, NY 10118 clean + contain Booth N6251 United States 03/20/2020 Page 1 of 91 Exhibitors for The Inspired Home Show 2020 Company Name Address Category Phone, Booth # Av Arthi #795 PH 55-11-4012-1 Arthi Comercial Ltda. Bom Jesus dos Perdoes, Sao Paulo, 12955-000 clean + contain Booth N7352 Brazil OSMANGAZI MAH. ZIYA GOKALP CAD. NO: 20 IC ASUDE PLASTIK SANAYI VE TICARET KAPI NO: 2 ESENYURT PH 009021265923 clean + contain ANONIM SIRKETI ISTANBUL, 34 34218 Booth N8354 Turkey 141 W 36th St Ste 901 PH 212-631-0300 Azzure Home NEW YORK, NY 10018 clean + contain Booth N6530 United States Rua Cachoeira 1411/1443 Bandeirante Artefatos de Plastico e Madeira PH 55 11 279974 Sao Paulo, 03024-000 clean + contain Ltda. Booth N7357 Brazil Br 116 Km 258 PH 55-51-3473-9 Bettanin Industrial S.A. Esteio - Rio Grande Do Sul, 93270-000 clean + contain Booth N7557 Brazil 201 Chrislea Rd PH 905-264-7100 Better Living Products Int'l., Inc. Vaughan, ON L4L 8N6 clean + contain Booth N7735 Canada 263 America Pl PO Box 846 PH 812-284-2548 Blitz Manufacturing Co., Inc. Jeffersonville, IN 47130-4285 clean + contain Booth N6519 United States Estrada RJ 127 - Lote 08 Parte Loteamento Industrial- Lages PH +55 (21) 268 Botafogo Lar & Lazer clean + contain Paracambi, RJ 26600-000 Booth N7354 Brazil 6605 San Leandro St PH 5106328318 Bottle Bright Oakland, CA 94621 clean + contain Booth N7029 United States 2 Cabot Rd PH 508-597-8000 Bradshaw Home - Cleaning Hudson, MA 01749 clean + contain Booth N6500, N6700 United States 300 Telfair Rd Ste 500 PH 912-373-9990 Bramli USA, Inc. Savannah, GA 31415 clean + contain Booth N7137 United States 4 Matt Ave PO Box 1130 PH 518-563-8420 Brushtech, Inc. Plattsburgh, NY 12901-0110 clean + contain Booth N6817 United States 416 Albertson Rd PH 336-931-0026 Bryson Industries Thomasville, NC 27360 clean + contain Booth N8048 United States 1106 Crosswinds Ct PO Box 207 PH 636-639-6804 Buddeez Inc. Wentzville, MO 63385 clean + contain Booth N6409 United States 611 NW Mercantile Pl PH 561-748-5587 Bug Bite Thing PORT SAINT LUCIE, FL 34986 clean + contain Booth N6653 United States MAHMUTBEY MAHALLESI.2429.SOK.102-104-106- 108 BAGCILAR PH 009021265906 BURSEV PLASTIK VE DIS TICARET A.S. clean + contain ISTANBUL, 34 Booth N8148 Turkey 03/20/2020 Page 2 of 91 Exhibitors for The Inspired Home Show 2020 Company Name Address Category Phone, Booth # 1019 E 26th St PH 765-662-2633 Canine's Choice, Inc. Marion, IN 46953 clean + contain Booth N7111 United States PO Box 16029 PH 215-923-2400 Chaby International Philadelphia, PA 19114 clean + contain Booth N6619 United States Rue des Freres Lumiere PH 33-3-20-00-8 CIE Europe LOMME, 59 59465 clean + contain Booth N6109 France Space Tampines, 18 Tampines Industrial Crescent #06-01 PH 65 9478 8263 Citylong Group Pte. Ltd. clean + contain Singapore, 04 528605 Booth N6037 Singapore 14040 NE 8th St Suite 313 PH 9293160388 CleanHome Household BELLEVUE, WA 98007 clean + contain Booth N7962 United States 2374 Sheppard PH 514-995-4565 Comadeco Canada Inc. Montreal, QC H2K 3K9 clean + contain Booth N7251 Canada 14335 E Don Julian Rd La Puente, CA 91746, N/A N/A PH 6263624678 COMIN INTERNATIONAL INC clean + contain La Puente, CA 91746 Booth N6215 United States Rua Augusto Klimmek, 325 - Centro PH 55-47-3631-2 Condor S.A. Sao Bento do Sul/SC, 89280-900 clean + contain Booth N7356 Brazil 113 Washington Ave N PH 612-330-9915 Core Distribution Inc. MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401 clean + contain Booth N7252 United States 444 S. Cedros Ave. #75 PH 800-736-3128 Counter Culture Clean Solana Beach, CA 92075 clean + contain Booth N7217 United States Sirnacherstrasse 7 PH 41-79303-596 CREaSOLVE AG Wil, SG, 9500 clean + contain Booth N6737 Switzerland 25954 Commercentre