May 22, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E937 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS FOREIGN CAMPAIGN civilian communication satellites to be dent-athlete. He was the Captain of the Var- CONTRIBUTIONS: AN UGLY TALE launched by Chinese rocketsÐdespite Chi- sity Football and Varsity Basketball Teams, na's sale of missiles to Iran and nuclear and earned varsity letters in Track and Field. equipment to Pakistan that year and its pe- HON. DOUG BEREUTER rennial threats against Taiwan. The Chinese John has been very active in the National OF NEBRASKA military also benefited in that it buys mis- Honor Society, Concert Band, Student Coun- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES siles from companies like China Aerospace cil, Mock Trial, and Drama Club. John was also a delegate to Buckeye Boys' State, and Thursday, May 21, 1998 and relies on the health of the industry. Chung's attorney and officials of the Clin- participates in the Big Brother program. Mr. BEREUTER. Mr. Speaker, this Member ton administration and the DNC deny that Mr. Speaker, each year, I have the oppor- is greatly disturbed by recent revelations that Chung-related donations had any effect on tunity to nominate young men and women substantial sums of Chinese money found its U.S. policy toward China. But even if there from my district to America's military acad- way into the coffers of the Democratic Na- was no policy quid pro quo, federal law bans emies. I am pleased that John has accepted tional Committee. It is clear that campaign op- campaign contributions from foreign sources. his appointment, and will be joining the West erative Johnny Chung collected hundreds of DNC and White House spokesmen say that Point Class of 2002. He is a gifted student thousands of dollars from individuals and or- there was no way to know the origins of and a fine young man. I would urge my col- ganizations with direct links to the top eche- Chung's donations and that suspicious dona- leagues to stand and join me in paying special lons of the People's Liberation Army. tions were returned. Yes, they were re- tribute to John Sacksteder, and in wishing him Such activity confirms our worst fears, and turnedÐafter exposure in the press and in- well at West Point and in the future. is a threat to this nation's collective soul. This tense public pressure. f Member urges his colleagues to rise above And what of the documented concerns of politics and address this problem in the seri- White House staffers that Chung was a ``hus- CONGRATULATIONS TO MT. CAR- ous manner that the situation demands. tler'' bringing disreputable characters into MEL HIGH SCHOOL, NATIONAL the inner circle of the presidency? Why was Mr. Speaker, this Member would insert into OCEAN SCIENCES BOWL FINAL- he allowed into the White House 49 times? ISTS the record an editorial from the Omaha World- Why were he and his guests allowed to at- Herald of May 16, 1998, entitled ``Johnny tend exclusive fund raisers? Chung's Shocking Tale Puts Focus Back on Disclosures of the activities of Chung HON. RANDY ``DUKE'' CUNNINGHAM Donations.'' This entire body should reflect on make the efforts of House Democrats to shut OF CALIFORNIA the sober lesson expressed in this editorial. down the House portion of the investigation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES even more alarming. If the House investiga- [Omaha World-Herald] Thursday, May 21, 1998 tion collapses, as it appears about to, the JOHNNY CHUNG'S SHOCKING TALE PUTS FOCUS public is left with the Justice Department to Mr. CUNNINGHAM. Mr. Speaker, I rise BACK ON DONATIONS investigate the matter. The Justice Depart- today to pay tribute to students and teachers The get-it-any-way-you-can ethic of Demo- ment is headed by Attorney General Janet of Mt. Carmel High School, in San Diego, Cali- cratic National Committee fund raising for Reno, whose refusal to recommend an inde- fornia, who recently came to Washington as the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign has pendent counsel to investigate these matters national finalists in the first annual National come into more focus. Johnny Chung has re- has become a national disgrace. portedly told federal investigators that he Ocean Sciences Bowl. channeled money from the government of f The National Ocean Sciences Bowl is an communist China to the DNC. academic competition among teams of high This should be a shock to America. It A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO JOHN P. school students designed to increase their would be if the Clintonites had not appar- SACKSTEDER ON HIS APPOINT- awareness and understanding of the oceans ently been successful in convincing the peo- MENT TO ATTEND THE UNITED and ocean sciences. It provides an opportunity ple that they should be interested more in STATES MILITARY