a 11.11 DEPÁRTMENTOF THEINTERIOR BUREAU OFEDUCATION o a 1111 _ BULLETIN,1926, No.15 e e RECORD OF CURRENTEDUCATIONAL PUBLICATIONS e COMPRISINGPUBLICATIONS RECEIVED BY THEBUREAU OFEDUCA TION10 . APRIL 1, 1926 i Ii I ft ,,, °S; ; Jai' eI - .. .. .... i41( g 1r 4' e Jo 0 !ICIE b d ,, 1 MI ins0 :,ills,491 67? . '... I., ...a 0` . 4R II. k 1.tN vot Ih COMPILED IN THE UBRARYDIVISION JOHN D. WOLCOTT. CHIEF - 11. WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRIMINGOFFICE 1926 ' Illw ......11111111 ism. dos. .4.0.01On . e w _ J p. a ADDITIONALCOPIES OF THIS PUBLICATIONM AY BEPROCUREDFROM THE SUPERINTENDENTOF DOCCIMPATS GOVERNMENTPRINTINGcomic '16 WAISHINdTOND. C. AT , 20CE.NTSPER COPY .1 lar oftilear e 9 -a IS 41 e I c. .....` :::- A 6 - % ... - -., ! WV..; Si%: - ... e .1 .., " ..C461P-Z42:1le; : ... .... .. V: .. , ' a ....I b ifte....Stre".,. -,-.....4-' --' .N. -,...:, ,.44. ... -a .vAtist __:-.0a4-..-zi--41.!.r.,6Eiee-_,-- ' . - '.. 4;47 "*.W.,--.42,,,.-.:-_,...ilt,:,....--..... .1- --- 'WI --A.kia-`.'"------..A.°--4--------.1.,..1...ii.,-.--'t 41. RECORD OFCURRENTDIJCATIONALPUBLICATIONS .4 Compiled ivthe LibraryDivision, Bureauof Education 4. CorrrzxTs.-Educationalhistory andbiography-Currenteducational aspects of education-rEducatioual conditions-International theory andpructice-Educutionalpsychology; Childstudy- Educa- tionalsociology-Psychologicaltests-Educationaltests andmeasurements-Educational vidual diffecenoce rnsearh-Indi- in pupils-Specialmethods ofinstruction andorganization -"Specialsubjects of curric- ulum-Kindergartenand pm-schooleducation-Elementary edacatioii-Rural education-Junior high education---Secondary schools-Teachertraining-Teacherssalaries andprofessinnalstatus-Higher education-Junior colleges-FederalGovernment andedOcation-Scbooladminiration-Educational e flnanoe-Scbool management-Curriculummaking--.-Estra-curricularactivities-Schoolbuildings and grounds -Schoolhygiene andsanitation-Social hygieneand genetics-Mental ing-Play and hygiene-Physicaltrain- recreation-Socialaspects of educaticin-ChIldwelfaresi-Moraleducation-Religiousand church I. education-Manualand vocationaltraining-Nocationalguldahce-Workers'education-Home economies-Commercialeducation-Professionaleducation-Civiceducation-Militaryeducation- Immigranteducation-Educationofwomen-Education of racialgroups-Educatión of children-Adult deaf-Exceptional education-Educationeitension-Librariefand-reading-Bureau ofeducation: Recent publications-Periodicalsrepresented in thisRecord-4Adex ofauthors. NOTE The followingpagescontainaclassifiedand annotatealist ofcur- rent educationalpublicationsreceivedby the libraryof theBureau of Educationto April 1,1926. The last preceding - list inthis series of records.wasissuedasBulletin,1925, No.'14, andcomprisedpub- 1 licationsreceiyed birthe Bureauof Education.to April1, 1925. Thepresent bulletinaccordingly listspublications'receivedduring e oneentireyear,and forms&bibliographyof educationfor thatperiod. This 'officecan notsupply thepublicationslisted inthis bulletin, other thanthose expresslydesignatedaspublicationsof the 'Bureau of Education.Books,pamphlets,and periodicalsherementioned mayordinarilybe obtainedfrom their réspeciirepublishers,either directlyorthroughadealer,or,in thecaseofanassqciationpqbli- cation, fromthesecretary of the issuingorganization.Many ofthem areavailablefor consultationin variouspublic aridinstitutional libraries. 