FLUORO-EDENITE 1. Exposure Data Calvario” quarry has been mined extensively for a sandy volcanic material that is used in the local 1.1 Chemical and physical building industry. This geological area is made up of domes and dikes associated with “auto- properties clastic breccia,” a fine-grained material in which 1.1.1 Nomenclature fluoro-edenite has been found that was initially classified as intermediate phases between tremo- Mineral name: Fluoro-edenite [in allusion to lite and actinolite (Comba et al., 2003; Mazziotti- its composition with dominant fluorine and Tagliani et al., 2009). Fluoro-edenite is found its relationship with edenite] (Mindat, 2014) as both prismatic and acicular millimetre-scale crystals and asbestiform (fibrous) fibres that are Agreed name: Fluoro-edenite fibrous amphi- present as loose materials in rock cavities. The bole, with compositional variability appearing National Institute for Occupational Safety and to be similar to that of calcic amphiboles such Health (NIOSH) of the USA provided defini- as tremolite, winchite, and richterite tions for the morphology of elongated mineral Synonyms: Fluor edenite; fluoredenite; particles: acicular – a mineral comprised of fine IMA1994-059; IMA2000-049 (Jambor et al., needle-like crystals; prismatic – a crystal with 1999; Mindat, 2014) one dimension markedly longer than the other Chemical formula: NaCa2Mg5Si7AlO22(F,OH)2 two; asbestiform – a mineral that is fibrous and (INS-Europa, 2014) composed of separable fibres NIOSH,( 2011). Empirical formula: Fluoro-edenite is generally associated with 2+ 3+ potassium feldspars and plagioclase, quartz, Na0.9K0.2Ca1.6Mg4.7Fe 0.2Fe 0.1Si7.4Al0.6O22F2 (INS-Europa, 2014) clino- and orthopyroxenes, fluoro-apatite, Relative molecular mass: 837.63 (INS-Europa, ilmenite, and abundant haematite (Gianfagna & 2014) Oberti, 2001). Due to its high content of fluorine and sodium, in comparison with that of tremo- lite and actinolite fibres, a new end-member 1.1.2 General description of the amphibole calcic group of the edenite → fluoro-edenite series has been approved by the Fluoro-edenite occurs in the volcanic prod- Commission on New Minerals and Mineral ucts of the Monte Calvario locality of Biancavilla Names of the International Mineralogical on the flanks of Mount Etna, Sicily, Italy, and is Association (IMA, code 2000-049) (Gianfagna found in the cavities of benmoreitic lava metaso- & Oberti, 2001; Comba et al., 2003). The matized by hot fluids rich in fluorine. The “Monte 215 IARC MONOGRAPHS – 111 mineralization process of fluoro-edenite has (a) Chemical properties been suggested to have occurred elsewhere in (i) Chemical composition other volcanic areas (Comba et al., 2003). Fluoro-edenite is found in materials The chemical composition of fluoro- extracted from the Il Calvario quarry that edenite crystals from Biancavilla is variable, are used in the local building industry (walls, as shown by scanning electron microscopy plaster, mortar, and concrete) and in soil used (SEM)-X-ray microanalysis in several different to pave roads, plazas, and other areas (Paoletti studies (see Table 1.1). The chemical composi- et al., 2000; Burragato et al., 2005). The quarry tion of “fluor-edenite” acicular crystals from has been mined since at least the 1950s, with a Kumamoto which differs to a certain extent from peak in production around the 1960s and 1970s that of Biancavilla is (wt%): SiO2, 48.92; TiO2, (Gianfagna et al., 2003; Bruno et al., 2006), and 1.32; Al2O3, 5.43; FeO, 7.17; MnO, 0.18; MgO, fibrous amphiboles have also been found outside 19.14; CaO, 11.01; Na2O, 2.77; K2O, 1.03; F, 3.19; the quarry around Biancavilla (Bruni et al., 2014). and Cl, 0.12 (Makino et al., 1996; Jambor et al., 1999). The chemical formula of the Kumamoto Biancavilla is the first area in which the occur- 2+ rence of amphiboles fibres in a volcanic envi- fluor-edenite is 0.190K Na0.776 Ca1.704 Mg4.121 Fe 0.866 ronment was reported (Burragato et al., 2005). Ti0.143 Mn0.022 Al0.924 Si7.066 O22 F1.455 OH0.545 (Tomita et al., 1994) and the crystal-chemical formula of However, a “fluor-edenite” compound was also A the fluoro-edenite from Biancavilla is (Na0.56 found in the cavities of the Ishigamiyama lava B C 2+ K0.15) (Na0.30 Ca1.62 Mg0.03 Mn0.05) (Mg4.68 Fe 0.19 dome of the Kimpo volcano, Kumamoto, south- 3+ 4+ T O3 western Japan, as acicular crystals several milli- Fe 0.10 Ti 0.03) (Si7.42 Al0.58) O22 (F1.98 Cl0.02)2 metres in length and associated with tridymite (Gianfagna & Oberti, 2001). Although fibrous and magnetite (Tomita et al., 1994; Makino et al., and prismatic fluoro-edenite have similar