CREDITS LURE OF THE LOST COVER ART WRITING AND DEVELOPMENT Magali Villeneuve Jordan Goldfarb with Daniel Lovat Clark and Chris Gerber INTERIOR ART BASED ON Cristi Balanescu, Mark Behm, Sara Betsy, Ekaterina The FORCE AND DESTINY Roleplaying Game designed Burmak, Anna Christenson, Laura Csajagi, Tony Foti, by Jay Little and developed by Sam Stewart Zachary Graves, Jeff Lee Johnson, Aldo Katayanagi, Skott Kilander, David Nash, Mike Nash, Cynthia Shep- MANAGING RPG PRODUCER pard, Matt Zeilinger, and the Lucasfilm art archives Chris Gerber PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT EDITING AND PROOFREADING Megan Duehn and Simone Elliot Christine Crabb and David Johnson EXECUTIVE GAME DESIGNER GRAPHIC DESIGN Corey Konieczka Chris Beck EXECUTIVE PRODUCER GRAPHIC DESIGN MANAGER Michael Hurley Brian Schomburg PUBLISHER ART DIRECTION Christian T. Petersen Zoë Robinson PLAYTESTERS Curtis Hill, Tim Huckelbery, Mack Dalla Lana, MANAGING ART DIRECTOR Danny Schaefer, Andrew Schumacher, Tyler Soberanis Andy Christensen LUCASFILM CREATIVE DIRECTOR SENIOR EDITOR LUCASFILM STORY GROUP Michael Siglain Jennifer Heddle Leland Chee and Pablo Hidalgo FANTASY Fantasy Flight Games FLIGHT 1995 West County Road B2 GAMES Roseville, MN 55113 USA © & TM Lucasfilm Ltd. Fantasy Flight Games and the FFG Logo are registered trademarks of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. PERMISSION GRANTED TO PRINT OR PHOTOCOPY ALL PAGES OF THIS BOOK FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY For more information about the Star Wars: FORCE AND DESTINY line, free downloads, answers to rule queries, or just to pass on greetings, visit us online at www.FantasyFlightGames.com LURE OF THE LOST 2 force and destiny LURE OF THE LOST "If a thing is lost, it can be found. If a person is lost, he must find himself." –Spintiri Proverb THE STORY SO FAR URE OF THE LOST is an adventure for the Star Wars: FORCE exact events of MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE, the PCs have secured L AND DESTINY BEGINNER GAME. It is designed to follow the the temple from the forces of darkness, although much of events of MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE, the Beginner Game’s included it still remains locked to them. Now is the time for them to adventure. explore the temple and try to uncover its mysteries, while remaining alert for any further influence of the dark side. During the events of MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE, the Player Characters (PCs) rescued their mentor, Hethan Romund, If you are planning to act as Game Master, then read on to and saved an ancient Jedi temple from Malefax, a dark side find out more. You should read through the entire adventure adept seeking its corruption. They may have managed to before beginning your first session. However, if you are plan- impress the Gatekeeper, an intelligence created by the Jedi ning to be a hero player in the adventure, please stop read- to safeguard the temple’s secrets, although it is also possible ing now in order to avoid spoiling any surprises. that they have yet to earn his full respect. Regardless of the GAME MASTER ONLY! IF YOU ARE A HERO PLAYER, STOP READING HERE! Only the GM should read the rest of this book prior to play. It contains secrets and surprises for the course of the adventure, and reading ahead can spoil the fun! LURE OF THE LOST 3 force and destiny TAKING THE NEXT STEP ow that the PCs have secured the temple, they can try to GM should consider granting the PCs Boost dice ∫ if N study its secrets and hopefully gain insight into the Force they have good ideas or if they are able to apply other as they do so. However, the temple is heavily secured against skills—such as Knowledge or Medicine—to the check. unauthorized access. Malefax’s intrusion was only possible • Even without the recent incursion, simple age and de- because of special circumstances (see the sidebar An Inside cay have worn away at the temple’s structure and sys- Job for details). The PCs have no such assistance; they must tems. The Gatekeeper is concerned about crumbling rely on getting into the Gatekeeper’s good graces if they hope walls, burnt-out circuitry, and other wear and tear. The to gain access to the temple’s mysteries. Their actions during PCs can help deal with these problems by making Aver- MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE may have earned them the Gatekeeper’s age (π π) Mechanics checks. favor, but in case they have not yet seriously impressed the in- telligence, some additional opportunities are listed below. At the GM’s discretion, the Gatekeeper may request that the PCs perform some of the tasks on this list before he reveals any BEGINNING A NEW SESSION further information to them, even if he is already impressed with their previous actions. n general, a roleplaying adventure is played by a • Malefax disabled