植物研究雑誌 J. J. Jpn. Bo t. 79: 79: 186-195 (2004) New Combinations in Chrysanthemum (Compositae-Anthemideae) of of Asia with a of List J apanese Species Hiroyoshi Hiroyoshi OHASHl a and Koji YONEKURA b aBotanical aBotanical Garden ,Graduate School of Science ,Tohoku University ,Sendai , 980-0862 JAPAN; bThe bThe M t. Hakkoda Botanical Laboratory ,Graduate School of Science ,Tohoku University ,Aomori ,030 ・0111 JAPAN (Received (Received on Janu 紅 y 10 ,2004) New combinations or new names for two sections , 28 species and the infraspecific taxa taxa are proposed under the conserved generic name Ch η santhemum L. The genus is cir- cumscribed cumscribed here almost as identical with Dendranthema of Kitamura (1 978) including Ajα nia ,Arctanthemum , Dendranthema and Ph αeostigm αin the sense of Bremer and Humphries Humphries (1993). A list of the Japanese species of Chrysanthemum is provided. Key words: Asia ,Chrysanthemum ,Dendranthema ,new combinations ,new names. The generic name Chrysanthemum L. is of Dendranthema as Ajania (A. pacifica conserved conserved with a conserved type C. indicum (N akai) K. Bremer & Humphries and A. L. L. (Brummitt 1998 , Greuter et al. 2000). The shiwogiku (Kitam.) K. Bremer & Humph- generic generic name Dendranthema Des Mou l. be- ries). However , morphological distinction C 創 ne a synonym of Chrysanthemum ,al 国 and genetic isolation between them are con- though the name had been recently accepted sidered to be insufficient to recognize them in in E. Asia (Ki tamura 1978 ,1981 ,Shih and as different genera. Many hybrids 紅 e known Fu 1983 ,Barkalov 1992 ,Koyama 1995 , between Ajania and Chrysanthemum in Peng et al. 1998) and also in a generic mono- Japan (Table 1). The chromosomes of Ajania graph by Bremer and Humphries (1 993). and Chrysanthemum 訂 e similar to each other Bremer and Humphries (1993) discussed (Nakata et al. 1987). Distinctness of Ajania relations relations between Ch ηsanthemum (as from Chrysanthemum was already suspected Dendranthema) and its satellite genera in 町 by Tzvelev based on extensive examination cluding cluding Ajania , Arctanthemum and of Chinese material (see Bremer and Phaeostigma , which were included in Humphries 1993). We reg 紅 d Ajania as a Dendr α, nthema by Ki tamura (1978). The section of Ch ηsanthemum. This was already genus i全jania Poljak. (Poljakov 1955) based proposed by Kitamura (1 978) under on A. pallasian α(Turcz. ex Besser) Poljak. Dendranthem α. Ph α eostigma is sep 紅 ated has has been accep 旬d by many authors ,espe- fromAjani αby Muldashev (1981 ,1983) , but cially cially in Russia and China , as distinct from Shih and Fu (1983) included it in ベjania. We Chrysanthemum or Dendranthem α(Tzvelev in c1 ude Ph αeostigm αinto Chrysanthemum. 