FEDERAL REGISTER VOLUME 33 • NUMBER 36 Wednesday, February 21, 1968 • Washington, D.C. Pages 3209-3259 Agencies in this issue— Agricultural Research Service Agricultural Stabilization and Conservation Service Army Department Atomic Energy Commission Census Bureau Civil Aeronautics Board Civil Service Commission Consumer and Marketing Service Engineers Corps Federal Aviation Administration Federal Communications Commission Federal Maritime Commission Federal Power Commission Fish and Wildlife Service Food and Drug Administration General Services Administration Interior Department Internal Revenue Service International Commerce Bureau Interstate Commerce Commission Land Management Bureau Maritime Administration National Park Service Securities and Exchange Commission Detailed list o f Contents appears inside. 5-Year Compilations of Presidential Documents Supplements to Title 3 of the Code of Federal Regulations The Supplements to Title 3 of the Code the President and published in the Federal of Federal Regulations contain the full text Register during the period June 2, 1938- of proclamations, Executive orders, reor­ Decemfcter 31, 1963. Tabular finding aids ganization plans, trade agreement letters, and< subject indexes are included. The in­ and certain administrative orders issued by dividual volumes are priced as follows: 1938-1943 Compilation* 1949-1953 Compilation—$7.00 1943—1948 Compilation— $7.00 1954—1958 Compilation— $4.00 1959—1963 Compilation— $6.00 Compiled by Office of the Federal Resister, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration Order from Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 * Temporarily out of print rrnrn | i WWW n r r i C T r n Published daily, Tuesday through Saturday (no-publication on Sundays, Mondays, r H I r K / l l M n n r l l l V I ■ K on the-day after an official Federal holiday), by the Office of the Federal Register, Na ■ and PonnrH« RArvip.A iT#vnftrA.i Sftrviofis Administration (mail address Nat MreaArea Codewoe 2Ò2 ATCmVeS UUHuing, WasmilgbUIl, JJ.G. ¿u*±uoJ, puiouauu — Admin- Federal Register Act, approved July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 8B), under regulations prescribed * e * ^ istrative Committee of the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution is made only by the Sup of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. navable in The Federal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 per month or $15 per year, p J for advance. The charge for individual copies varies in proportion to the size of the issue (15 cents for the first 80 Paf es ncuments, each additional group of 40 pages, as actually bound). Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent oi U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. titles pur- The regulatory material appearing herein is keyed to the Code of F ederal R egulations, which is published, under ou ^ ^ of suant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as amended. The Code of F ederal R egulations is sold by the super Documents. Prices of books and pocket supplements are listed in the first Federal R egister issue of each month. regulations. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the Federal R e6is* er or the Code of F ederal m Contents AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH CONSUMER AND MARKETING FEDERAL MARITIME SERVICE SERVICE COMMISSION Rules and Regulations Rules and Regulations Proposed Rule Making Grapefruit: Nonexclusive transshipm ent, Overtime services relating to im­ Import regulation------------------- 3215 agreements; exemptions; re­ ports and exports; commuted Shipments limitation_________ 3214 scheduling of filing dates_____ 3235 travel time allowances; correc­ Milk in certain marketing areas; tion _________________________ 3213 suspension of provisions: FEDERAL POWER COMMISSION Central Arkansas------------------- 3216 Fort Smith, Ark__________ 3215 Notices AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION Memphis, Tenn______________ 3215 Hearings, etc.: AND CONSERVATION SERVICE Potatoes, fresh Irish; livestock Dalport Oil Corp. et al_______ 3244 feed diversion program; method El Paso Natural Gas Co. and El Rules and Regulations" of feeding____________________ 3213 Paso Gas Transportation Peed grains; 1966-1969 program; Tangerines grown in Florida; C o r p ____ _____________ 3245 county projected yields and shipments limitation--------------- 3214 Stauffer Chemical Company of county rates__________________ 3214 Wyoming and Union Pacific Rice; marketing quotas: DEFENSE DEPARTMENT Railroad Co________________ 3245 1967 and subsequent crop years; See Army Department; Engineers delivery of excess to Secretary« 3213 Corps. