Inter-Office Communication ***Confidential***

Inter-Office Communication ***Confidential***

INTER-OFFICE COMMUNICATION To: Distribution From: Tammy Lee (x8-4596) ***CONFIDENTIAL*** Date: October 27, 2014 Subject: Development Spending for week ending 10/19/14 Attached is this week's development spending report. Here's a summary of the activity for the past week: Previous Period Current Period Period Change 10/12/2014 10/19/2014 (O)/U SPA YTD Costs $ 9,740,396 $ 10,659,331 $ (918,935) ETC through 3/31/15 $ 6,259,604 $ 5,340,669 $ 918,935 SPA Full Year Estimate $ 16,000,000 $ 16,000,000 $ - Distribution: Ronni Coulter Ira Goldklang Peter Jensen Michael Lachance Pam Marsden Bob Osher Michelle Raimo Kouyate Dorothy Rayburn Jeff Shapiro Kym Wulfe 10/27/2014 7:42 PM 1 of 8 Development_2014-10-19.xlsm Sony Pictures Animation Development Cash Flow - Summary of Changes For the Week Ending 10/19/2014 Current Week's Cost To Date Remaining Additional Estimated Cost Total Estimated Cost Cost 10/19/2014 Commitment ETC FY15 Fiscal Year 2015 as of 3/31/2015 SPA DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS Alf (Hybrid) - 874,054 12,500 - 92,428 886,554 Can You Imagine - 352,386 - 538,600 557,043 890,986 Cloudy 3 - 333,020 254,870 202,738 457,608 790,628 Familiars 32,683 5,506,215 65,395 - 326,401 5,571,610 J. Carls (6/25 commencement of treatment), J. Chang, A. Mandradijiev, B. Esanislao Finn - 13,465 390,485 360,000 763,950 763,950 Frederator Shorts - 225,000 525,000 - 750,000 750,000 Futuropolis - 2,524,533 - 538,600 538,600 3,063,133 Hagar the Horrible - 266,182 65,395 105,790 233,712 437,367 How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (Hybrid) - 337,164 25,000 - 25,000 362,164 Kazorn & the Unicorn (3,198) 4,562,277 364,319 71,500 581,240 4,998,096 J. Chou journal correction Manimal (Hybrid) - 506,362 416,500 - 705,813 922,862 Medusa 13,388 659,281 247,069 178,916 1,085,266 1,085,266 E. Change, B. Drouhard, K. Rice, L. Faust, J. Thompson Nativity - - 18,450 123,400 141,850 141,850 Ninja vs. Samurai - 2,782,219 12,500 443,160 455,660 3,237,879 Paint - - 132,720 - 132,720 132,720 Popeye 781,894 9,472,060 132,500 786,555 2,929,110 10,391,115 see separate cost report for details Raised By Ghosts (Hybrid) - 2,650,898 - 25,000 437,500 2,675,898 Samurai Jack - 200,240 49,600 153,750 227,950 403,590 Sidekicks - - 913,690 - 913,690 913,690 Skulduggery Pleasant (Hybrid) - 636,379 74,500 - 710,251 710,879 Smurf and the Beanstalk - 388,681 - - 116,844 388,681 Smurfs Untitled 94,169 9,544,012 175,000 (5,714,664) - - see separate cost report for details Superbago (Hybrid) - 532,760 116,000 - 237,833 648,760 Surf's Up DTV - - - 36,900 36,900 36,900 Total SPA Development Projects (Active) 918,935 42,367,186 3,991,493 (2,149,755) 12,457,367 40,204,576 FIRST LOOK / TERM DEALS Fred Seibert First Look - 37,500 56,250 - 93,750 93,750 Fly By Night (Aardman) - 6,202 - - 6,202 6,202 Lindsay Doran Consulting - - - - - - Total First Look / Term Deals - 43,702 56,250 - 99,952 99,952 UNIDENTIFIED PROJECTS Unallocated - - - 3,442,681 3,442,681 3,442,681 Total SPA Development 918,935 42,410,889 4,047,743 1,292,926 16,000,000 43,747,210 ADDITIONAL LABOR (OUTSIDE OF DEVELOPMENT BUDGET) Unassigned Labor (FY15) 30,911 939,731 - 27,569,614 28,509,344 