ACADEMY AT for U.S. oceanographic research laboratories, the Dow Jones Average and federally sub- WEST POINT, NEW YORK like the Scripps institution of Oceanography in sidized day care than in old stories about unproven scandals. San Diego, to develop strong connections with Chung pleaded guilty in March to cam- HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR their local primary and secondary schools. paign-related bank and tax fraud and is co- OF OHIO And it creates a unique national education operating with investigators. Most of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES event in honor of the International Year of the $100,000 he provided the DNC in the summer Thursday, May 21, 1998 ocean, which is this year, 1998. of 1996 came from the Chinese military, I am particularly proud of the team from my Chung said. Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to congressional district, at Mr. Carmel High His contact was Liu Chao-ying. She was a pay special tribute to a truly outstanding young School. This past spring, they won well-con- lieutenant colonel and a vice president in charge of international trading for China man from Ohio's Fifth Congressional District, tested Southern California Regional Ocean Aerospace International Holdings Ltd. Liu's John P. Sacksteder. John recently accepted Sciences Bowl. The regional competition drew father was China's top military commander his offer of appointment to attend the United the cooperation of the Birch Aquarium, the and a Communist Party leader. American States Military Academy at West Point, New San Diego County Office of Education, the companies were prohibited from doing busi- York. San Diego Science Alliance, the San Diego ness with China Aerospace in 1991 and 1993 John, who is from Fostoria, Ohio, will soon Science Educators Association and the because the company had illegally sold mis- be graduating from St. Wendelyn High School, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, all of siles to Pakistan. and beginning one of the most educational, re- The Justice Department reportedly has which I want to recognize for their support. documents to verify the relationship de- warding, and challenging experiences of his Let the permanent RECORD of the Congress scribed by Chung, who arranged for Liu to be life: his four-year commitment at West Point. of the United States show that the teachers photographed with President Clinton when While attending St. Wendelyn High School and students of Mt. Carmel High School have she was in the United States. Chung was able in Fostoria, John distinguished himself as an distinguished themselves in the field of ocean- to get Liu and another Chinese national into outstanding student and a very fine student- ographic studies as national finalists in the Na- an exclusive Clinton fund-raiser in July 1996 athlete. In the classroom, John has attained a tional Ocean Sciences Bowl. In tribute to their after sending the DNC a check for $45,000. 3.88 grade point average, placing him among hard work, I insert into the RECORD a sum- That same month, Chung set up a California the tops of his class. John and his family can mary of the Mt. Carmel team provided by the corporation for Liu and himself. This alleg- edly was a vehicle through which donations certainly be proud of his academic achieve- Consortium for Oceanographic Research and could flow from China to the DNC. ments. Education, whose President, Adm. James D. Liu's aerospace company benefited from In addition to his excellent scholastic record, Watkins, USN (Ret.), has provided extraor- U.S. policies in 1996 that allowed American John has proven himself to be a talented stu- dinary leadership in this and many other fields. · This ``bullet'' symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. E938 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 22, 1998 MOUNT CARMEL HIGH SCHOOL, SAN DIEGO, voted ``no'' on rollcall Nos. 156, 157, 158 and in which he strongly believed. The Washington CALIFORNIAÐSOUTHERN CALIFORNIA RE- 159. I also would have voted ``yea'' on rollcall Post called him ``an uncompromising, indefati- GIONAL OCEAN SCIENCES BOWL Nos. 160 and 161. gable and often irascible champion of liberal Team Coach: Harold W. Dorr teaches Intro- f causes.'' Initially gaining notoriety for his skill- duction to Oceanography and Zoology. He ful use of the filibuster in blocking legislation, also teaches college courses at Palomar Col- HONORING THE VOLUNTEERS OF lege in San Marcos. Mr. Dorr has a BS in bio- Senator Metzenbaum became in later years THE CITY OF SAN BERNARDINO, an important coalition-builder and legislator. logical sciences from San Diego State Uni- CA versity and a MS in marine science from the He authored or co-authored countless amend- University of San Diego.
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