South Carolina's Oldest Newspaper IN COUNTY $340 IN STATE $400 Georgetown, S. C. 29440 Thursday, October 2, 1969 Vol. No. 173 - No. 46 OUT QT STATE |Mg New Industry Not Required SCE&G Says Georgetown Warrants Natural Gas Now South CaroUna Electric and Gas is prepared to build a nat­ ural gas system to service the Georgetown area regardless of whether a prospective new in­ dustry locates here. A SCE&G spokesman said a study by his company indicates economic justification exists now for construction of a $3,- 825,000 pipeline and distribu­ tion system. Allan C. Mustard, senior vice president, told The Times PUMPING STATION—A raw water pumping station is being built for the City of SCE&G would build the Georgetown at the end of International Paper Company's canal from the Pee Dee River Georgetown natural gas system in Georgetown. Water will be pumped two and a half miles as part of the $1,250,000 if permitted by the South Car­ project to service the Georgetown Steel Corporation. The line and station are being built olina Public Service Commis­ by Hefelfinger, Inc. sion regardless of whether Mid­ land . Hoss located a $15 mil­ lion plant here. "Our decision to come to Construction Of $900,000 Georgetown is not dependent on the industry's decision to locate there," Mustard said. Hearings by the Public Serv­ Andrews Wire Plant Begins ice Commission on whether SC­ E&G or CaroUna PipeUne Com­ Construction has started on a manufacturer of steel. pany would be assigned About a $900,000 plant for George­ Some 80 persons will be em­ Georgetown County in its serv­ Town town County's newest industry, ployed in the plant of the new ice area now are in the third Andrews Wire Corporation. Andrews industry and 10 as week. A contract has been awarded office personnel. If given a certificate of ne­ Yeargin Construction Company cessity and convenience to of Greenville to build the 66,000 Yeargin Construction is service the Georgetown area, square feet facility near the scheduled to complete construc­ SCE&G would start immedi­ Andrews Airport. tion of the industrial facility by ately acquiring right of ways Andrews Wire will manufac­ January 20, 1970. and could have a natural gas ture spring wire and low car­ A deep well and elevated system here in operation with­ AHOY THERE—A shrimp boat seems to be riding the Sampit River backing up into streets through drain­ bon plating quality wire for up­ tank has been built by the in a year, weU before Midland high and dry in the middle of Orange Street in this age lines. It's all a part of living in the low country holstery springs and various Georgetown County Water and Ross would need gas should it photo taken on a street level by photographer I. B. where tides come and go but present startling scenes mechanical springs for the au­ Sewer District to service An­ locate its peUetizing plant in Felder. Extreme high tides find boats at street level and in the process. BAND BOOSTERS tomotive and other industries. drews Wire, the first industry Georgetown County, Mustard TO ORGANIZE The new industry will ob­ to locate in an industrial park said. An organization ^peeting oA tain its raw material from east of Andrews near the air­ The SCE&G official deni» a me Ua nd Booctei cfLo v th w Georgetown Steel Corporation, port. charge by CaroUna Pipe* ,f ^uu un Monday, October 1?. that electric service lay at the at 8:0' t'Mio toe Band Room. Carolina Pipeline Claims root ot the natural gas dispute Not only parents of children in between the two utilities. the band, but any interested SCE&G notified the South citizen is invited to attend CaroUna Public Service Au­ thority (Santee Cooper), which NURSES MEETING services much of Georgetown Industry Key To Gas Here A meeting of the South Car­ County with electricity, shortly olina Nurses Association, Dis­ after Georgetown County offi­ A large industrial user of Another CaroUna PipeUne expand into the Georgetown $10,000 in 1967. trict No. 1 will be held at the cials asked SCE&G to develop natural gas is the economic key official, Arthur C. McCaU of area. Carolina Pipeline charged Georgetown County Memorial a gas system here. to bringing gas to Georgetown, GreenvUle, testified Tuesday Extension of gas service to last week that South Caroline Hospital in the class room on Mustard said Santee Cooper Carolina PipeUne Company that without a contract with Hemingway, five miles from Electric and Gas' bid to sup- Thursday, October 9th at 8:00 and SCE&G have a similar ar­ officials contended at PubUc Midland . Ross CPL would CPL's present. terminal in CONTINUED ON PAGE 1 P.M. All registered nurses, ac­ rangement for utiUty service Service Commission hearings not be economically justified JohnsonvUle, would not