M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Aaron Samanth

M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Aaron Samanth

M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Aaron Samantha 722898 12/31/2020 Abalo Ann 475257 12/31/2020 Abando Billy Jonathan 480656 12/31/2020 Abarno Sharon 432098 12/31/2020 Abass-Awodeyi Derin 491366 12/31/2020 Abbas Anam 1453096 12/31/2020 Abou Slaiby Jessica 1846949 12/31/2020 Abuzov Mikhail 1486752 12/31/2020 Acevedo Christine 1424044 12/31/2020 ACEVEDO IVETTE 1894486 12/31/2020 Ackerman Kimberly 468424 12/31/2020 Ackiam Balwantee 491241 12/31/2020 Acosta Gina 1763001 12/31/2020 Adamczyk Alicia 1422866 12/31/2020 Adamczyk Shannon 491483 12/31/2020 Adamo James 624505 12/31/2020 Adams Charla 1188316 12/31/2020 Adams Ibrahim 825308 12/31/2020 Adams Lisa 1453226 12/31/2020 Adams Sara 467574 12/31/2020 Addison Brittany 1402472 12/31/2020 Adhikari Bishnu 1739862 12/31/2020 Adsit Mary 474867 12/31/2020 Afolabi Akinlolu 1806799 12/31/2020 Afshar Maryam 474958 12/31/2020 Agbo Christiana 1886331 12/31/2020 Agendia Xavia 1945073 12/31/2020 Agida Augustine 1965839 12/31/2020 Ahearn Jennifer 468316 12/31/2020 Ahmad Imtiyaz 1916484 12/31/2020 Ahmad Samah 1545727 12/31/2020 Ahmad Shakeel 467774 12/31/2020 Ahmed Anum 1865046 12/31/2020 Ahmed Shahbaz 567154 12/31/2020 AHOEY PARIVASH 1926103 12/31/2020 Akbarzadeh Hosai 942669 12/31/2020 Akchurin Lisa 1856180 12/31/2020 Akhtar Fatima 1599631 12/31/2020 Akinkuowo Olutoyin 1138506 12/31/2020 Albano Hallie 1721464 12/31/2020 Albano Nancy 467244 12/31/2020 Alberici Jennifer 1958607 12/31/2020 Albert Michelle 1419752 12/31/2020 Albert Valerie 1733790 12/31/2020 Albright Kristina 491326 12/31/2020 Albright Teresa 467524 12/31/2020 Effective: 6/18/2020 1 of 75 M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Alderwick Lori 997422 12/31/2020 Aldinger Kelly 1402488 12/31/2020 Aldridge Katelyn 1428354 12/31/2020 Aleemuddin Tayyaba 468333 12/31/2020 Alejandro Victoria 1825396 12/31/2020 Alexander Linda 1051076 12/31/2020 Alexander Lisa 1375279 12/31/2020 Alexis Bianca 1284237 12/31/2020 Alfonso Clint 1453216 12/31/2020 Alhadad Leemia 1636873 12/31/2020 Ali Fazal 1404111 12/31/2020 Alicea Carlos 671176 12/31/2020 Alicea Waleska 749047 12/31/2020 Allegretto Christopher 1009728 12/31/2020 Allen Christine 1880289 12/31/2020 Allen Dina 468448 12/31/2020 Allen Loraine 468037 12/31/2020 Allen-Scott April 1689633 12/31/2020 Allers Laurie 468453 12/31/2020 Allison Richard 1406026 12/31/2020 Allotey Samuel 475070 12/31/2020 ALMEIDA TATIANA 850994 12/31/2020 Altemus Sylvia 1608440 12/31/2020 Alvarez Gilroy 1383803 12/31/2020 Alvarez Leslie 1114577 12/31/2020 Amadin Mark 1541413 12/31/2020 Amatetti Kallie 1693766 12/31/2020 AMATI ELVINA 1960870 12/31/2020 Amato Angelo 690922 12/31/2020 Amato Robert 1968662 12/31/2020 Ameh Kankou 1377680 12/31/2020 Amendola Guiseppe 1520036 12/31/2020 Amendola Vanessa 1886335 12/31/2020 Ames Jacob 1886327 12/31/2020 Amin Zakia 474948 12/31/2020 Andersen Douglas 146249 12/31/2020 Anderson Arthur 90852 12/31/2020 Anderson Mya 1602621 12/31/2020 Anderson Walden 1737075 12/31/2020 Anderson-Gavurnik Lila 468167 12/31/2020 