BIBLIOGRAPHY Chinese Sources &ojuan chuji ft:lHJJ~ (A first collection qfbaqjuan). Edited by Zhang Xishun, eta!. 'I.R;ffi" ~'eta!. Vols. 1--40. Taiyuan: Shanxi renmin chubanshe, 1994. &opuzi neipianjiaoshi ff!l:f~-Tf7'1~1X~ (Corrected and annotated edition qfBaopuzi neipian), by Ge Hong ~#1<. Edited by Wang Ming .:Eil)3. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1985. Bei Qishu ;Jt'itfif (History qfthe Northern Qj), by Li Boyao *8~. Vols. 1-2. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1972 ( 1983). Bei Tanzhou Luo zu bujuan zhuisiji ;Jt:l'¥\H/'iifit!!HH~J!\~a (Memory qf the scriptures qf Patriarch Luo from North Tanzhou). In B]CJ, vol. 1, pp. 33-50. Dated 1613. Appended to the preface to the Kugong wudao juan. Beishi ;Jt5t' (History qfthe Northern Dynasties), by Li Yanshou *~3. Vols. 1-10. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1974 (1995). Beijing zhongshi zan ::;uta zhe win ;Jt:5t~±~t!l.!i~X (Text qfthe eulogy inscribed on the pagoda qf the Patriarch [Luo} by numerous gentlemen qf BeijintJ. In B]CJ, vol. 1, pp. 242-253. 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Chongming manlu ~ ~!11;~~ (Casual records qfthe buzzing qfinsects), by Cai Hengzi *~-T. Taibei: Xinwenfeng chubanshe, 1978. Chu sanzangjiji 1±\.:=.iUc~ (A collection qf the records qf translations qf the Tripi/ilka), by Sengyou 1'1!\':ftl (T 2145), in Tais!W, vol. 55. Chu xue ji ~)]~~a (Record qf the first lesson), by Qjngjue lfiif:, in Wanzi Xuzangjing, vol. 112. Gun ren bian 1'¥ A.i$1 (Essay on the existence qfman), by Yan Yuan ~JC, in Si cun bian [9# #$!.Beijing: Guji chubanshe, 1957. Da Loutanjing ::*:tiER:#~ (Lokadliitu-sutra), translated by Fali and Faju 'ft:.if. 'ft:.t£ (T 23), in Tais!W, vol. 1. Da Tang chuang;ye qiju zhu ::*:J!ll!IJ~il],@tf: (Diary qf the founding qf the Great Tang), by Wen Daya ~::*:1ft. In SKQS, vol. 303. Da Tang neidian lu ::f;:J![7gl.ltf~ (Catalogue qfthe Buddhist canon compiled under the Tang dynasfjJ, by Daoxuan mw (T 2149), in Tais!W, vol. 55. Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/23/2021 09:54:42AM via free access BIBLIOGRAPHY 507 Dabannihuan jing. See Foshuo Dabannihuan jing. Dachengyijiang huanyuan baqjuan **~ii1fm!~-'ff (Precious scroll explaining the meaning qf the Great Vehicle about returning to the sourc~. In MJ::::J, vol. 6, pp. 330-364. Dafangguang yuanjue xiuduoluo liaoyi jing ::k1JIJi!EJlf~1Hif7~~ (Mahiivaipufya- puTT,labuddha-siitra-prasanniirtha-siltra), translated by Buddhatrata I Fotuoduoluo ~1ft:: 01i (T 842), in TaisiW, vol. 17, pp. 913-922. Daoshuill:im (Pivot qfthe Dao) (DZTY 1008). In WVVDZvol. 