Dr PH 949-381-7367 Creative Outdoor Distributor Lake Forest, CA 92630 clean + contain Booth N8552 United States Rua Emilio Fonini, 691 Cinquentenario PH 55-54-3221-8 Crippa - Metalurgica Crippa Ltda. Caxias Do Sul, RS, 95012-617 clean + contain Booth N7555 Brazil 205 Market Dr PH 905-864-6695 Curver / Keter North America Milton, ON L9T 4Z7 clean + contain Booth N6946 Canada 7825 Somerset Blvd Ste D PH 310-538-0655 dbest products, Inc. PARAMOUNT, CA 90723 clean + contain Booth N6515 United States 7035 E. 86th Street PH 3173723140 Deflecto LLC INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46250 clean + contain Booth N7155 United States 03/20/2020 Page 3 of 91 Exhibitors for The Inspired Home Show 2020 Company Name Address Category Phone, Booth # (VWUDGD0XQLFLSDO5HPtJLR2OLYRWWL1145 PH 55-35-3435-8 Dello - Delo Industria e Comercio Ltda. Extrema, MG, 37640-000 clean + contain Booth N7552 Brazil 36 York Ave PH 508-698-0606 Delta Cycle Corp. Randolph, MA 02368 clean + contain Booth N7946 United States 3 Matt Ave PH 518-562-1633 Delta Marketing International, LLC Plattsburgh, NY 12901-3704 clean + contain Booth N6018 United States PO Box 2967 PH 217-753-3081 Design Ideas Springfield, IL 62708-2967 clean + contain Booth N7713 United States 3628 Noakes St PH 323-263-6878 Dial Industries, Inc. Los Angeles, CA 90023-3200 clean + contain Booth N6313 United States 3600 Mystic Pionte Dr PH 5 PH 786-378-7247 Direct Concept Group LLC AVENTURA, FL 33180 clean + contain Booth N6327 United States KONYA ORGANIZE SANAYI BOLGESI 7. SK. NO:6 SELCUKLU Konya PH 009021253772 DOGRULAR EV URUNLERI A.S. clean + contain KONYA, 42 42250 Booth N8355 Turkey Strada Brandizzo 130 PH 39-011-98283 DomoLiving S.r.l. Volpiano (TO), Turin, 10088 clean + contain Booth N7948 Italy 4500 S Kolin Ave PH 773-254-6888 Dowin Enterprises Inc. Chicago, IL 60632 clean + contain Booth N8357 United States 12409 203rd Ave NE PH 4259850337 Drain Strain, LLC. WOODINVILLE, WA 98077 clean + contain Booth N6001 United States 1274 dupont ct PH 9253710497 Drainbo MANTECA, CA 95336 clean + contain Booth N7162 United States Halkali cad. Kuzu sok. No: 3 Bagcilar PH 009021248928 DUNYA PLASTIK SAN.VE TIC.LTD. STI ISTANBUL, 34 34212 clean + contain Booth N8348 Turkey B-505, Morya House, Veera Industrial Estate New Link Road, Andheri (East), PH +91 93249058 Dynasty Plastics Pvt Ltd clean + contain Mumbai, Maharashtra, MH 400053 Booth N8263 India PO Box 812 PH 800-677-4354 E-Cloth Greenland, NH 03840 clean + contain Booth N6822 United States 1 Arnold Dr Eagle Home Products Inc./Eagle Hygienic PH 631-673-3500 Huntington, NY 11743-3917 clean + contain Rubber Co. Booth N7113 United States 570 Oak St PH 516-353-5730 Ecoclean Solutions - Green Gobbler Copiague, NY 11726 clean + contain Booth N6643 United States 03/20/2020 Page 4 of 91 Exhibitors for The Inspired Home Show 2020 Company Name Address Category Phone, Booth # 449 Newman St PH 248-561-8696 Edge Plastics, Inc. Mansfield, OH 44902 clean + contain Booth N6148 United States No. 7 Yazibasi, Torbali Batibeton Cad. 29 Ekim Mah PH 90-232-8537- EGE EV URUNLERI A.S. Izmir, 35875 clean + contain Booth N8246 Turkey 2110 W 35th Street 1st Floor PH 877-390-1539 Ekka International Co Ltd CHICAGO, IL 60609 clean + contain Booth N6140 United States Flat 1013-1015, R&F Profit Plaza No.76 Huangpu Avenue West PH 86-20-383919 Eko Development Ltd. clean + contain Guangzhou, 44 510623 Booth N8346 China Istoc 11. ada No: 2, Mahmutbey, Bagcilar PH 90-212-659-2 Elifplas Plastik San. ve Tic. Ltd. Sti. Istanbul, 34218 clean + contain Booth N8349 Turkey 31 Elkay Dr PH 718-387-0512 Elkay Home Chester, NY 10918 clean + contain Booth N6117 United States 13768 Monte Vista Ave.
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