Ando Anthony 1921488 12/31/2020 Andrade Joe 1944470 12/31/2020 Andrade Layla 1453185 12/31/2020 Andrade-Gestwicki Maria 1949639 12/31/2020 Andre Vanessa 1753582 12/31/2020 Andrescavage Chase 1514760 12/31/2020 Effective: 6/18/2020 2 of 75 M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Andrews Anna 604692 12/31/2020 Andrianifahanana Meva 1318655 12/31/2020 Angiers Michelle 468120 12/31/2020 Anguiano Jorge 418614 12/31/2020 Antenucci Robert 1507405 12/31/2020 Anthonis Jacqueline 1052268 12/31/2020 Antonyuk Evelina 1942841 12/31/2020 Aponte Elizabeth 1810117 12/31/2020 Appel Paul 808415 12/31/2020 Appiah Philemon 1853638 12/31/2020 Apple Tracy 1218177 12/31/2020 Arango Eileen 1242465 12/31/2020 Arango Thania 1051193 12/31/2020 Araujo Flores Egla 1791377 12/31/2020 ARBOLEDA CHRISTOPHER 572448 12/31/2020 Arcos Payan Maria Alejandra 1979037 12/31/2020 Arias Frias Alexander 1911286 12/31/2020 Ariola Anthony 481520 12/31/2020 Arner Sarah 1439624 12/31/2020 Arrington Imani 1805901 12/31/2020 Arsenault Melanie 481384 12/31/2020 Arteaga Richard 1643600 12/31/2020 Artes Rachael 1773470 12/31/2020 Arya Ravi 504167 12/31/2020 Aryal Ashima 1462628 12/31/2020 Ascot Judy 517442 12/31/2020 Asere Oluwaseun 1782099 12/31/2020 Ash Ashley 1933523 12/31/2020 Ash Denise 480759 12/31/2020 Askins Nichole 1221012 12/31/2020 ASLAM SARAH 1960868 12/31/2020 Assefa Melat 1326428 12/31/2020 Atitkar Madhura 491372 12/31/2020 Atwell Julienne 480910 12/31/2020 Aubry Megghan 1690892 12/31/2020 Augustine Maria 1783822 12/31/2020 Auman Tierani 1543175 12/31/2020 Austin Jennifer 474741 12/31/2020 Austing Kimberly 585231 12/31/2020 Awouvi Kossivi 1805599 12/31/2020 Aydin Jessica 1897526 12/31/2020 Ayende Crystal 1611314 12/31/2020 Azurin John 491221 12/31/2020 Babbitt Grant 1653808 12/31/2020 Babcock Lauren 1738566 12/31/2020 Babu Brigit 1054710 12/31/2020 Effective: 6/18/2020 3 of 75 M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Bace Jillian 1262797 12/31/2020 Bachman Deborah 467691 12/31/2020 Bachmann Christine 1991439 12/31/2020 Badame-Rodriguez Cynthia 451275 12/31/2020 Badillo-Harris Sarah 1203768 12/31/2020 Bagent Lisa 1698709 12/31/2020 BAH IBRAHIM 879392 12/31/2020 Bailey Krista 1432355 12/31/2020 Bailey Lanie 1942374 12/31/2020 Bailey Lewis 1942840 12/31/2020 Bailey Rhoda 665939 12/31/2020 Bailey Shannon 1881644 12/31/2020 Bailey Tina 1323742 12/31/2020 Baird Andrew 1467316 12/31/2020 Baker Cara 467895 12/31/2020 Baker Kayla 1688929 12/31/2020 Baker Mark 1621370 12/31/2020 Baker Sharen 751983 12/31/2020 Baker Stephenie 467884 12/31/2020 Bakoua-Bouesso Eleuthere 622076 12/31/2020 Bala Jyoti 1669133 12/31/2020 Baldeo Gitanjali 1271338 12/31/2020 Balderrama Saul 491349 12/31/2020 Baldwin Kimberly 467177 12/31/2020 Balk Michael 480734 12/31/2020 Ball James 1904078 12/31/2020 BALL JENNA 1898728 12/31/2020 Balogun Oyinlola 604679 12/31/2020 Ban Claire 468147 12/31/2020 Banach Monika 1294989 12/31/2020 Bancewicz Agata 1050646 12/31/2020 Bangali Kevin 1867532 12/31/2020 Baptiste Concetta 1900069 12/31/2020 Baran Patricia 1232068 12/31/2020 Barbaglia Anne 480777 12/31/2020 Barber Andrew 1748924 12/31/2020 Barcelo Sandra 474657 12/31/2020 