CONTENTS CITY OF STIRLING Local Planning Scheme No. 3 Updated to include AMD 117 GG 31/08/2021 Prepared by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage Original Town Planning Scheme Gazettal 6 August 2010 Disclaimer This is a copy of the Local Planning Scheme produced from an electronic version of the Scheme held and maintained by the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage. Whilst all care has been taken to accurately portray the current Scheme provisions, no responsibility shall be taken for any omissions or errors in this documentation. Consultation with the respective Local Government Authority should be made to view a legal version of the Scheme. Please advise the Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage of any errors or omissions in this document. Department of Planning, website: www.dplh.wa.gov.au Lands and Heritage email: [email protected] Gordon Stephenson House tel: 08 6551 9000 140 William Street fax: 08 6551 9001 Perth WA 6000 National Relay Service: 13 36 77 Locked Bag 2506 infoline: 1800 626 477 Perth WA 6001 CITY OF STIRLING LPS 3 – TEXT AMENDMENTS AMD GAZETTAL UPDATED DETAILS NO. DATE WHEN BY 2 05/07/11 18/07/11 NM Inserted Addition Use No. 69 into Schedule 2 – Additional Uses. 16 27/04/12 08/04/12 NM Inserted Special Use Zone number 23 “Lot 1, House Number 2, Walter Road, Inglewood” into Schedule 4 – Special Use Zones. 14 18/05/12 20/06/12 NM Inserted Special Use No. 27 into Schedule 4. 17 18/05/12 20/06/12 NM Inserted Special Use No. 26 into Schedule 4. 3 6/7/12 24/7/12 NM Deleted Special Use zones 7 and 8 from Schedule 4 – Special use Zones. Inserted Clause 6.10 – Dianella Media District Special Control Area. 11 2/11/12 19/11/12 NM Deleted Special Use Zone 11 from Schedule 4 – Special use Zones. Inserted Additional use no. 70 into Schedule 2 – Additional Uses. 23 7/12/12 18/12/12 NM Inserted A71 into Schedule 2 – Additional Uses. 18 8/2/13 26/2/13 NM Deleted A17 from Schedule 2 – Additional Uses. 4 26/4/13 6/5/13 NM Renamed clause 7.1. Inserted new clause 7.2; renumbered subsequent clauses. Modified clause 9.4.1.(f). Modified clause 10.2 (h) to include clause 7.2. Replaced ‘clause 7.1’ with ‘part 7’ of Heritage List within Schedule 1. Schedule 1; New definition Exception Cultural Heritage Significance. New definition Considerable Cultural Heritage Significance. New definition Some Cultural Heritage Significance. New definition Burra Charter. New definition Heritage Impact Statement. New definition Signage Strategy. New definition Archival Record. 30 27/8/14 2/9/13 NM Modified the classification of ‘Media Establishment’ within table 1. 8 19/11/13 20/11/13 NM Inserted Special use No. 4 into Schedule 4 – Special Uses. 21 15/04/14 13/05/14 ML Schedule 2 - Additional Uses - inserted No. A74 – Consulting Rooms and Offices Schedule 4 – Special Use Zone – inserted No. S30 Mixed Use Zone with conditions 40 8/8/14 11/12/14 MLD Amending Table 1: Zoning Table – change ‘Recreation Private’ Use Class in an ‘Industry’ zone from an ‘X’ to an ‘A’ classification. 1 02/09/14 15/06/15 NG Replace Clause 1.1.2 with a new Clause 1.1.2. Replace the Note after Clause 1.3 with a new Note. Replace the bullet point in Clause 1.9 with a new bullet point- “Nil”. Insert a phrase in the “Development Zone” column in Table 1: Zoning Table, after the phrase "approved Structure Plan". Insert a new bullet point in Clause 6.1.1- “Stirling City Centre". Insert a new Clause 6.11- “Stirling City Centre Special Control Area”. Insert new Clause 6A.8.3. Replace Clause 6A9.4 with a new Clause 6A9.4. Insert a new sub-clause in Clause 6A.16.2, and renumber the subsequent sub-clauses, accordingly. Insert text into Schedule 10 - Development (Structure Plan) Areas. Insert text into Schedule 11 - Development Contribution Areas. Amend Scheme Maps accordingly. 7 16/9/14 05/03/15 MLD Inserted under 'Part 6 - Special Control Areas', a new Clause 6.12 Dianella Centre Special Control Area. Inserted an additional dot point under Clause 6.1.1 for Dianella Centre. 29 16/9/14 17/03/15 MLD Changing all references 'Mirrabooka Regional Centre Special Control Area', to Mirrabooka Town Centre Special Control Area'; Amend the wording to subclause 6.8.1 'Objectives'. Delete clause 6.8.4 and renumbering subsequent clauses accordingly. Amend the wording in "Schedule 10 - Development (Structure Plan) Areas". Amend Schedule 10, by deleting all references to 'Herb Graham, Mirrabooka'. 27 24/10/14 21/01/15 MLD Insert additional Clauses into Part 7 – Heritage Conservation Notice. Insert new definition into Schedule 1 – Demolition By Neglect Insert new clause (p) – into Part 8.2.1. 