UK Independence Party, St. Austell and Newquay Branch Newsletter STAN’S DIGEST Spring 2014 BRANCH THE COMMITTEE (post AGM) COMMITTEE At the AGM on the 29th March the committee was virtually returned Chairman: unchanged but in order to involve representation from Newquay it was Steve Kendall decided to make the following changes: Vice chairman Steve Kendall (Chairman) - Unchanged David Hicks David Hicks (Vice-chairman) - New Secretary: Peter Wyath (Secretary) - Unchanged Peter Wyath Treasurer: Ian Procter (Treasurer) - Unchanged Ian Procter Keith Higman (Members Secretary) - Unchanged Members Members on the committee: Secretary: Doris Latham, Ron Hicks, Ray Almond, Mike Williams. Keith Hickman _________________ CORNWALL COUNCILLOR Mark Hicks We welcome arti- cles and/or letters “DIDN’T HE DO WELL? “ from members and On Wednesday , 26th March, Nigel Farage came out on top in his debate supporters. with Nick Clegg of the LibDems on LBC (shown on Sky News) . In this If they are suitable first confrontation, the BBC reported in a poll of viewers that Nigel came for publication we will edit them and out on top with a vote of over 60%. use them in future copies of the In his second debate, (shown on BBC2), on the 2nd April, Nigel achieved Digest. an even greater percentage win over Clegg with 68%. Send them to : In between, on Monday, the 31st March, he featured in a Channel 4 The Editor, programme “Nigel Farage, Who are you?” Stan’s UKIP Since then, another poll gave Nigel 69% and the membership of UKIP Digest, has dramatically increased to over 36,000 (over 2,500 in this year alone). 19 Singlerose There have also been several defections to UKIP from local authority Road, elected officials in other parties. Stenalees, St Austell. I think he did well, don’t you? PL26 8TD [For details see www.ukip.org] _______________ UKIP VINDICATED OVER CLAIMS THAT THE EU MAKES THE LAWS. Who is STAN? STAN is the news- EU Commissioner Viviane Reding [Luxemburg] admitted that Brussels letter of the ST. makes 75% or 80% of the laws in EU countries. I hope this dispels the Austell & Newquay idea that Nigel is not telling the truth. [Video of her statement is on Branch of UKIP www.ukip.org] STAN’S DIGEST A MESSAGE FROM STAN’S CHAIRMAN From Steve Kendall Just mention the word political conference, and most people think of hour upon hour of boring speakers. Well, I attended the UKIP Spring Conference at Torquay this year, and I must confess I did have a 15min doze in the afternoon, but I think this was due to the delicious lunch hosted by MEP William Dartmouth.( Well there has to be some perks for a branch chairman). The thing I noticed this time, was a much higher security to gain access to the conference, and I think this was due to uninvited infiltration by our opponents. There were a few protesters at the entrance, so I made a point of going up to them, trying to answer any grievances they put forward to me. It was difficult to see who I was speaking to, as they all had silly Ni- gel Farage masks on. However, I think they were only protesting for the sake of it. Upon entry, we were all given a small piece of fruit cake, to remind us of the con- temptible remark made by David Cameron, and I made my way into the coffee hall, where I met up with other Cornwall Chairmen. Here you could also meet and talk to some of the MEP candidates, and also the many TV crews who were present. A word of warning, if you ‘don’t’ want to get on TV, just give a perfect interview, with UKIP policy and political correctness, Mention Bongo bongo land, gays, or head butt the interviewer, and you will be on the evening news! As I do not want to bore you, I will not go into who said what, with the many speakers, but needless to say, the highlight was the speech by Nigel Farage. He was on top form, and gave a rallying call for the May elections, by saying. "If you believe we should govern our borders, if you believe we should control immigration, if you believe we should have a sensible immigration policy where we have not just quantity control but we have quality control as well, if you believe we should model our immigration system along the lines of a country like Australia, then vote Ukip on May 22." . _____________________________________________________________________________________ MEP ELECTIONS ON 22nd MAY 2014 By now you should have all had your National brochure for the MEP elections on the 22nd May, and our local candidate is Bob Smith, who