Inside MICHIGAN Nation 'ss wonwoman power, p. 3; — _ _ State cagersagers ruin OSU title 5 l # V l E ¿»TATE N^ E W^ ^W i» throughoutJür?r_ the day. High hopes, p. 8. UNIVERSITY th e low 40* s. Vol. 55, Number 109 Monday, March 9, 1964 East Lansing, Michigan Price 10f Traffic Ruling Seen Inevitable'; Students Ask Better Bus Service Express Skepticism 4P erson al F actors O ver Shuttle System Forced D ecision9 Student CongressSpeaker gress is the best it has been all Non-Drivers Support Move; R o b e rt H encken, Huntington s e s s io n . Woods senior, has denied that Hencken has offered to serve W ould Allow More Bike Room his dissatisfaction with congress as adviser to his successor, who was the most influential factor w ill be elected at Wednesday’s in his recent resignation. congress meeting. Students and faculty are taking a “ grin and "The truth of the matter is He also said that the real rea­ bear it” attitude toward Fresident John A. that my basic reasons for resign­ son for AUSG Public Relations ing are personal, both for aca­ Director Sanford Henry’s resig­ Hannah’s announcement that a student driving demic reasons and other private nation was that his grade-point ban and faculty parking fee will become blatters,” he said. average "was b e lo w th a t r e ­ 'V quired for holding a cabinet pos­ effective next fall. y However, he admitted that his "frustration with All-University ition” and "at least one con­ Most students said they felt the driving ban ADORABLE SNOWMAN—Sara, Kathy and Lisa Telder, daugh- Student Government” was a con­ gressman wanted him out.” was a necessary move • ters of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Telder, 803 Cherry Lane, put the tributing factor in his decision. There has also been some c rit­ finishing touches on an unexpected March visitor. Hencken, who is eligible to icism of the job that Henry, Port because of the in­ Photo by Ed Bloom graduate in June, has already said Huron junior, was doing, although creasing problem of that he w ill take an extra year at he said he thought he was doing Hannah the U niversity. h is b e s t. t r a f f ic congestion. The reason, he said, Is that he Mayo Residence H a ll r e p r e ­ H o w e v e r , th e y e x ­ W inter9s E n core has decided that his knowledge of sentative Susan Smith, Highland Explains humanities is too poor to be ade­ Park junior, said part of the rea­ pressed some skepti - quate "fo r my future needs and son for the criticism of Henry cism about whether the D am pens K ites for my own satisfaction.” was that not many people actual­ He also said that when he re­ ly knew of the work he was doing. Car Ban promised shuttle ser­ ferred to the present congress as She sa-id she had often seen him limbs of the trees were decked There is little opposition to the v ic e fr o m o u tly in g Students--mostly g i r l s — de­ "re ally rotten,” he did not mean working late hours in his office. in a thick, sherbety snow. recent adm inistration ruling ban­ scended upon dime and hardware to im p ly that th e s tu d e n ts now- She also said that much of his parking lots and im ­ Oscar Wilde once said that all ning student driving on campus stores for kites. Wails of the serving as congress members work involved letter-w riting and art is quite useless. For the stu­ during class days next fall term . proved bus service Beatles could be heard coming were rotten people. o th e r such activities which no­ dents who plodded to c h u rc h President John' A. Hannah be­ fr o m open dorm windows. Stu­ What he meant, he said, was body noticed. will m aterialize. through the slush puddles this lie v e s . dents walking down the streets that the present c o n g re s s is statement m ay have se e m e d "Before making the ruling, I T h o m a s C . K u b a n e k , E a s t laughing and eating ice cream somewhat less active and less m ore than applicable. talked with students, fa c u lty Lansing junior living in Spartan c o n e s . e ffe c tiv e than previous con­ How long can this last? The members, the Academic Coun­ Village, said the prohibition of , The air was balmy and gusty— gresses with which he has been w e a th e r b u re a u is preuicting cil and others,” Hannah said. student driving on campus was the deadly