20, pp. 610-848. Daozang ill:it (Canonical collection qfDaoist scriptures). Vols. 1-36. BeijingiTianjin: Wenwu chubanshe, Tianjin guji chubanshe, 1988 (1992). Dasheng Wugong zhuantian tu jiujie zhenjing ::k~Ii 0$$ 7<;, !iii~MJ ~ ~ (Chart qfthe revolving heaven qfthe great saints Five liirds, the true scripture about the rescue [at the end] qfthe kalpa). InMJ<J, vol. 10, pp. 313-334. Dazhidu lun ::*:'&/lMH (Mahiiprajfiiipiiramitii-siltra), by Nagarjuna I Longshu 'fi!i'Jlj, trans- lated by Kumarajfva I Jiumoluoshi ~~lift (T 1509), in Taisho, vol. 25. Dehu zhangzhejing tWifi:R1lHJ!i: (Srfgupta-sutra), translated by Narendraya5as I Naliantili- yeshe~~J!IH~~.!1ll* (T 545), in TaisiW, vol. 14. Deng zhenyinjue ~~iljifk: (Secrets about ascending to completeness) (DZTY 420). In WWDZ vol. 6, pp. 606-625. Diangujiwen .!J'I!.M/:#,~~ (Notes on observations qfprecedents), by Yujideng #:1.1~. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1981. Donghua lu *"~ (Records fiom within the Eastern Gate), by Jiang Liangqi J/4 R~lt. n.p., n.d. ~ate Qing edition). Dongyuan shenzhoujing. See Taishang dongyuan shenzhoujing. Erya m'ft (Examples qfrifined usage) (Sibu beiyao IZBl'fiHlll~). Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1989. Fa miqin jing. See Foshuo fa miqin jing. Fayuan zhulin $m~# (Pearl forest qf the dharma garden), by Daoshi ill:itt (T 2122), in TaisiW, vol. 53. R!shuo Dabannihuanjing ~~::k!N:Vl\1§~ (Mahiiparinirviir:ta-siltra), translated by Faxian it~ (T 376), in TaisiW, vol. 12. R!shuo Fa miqinjing ~~$~~~ (Sutra on the extinction qfthe dharma; Dharmaviniifii-siltra) (T 396), in TaisiW, vol. 12. R!shuo Guandingjing ~~iiJJ:l~Jll: (Mahiibhi$eka-ridhidhiirar:tf-siltra), translated by Poh Srim- itra I Bo Shilimiduoluo if!,F'$!$:~r.l (T 1331), in TaishO, vol. 21. R!shuo Huangjijieguo baqjuan ~~~~f.i6!il:!:.'ff (Precious scroll spokRn by the Buddha, on the August Ultimate and [karmic] results). InB]C], vol. 10, pp. 219-406. Foshuo Huangjijindanjiulian zhengxing guizhen baqjuan ~~~~~ftJL~~·jtt(!&~-'ff (Precious scroll spokRn by the Buddha about the golden elixir and the nine-[petalled] lotus qf the August Ultimate to verijj one's nature and return to the truth). In M]::::J, vol. 5, pp. 35-264. R!shuo Mile laishijing ~~jtliYJ*~~ (Sutra on the time qfMaitreya's descent; Maitreya-1!J!iika- rar:ta) (T 457), in TaisiW, vol. 14. Foshuo Mile xiasheng chengfo jing 5mliYJT j:,~~~ (Sutra on Maitreya's descent to become a buddha; Maitreya-l!Jiiikarar:ta), translated by Kumarajfva I Jiumoluoshi ~~lift (T 454), in TaisiW, vol. 14, pp. 423-425. R!shuo Mile xiashengjing ~~5mliYJT j:,~Jll: (Sutra on Maitreya's descent; Maitreya-l!Jiiikarar:ta), translated by Darmar~a I Zhu Fahu ~i:tifl (T 453), in TaisiW, vol. 14. R!shuo Xiangfajueyijing ~~{~$if(~~ (Sutra removing doubts about the semblance dharma) (T 2870), in TaisiW, vol. 85. Fashuo Xiao fa miqin jing ~~~N:t~~~ (Lesser siltra on the extinction qf the dharma) (T 2874), in Taisho, vol. 85. Hubert Seiwert and Ma Xisha - 9789047402343 Downloaded from Brill.com09/23/2021 09:54:42AM via free access 508 BIBLIOGRAPHY Foshuo xiaoshi bao'an baqjuan ~~~~1E¥{*~B':ff (Precious scroll spoken by the Buddha explaining security and peace), by Miaokong "9')~. In B]CJ, vol. 6. Fozu lidai tongzai -&lltll.