SoSnHL^AAlbai'i. ^ ii, ‘.^S* A^.\eH_'.; 7-> S' •PAGBTWBLV* _ THURSDAY, APRIL 28.188^' Etr^nino Ifmdii AVERAOV DAILY GIBOULATION 7 tor tho Bloatb ot 8larch, 1186 THB WBATUKK Knights of Pythias and members The first uf the checkups on the rorMMMt ot O. 8. Weather Butmui. ABOUT TOWN of Memorial Temple, Pythian Sis­ health o f pru-school - chUOren wUI EASTHARITOROnRE the trouble and power w m resumed Bartford ters, are reminded of the lecture to be held at the Bunce school tomor­ in 18 minutes In sufficient quantity 5,848 FREE B-I-N-G-O be given tonight by Grand Chancel­ for commercial purposea with ex- n Member ot the Audit TOHOBROW NIGHT row afternoon at 3 o’clock. Mothers YI JW.IUH COM Fair, continued cool tonight; Sat­ ’The regular meeUng of Mlantono- lor Philip Merriman tonight at 8 pecUUons that a full aupplj would auNCHimn Com* Prixe On Everj Gsme and Two Grand Prizea! In that section of the town are urg­ Bureau o f CZrculaUons. urday fair with alowly rising lem- moh Tribe No. 68, i. O. R. M.. will o’clock In Sunshine hall, Hartford. CUTS OFF ELEcnuon be provided a abort while later. peratnre. TO NIG H T ed to bring their children who are be held In ’Tinker hall tomorrow eve­ He win be the guest ol Unity Tem­ to enter school In September for MANCHESTER — A CITY OF VILLAGE <T1ARM We offer, you tbeae good thing • to eat: ning at 8 o’clock. ple of that city, and will speak on FR ID A Y 3TO 6 the first time, to the clinic tc mor­ Short Circuit Leaves Manches­ VOL. LV., NO. 176. STEAMED CLAMS STEAK AND MUSHROOMS the Gospe peninsula which he tour­ row, or consult their fam ily phjrsi- (Claaallled Adveruslng on Fago 14.) ed last summer. ter Without Power Or Lights MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1936. CHERRY STONE CLAMS AND OYSTERS ON HALF SHELL The Walther League of the Zion clan, so that any Remedial handi­ Flower* and Planti SPECIALS (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE C E i m l Spaghrltl and Meat Ball* SandWfche* of A ll Kind* Lutheran church haa postponed its cap* may be discovered and correct­ for 16 Minutes. for all oceasloiia. social planned for tomorrow night. ’The Ladles Aid society of the ed during the summer. DeUvered anywhere I “T h « Old Reliable" The meeting of the entertainment Quarryvllle MethodUt church, at WEIRD MALADY A polo in East Hartford that car­ committee tonight will be-omitted. Bolton.Lake will sCrve a supper to­ 'The Epworth League o f the oouth Haxwelt Honae ROAST TAX BILL FELLS TWENTY Robertson Emergres Prom 11-Day Entrapment morrow night at the church from Methodist church baa turned over ried high tension wires from Hart OPEN AIR FETE OAK ST. TAVERN Dr. and Mra. D. M. Caldwell of 5:30 to 8 p. m. 'The menu Includes 813.27 to the Manchester Chapter, ford to the Manchester Electric SO Oak Street COFFEE Doctors I^zzled Over Strange SURVIVORS’ STORY John AndUlo, Prop. baked bcana, salads, rolls, cake and Arvine Place aro In New York, ex­ American Red Cross, representing company caught fire this noon and IN THE HOUSE; BALLANTINE ON TAP pecting to return the flrst of the coffee. A pieced bedqullt will be Occurrence In Georgia School collection taken at the Easter Sun­ at 12:27 a short circuit cut off all FORACCEPTANCE "W h ^ better beer I* nmde—n-ell aell It" week. drawn. Reserve tables by colling rise service for the Flood Relief Victims Recover Quickly. electrical current to Mancheater. Roaedale 37-14. fund. Men were rusl.ed to the scene of SENATEpiSURE Columbus, Ga., A pril 24.— OF EXPERIENCES IN The monthly meeting of the W. P L O f ^ / S T SPEECHOF FDR B. A. Guard club will be tomorrow 17 Oak Street (A P) — Physicians, psycbi.lo- evening at 8 o’clock with Mr*. Rose glsta and school authorities Stevenson of 58 William street. Prinoe Albert Repnbli(»ns AssaQ the Pro­ were baffled today by the Miss Lillian Server wll laaalst the IRISH TEA PARTY AND strange malady which struck Democrats Discuss Cere­ MINE, IS RELATE! Plnehiint Offer* Three Extra S perlal Vegetable Valiie* hOHtPRR. ENTERTAINMENT 19 pupil* and a teacher almost TORACCO posed Measure as Coer- simultaneously at a school here. Freoh Exprm* Wed,. April 29, 7:45 P. M. FRIEND LOSES TRA(3K Shipment Cri*p. New Green '.massing! Theories of mass hysteria, mony Before 100,000 Offlccra and captains of the Brit- ~ OF VICE PRESIDENT Freohly Picked Ish-American club bowling team SL M ary’s Church chre; Senators Shy of Com­ food or gas poisoning all were For First Time Full Detail^ Girls’ Friendly Society. lb. tin discredited In part at least by Asparagus Peas will meet In the clubrooms tomor­ Persons at Franklin Field; Brownsville, Tex., April 24 — Green Beans row night at 7:30 to plan a bowl­ Admission 25c. GOOD Accident extensive investigation of the tlie new Z O T O S ( A P ) — John Garner used to be of Mine Tragedy Beco ing banquet. ment Pending Study. weird pheomenon and no posi­ known by his flrst name to every hunch .. *3 f C tive cause was discovered In Other Happenings. sun-burned citizen along the 19c pound. 