a number of sensors hooked into I group of people who meet several times, days or the temple’s network. The Gatekeeper cannot project even weeks apart. Each time the group gathers to himself as easily or accurately without these sensors play the game for a few hours, this is called a “ses- and needs the PCs to restore them. They are in various sion.” MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE probably took your group out-of-the-way locations in the valley, including atop one or two sessions. LURE OF THE LOST, on the other Mount Tellec, deep in the southern forest, and on the hand, might take three or more sessions to complete. walls of the gorge leading into the temple grounds. To You can think of sessions of a roleplaying game reach the sensors, the PCs must make a series of Ath- as episodes of an ongoing television show. At the letics checks ranging from Easy (π) to Hard (π π π) beginning of each session, it can be helpful to re- in difficulty, then repair the sensors with Average (π π) cap what happened in the previous session, just as Computers or Mechanics checks. many television shows do. Sometimes a new ses- • The spread of Malefax’s dark side presence spooked sion picks up the events of the adventure at the much of the local wildlife, and now the ecosystem of very moment the previous session left off (espe- the temple grounds is out of balance. The Gatekeeper cially if it ended on a cliffhanger!) At other new ses- wants the PCs to attract the former inhabitants of the sions, hours, days, or even longer can be assumed grounds back to their homes so that the grounds can to have passed in game time. Here are some steps flourish again. This involves tracking down a variety of you should take at the beginning of each session: local creatures, from high-flying flitterbats to huge ar- mored sloths, and calming them with care and food. • Make sure everyone has had a chance to Both tracking the creatures and enticing them back to spend any experience points received at the temple could require Survival checks. These checks the end of the previous session. should typically be of Average (π π) difficulty, but the • Allow everyone to recover all of their strain. (Even if only moments have passed in game AN INSIDE JOB time between the previous session and the new one, it’s usually simplest for the game if everyone starts the session with no strain.) lthough Malefax was a formidable foe and a A powerful adept of the dark side, the truth of • If a considerable amount of in-game time has the matter is that he was not actually the master- passed, allow characters to recover wounds mind behind the events of MOUNTAINTOP RESCUE. He and make attempts to heal Critical Injuries. served the human fallen Jedi Rav Naaran, who is imprisoned in stasis within the temple’s depths. Rav • Recap the important points of the story, Naaran was able to project his spirit from his im- so that everyone remembers what is go- prisoned body and guide Malefax past the temple’s ing on and what the group’s goals are. defenses, allowing him to bypass the Gatekeeper and a host of other security protocols besides. The • If enough in-game time has passed, it can Gatekeeper does not know anything about this, and be fun and help support the narrative to is also unaware that Malefax was able to tamper ask each player what his or her character with the temple’s internal systems during his time has been doing during the “downtime.” inside. The final consequences of Malefax’s actions are only felt in the third act of this adventure, which • Finally, generate a new Destiny pool by contains details on Rav Naaran and his plans. asking each player to roll a Force die º. the city of Reles. The city’s origin has been long since lost to SPINTIR GAZETTEER time, but for most of Spintir’s rustic inhabitants, it doesn’t matter why their ancestors arrived—it is enough that they Spintir is a wild planet, largely untamed even by the stan- have a home. dards of the Outer Rim. It holds only one settlement of real note by galactic standards. The rest of the surface, where In addition to the strange turns of its history, Spintir has civilization has encroached at all, is dotted with small farms one other claim to notability. The biodiversity of the planet is and hamlets. Over half of Spintir’s landmass is unexplored curiously limited, with an overwhelming majority of the spe- from the ground, and stretches of dense forest obscure or- cies being mammalian in nature. The rare exceptions are be- bital scans. Some of Spintir’s mountains contain unusual lieved to be offworld transplants rather than native species, mineral concentrations that interfere with scans, although but there is no prevailing theory as to why the planet would the deposits are not considered significant enough to at- produce overwhelmingly mammalian life.
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