16. wammosimmumeorloomerromr. EDUCATIONALHISTORYANDBIOGRAPHY 1. Bethea, PoverW. A decadeof schoolprogress, 1914-1924,Extension division, Universityof South -Carolina,1925.82p.in& tables.8°. (Oncover:Bulletinof the Universityof South Carolina,no. 167, Sept 15, 1925.) % . BiblioirsPby:P.v . .. 2. Brown,Rolls Walter.Dean Briggs.New Yotkand London,Harper & brotilers, 1926.ill,381p.front., ports.8°. mi.*WI titaraibtkfistlibidtivAlti at6k 'killDalIxIL SOWN or iliteard =few , iy.. ,1 ,,, . I . ; ..., 1 **Z.*--t 01* t.' ni f t. v. 4.,i.,, . 1 I . ... -. .:' . ......'. .. ; ; "It 1,C. 4;4 t ..- -..-.i .. ''. ..%....;;;44.e.. ....^..;: i ::,ct'..f.' - n - 4-44:: 61:1-:,:4--...-14L -.--,_ tr.. 4. it;..0.0.-:!,,,,... ' ."-.......:,_./...i.''2. .. -%,_s-. - ....-.Pi.*;.. ' , "...:t !.-.....' ''--, __,10,4 .,,,,,,,::.,_,.-,-,..,),.., ..,i ...plaatitilt ' --T.1 e4.' t .......-41.1. -..'-d.'"-...t.' `,C.L-<F1.;.1ftd...,..A.1,1?-i1; 2 CURRENT EDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS 3. Catapang, VincentR.The developmentand the present status'ofeduca- tion in the Philippine Islands.Boston, Mass.,The Stratfordcompany, 1926.4p.L, xvii, 137p.front. (port.) plates. 12°. 4. Coulter,E. Merton. A Georgia educationalmovement during the Eighteen hundred fifties.[Athens, Ga., 1925]cover-title, 33p.8°.(Bulletin o.fthe University of Georgia,vol.xxv, no.4 b, April 1925) Reprinted from The Oeorgia historicalquarterly, vol. IX,no. 1,March, 1925. 5. Crawford, Robert Platt.These fiftyyears; ahistory of the collegeof agriculture of the Universityof Nebraska.Lincoln, Neb., The Univer- sity of Nebraska, Collegeof agriculture, 1925.vip.,2 1., 175p.front., plates.8°.(Half-title: Circular26ofthe Agriculturalexperiment station, University of Nebraska) 6. Eby, Frederick.The development of educationin Texas.Withanintro- duction by William SenecaSutton.New York, The Macmillan /company, 1925.xv,354p.8°. This history of the Texan schoolsystem will appeal strongLyto students of educationaldevelop- ment, both in Texas and elsewhere.It details the story fromthe earliest historicalsources of the educational system of Texas-to thepresent day, and analyies thecauses of the various phases of developmeut. 7. Fortyyearsof education.A symposium.Forum, 75:442-61, March 1926. Contains: My boy's education, by J. J.Tigert,p. 443-44; Educational alchemy, by E.C. Moore,p. 445;In the days of discipline,hy A. F.. Morgan,p. 445-46; The passing of great college teachers, by F. E. Spaulding,p. 44tr47; The vitality of the early home, by R.E. Vinson,p. 447-48; The junior college, by D. S. Jordan,p. 448-50: Workers' education, by J. B.S. Hardman,p. 450; An educational credo, by E. R. Smith,p. 451. 8. George Peabody college forteachers.The semicentennialof George Peabody college for teachers 1875-1925.The proceedingsof the semi- centennial celebration February18, 19, and 20, 1926.Nashville, Tenn., George Peabody college for teachers,1925. 18p.plates, ports:4°. O. Herrick, Cheesman A. How AbrahamLincolnwaseducated. Educational review, 71: 78-86, February 1926. 