chem- 1996; Jambor et al., 1999). ical compositions, some compositional differ- ences exist between prismatic fluoro-edenite and 1.1.3 Chemical and physical properties fibres with regard to their contents of magnesium and calcium (higher in the prismatic variety) and silica and iron (higher in fibres), and the varia- Density (specific gravity): D = 3.09 g/cm3 cal bility in composition is greater in fibrous species Hardness (Mohs’ scale): 5–6 (between apatite (Gianfagna et al., 2007). Despite these differences, and orthoclase) optical, chemical, and X-ray analyses of the fibres Cleavage: perfect on {110} confirm their similarity to the yellow prismatic Fracture: conchoidal fluoro-edenite. According to the Leake amphibole Lustre: vitreous to resinous classification Leake( et al., 1997), the composition of the fibres ranged from fluoro-edenite (60%) to Diaphaneity (transparency): transparent a lower proportion of winchite (24%), tremolite Colour: yellow to intense yellow (prismatic); (12%), and richterite (4%) (Fig. 1.1). The variable yellowish and grey-whitish (fibrous) chemical composition of fluoro-edenite and the Streak: grey-white, yellowish white, parallel presence of different components complicate the to the c-axis classification of the fibres and the definition of Tenacity: brittle their mineral species (Andreozzi et al., 2009), Refractive index: 1.60–1.63 similarly to the amphiboles observed in Montana (USA) and Libby amphiboles (winchite, ~84%; From Mindat (2014) 216 Fluoro-edenite Table 1.1 Chemical composition of samples of fluoro-edenite from Biancavilla, Sicily, Italy (wt%) Component Sample 1 Sample 2 Sample 3 Fa Sample 3 Pb Sample 4c Sample 5 Fa,d Sample 5 Pb,e SiO2 52.92 53.08 54–56 52.31 52.66–54.12 53.85 52.83 TiO2 0.29 NR ND 0.28 ND–0.06, 0.02–0.03 0.59 0.55 Al2O3 3.53 3.65 3.8–4.2 3.87 1.95–2.91 3.55 3.81 f g h i FeOt 2.60 2.67 2.6–3.2 2.65 3.59–5.98 4.25 2.25 MnO 0.46 NR ND 0.40 0.44–0.56 0.53 0.46 MgO 22.65 22.62 19–23 22.78 20.50–22.63 20.44 23.60 CaO 10.83 10.71 7–8 10.86 8.48–10.20 10.06 10.73 Na2O 3.20 3.33 4.2–5 3.10 2.29–3.10 2.96 3.04 K2O 0.84 1.12 1.2–1.4 0.89 0.52–0.54 0.88 0.82 F 4.35 4.54 4.2–4.7 4.47 4.40 4.46 4.11 Cl 0.07 NR ND 0.08 0.06 0.08 0.05 a F, amphibole fibres b P, prismatic fluoro-edenite c Range of average chemical composition of four samples of fibrous amphiboles corresponding to 52 (1st sample), 40 (2nd sample), 42 (3rd sample), and 58 (4th sample) analyses d Average chemical composition derived from 25 analyses of the fibrous amphibole e Average chemical composition from three analyses of the prismatic fluoro-edenite crystal f FeO, 1.71%; Fe2O3, 0.95% g FeO, 0.29–2.50%; Fe2O3, 3.26–5.25 h FeO, 1.39%; Fe2O3, 3.17% i FeO, 0.19%; Fe2O3, 2.29% Al2O3, aluminium oxide; CaO, calcium oxide; Cl, chlorine; F, fluorine; FeO, ferrous oxide; FeOt, iron oxides; Fe2O3, ferric oxide; K2O, potassium oxide; MgO, magnesium oxide; MnO, manganese oxide; Na2O, sodium oxide; ND, not detected; NR, not reported; SiO2, silicon dioxide; TiO2, titanium dioxide; wt, weight Sample 1, From Gianfagna & Oberti (2001); Sample 2, From INS-Europa (2014); Sample 3, From Gianfagna et al. (2003); Sample 4, From Pacella (2009), Mazziotti-Tagliani et al. (2009); Sample 5, From Gianfagna et al. (2007) Compiled by the Working Group richterite, ~11%; and tremolite, ~6%) (Meeker space group C2/m and a space group number et al., 2003). of 12. In plane-polarized light, fluoro-edenite 3+ The Fe /Fetotal ratios evaluated by Mössbauer is birefringent (first order), biaxial negative, spectroscopy reflect the different iron oxidation α = 1.6058(5), β = 1.6170(5), γ = 1.6245(5), 3+ 2+ states, with a greater prevalence of Fe than Fe 2Vcalc = 78.09°, with no visible pleochroism (Mazziotti-Tagliani et al., 2009). The reactivity of (Gianfagna & Oberti, 2001), and refractive the fibrous samples, measured by the production indices vary from 1.60 to 1.63. Fibrous and pris- of the [DMPO, HO]· radical adduct in electron matic fluoro-edenite are quite similar according paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy, was lower to optical, chemical, and Rietveld analyses than that of UICC crocidolite (highly reactive) (Burragato et al., 2005). but comparable with that of fibrous tremolite (Fantauzzi et al., 2012). (b) Physical properties (ii) Crystal structure Different morphologies that have been found for fluoro-edenite are shown inFig. 1.2. Relevant mineralogical data (unit-cell param- Biancavilla fluoro-edenite is transparent, deep eters) for prismatic and fibrous fluoro-edenite yellow with prismatic to acicular properties.
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