will be counting on your vote. As this a Proportional Representation election, then every single vote counts, and we need as much support as we can get. If you are willing to put a garden board up, or leaflet, then please contact me on 01726843299, or [email protected], and I will be glad to arrange this for you. YOUR PARTY NEEDS YOUR VOTE 2 STAN’S DIGEST THE AGM Peter Wyeth writes: My first AGM as Secretary was held at the Rest & Play café in Roche to a well attended audience. Steve gave the report of an active year then he introduced Nigel Challis, the UKIP Chairman of Cornwall. He in turn gave an account of his work around Liskeard followed by his main message that we need to express ourselves publically in order to keep UKIP on the map and in the media. Our Cornwall Councillor Mark Hicks also spoke, giving a report on his work in the Council and a brief account of his past experiences. APPEAL FOR FUNDS I am delighted to say that we identified a very credible candidate for the General Election. He has the energy, skills and enthusiasm to more than equal our rivals. The final say will of course be with you, the members. We are required as a branch to pay for the election address, which is delivered free by the Royal Mail to every voter in the constituency. We have enough money to do that, but it will leave little left to actually fight the election. Some members have already given standing orders to their bank just for this purpose. To get the correct form please phone me on 01726 74873, e-mail [email protected] with your postal address, or write to me at 39 High Cross Street, St. Austell PL25 4AN. Ian Proctor (Treasurer) CUPBOARDS FULL OF OLD CROCKS Today's elections are not a good example of democracy in action. Take the three major parties in this country. They select the candidates in every constituency, not you. In fact many of the candidates may not even live in the your area. You are re- ally voting for the party. The candidate is only a mouthpiece for the party. Assuming your party succeeds in winning the election your MP may not be selected to be in the ruling elite, the Cabinet. This means he/she is reduced to being just voting fodder. If you really want to observe your MP in action you should watch Prime Minister’s Questions on Wednesday lunchtimes (BBC2 at noon). Any question that begins: “Does the prime minister agree with me ….?” is almost certain to be initiated by the whips to give the PM an opportunity to speak on a subject of his choosing. The real power of the government lies with the Cabinet. They make the decisions that affect us all and the Cabinet is selected by the PM from amongst his cronies. (At this time there seems to be a preponderance of Old-Etonians in this group.) Now how would you define a Cabinet? As a child I remember my parents had a free standing cupboard in our kitchen and it was called “The Kitchen Cabinet”. It was full of old crockery and kitchen utensils. Could the PM’s Cabinet be described as being a cupboard full of old (Etonian) crocks? UKIP is supporting a campaign to get rid of the Cabinet system in counties such as in Cornwall. Will YOU support this proposal? BG 3 STAN’S DIGEST WHY I JOINED UKIP I have come late in life to joining a political party, mainly because there has been no party that feels or thinks like me .Then last year I saw a clip on “you tube” in which Nigel Farage was pointing out the seem- ingly corrupt body of the EU’s so called Parliament. I voted not to join the Common Market as I was sure it meant that we would abandon our ties with the Commonwealth Country’s. Since then we now have Laws and Rules issued by Brussels at an alarming rate. UKIP now are the only Party that will stand up to this power mad body and if the British Public don't see this it will have to live with long term consequenc- es it brings. The uncontrolled immigration has put a strain on Housing, Health and Education and yet our main party's ignore this. It is the “Elephant in the Room” issue that they are afraid to speak of in case they are called racist. I have never been so angry with our Government, but at least we now have a Party that is not afraid to stand up for the British People and our way of life. In Cornwall we see the poorest locals unable to afford housing ,the schools are run-down and the roads are in an appalling state, and the Government cuts our funding whilst it dishes out foreign aid .
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