10. Kneece, Mattie Crouch.The contributions ofC. G. Memmiagerto the causeof education.[Columbia, S. C.]University extensiondivision, Univi;rsityof South Carolina,1926.84p.front. (port.)illus.8°. (Oncover: Bulletin of the University of South Carolina,no.177, "Feb.15, 1926) 11. Kiihnemann, Alfred.Granville Stanley Hallund deramerikanische arbeitsuntlifricht.Geisteskultur, 34:385-99, September1925. 12. Land, F. E.Twentyyearsof public school educationin Georgia.Home, school, and community,17: a-4, December 1925. 13. Leger, Hermann. Das pädagogischeproblem in dergeisteageschichteder neuzoit.Bd. I: Renaissanceund Aufklärung improblem der bildung. München und Berlin, R.Oldenbourg, 1925.xi, 592p.8°. .11 14. MoNab, G. G.The developmentof higher education In Ontario.Toronto, The Ryersonpress[1925]3 p..1., 267p 8°. The baginnings of highereducation in Ontarioaredepicted in this book, andtbe history of oertain institutions is narrated.Chaptenare also included on entrance requirements inarts, and the arts cunicula. 15. Miller, ThomasO. Fiftyyearsof education in WestVirginia.West Virginia school journal,53: 148, 158, 184-85, 213-14,January-March 1925. Part L Early educational conditionsin Virginia. , ... , Part II. Thomas Allusionand *Mk education. Ai- 1. t ',.. * %a* 1 Part III. The civilwar and the new slate, . ., , , 6 pfe. a - . .s . .005- . ;..""4 . *2:. CURRENTEDUCATIONALPUBLICATIONS 3 16. Moehlman, Arthur B.Publiceducation inDetroit.Bloomington, Public Ill., schoolpublishingcompany, 1925.263p.illus.8°. Oncover: Public 'education, Detroit.Growthof cityschools sodAmerican ideals. 17. Rich, Stephen G.Wanted:a better historyof education.Educational administrationandsupervision,11: 238-44,April 1925. Says that the bettertext desiredwillnot only linkeducationwith the social epoch,as do the text books order of each of today,but will dealwith classroomprocedure ineach, rather giving theextensive than in attention thatisnow given to thedevelopmentof systemsof administration. 18. Robinson, 'TamesHarvey.Anintroductionto thehistoryof western Europe. II. Theemergence of existingconditiònsandwaysof thinking. Completely revisedandenlargeded.Boston,NewYork [etc.]Ginn andcompany [1926]x,586p.,xxviiip.maps.8°. This volume,which relates mainlyto thedevelopmentand spreadof Europeaneyiliz.ation during thepast two centur"k.s,includes a concisesurvey of the growthof knowledge,us wellas the politicaland economicchanges.Among thesubjectshandled the mind, are the new methods ofstudying importance of childhood,and theproblems ofeducation. 19.Rosenberger, JesseLeonard.RochesterandColgate;historicalback'. ground ofthe twouniversities.Chicago,TheUniversityof Chicago press[1925]vii, 173p.front.12°. 20. Seybolt, RobertFrancis.Theevening schoolin colonialAmerica.Ur- bana, The Universityof Illinois,1925.68p.8°.([Illinois.University.] College ofeducation.Bureau ofeducationalresearch.Bulletinno. 24). Oncover: University ofIllinois bulletin,vol. xxii,no. 31. 21: Notesonthecurriculum incolonialAmerica.Journal of tional ek.iuca- research, 12:275-81,370-78,November-December1925. 22. Source studiesinAmericancolonialeducation;the private Urbana, The school. Universityof
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