24 24/10/14 18/3/15 MLD Inserting under Schedule 10 – Development (Structure Plan) Areas - Channel Nine Site, Dianella. Delete Special Use Zones S5 and S6 from Schedule 4 - Special Use Zones. Rezone Lots 1 and 2 Gay Street, Dianella from ‘Special Use Zone - Media Establishment’ to ‘Development Zone’. Apply the ‘Development Area Structure Planning’ designation over Lots 1 and 2 Gay Street, Dianella.. Stirling Local Planning Scheme No. 3 Page No. 2 AMD GAZETTAL UPDATED DETAILS NO. DATE WHEN BY 46 24/10/14 16/12/14 MLD Insert new ‘Part (p)’ into Clause 8.2.1 with new text. Replace ‘Part (f) (i) of Clause 8.2.1 with new text. 50 10/02/15 8/4/15 MLD Amend the Scheme Text by replacing Part 4 Note 2 of Table 1: Zoning Table. 13 24/03/15 22/4/15 MLD Replaced the term, 'Note', in Table 1 Zoning Table with the term, 'Conditions'. Replaced the symbol, 'P', with the symbol, 'D', for the Use Class 'Industry - Service' in the Mixed Business Zone in Table 1 Zoning Table. Deleted all references to the number '4' against any of the symbols contained in Table 1 Zoning Table. Inserted a new Use Class for 'Display Home' into Table 1 Zoning Table. Inserted the requested symbols for 'Display Home' into Table 1 Zoning Table. Inserted a new definition for 'Display Home' into Schedule 1. Inserted a new Use Class for 'Small Bar’ into Table 1. Inserted the requested symbols for ‘Small Bar’ into Table 1. Inserted a new definition for ‘Small Bar’ into ‘Schedule 1. Replaced the 'Private Institutions' Zone heading with 'Private Institution' in Table 1. Amending the symbol for the Use Class 'Consulting Rooms' from 'X' to 'D' in the Mixed Business Zone in Table 1. Inserted a new sentence at the end of Clause 5.12. Replaced the phrase "Character Guidelines' with the phrase, 'Character Retention Guidelines' in Clause 6.6.3b). Inserted a new phrase into Clause 8.2.1.b). Deleted Clause 8.2.1.e) and renumbering the subsequent sub-clauses, accordingly. Inserted a new definition for 'Gross Floor Area' into Schedule 1. Deleted the phrase, 'open on at least two sides' from the definition of Plot Ratio in Schedule 1. Inserted a new definition for 'Substantially Commenced' into Schedule 1. Inserted a new phrase into the definition of 'Short Stay Accommodation' in Schedule 1, after the phrase 'on a temporary basis'. Inserted a new sub-clause (r) into the definition of 'Incidental Structure' in Schedule 1. Inserted a new definition for 'Commercial Vehicle' into Schedule 1. Replaced the phrase, 'Part V' with the phrase. 'Part 14' in Schedule 7. Inserted a new sub-clause into Schedule 8. Replaced the text under the 'Description of Land' for No. 'S12' in Schedule 4 Special Use Zones. Inserted a new sub-clause 1.26 – 1.29 into Clause 10.3.2. 52 28/04/15 20/05/15 MLD Insert Additional Use into Schedule 2 - Additional Uses of the Scheme: Amend the Scheme Map by rezoning Lot 11, House Number 234 Grand Promenade, Dianella from 'Residential (R30)' to ' residential (R30)' and Additional Use - A75 (Medical Centre) 41 26/05/2015 21/07/2015 NG Rezone Lots 55 and 56 Cottonwood Crescent, Dianella from “Special Use Zone-Media & Establishment” to “Development Zone”. 09/06/2015 Insert new text into Schedule 10. Delete reference to sites S4 and S10 in Schedule 4- Special Use Zones. 45 16/06/15 02/07/15 NG Insert new Clause 2.7 with new text. 57 16/06/15 02/07/15 NG Amend Clause 8.1.2. Insert definition of ‘Illuminated Street Sign’ in Schedule 1 Dictionary of Defined Words and Expressions. 48 18/08/15 27/08/15 MLD Rezone the portion of Lot 1010 and Lot 14660 which corresponds with the land to be subdivided for residential purposes and road reserves, as shown on the conceptual subdivision plan, from 'Private Institution' and 'Development' zone to 'Residential (R35)'. Amend the Scheme Map. 51 18/08/15 02/09/15 MLD Rezone Lot 32, House Number 68, Hodgson Street and Lot 41, House Number 203 McDonald Street Tuart Hill from 'Local Reserve - Public Open Space and Local Authority Purposes' to 'Residential R30' Rezone Lot 33, House Number 70, Hodgson Street and Lot 40, House Number 205, McDonald Street Tuart Hill from 'Residential R30' to 'Local Reserve - Public Open Space and Local Authority Purposes' 55 15/12/15 05/01/16 MLD Rezone Lot 1, House Number 9, Wrigley Street, Lots 2 and 3 House Numbers 17 and 13, Seabrook Street and Lots 4 and 5, House Numbers 2 and 4 Jervois Street, Dianella from ‘Civic’ To ‘Residential (R30)’.
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