28,509,344 Popeye Production Support (FY15) 3,326 60,017 - 57,585 117,602 117,602 K. Noel, A. Smith, J. Tseng Popeye Vis Dev Holding (FY15) 59,667 382,184 - 133,237 515,422 515,422 D. Krall, S. Wills, M. Yeager, J. Arrastia, A. Leviton, H. Peterson, P. Ballin, B. Worster Smurfs Begins Holding (FY15) 12,626 276,985 - - 276,985 276,985 J. De Santiago, K. Dejong, C. Lowe, J. Lowhorn, D. Morehead, A. Smith Total Additional Labor 106,530 1,658,917 - 27,760,436 29,419,354 29,419,354 * Remaining commitment includes all commitments (some are not contractually obligated until future fiscal years) * Remaining commitment includes anticipated fringe benefit contributions 2 of 8 Development_2014-10-19.xlsm SONY PICTURES ANIMATION DEVELOPMENT CASH FLOW BY PROJECT - 2015 ESTIMATE FISCAL YEAR ENDING MARCH 31, 2015 Estimate-to-Complete Forecast (Through March 31, 2015) Balance Estimated Through FY14- YTD Actuals Balance as of Rights/ FY15 ETC Var to Balance at 3/31/14 10/19/14 10/19/14 Writer Producer Options SPA Labor/Other Forecast FY15 Forecast FY15 Budget FY15 Budget 3/31/15 SPA Development Projects (Active) Alf (Hybrid) 794,127 79,928 874,054 - 12,500 - - 12,500 92,428 409,500 317,072 $ 886,554 Can You Imagine 333,943 18,443 352,386 538,600 - - - 538,600 557,043 974,448 417,405 890,986 Cloudy 3 333,020 - 333,020 445,108 12,500 - - 457,608 457,608 699,372 241,764 790,628 Familiars 5,245,209 261,006 5,506,215 40,395 25,000 - - 65,395 326,401 - (326,401) 5,571,610 Finn - 13,465 13,465 390,485 - - 360,000 750,485 763,950 - (763,950) 763,950 Frederator Shorts - 225,000 225,000 - - - 525,000 525,000 750,000 700,000 (50,000) 750,000 Futuropolis 2,524,533 - 2,524,533 538,600 - - - 538,600 538,600 - (538,600) 3,063,133 Hagar the Horrible 203,655 62,527 266,182 146,185 25,000 - - 171,185 233,712 283,109 49,397 437,367 How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (Hy 337,164 - 337,164 - 25,000 - - 25,000 25,000 12,500 (12,500) 362,164 Kazorn & the Unicorn 4,416,856 145,421 4,562,277 339,319 25,000 - 71,500 435,819 581,240 2,118,326 1,537,086 4,998,096 Manimal (Hybrid) 217,049 289,313 506,362 391,500 25,000 - - 416,500 705,813 870,000 164,188 922,862 Medusa - 659,281 659,281 247,069 - - 178,916 425,985 1,085,266 323,160 (762,106) 1,085,266 Nativity - - - 116,850 25,000 - - 141,850 141,850 - (141,850) 141,850 Ninja vs. Samurai 2,782,219 - 2,782,219 323,160 12,500 - 120,000 455,660 455,660 191,203 (264,457) 3,237,879 Paint - - - 107,720 - 25,000 - 132,720 132,720 - (132,720) 132,720 Popeye 7,462,005 2,010,055 9,472,060 120,000 12,500 775,000 11,555 919,055 2,929,110 - (2,929,110) 10,391,115 Raised By Ghosts (Hybrid) 2,238,398 412,500 2,650,898 - - - 25,000 25,000 437,500 638,000 200,500 2,675,898 Samurai Jack 175,640 24,600 200,240 178,350 25,000 - - 203,350 227,950 269,300 41,350 403,590 Sidekicks - - - - 25,000 - 888,690 913,690 913,690 - (913,690) 913,690 Skulduggery Pleasant (Hybrid) 628 635,751 636,379 49,500 25,000 - - 74,500 710,251 538,600 (171,651) 710,879 Smurf and the Beanstalk 271,837 116,844 388,681 - - - - - 116,844 258,207 141,363 388,681 Smurfs Untitled 4,004,348 5,539,664 9,544,012 125,000 50,000 - (5,714,664) (5,539,664) - - - - Superbago (Hybrid) 410,928 121,833 532,760 116,000 - - - 116,000 237,833 - (237,833) 