1961 , Shih 1979 ,1994 ,Muldashev 1983 , Chrysanthemum arcticum L. (including Shih and Fu 1983 ,Barkalov 1992 ,Bremer Dendranthema kurilense Tzvelev) is often and Humphries 1993). Bremer and regarded as comprising the genus Humphries (1993) kept both genera separate , Arctanthemum Tzvelev (1985) based on its and treated two disciform J apanese species distinc t1 y ribbed cypselas without myxogenic -186- June June 2004 Journal of Japanese Botany Vo l. 79 No. 3 187 Table Table 1. Intersectional hybrids between Chrysanthemum sec t. Chrysanthernurn (= Dendranthema) and sec t. Ajania (= Ajania) found in J apan Hybrid (sec t. Chrysanthernurn x sec t. Ajania) C. C. makinoi x C. paU αsian ωη = Chrysanthemum xkonoanum Makino トガクシギク 仁 morifolium x C. pacificum = Chrysanthemum xmarginatum (Miq.) N. E. Br. ハナイソギク C. C. indicum x C. kinokuniense = Ch ηsanthemum xogawae Ki tarn. ヒノミサキギク C. C. makinoi x C. rupestre = Chrysanthemum xtodaiense H. Ohashi & Y onek. * リュウノウイワインチン C. C. makinoi x C. kinokuniense 仁 morifolium x 仁 kinokuniense C. C. makinoi x C. shiwogiku C. C. morifolium x C. shiwogiku *New narnes see text cells cells (Bremer and Humphries 1993). This Chrysanthemum sec t. Arctanthemum species species is ,however , very similar to C. (Tzvelev) H. Ohashi & Yone k., comb. nov. yezoense yezoense Maek. which is often reg 紅 ded as a Dendranthema sec t. Arctanthemum subspecies subspecies of C. arcticum as subsp. Tzvelev , F l. URSS 26: 385 (196 1). maekawanum Ki tam. More precise analyses Arctanthemum (Tzvelev) Tzvelev in on achene characters are needed for C. Novi t. Sys t. Pl. Vasc. 22: 274 (1985); arcticum , but we consider Arctantherum Barkalov in Kh arkev. , P l. Vasc. Orien t. Extr. should should be treated as a section of Chrysanthe- Sovie t. 6: 109 (1 992); Bremer & Humphries mum. in Bull. Na t. His t. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): 114 114 (1993). Type species: A. arcticum (L.) New combinations for sections in Tzvelev. Chrysanthemum Chrysanthemum sec t. Aj ania (Poljak.) New combinations for species and H. Ohashi & Yonek. ,comb. nov. infraspecific taxa in alphabetical order of Ajania Ajania PO りak. in No t. Sys t. Herb. Ins t. the specific epithet Bo t. Acad. Sci. URSS 17: 419 (1955) , p. p.; Chrysanthemum abolinii (Kovalevs k.) Tzvelev , F l. URSS 26: 398 (1961); C. Shih H. Ohashi & Yonek. ,comb. nov. & G. X. Fu , F l. Reipub l. Pop. Sin. 76 (1): 102 Ajania abolinii Kovalevs k. in Novi t. Sys t. (1 983); Barkalov in Kh arkev. , P l. Vasc. Pl. Vasc. 23: 247 (1 986). Orien t. Extr. Sovie t. 6: 162 (1 992); Bremer Distr.: C. Asia. & Humphries in Bull. Na t. His t. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): 115 (1 993). Type species: A. Chrysanthemum alabasium (H. C. Fu) pallasiana pallasiana (Fischer ex Besser) Polja k. H. Ohashi & Yone k., comb. nov. Dendranthema sec t. Ajania (Poljak.) Ajania alabasia H. C. Fu , F l. Intramong. Kitam. Kitam. in Acta Phytotax. Geobo t. 29: 168 6: 325 ,t. 34 (1982) , ed. 2, 4: 585 (1993). (1978). (1978). Distr.: China (Inner Mongolia). Phaeostigm αMuldashev in Bo t. Zhum. SSSR 66: 586 (1 981); Bremer & Humphries Chrysanthemum arcticum L. , Sp. Pl. 2: in in Bull. Na t. His t. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): 889 (1 753). 