North Texas Catholic Bringing the Good News to the Diocese of Fort Worth Vol. 24 No. 14 October 24, 2008 Bishops create ad hoc committee to promote, protect marriage By Nancy Frazier O’Brien bishop Kurtz said precise details Catholic News Service about the committee’s strategies, WASHINGTON — A new whether its membership will ad hoc committee of the U.S. be expanded and how long its Conference of Catholic Bishops work will continue remain to be will work to raise awareness of determined by its members, who the “unique beauty of the voca- have only held one conference tion of marriage” and the many call thus far. threats it faces today, according “Cardinal George felt it was to its chairman. important to begin with a small Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz of group that can move quickly,” Louisville, Kentucky, said Cardi- said the archbishop, who also nal Francis E. George of Chicago, chairs the USCCB Subcommittee USCCB president, asked him to on Marriage and Family Life. chair the committee, whose work Other ad hoc committee mem- Bishops listen to Pope Benedict XVI during the opening meeting of the world Synod of Bishops is being funded by the Knights of bers are Bishop William E. Lori on the Bible at the Vatican Oct. 6. (CNS PHOTO/ALESSIA GIULIANI, CATHOLIC PRESS PHOTO) Columbus. of Bridgeport, Conn., chairman In addition to its educational of the bishops’ Committee on World Synod of Bishops on the Bible seeks to component, the committee’s Doctrine, and Auxiliary Bishop work will involve public policy Gabino Zavala of Los Angeles, advocacy efforts against moves chairman of the USCCB task force bring the life shaping message of Scripture into to redefine marriage through on strengthening marriage. Carl legislatures or the courts. A. Anderson, supreme knight of the everyday lives of Catholics — Page 22 & 23 In a telephone interview the Knights of Columbus, will from Chicago Oct. 14, Arch- SEE BISHOPS’, P. 18 Bishops’ spokesperson McQuade outlines thinking of Faithful Citizenship in two sessions Oct. 16 by Joan Kurkowski-Gillen the Catholic Pro-Life Committee, the Correspondent Diocese of Fort Worth’s offi ces of Adult It’s always challenging, especially dur- Catechesis and Respect Life, and the ing an election year, to explore, discuss and Respect Life Ministry of the Diocese of make decisions concerning the emotional, Dallas. Her appearance came in the wake hot button issues affecting American so- of a joint pastoral letter from the bishops ciety. Fortunately, U.S. Catholics have a of Fort Worth and Dallas which offered resource to help them make sound moral guidance to local Catholic voters on the judgments about public choices. proper formation of conscience as they The document, Forming Consciences weigh sanctity of life issues against other for Faithful Citizenship: A Call to Political concerns confronting society. Responsibility from the Catholic Bishops While the Church cannot support or of the United States, encourages every- endorse any candidate, it can take a stance day Catholics to use the values of faith to on issues. shape their participation in political life. “It’s the Church’s distinct responsi- Published in 2007, the bishops’ statement bility, through its bishops, to teach the explains and reaffi rms Church teaching on principles that allow us to make the best several areas of special concern for Catho- judgments in regard to voting and the lics participating in the electoral process: political arena,” McQuade pointed out. defending human life, promoting family “Our cause is the defense of human life life, pursuing social justice, and practicing and the dignity and protection of the weak global solidarity. and the vulnerable. Our cause is not to “It’s about living out our baptism in have any particular party or candidate the public square,” Deirdre McQuade Pro-life advocate and USCCB spokeswoman Deirdre McQuade addresses listeners at the Oct. 16 succeed. But that doesn’t mean we can’t told a gathering of priests, religious, and seminar held at Most Blessed Sacrament Church in Arlington. (Photo by Joan Kurkowski-Gillen) make distinctions among them.” parish staff members who attended an Catholics should be guided more by October 16 seminar at Most Blessed Sacra- about making a just society but a culture, Pro-Life Activities for the U.S. Conference moral convictions than by an attachment to ment Church in Arlington. “The bishops’ a civilization of love where society exists of Catholic Bishops, clarifi ed the intent a political party, she said, adding, “Who do document comes out of a calling we have to serve the human person.” of Faithful Citizenship and also discussed we