bearer of spring fever. associated. It was a new kind of beauty, even mixed snow, rain and chill until H o p e f u l s POLITICAL QUESTIONMARK—Young Democrats President "So far there has been little "practically inevitable” because He added that, with its present T u e s d a y . Pat McCollough, top, and Young Republicans President Jim resistance to it.” of the increasing number of cars. to the plague of mud. membership, th is year’s con­ Sunday the fam iliar type o f Dewey view the world of politics through the outline of New "I think most people realize He emphasized that the success b e a u ty , the beauty of w inter, re­ S e t F o r Hampshire, scene of Tuesday’s primary election. it is the only workable solution of the venture depends on im­ asserted itself in a magnificent Photo by Gary Shumaker to the campus traffic situation.” proving bus service. comeback. To the shock of the The student driving ban would A lla n N ow ak, Gilbertville, campus Sunday m orning, the bare T e s t R u n prohibit siMdents from driving M ass., graduate student, said he between the hours of 6 a.m. approved of the driving move be­ CONCORD, N. H. Tl-Gov. and 6 p.m. Monday through F ri­ cause he rides his bike to classes. N e ls o n A. Rockefeller warned N.H. Primary Draws day. Students w ill be allowed "There w ill be more room for Republicans Sunday against polit­ to drive on campus anytime other (continued on page 3) Group To Ask Panama Settlement Seen Near ical "extrem es that are outside than those hours. the main stream of American Profs1 Speculation PANAMA (jfi—An optim istic feeling persisted in Panama Sunday Dorm itory residents would not th o u g h t.” that the government of President Roberto Chiari is drawing close The upcoming New Hampshire be allowed to remove their cars Year’s Delay Sen. Barry Goldwater rested pull support away from Gold­ to agreement with Washington on the two-month-old dispute over prim ary w ill show strengths and from the dorm lots except be­ his campaign case with the "con­ water, he said. Vietnamese the treaty under which the United States runs the Panama Canal. weaknesses of Republican presi­ tween 6 p.m . and 6 a.m. on class science and . common sense” Rockefeller appears to have On New Tax Panama appears to have softened its previous policy and is said dential candidates. a better chance for a good show­ days and on weekends. of New Hampshire voters. W ar Move now to have agreed to restore diplomatic relations if the United If a candidate has run a hard If a student wanted to leave A n d , w ith New Hampshire ing since he started campaign­ States expresses willingness to "negotiate and discuss” existing campaign before the New Hamp­ for the weekend, for example, The Off-Campus Anti-Tax presidential prim ary two days ing at the low pointofhispolitical differences without commitment to preconditions. shire prim ary and then makes at 3 p.m. Friday, then he would » Committee will appear before the away, both Republican contenders career and has been rising ever Speculated a bad showing in that prim ary, have to move his car to a East Lansing Board of Reviewto- kept an eye cocked on the w rite- since, Adrian said. it is an indication of possible perim eter lot Thursday night or day to ask for a one-year mora­ in campaign fo r Ambassador The numerbus candidates Blasts U.S. Support Of Israel defeat in the San Francisco con­ before 6 a.m. Friday. SAIGON, Viet Nam U— Secre­ torium on personal property lev­ Henry Cabot Lodge. lessen the prim ary’s worth, DAMASCUS, Syria |.f)—Prem ier Amin Hafez accused the United vention, Charles R. Adrian, pro­ No lim itations w ill be placed tary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ ies against fraternities, sorori­ There was a question m ark on Alan P. Grimes, professor of States and B ritain Sunday of aiding Israel's plans for expansion at fessor and chairman of political on the times students can drive Namara inquired Sunday about a ties and student cooperatives. the Democratic side, too: How political science, said. the expense of the Arabs. from the perimeter lots to off South Vietnamese railroad that Appeals in February by th e many New Hampshire voters w ill science, said.
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