Bard Amy 1155476 12/31/2020 Bares Chandler 656111 12/31/2020 Barford Victoria 1701115 12/31/2020 Barger Samantha 1729148 12/31/2020 Bargerstock Virginia 1379256 12/31/2020 Barnes Amanda 1911999 12/31/2020 Barnes Zainab 1627365 12/31/2020 Barnett George 960682 12/31/2020 Barnett Sandra 1196902 12/31/2020 Effective: 6/18/2020 4 of 75 M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Barnett Trisha 1753583 12/31/2020 Barrett Brenda 895231 12/31/2020 Barrett Carrie 1221009 12/31/2020 Barrow Shonta 1860855 12/31/2020 Barsano Aslin 1910684 12/31/2020 Barsoum Michael 899909 12/31/2020 Bartholow Bryan 1962058 12/31/2020 Bartlett Amber 1499651 12/31/2020 Barton Geoffrey 1105598 12/31/2020 Bartos Jeanne 1053507 12/31/2020 Bascope Judith 1896606 12/31/2020 Bassano James 1962064 12/31/2020 Basu Pratima 467801 12/31/2020 Bataille Rena 430315 12/31/2020 Batarseh Joseph 1653940 12/31/2020 Batista Alan 781461 12/31/2020 Batista Maribel 1409387 12/31/2020 Batool Syeda 1789737 12/31/2020 Batson Ja-Keysha 1913867 12/31/2020 Battineni Sudheera 1977015 12/31/2020 Bauer Helen 877885 12/31/2020 Beach Elisabeth 1876259 12/31/2020 Beachboard Lynzy 1418327 12/31/2020 Bealer Jaclyn 1655676 12/31/2020 Bean Brittney 1729149 12/31/2020 Beard Natasha 1684740 12/31/2020 Beardi Nicholas 1650685 12/31/2020 Bearup Rachel 928687 12/31/2020 Beaudry Michaelyn 1713438 12/31/2020 Beavers Kayla 1595870 12/31/2020 Beckerman Nicole 491267 12/31/2020 Beckett Janice 753034 12/31/2020 Beckford Saskaya 1897523 12/31/2020 Beckwith Penelope 1904077 12/31/2020 Beech Fern 1542205 12/31/2020 Beharry Kimberley 1512084 12/31/2020 Beke Jenny 1897524 12/31/2020 Belfiore Maria 1055721 12/31/2020 Belica Deborah 1542025 12/31/2020 Bell Susan 467650 12/31/2020 Bell Tierra 1831349 12/31/2020 Bellantonio Patricia 474864 12/31/2020 Bellomo John 1633971 12/31/2020 Bender Lindsey 1988092 12/31/2020 Bender Nancy 1491606 12/31/2020 Benjamin Lowell 396778 12/31/2020 Effective: 6/18/2020 5 of 75 M&T Bank, NMLS ID # 381076 Authorized Mortgage Originators Last Name First Name NMLS ID # Registration Expires Benkowski Nicholas 1165990 12/31/2020 Bennett Brittany 1685324 12/31/2020 Bennett Jennifer 1727207 12/31/2020 Berberyan Gayane 1760749 12/31/2020 Berdzik Jeffrey 903801 12/31/2020 Berg William 491424 12/31/2020 Berger Lynn 480675 12/31/2020 Bergold Michelle 1087859 12/31/2020 Bergstrom Eric 1180148 12/31/2020 Berl Mary 1437373 12/31/2020 Bernard Damion 1680169 12/31/2020 Bernard Theda 1820534 12/31/2020 Bernardyn Mark 467528 12/31/2020 Berry Jodi 475268 12/31/2020 Betker Kyle 1580816 12/31/2020 Betties Michael 1528712 12/31/2020 Beverage Katherine 467885 12/31/2020 Bhandari Gita 504163 12/31/2020 BHARATI LAKSHMI 1933522 12/31/2020 Bhatia Reema 961107 12/31/2020 Bhattarai Pokhrel Ranjita 1906704 12/31/2020 Bianzano Rachael 1800261 12/31/2020 Bien-Aime Breyan 1726720 12/31/2020 Biermann Michele 480869 12/31/2020 Bilic Aleksandra 1973079 12/31/2020 Bilinski Erica 467404 12/31/2020 Bill Martha 467318 12/31/2020 Bilodeau LauraLee 1218179 12/31/2020 Binkenstein Cheryl 1820942 12/31/2020 Biplob Monir 409795 12/31/2020 Birch

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