fundamentally belong to? The person as baptized Christians to transform the McQuade, assistant director for policy misunderstandings about the publica- of Jesus Christ.” world — to give it hope. It’s not simply and communication for the Secretariat of tion during two seminars sponsored by SEE FAITHFUL, P. 18 Page 2 NORTH TEXAS CATHOLIC, October 24, 2008 Diocesan As we approach the feasts of All Souls and All Saints, we are encouraged by those who have gone before us Dear Brothers and the joy of heaven.” Since November begins with two Sisters in the Lord, During the month of November, I would also days dedicated to the mysteries of Eternal Life, it is an appropriate s we encourage a visit to St. Patrick’s Cathedral to month to pray for our loved ones are who have “gone before us marked A spend some time refl ecting on the images of with the Sign of Faith.” Somehow moving in this month our beloved faithful all of the saints in the windows, statues, and departed can seem closer to us in rapidly thought and prayer. Since the entire month of November is dedicated to “down the images found in the church. They appear to the Faithful departed, it is therefore road” of an appropriate month to visit the beckon us, and remind us that we can indeed cemeteries and spend a moment in the remain- Bishop Kevin W. Vann prayer there if possible. This is a follow the Lord to where they are. They did it, custom very much a part of the life ing Sundays of Ordinary of the Latin (Hispanic and Italian) and so can we! culture…even today. Time, we fi nd ourselves During the month of November, moving to the end of one I would also encourage a visit to St. period invites us to refl ect on our own refl ect on eternal life are the upcoming Patrick’s Cathedral to spend some time liturgical year and ap- lives and how we have lived our life days of All Saints Day and All Souls refl ecting on the images of all of the in Christ this past year. We are invited Day. Both days have long histories, saints in the windows, statues, and im- proaching a new one. to refl ect on what has been called the going back to the early centuries of the ages found in the church. They appear “last things.” The Gospel for Christ Church. All Saints Day was once called to beckon us, and remind us that we The end of the liturgical year, the King Sunday (and one used at the Feast of All Martyrs, celebrated in can indeed follow the Lord to where however, brings us an occasion for funerals) is from Matthew 25, and May. It was later transferred to Nov. 1 they are. They did it, and so can we! some serious refl ection on our lives, the United States Catholic Catechism for to help counteract pagan superstitious A special thanks as well to Catholic more than just the “New Year’s Adults says that the judgment scene practices about eternity. Charities and the Societies of St. Vin- resolutions” which often evaporate depicted here is perhaps the most All Saints Day is a reminder of how cent de Paul here in Fort Worth, whose by the end of January! The Liturgical accessible way to appreciate the Last we have heroes and heroines in the staff members and volunteers work Year, according to the Catechism of Judgment. This scene has been de- faith, who, just like us, struggled with each day to help us live the commands the Catholic Church, is “the celebra- picted in the Sistine Chapel and other the call to sanctity and living coura- of the Lord in Matthew 25. tion throughout the year of the mys- works of art over the ages, and is a geous lives of Faith. All Souls day On a fi nal note, it is important to teries of the Lord’s birth, life, death, very stark reminder of the necessity of was established in the 800s by a monk remember that the last Sunday in Oc- and Resurrection in such a way that living our Faith in a very visible and whose name was St. Odilo of Cluny, tober (this year October 26) is Priest- the entire year becomes a ‘year of concrete way: “Whatever you did for who believed it was important to have hood Sunday, dedicated to the priests the Lord’s grace.’ Thus the cycle these least brothers of mine, you did a day dedicated to the faithful depart- who serve in this country in the of the liturgical year and the great for me. …If we care for Jesus in these ed and as a spiritual work of mercy to parishes and educational, and other feasts constitutes the basic rhythm of ways, we will receive the Kingdom. If pray for them. institutions of the Church. Please take the Christian’s life of prayer, with its we do not, we will be separated from This year, because All Souls Day time to thank them, by word or note, focal point at Easter (1168).
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