648,760 Surf's Up DTV - - - 73,800 - - (36,900) 36,900 36,900 - (36,900) 36,900 Total SPA Development Projects 31,751,558 10,615,629 42,367,186 4,287,641 325,000 800,000 (3,570,903) 1,841,738 12,457,367 8,285,725 (4,171,642) 40,204,576 First Look / Term Deals Fred Seibert First Look - 37,500 37,500 - 56,250 - - 56,250 93,750 150,000 56,250 93,750 Fly By Night (Aardman) 6,202 6,202 - 6,202 (6,202) 6,202 Lindsay Doran Consulting - - - - - - - - - 125,000 125,000 - Total First Look/Term Deals - 43,702 43,702 - 56,250 - - 56,250 99,952 275,000 175,048 99,952 Unidentified Projects Unallocated - - - 2,500,000 100,000 250,000 592,681 3,442,681 3,442,681 7,439,275 3,996,594 3,442,681 Total SPA Development 31,751,558 10,659,331 42,410,889 6,787,641 481,250 1,050,000 (2,978,222) 5,340,669 16,000,000 16,000,000 (0) 43,747,210 10/27/2014 7:42 PM 3 of 7 Development_2014-10-19.xlsm SONY PICTURES ANIMATION DETAIL OF DEVELOPMENT STEPS FISCAL YEAR 2015 FORECAST FISCAL YEAR 2015 Remaining Optional/Labor In-house Project Participant Step Commitment Steps Writer Producer Rights/ Options Labor/Other Total ACTIVE PROJECTS: Alf (Hybrid) Jordan Kerner/Tom Patchett/Paul Fusco Development Fee, completion$ 12,500 $ 12,500 Alf (Hybrid) Subtotal 12,500 - - 12,500 - - 12,500 Can You Imagine TBD Writing Services 538,600 538,600 Can You Imagine Subtotal - 538,600 538,600 - - - 538,600 Cloudy 3 Phil Lord/Chris Miller Story Development, completion ($50k total) 26,930 26,930 Cloudy 3 Jared Stern Screenplay, delivery ($400k total) 215,440 215,440 Cloudy 3 Jared Stern Optional Rewrite ($165k) 177,738 177,738 Cloudy 3 Lindsey Doran Story Consultant 25,000 25,000 - Cloudy 3 Phil Lord/Chris Miller Development Fee, delivery 12,500 - 12,500 Cloudy 3 Subtotal 254,870 202,738 445,108 12,500 - - 457,608 Familiars John Carls/Michael Gracey Treatment ($50k total) 40,395 40,395 Familiars Sam Raimi / Josh Donen Development Fee 25,000 25,000 Familiars Subtotal 65,395 - 40,395 25,000 - - 65,395 Finn David Berenbaum Treatment + Draft ($375k total) 390,485 390,485 - Finn TBD Music Consultant 100,000 100,000 Finn TBD Director (26 weeks) 260,000 - 260,000 Finn Subtotal 390,485 360,000 390,485 - - 360,000 750,485.12 Frederator Shorts Fred Seibert Production of 12 animated shorts 525,000 - 525,000 Frederator Shorts Subtotal 525,000 - - - - 525,000 525,000 Futuropolis TBD All writing services ($500k estimate) - 538,600 538,600 Futuropolis Subtotal - 538,600 538,600 - - - 538,600 Hagar the Horrible Ryan Crego / Mark "Thurop" Van Orman Optional Screenplay, delivery ($75k total) 40,395 40,395 Hagar the Horrible Fred Seibert Producer 25,000 25,000 Hagar the Horrible Lindsay Doran Consulting 25,000 25,000 Hagar the Horrible Ryan Crego / Mark "Thurop" Van Orman Optional Screenplay Revisions ($75k) 80,790 80,790 Hagar the Horrible Subtotal 65,395 105,790 146,185 25,000 - - 171,185 How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack (Hy ImageMovers/Gotham Development Fee 25,000 25,000 How to Survive a Garden Gnome Attack Subtotal 25,000 - - 25,000 - - 25,000 Kazorn & the Unicorn Various Director (13 weeks) 71,500 71,500 Kazorn & the Unicorn David Collard Draft del + first rewrite ($315k) 339,319 339,319 Kazorn & the Unicorn Sam

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