2 25c Perm anent ^Va 3K e Insurance their stead. Texas border. Known — How H ir d ] 2 25c Mlsa Evelyn Tedford, In charge Camatlen With the space of a few min­ Of tlckeu for the Jlfth (uinual Irlah Waahlngton, April 24.— (A P )—A An aged Spontsh-American In NO IHACHINE ★ NO ELECTRICITY Is Necessary utes Wednesday one child In Hidalgo county, unable to pro­ tea party and entertalnirient o f the Republican a-*aaulLon the *803,000,- Washington. April 24.—(A P)— Sweet Potatoe.a the school yard and the others duce a birth certificate In con­ Man Died. New Potatoes Pineapples .Senior club of St. M ary’s Girls Walter N, Leclerc 000 tax bill as a "drastic, coercive Democratic leaders arranging Juno It's the talk of the town — this sensational new These Days with the teacher on a second junction with hla application for Dnndelion.s .7'/: lbs. 2:-)c 18c each Friendly society, would like mem- meaaure’’l today opened a second convention plans today considered nietliod —the Zotos Marhine-I..c8S Prrmanenl! Would floor of the East Highlands an old ago pension, told Frank Norfolk .Spinach Apple.s bera to report tickets sold by Sun­ Funeral Director day of House debate on the complex grammar school ■ became sud­ the Idea of holding a giant open air Crow, dlatrict supervisor, of two I.Jirge Oranges day. The affair will be Wednesday, Moose River, N. S., April 34. —.3 you ever believe it possible to bavc a permanent 2SB No. Main St. Phone 5269 can 349-page revenue plan. denly and violently 111. Many ceremony at Franklin Field, Phila­ men who had known him for Iceberg Lettuce 4 lbs. 25c at 7:45 p. m. Raisin bread, 1am, cup Through the long, dark hours ba-1 39c dozen svave without a machine or electricity? It's aston­ JOHN L. JENNEY fainted. delphia, to notify President Roose­ more than 60 years and could cakes and tea will be served. 10 Depot Square Phone 6850 Representative Reed (R., N. T,), swear to his age. One lives in fore their rescue from the MooSai ishing but true. Zotos is comfortable! It’s quick! added in hla discussion of the bill They were removed to homes velt of his renomlnatlon. Special Bnrirr and Sugar price* In effect tomorrow. BiiHcr. We Specialize In Accident Insurance or hospitals where they re­ Leaders of the party eatimatod Edinburg. R iver gold mine. Dr. D. E. Robert-^ that It would be unreliable as to "And then," Crow quoted the 8 lb*. 6Bc. Sugar, 10 lb*. 51c. Mr| and Mra. Arthur Cooley of It's safe! And best o f all, you’re sure o f deep beau­ Insure In revenue production, would discour­ covered quickly with none that around 100,(X)0 persons could son and Charlea Alfred ScaddlngJ 343 Lydall street have named their T H E TR A V E L E R S , Hartford, Conn. showing any ill effects. watch the ceremony and hear tho old man, "there's Don Juan Gar­ tiful waves and a wonderful lustre, no matter hoyr ' Read The Herald Advs. age business expeuusion and make ner, who used to bo Congress­ dcspalroi of life, It became known j aon bom April 11 at the Memorial Presldent’a speech of acceptance In 1 Another Shipment— Freoh, Firm Fl*h— Jn*t out of the water. the maintenance of employment man, but I ’ve lost track of him hospital, Alfred Charles Cooley. drlieste your hair texture. ★ I^etter hurry and more difficult. the University of Pennsylvania ath­ today from the full story of thelrj lately." ten-day entombjnent. * 4 1 FRESH MACKEREL...... m.nke an appointment for ZOTOS. The rush is on! House debate went forward as letic field near the convention hall. ... ,Ib. I21/2C «aaei* ^re«. Bt 0U. While New Deal chieftains trav­ Dr. Robertson, pracU-ilng his pro*l ’The Young People’s society of DRIVE in m..-'..mter some members of the Senate finance mlt street, today. ‘secret fraterr eled to tomorrow’s meeting In Phil­ fession as physician even tbrouglli the Concordia Luthe-an church will id L. K. Smith, committee, conferring with Treas­ WOULD PROFFER LILY BEAUTY PARLOR Cenaus: Slxty^threa patienta.
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