be feas­ tive and inactive, are urged to for an industry in another on territorial rights to the sea­ in extending its system to ible if Georgetown County is attend. An interesting program county with Santee Cooper port city. Georgetown now. divorced from Carolina Pipe­ Three Injured • has been planned. supplying electricity and SCE- John A. Warren, president of When a contract with Mid­ Une territory, Max Earwood, a &G natural gas. the pipeUne company, said he land - Ross is obtained, work CPL official stated. LAKEWOOD REVIVAL The same cooperative effort had worked for 11 years seek­ on the Une wtil start, he said. Earwood said his company When Car Hits Lakewood Baptist Church tor providing basic utilities is ing to economically find a way Loss of territorial rights to would not have had to lay an will hold a series of revival envisioned i n Georgetown to extend his company's sys­ Georgetown County would ad­ eight - inch line to JohnsonvUle meetings from Oct. 5 - 12. Rev. County if SCE&G is permitted tem to Georgetown. The com­ versely effect the future of if it had not anticipated event­ Telephone Pole L. W. Wiggins, pastor, will be to service this area, the com­ pany held a Georgetown fran­ CaroUna PipeUne, McCaU said. uaUy serving the City of Three persons received minor the speaker. Mr. Bob Howard pany spokesman said. chise for 11 years to service the He claimed that past expansions Georgetown. South Carolina E- lectric and Gas, which seeks injuries when a oar went out will conduct the music and a A study of the potential city with natural gas. were predicated on the premise Georgetown area market for the company eventuaUy would the Georgetown territory, ban of control on the South end of nursery will be provided. Warren said he unsuccessful­ natural gas indicated a 7.35 to ly sought to persuade Interna­ proposed building a 16 - Inch Pawleys Island about 4:15 A.M. 1 ratio oi cost to revenue, Mus­ pipeUne to Georgetown through Sunday, striking a telephone KENSINGTON CARNIVAL tional Paper Company's Cotillion Club tard said. Georgetown Mill to purchase Berkeley County, crossing the pole beside the marsh. The Kensington Halloween SCE&G provided natural gas natural gas several years ago to Elects Officers heart of that county with gas. Injured in the accident were Carnival will be held at the .service at Fairiield on the basis make a pipeline to Georgetown R. A. Ransom, a Washington Roger Creel Etheridge, driver Kensington Elementary School of an 8.21 to 1 ratio and at Ir­ feasible. For New Season consulting engineer, stated he of the vehicle; David McDonald on Saturday, November 1, from on on a 7.1 to 1 ratio deter­ Clayton M. BuU has been e- beUeved an eight - inch pipe­ and Herby Cusack. 5 P. M. until 9 P. M. Until the prospective Mid­ mined by a preUminary gas land - Ross plant appeared on lected president of the George­ Une would be adequate for the Georgetown firemen were study. Georgetown area and its pros­ called to wash gasoUne off of MOOSE WOMEN the industrial scene with its town Cotillion Club, succeed­ "On that basis, we feel nat­ need for huge volumes of nat­ ing WiUiam W. Doar, Jr. pective industry. Church Street about 2:30 A. M. The Women of the Moose will ural gas is economically justi­ ural gas, a $3 miUion extension Ransom said a natural gas Sunday, foUowing an accident held a regular enrollment Other new officers include fied in Georgetown County re­ of the pipeline system from survey he conducted in 1961 in which an automobile over­ meeting on Monday night, Oc- James G. McKinney, vice pres­ gardless of whether the propos­ JohnsonvUle to Georgetown for CaroUna PipeUne showed it turned. (ti tober 6 at 8 PM at the Moose ident; Dr. George E. TUler, sec­ ed industry locates there," had not been feasible, Warren was not feasible to go to Gas spilled from the over­ Lodge on Broad Street. retary - treasurer; R. J. Ferdon, CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 maintained. Jr., executive committeeman. Georgetown then without Inter­ turned car driven by James national Paper as a customer. Daron Mincey, who suffered a SPCA ADOPTION EAGLE SCOUT—Dal Avant, seen here with his pa­ rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dalvin Avant, is the first member of Asked if International Paper broken nose in the one vehicle The Georgetown SPCA has ever purchased gas from the accident. for adoption a solid white, part Troop 300 to receive the Eagle Scout Award. A member of Winyah's basketball and track teams, Dal is vice presi­ eight - inch Une system would Meanwhile, the second of Persian cat and two mixed- CaroUna PipeUne have to ex­ nine teenagers injured in an breed dogs.
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