~{-1:;~~ (Comprehensive record qf Buddhist patriarchs in successive dynasties), by Nian Chang ~'lit (T 2036), in TaisiW, vol. 49. Fozu tongji -&!ltll.f.itttc (History qfBuddhist patriarchs), by Zhipan ;G;® (T 2035), in TaisiW, vol. 49. Gaoseng zhuan ~{~{t (Biographies qfeminent monks), by Huijiao ~85( (T 2059), in TaisiW, vol. 50. Gengshen waishi @;t$ Jf. 5/: (Unqfficial history qfthe emperor hom in 1320), by Quan Heng tl {tJ, in Yuandai biji xiaoshuo 51;{-l:;~~c'J\~, vol. 4, edited by Zhou Guangpei )\lij 7\:::hfl' (Lidai biji xiaoshuo jicheng, 30). Shijiazhuang: Hebei jiaoyu chubanshe, 1994, pp. 501-555. Guandingjing. See Foshuo Guandingjing. Guang Hongmingji JliJL 1lfl ~ (Enlarged collection qfwritings for propagating and explaining [the Buddhist teachings]J, by Daoxuan :ffi'§ (T 2103), in TaisiW, vol. 52. Guanzhong zouyi IU]cp*~ (Memorials from GuanzhoniJ, by Yang Yiqing fJ5-fr'{. In SKQ§, vol. 428, pp. 1-558. Gufo Tianzhen kaozheng Longhua baqjing iJ-&!l7(Jl~illH1~*B'#Jll. (Precious scripture on the Dragon-Flower verified by the Ancient Buddha Heaventy Truth). Beijing: Cicheng yinshuaju, 1929. Title on front-page: Longhua baqjing. Gujo Tianzhen kaozheng Longhua baqjing iJ-&!l:l(Jl~~~*B'~ (Precious scripture on the Dragon-Flower verified by the Ancient Buddha Heaven!J Truth). In M];;J, vol. 5. Gufo Tianzhen shouyuan jieguo Longhua baochan iJ-&!l7(Jll&!ilfo.i5::5f!:~*Jll• (Precious Dragon-Flower scripture qf repentance qf the Ancient Buddha Heavenly Truth about attaining completion as karmic results). In MJ;;J, vol. 5, pp. 749-834. Hanshan dashi nianpu shuzhu ~W::f\:Bffi::if~Jmta (Annual records by Master Hanshan), by Hanshan Deqing ~W1~1!1f. Taibei: Laogu wenhua shiye gongsi, 1984 (1986). Hanshu j~if (History qfthe Han), by Ban Gu fJII.!!ll. Vo1s. 1-12. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1962 (1975). Hong mingji iJL BA ~ (Collection of writings for propagating and explaining [the Buddhist teaching}), by Sengyou {~ffi (T 2102), in TaisiW, vol. 52. Hongyang kugong wudao jing iJLil!ff=iJ!fJj]'r-;g::ffi~ (Hongyang scripture on enlightenment through bitter practic~. In B]CJ, vol. 15, pp. 127-417. Hongyang tanshijing iJL!l!lJUltlt~ (Hongyang Scripture on sorrow for the world). In MJZJ, vol. 6. Hongyang wudao mingxin iJLil!fft-;g::ffillfj{,,(Hongyang scripture on enlightenment and clearing qfthe mind). In B]CJ, vol. 16, pp. 1-339. Hongyang houxu randeng tianhua baqjuan 5Lil!lJ1Jt#lli??.\m7(*B':ff (Precious scroll qfthe celestial flower continuing the transmission qfthe Hongyang [Teaching}). In MJ;;J, vol. 6, pp. 749-772. Hou Hanshu 1Jtj~if (History qfthe Later Han), by Fan Ye 'mi!il!. Vo1s. 1-12. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 1965 (1982). Huangjijieguo baqjuan. See Foshuo Huangjijieguo baqjuan. Huangjijindanjiulian zhengxin guizhen huanxiang baqjuan!BB' :ff (Precious scroll qfthe golden elixir and nine[-petalled] lotus qf the August Ultimate on correct beliif to revert to the truth and return to the native place). In B]CJ, vol. 8 (compare: Foshuo Huangji jindan jiulian zhengxing guizhen baqjuan) Huayang guozhijiaobu tuzhu *ll!ff~;G;1'5Cfilll!i!i'.:t (Records qfthe country qf Huayang), by Chang Qu 'lit~.
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