- . ----- KUNKEL'S MUSICAL REVIEW, DECEMBER, 1890. 105 MAJOR AND MINOR. The '•Pearl of Pekin'' quadruple extract excells all other THIS BEATS ALL. extracts and is quite the rage. It can be had at Frost and Ruf, Mme. Teresa Varreno, will make a tour through Scandi· druggists, Seventh and Olive. To think that there is so little known about an article whose use at times is a blessing and which when used should be a navia, Russia and Germany. The reason that Genelll' s photos are always the best is that pure and genuine article, is a sad reflection upon the intimate Mme. Sarah Bernhardt will come to America this season he keeps the best and highest-salaried artists to be had for knowledge of all vital interests that is ascribed to the general and in a little more than a year, the divine Patti will return to love or money. Studio, 928 Olive Street. public. The article in question is a brand of pure whisky. these shores to say farewell again. But the latter will not be M. heard in opera. She will sing only ln concert. This is the in· v O. H. Tiede gave a pta.no-forte. recital at Christian College Shaughnessey & Co., of this·city have probably the best formation which Mr. Henry E. Abbey gave. Cha:pel, Columbia, Mo., assisted by Misses Fannie Prewitt, known brand in America. It is called the "Club House" brand . Jesste Thistle, Gertrude Evans and Mr. Will Austin. The of Bourbon whisky and is made after the formula of M. Toatl-Slgnor, the song writer says that h1s first two songs programme was excellent and well rendered. Shaughnessey & Co., in Nelson County, Ky. '!'he St. Louis which have become very popular were sent in turn to all the office is located at 402 N. Main street. A case of twelve full principal publishers among them Rlcordi of Milan who like Gounod wants $50.000 for a four-act opera, to be composed measure quarts is sold at $10.50. A sample case will be sent all the rest sent them back. Tosti got them issued by a amall to Colonel Mavleson' s order for the Chicago World's Fair in on trial aud if not found satisfactory it can be returned and printer in Milan. They became popular and five or six years 1898, $10,000 to be paid on the delivery of each act. Colonel money will be refunded. This is a straightforward offer and after Ricordi wrote for permission to publish them. Mapleson declined to order the work on those terms. is in keeping with the high reputation of the bouse. MUSIC BOOKS PUBLISHED EY OLIVER DITSON CO. BOSTON, :MASS. EVERYBODY'S MUSIC. WIDE AWAKE CHOIRS, TREASURES FOR TEACHERS. Among the abundant treasures of our immense stock every Chorus Socieeies and all Musical .Associations will do Fo1• School Music Teache1•s : one is sure to be suited. Please select iu time your "autum­ well to send for li!lts and catalogues of our Chorus, Anthem Song Manual, Book 1, 30c., $8.00 dozen. Book 2, 40c., $4.20 nal music books." or Glee Books, Church Music Books, Singing Class Books, Or­ dozen. Book 8, 50c., $4.80 dozen. All by I-. 0. Emerson. atorios, Cantatas, Quartets, Chorals, Octavo Pieces, &c., &c. Complete Course in .Music Reading. Temperance People W·illlike Jehovah's Praise, ($1, or $9 per dozen). Emerson. Is a United Yoices, 50 cts., $4.80 per doz. All by L. 0. Emer· Temperance Crusade (85c; $8.60 dz.) Emerson & Moore. large, first-class Church Musio Book, full of the best Metrical son. Song Collection. Temperance Ballying Songs (35c; $3.60 dz.) A. Hull. Tunes, Anthems and Singing Class Elements and Music. :J!'or High Schools: .Eme1•son's .Easy .Anthems, (80 cts., $7.20 doz.) Song G'reeting. By L. 0. Emerson. 60 cts., $6 doz. A good Male Voice Clubs will like Gab1•iel's New and Selected .Anthems, ($1, $9 per doz) book with the best of music. Emerson's Male Yoice Gems ($1; $9 dz.) .Eme1•son's New Besponses, (60 cts., or $6 doz.) FM· Piano Teachers and Their Pupils : Emerson's Male Yoice Choir (50c; $5dz.) Dow's Besponses and Sentences, (80 cts., or $7.20 per doz. Young Players' Popular Collection. 51 pieces easy mu- sic. $1.00, . Santoral, ($1, or $9 doz.) Palmer and Trowbridge, are new The Grand Army will like and thoroughly good books. Young People's Classics, 52 pieces, easy music. $1.00. War Songs (50c; $4.50 dz.) Carl Zerrahn's Atlas. ($1, or $9 per doz.) Popula1• .Dance Collection, 66 pieces, easy· music. $1.00. Fairy Fingers, 86 pieces, easy music. $1.00. Boys, old and young, will like .Emerson's Concert Selections, ($1, $~doz.) Are exeel­ Classical Pia·nist, 42 pieces, medium difficulty. $1.00. College Songs, 90 songs (50c.) 200,000 sold. ·.lent for Conventions. Piano Classics, Vol. 1., 44 pieces, medium difficulty. School Teachere cannot help liking the three books of $1.00. Song Manual (80c, 40c, 50c; $8, $4.20, $4.80 dz.) Emerson. FOR THE CHILDREN'S CHRISTMAS. Piano Classics, Yol. 2, 81 pieces,medium difficulty. $1.00. Sabbath Day Music. 