COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1990 SESSION OF 1990 174TH OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY No. 9 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES BILLS REPORTED FROM COMMITTEE, The House convened at 11 a.m., e.s.t. I CONSIDERED FIRST TIME, AND TABLED HB 1655, PN 3052 (Amended) THE SPEAKER (ROBERT W. O'DONNELL) By Rep. CALTAGIRONE PRESIDING An Act amending Title 18 (Crimes and Offenses) of the Penn- PRAYER sylvania Consolidated Statutes, further defining the offense of ethnic intimidation to include sexual orientation; and changing REV. CLYDE W. ROACH, Chaplain of the House of the designation of the offense. Representatives, from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, offered the JUDICIARY. following prayer: HB 1983, PN 3053 (Amended) Let us pray: By Rep. CALTAGIRONE Gracious God our Father, be with us as we begin to grapple An Act amending the act of August 22. 1953 (P. L. 1344, No. with the issues surrounding a budget for our beloved Com- 383), known as "The Marriage Law," increasing fees to provide monwealth. We acknowledge our inability to do it ourselves funding for domestic violence victims. because of so many diverse and competing differences. JUDICIARY Cause us to set aside partisan and petty differences and leg- islate for the best interests of all of our constituents. May we LEAVES OF ABSENCE be ever conscious of the fact that we are legislating not only for today but also for the future of our children and grand- The SPEAKER. Are there requests for leaves of absence? children. Grant that we do not mortgage their tomorrows for The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Lawrence, Mr. Fee. the quick fix of today. Mr. FEE. Yes, Mr. Speaker. The gentleman from Centre, Remember our Governor, our Speaker, the leadership on Mr. LETTERMAN, for today; the gentleman from Alle- both sides of the aisle, and the heads of the budget commit- gheny, Mr. OLASZ, for today for medical reasons; and the tees. gentleman from Clearfield, Mr. GEORGE, for today. In Your dear name we pray. Amen. The SPEAKER. Without objection, leaves of absence are granted. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Chair recognizes the minority whip, Mr. Hayes. Mr. HAYES. I request a leave for the gentleman from (The Pledge of Allegiance was recited by members and vis- Montgomery County, Mr. BUNT, for today and tomorrow, itors.) and the gentleman from Dauphin County, Mr. DININNI, for today. JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED The SPEAKER. Without objection, leaves of absence are granted. The SPEAKER. Without objection, the approval of the Journal of Monday, February 5,1990, will be postponed until HOUSE BILLS printed. The Chair hears no objection. INTRODUCED AND REFERRED REPORT OF COMMITTEE No. 2275 By Representatives MORRIS, D. F. CLARK, OF CONFERENCE PRESENTED STUBAN, S. H. SMITH, DISTLER, BARLEY, KUKOVICH, PISTELLA, Mr. RYBAK presented the Report of the Committee of DOMBROWSKI, HALUSKA, TIGUE, Conference on HB 121, PN 3051. TANGRETTI, GEIST, HERSHEY, JOSEPHS, BELARDI, BUNT, COY and TRICH 126 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE FEBRUARY 6, An Act empowering certain political subdivisions to levy and SENATE MESSAGE collect taxes on certain income; prescribing penalties; and making repeals. JOINT SESSION Referred to Committee on FINANCE, February 6,1990. The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the No. 2276 By Representative MORRIS following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was read as follows: An Act prohibiting local government units and authorities from imposing certain residency requirements for employees. In the Senate February 5, 1990 Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), February 6,1990. That the Senate and House of Representatives meet in Joint No. 2277 By Representatives BILLOW, WASS, NOYE, Session, Tuesday, February 6, 1990, at 11:30 a.m., in the Hall of PESCI, FAIRCHILD, LLOYD, the House of Representatives for the purpose of hearing an address by His Excellency, Governor Robert P. Casey; and be it MAYERNIK, PISTELLA, WOZNIAK, further MORRIS, FREEMAN, LAUGHLIN, RESOLVED, That a committee of three on the part of the BELFANTI, LUCYK, DALEY, MELIO, Senate be appointed to act with a similar committee on the part of STABACK, COLAIZZO, TRELLO and the House of Representatives to escort His Excellency, the Gover- nor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Hall of the JOHNSON House of Representatives. An Act amending the act of August 9, 1955 (P. L. 323. No. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of 130). known as "The County Code," conferring the powers of police officers on sheriffs and their deputies. Representatives for its concurrence. Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, On the question, February 6, 1990. Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? Resolution was concurred in. No. 2278 By Representatives FREIND, GLADECK, Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. VROON, FLICK, PESCI, CHADWICK, GODSHALL, D. F. CLARK, SCHEETZ, SENATE MESSAGE NAILOR, HECKLER, MERRY, LEH, FARGO, BIRMELIN, FOX, NOYE, ADJOURNMENT RESOLUTION HERSHEY, E. Z. TAYLOR, REBER, FOR CONCURRENCE DEMPSEY, PITTS, MARSICO, BUSH, CLYMER and FOSTER The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the following extract from the Journal of the Senate, which was An Act amending the act of March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. read as follows: 14). known as the "Public School Code of 1949," regulating strikes by employees of school entities. In the Senate February 5, 1990 Referred to Committee on LABOR RELATIONS, Febru- RESOLVED, (the House of Representatives concurring), ary 6, 1990. That when the Senate adjourns this week it reconvene on Monday, February 12, 1990, unless sooner recalled by the Presi- SENATE BILLS FOR CONCURRENCE dent Pro Tempore of the Senate; and be it further RESOLVED, That when the House of Representatives The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, presented the adjourns this week it .reconvene on Monday, February 12, 1990, following bills for concurrence: unless sooner recalled by the Speaker of the House of Representa- tives. Ordered, That the clerk present the same to the House of Referred to Committee on CONSUMER AFFAIRS, Feb- Representatives for its concurrence. ruary 6, 1990. On the question, Will the House concur in the resolution of the Senate? Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, Resolution was concurred in. February 6, 1990. Ordered, That the clerk inform the Senate accordingly. BILLS REMOVED FROM TABLE Referred to Committee on LOCAL GOVERNMENT, February 6, 1990. The SPEAKER. The Chair recognizes the majority leader. Mr. DeWEESE. Mr. Speaker, I move that the following bills be removed from the tabled calendar and placed on the active calendar: LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE HB 1984; NOT VOTING-0 HB 2259; and EXCUSED-5 HB 2260. Bunt George Letterman Olasz On the question, Dininni Will the House agree to the motion? Motion was agreed to. COMMUNICATION MASTER ROLL CALL LOBBYIST LIST PRESENTED The SPEAKER. The Chair is about to take the master roll. The SPEAKER. The Chair acknowledges receipt for the Members will proceed to vote. record of a list of lobbyists, pursuant to the Lobbying Regis- tration and Regulation Act, hereby made part of the record. The following roll call was recorded: The following communication was submitted: PRESENT-197 Senate of Pennsylvania Acosta Donatucci Lashinger Robbins Adolph Dorr Laughlin Robinson February 1, 1990 Allen Durham Lee Roebuck To the Hoiiorable, the Senate of the Angstadt Evans Leh Rudy Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Argall Fairchild Lescovitz Ryan Barley Fargo Levdansky Rybak To the Honorable, the House of Representativesm Battisto Farmer Linton Saloom of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Belardi Fee Lloyd Saurman In compliance with Act No. 712 of the 1961 Session and Act No. Belfanti Fleagle Lucyk Scheetz 212 of the 1976 Session of the General Assembly titled the "Lob- Billow Flick McCall Schuler bying Registration and Regulation Act," we herewith jointly Birmelin Foster McHale Scrimenti present a list containing the names and addresses of the persons Bishop Fox McNally Semmei Black Freeman McVerry Serafini who have registered from January 1, 1990 through January 31. Blaum Freind Maiale Smith, B. 1990 inclusive, for the 174th Session of the General Assembly. Bortner Gallen Maine Smith, S. H. This list also contains the names and addresses of the organiza- Bowley Gamble Markosek Snyder, D. W. tions represented by these registrants. byes Gannon Marsico Snyder, G. Respectfully submitted: Brandt Geist Mayernik Staback Broujos Gigliotti Melio Stairs Mark R. Corrigan, Secretary Burd Gladeck Merry Steighner Senate of Pennsylvar~ia Bums Godshall Michlovic Stish John J. Zubeck, Chief Clerk Bush Gruitza Micozzie Strittmatter House of Representatives Caltagirone G~UPP~ Miller Stuban Cappabianca Hagarty Moehlmann Tangretti (For list, see Appendix.) Carlson Haluska Morris Taylor, E. Z. Cam Harper Mowery Taylor, F. Cawley Hasay Mrkonic Taylor, J. SENATE MESSAGE Cessar Hayden Murphy Telek Chadwick Hayes Nahill Thomas HOUSE BILL Civera Heckler Nailor Tigue CONCURRED IN BY SENATE Clark, B. D. Herman Noye Trello Clark, D. F. Hershey O'Brien Trich The clerk of the Senate, being introduced, returned HB Clark, J. H. Hess Oliver Van Horne Clymer Howlett Perzel Veon 1335, PN 2076, with information that the Senate has passed Cohen Hughes Pesci Vroon the same without amendment. Colafella Itkin Petrarca Wambach Colaizzo Jackson Petrone Wass Cole Jadlowiec Phillips Weston BILL SIGNED BY SPEAKER Cornell James Piccola Williams Corrigan Jarolin Pievsky Wilson The
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