115 115 (1 993). subsp. yezoense (Mae k.) H. Ohashi & Yone k., sta t. nov. 188 188 植物研究雑誌第79 巻第3号 平成16 年6月 Chrysanthemum arcticum var. yezoense Chrysanthemum arcticum is va r. yezoense Mae k. in Trans. Sapporo Na 1. His 1. Soc. 8: Mae k. (1921) , but the name is confusable 14 ,figs. 1-4 (1921); Kitam. in Mem. Coll. with C. yezoense Mae k. (1921) (= C. Sci. Sci. Kyoto Imp. Univ. ser. B , 15(3) arcticum subsp. maekawanum Kitam.) which [Compos. [Compos. Jap. 2]: 347 (1 940) ,non C. occurs simpatrically with the former in yezoense yezoense Mae k. (1 921). N emuro Peninsula (Nishikawa and Dendranthema kurilense Tzvelev , Fl. Kobayashi 1989). URSS 26: 385 (1 961) ,nom. nov. for C. arcticum arcticum v紅 . yezoense Mae k. Chrysanthemum brachyanthum (C. Arctanthemum kurilense (Tzvelev) Shih) H. Ohashi & Yone k., comb. nov. Tzvelev Tzvelev in Novi 1. Sys 1. Pl. Vasc. 22: 274 Ajania brachyantha C. Shih in Acta (1 985); Bremer & Humphries in Bul l. Na 1. Phytotax. Sin. 17: 114 (1 979) , in C. Y. Wu , His 1. Mus. Lond. (Bo 1.) 23(2): 114 (1 993). Fl. Xizang. 4: 736 (1 985); C. Shih & G. X. Arctanthemum α ucticum (L.) Tzvelev Fu , F l. Reipub l. Pop. Sin. 76 (1): 110 ,1. 17 , subsp. subsp. kurilense (Tzvelev) Tzvelev , F l. Arc 1. fig. 2 (1 983); Bremer & Humphries in Bul l. URSS 10: 115 (1 987); Barkalov in Kh arkev. , Na 1. His 1. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): 115 l. Pl. Vasc. Orien 1. Extr. Sovie 1. 6: 110 , in nota (1 993). (1 992). Distr.: China (S. Tibet (Xizang)). ? Chrysanthemum arcticum var. kurilense Kudo , F l. Paramushir.: 167 (1 922). Chrysanthemum delavayanum H. Ohashi Plants Plants of Chrysanthemum arcticum in & Yonek. ,nom. nov. Nemuro Peninsula of eastem Hokkaido , Ajania serice αC. Shih in Bull. Bo t. Lab. Kurile Kurile Islands and South Sakhalin 紅 e ch 佐 N. ーE. Fo r. Ins t. 6: 14 (1 980); C. Shih & G. acterized acterized by the smaller habit with usually X. Fu , F l. Reipub l. Pop. Sin. 76 (1): 118 ,t. simple simple stem and more striated ligules of the 19 ,figs. 1 & 2 (1 983); Bremer & Humphries ray-florets ray-florets than those of the typical form. in Bull. Na t. His t. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): Accordingly , they have been distinguished 115 (1 993) ,non Chrysanthemum sericeum from the typical form as a different taxon at Adam (1 805-1806) , nec Hoffm. & Link the the rank of variety (Maekawa 1921 , (1820). Kitamura Kitamura 1940) , subspecies (Tzvelev 1987 , Dist r.: China (NW. Yunnan). Barkalov Barkalov 1992) or a distinct species (Tzvelev The epithet of this species under 1961 , 1985). Ki tamura (1 967 ,1978 , 1981) Chrysanthemum is changed to avoid treated treated this taxon as a synonym of C. homonymy and renamed after J. M. Delavay , arcticum , since he regarded plants from collector of the type specimen. Shiretoko Shiretoko Peninsula of eastem Hokkaido are indistinguishable indistinguishable from the typical C. Chrysanthemum dichrum (C. Shih) H. arcticum , but we consider that the taxon is Ohashi & Yone k., comb. nov. distinct distinct because its diagnostic characters are Dendranthema dichrum C. Shih in Bull. useful useful and its distribution is separated from Bo t. Lab. N.-E. For. Ins t. 6: 8 (1980); C. the the typical form. We recognize the taxon as Shih & G. X. Fu , F l. Reipub l. Pop. Sin. 76 a subspecies of C.α rcticum. Unfortunately , (1): 47 (1 983); Bremer & Humphries in Bull. the the available epithet kurilense at the subspe- Na t. His t. Mus. Lond. (Bo t.) 23(2): 114 cies cies level can not be used under (1993).
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