88 pieces, medium difficulty. $1.00 Plano Teachers will like, very much, as the best compan­ Caught N,apping. (80 cts., $3 per doz.) Lewis. Classic 4-hand Collection, 19 duets, medium difi'l.culty, ion to any Instruction Book Mary's Stocking. (20 cts., or $1.80 doz.) Shogren. $1.00. Mason's System of Technical .Exercise ($2.50). Jingle Bells. (30 cts., $3 per doz.) Lewis. Operatic Piano Collection, 19 operas, medium difficulty King Winter. (80 cts., $3 per doz.) $1.00. Gospel Singers will like Xmas at the Kerchiefs. (20 cts., $1.80 doz.) Lewis. Choir Leaders use large quantities of our Octavo Music. P ·raise in Song (40c; $4.20 dz.) Emerson. 7000 different Sacred and :::lecular Selections, Glees, Quartets, Christmas Gift. (15 cts , $1.80 per doz.) Rosabel. Anthems, &c., &c. Price generally not more than 6 to 8 cts. Kingdom of Mothe1• Goose. (25 cts., $2.28 doz.) per copy, and a few dimes buy enough for a society or chior. Letters of inquiry cheerfully answered. Send for Lists. Books mailed for Retail price. Any book mailed for retail price. Books and Music mailed for Retail Price. ESTABLISHED 1882. $5.00. EQUITABLE BUILDING, $5.00. THE S~ITH 6TH AND LOCUST STS. American Organ and Piano Co. MANUFACTURERS OF FIVE DOLLARS I PIANOS Per Year for a Box in the I AND I I ORGANS~ SAFE DEPOSIT CJL Our Instruments have a world-wide repu­ GEO. D. CAPEN, Pres. tation, and are second to none in Tone, Touch, Workmanship or Design. An absolute war­ EDW. A. SMITH, Supt; PASCHALL CARR, Treas. ranty with every instrument. Catalogues and prices on application. The Smith American Organ and Piano Go. MO. SAFE DEPOSIT CO. Open from 9.00 A. M. to 4.30 P.M. BOSTOB~ lASS., or 146 Fifth Avo., lEi YORK. $5.00. $5.00. -e & co. J Bankers and Brokers. :bank Stocks, :M:untctpal :bonds, t 3 ..... 2 N llllii1... t d s· t eiephot1e Wm. F. Werns I Miscellaneous Securities and Loans. Foreign Exchange. r ~ • I n I r •' t. Louis, Mo. 380. MAJOR AND MINOR. Thomas J. Connor, 714 North Main street, agent for the ance; 5. a, "Piece Oriental"-Guilmant, b. Fantasie: "Annie Chalmers-Spence Co.'s Asbestos Fire-Felt Coverings, Asbes­ Laurie"-Stainer, Alfred G. Robyn: 6. Vocal Duet: "Hear me, M. G. Beyer, the pianist and teacher, receives pupils at tos Mill Board, Packing and Cements and Aebestos Roll Fire­ Norma "-Bellini, Mrs. Peebles and Mrs. Bollman· 7. Violin 822 South 18th street. Felt, has given excellent satlsfacUon to all his patrons. He Solo: ''Grand Valse"-Wieniawski, George Heerich; 8. Vocal makes it a point to please them in every detail. Quartette: "Carnovale"-Rossini, Mrs. Peebles, Mr11. Bollman, Wm. D. Armstrong, of Alton, organized an orchestra Mess. Humphrey and Dierkes; 9. Quintette: "Finale"-Dvorak, there. He is also drilling a male chorus. A Grand Organ Concert was given at Exposition Music Hall on the 11th ult., for the benefit of the Good l:!amaritan Mendelssohn Quintette Club; 10. Organ, a, "Sublime Evening Try Frost&: Ruf's "Pearl of Pekin" quadruple extract. To Hospital. 'fhe following programme was given: Star," b, ''Pilgrim Chorus"-Wagner, Alfred G. Robyn. be hac\ at their drug store, 7th and Olive Streets. Organ Overture: "Semiramide"-Rosl!lini, Alfred G. Robyn; The talent secured was of the very highest order and all ac­ Miss Carl'ie Price, organist of St. Andrew's, is located at 1. a, "Fruhl!ngslied "-W. Coenen, b, ''Love's Proving,"­ quitted themselves in a true and artistic manner. Mrs. Pee­ 4132 Westminster Place. She is a popular teacher of piano. Loehr, Mrs. 0. H. Bollman; 2. Quintette, a, "Andante"-b, bles and Mrs. Bollman were received with the u:mal enthusi­ asm by their host of admirers. Little Carl Heerich, only 13 Genelll keeps the finest artists in free-hand pastel and oil "Scherzo"-Lachner, Mendelssohn Quintette Club; G. Heerlch, Val. Schopp, 1st and 2nd Violin, Louis Mayer, Alto, P. G. An· years old, created the greatest admiration and was applauded work in the city, and makes life-size portraits for prices rang­ to the echo. He shows the careful and remarkable training of ing from 85 to SlOO. ton, Jr., Cello, Victor Ebling, Piano; Soprano Solo; "Casta Diva"-Belllni, Mrs. Louie A. Peebles; 4. Violin Solo: "Play­ his father George Heerich, the eminent soloist and gives Be sure to get an official receipt for your subscription.
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