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE 1968-69 marketing year; results Rules and Regulations of referendum______________ 3213 ENGINEERS CORPS Public access, use, and recreation; Rules and Regulations certain national wildlife AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT Danger zone regulations; Albe­ refuges: marle Sound, N.C____ ________ 3218 See Agricultural Research Serv- ; Delaware; Prime Hook_______ 3228 Navigation regulations; P u g e t Massachusetts; Great Meadows. 3228 ice; Agricultural Stabilization Sound Area, Wash___________ 3218 and Conservation Service; Con­ Pennsylvania; Erie________ '.l~ 3229 sumer and Marketing Service. Sport fishing; certain national FEDERAL AVIATION wildlife refuges: ADMINISTRATION Alabama and certain other ARMY DEPARTMENT Rules and Regulations States; Choctaw, etc_______ 3229 Massachusetts; Parker River_ 3232 See also Engineers Corps. Alterations: Rules and Regulations Control zone------------ v----------- 3216 Notices Transition area_____ _________ 3216 P r o c u r e m e n t ; miscellaneous Bumble Bee Seafoods; hearing— 3237 amendments to subchapter___ 3219 Notices Airports District Office at Phoe­ FOOD AND DRUG ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION nix, Ariz.; closing_____________ 3239 ADMINISTRATION Notices - FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Rules and Regulations COMMISSION Prescription drugs; use of estab­ Baltimore Gas and Electric Co.; lished names in labeling and ad­ application for construction Proposed Rule Making vertising _____________________ 3217 permit and facility license___ 3239 Standard broadcast stations; pre­ sunrise operation; commence­ Proposed Rule Making ment at 6 a.m. local time___ _ 3234 Prescription drugs; relationship of CENSUS BUREAU Television broadcast stations; proprietary a n d established Proposed Rule Making table of assignments; Jackson­ names on labels, labeling, and ville, N.C______ r_____________ 3235 advertisements; policy state­ Imports of merchandise into ment _______________ ________ 3234 Guam; foreign trade statistics- 3233 Notices Canadian broadcast stations; list Notices of changes, proposed changes, Food additive petitions: CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD and corrections in assignments- 3242 Chemagro Corp_______________ 3239 Notices Maritime mobile service manual; Emulsion A/S; withdrawal____ 3239 adoption; termination of pro- Hess and Clark; withdrawal-_ 3239 Heatings, etc.: .... ceeding___________ 3241 Frontier Freight Forwarders, Hearings, etc.: GENERAL SERVICES Inc., et al__________________ 3240 CATV of Rockford, Inc., et al__ 3242 ADMINISTRATION TF.C. Air Freight, Inc., et al__ 3240 Camp, Ronnie J______________ 3242 Carlisle, Roy E_______________ 3242 Rules and Regulations CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION El Camino Broadcasting Corp. and . South Coast Broadcast­ Centralized services in Federal Notices ing Co________________ 3242 buildings; pooling of equipment and personnel-.___ _______ _____ 3227 Personnel management specialists Kittyhawk Broadcasting Corp. et al___ _______ 3243 et al.; manpower shortage—___ 3241 Oliveira, Joseph P. (2 docu­ HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND ments) _________ 3243 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT WMID, Inc., and Atlantic City WELFARE DEPARTMENT Broadcasting Co____ _______ 3243 See Census Bureau; International See Food and Drug Administra­ “ What the Bible Says, Inc.,” tion. Commerce Bureau; . Maritime et al_—_____ 3243 Administration. Young, John Dee— „ ___ 3244 (Continued on next page) 3211 3212 CONTENTS INTERIOR DEPARTMENT LAND MANAGEMENT BUREAU NATIONAL PARK SERVICE See also Pish and Wildlife Serv­ Rules and Régulations Rules and Regulations ice; Land Management Bureau; Arizona and California; public Special regulations: National Park Service. land order; partial révocation of Notices Executive order_______________ 3228 Fort Jefferson National Monu- ment, Fla__________________ 3227 Meese, William G.; report of ap­ Notices pointment and statement of fi­ Hopewell Village National His- nancial interests______________ 3238 Opening of public lands: toric Site, Pa_____ ;_________ 3227 California____ __________,____ 3237 Notices INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE O regon_____ ________________ 3237 Grand Portage National Monu­ Notices MARITIME ADMINISTRATION ment, Minm; concession permit. 3237 Authority delegations: Proposed Rule Making Park Superintendents, Southeast Issues arising under section 722; Region ; establishment of new revocation_________________ 3236 Allowance of subsidy for changes cooperating associations in re­ Regional Appellate Division and under construction contract__ _ 3233 spective parks________________ 3237 Regional Counsel; protested Notices and tax court cases________ 3236 Foreign flag vessels arriving in SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE INTERNATIONAL COMMERCE North Vietnam on or after January 25, 1966; list__ _____ 3238 COMMISSION BUREAU United States Lines, Inc.; applica­ Rules and Regulations Notices tion
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