qtrqfq wrd @ SECTION.l FRAIVIE EXECUTION OF WORK FOR THE WORK UNDER- REPAIRS TO SOUTH SIDE BURJI OF MEHMAN KHANA AT TAJ MAHAL, AGRA MANUAL BIDS SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED. CRITICAL DATE SHEET Bid Start Date 05t02t2021 Bid Document Downio;d i Safe Start-Oaie 05t02t2021 Bid Submission CtosingOate 1610212021at 15:00 Technical Bid OpeningDate 17 10212021at 1 5:30 Financiat Bid Opening Diie?nme After Opening Technicat eid Validity of Bid 90 days from the date of opening. REPAIRS TO SOUTH SIDE BURJI OF MEHI\/IAN KHANA AT TAJ MAHAL, AGRA I The Archaeological Survey of lndia Agra Circle, Agra inv,ites online Bids in the prescribed form under the double Bid system i.e. technical and Financial Bid for Execution of work REPAIRS TO SOUTH SIDE BURJI OF MEHMAN KHANA AT TAJ MAHAL, AGRA 1. The system of e-tendering shail be adopted as doubre Bid. Tender documents may be downloaded from Cppp site AS per the schedule as given in CRITICAL DATE SHEET. Z. Bid Submission: Applicants/ intending or interested Bidders are invited to submit their online proprosal after carefully reading the Request for Proposal (RFP) by providing necessary document and submission of BoQ. Such proposal are to be submitted onlirre within the stipulated date ard time as mentioned in the Tender Document and as given in CFIIICAL DATE SHEET Bids shall be: submitted online onlyrily atcrr vrrrCppp weostlg:website: nups://eplil rela Bid documents may be scanned with 100 dpi with black and white option which help in reducing size of the scanned document. 3. Earnest Monev Deposit: The Hard copy of original instruments in respect of cost of earnest money must be deposited to the SUPERINTENDING ARcHAEoLocrsr, ARcHAEoLocrcAL suRVEy oF rNDrA, AGRA clRcLE' 22 MALL RoAD, AGRA on or before Tender opening date/ time as mentionecr in criticar date sheet. The offer without EMD will be rejected summarily EMD is to be supplied by all the bidde,rs except those who are registered with centrat Purchase organization, National small lndustries Corporation (NSIC) or MSME. 4' Tender cost --gf . rg4der:.-RS^ _??:4?:s!1r- (RS. TWENTv TWo LAKHS FoRry rwo rHousAND F|VE HUNDRED FORTY oNe oruiVl -:Contact Details:- Contact Person s0PERtNTENDiNG ARa,HAEotocrsr SUPERtNTENDtNG ARcHAEoLoG lsr, ARCHAEOLOGICAL Address for communication SURVEY OF INDIA, AGRA CIRCLE, 22 MALL ROAD,AGRA e-mail - [email protected] Contact No. 0562- 222726'1 REPAIRS TO SOUTH SIDE BURJI OF MEHMAN KHANA AT TAJ MAHAL, AGRA 2 ErB,r-4$-ftfq.{rq"3 Ft L E N O-03 tT AJ t 40 t2d2i -20",21 tw GOVERNMENT OF lNDlr\ office of the trm,m Archaeorosist orqfflu ortfreil{ g{rd-dEq Archaeological Survey of lndia ?Tn-frq gvrfrf, w{mq Agra Circle,22 Mall Road, Agra 2g2001 qu-gFl, -qJd slrrr{t 22 ts, srm 282001 NOTJC_E INVITING TENpEB FIItrfl sTrDrUI q.{i.I The superintending Archaeologist, Archaeological survey of.lndizr, Agra circle, Agra, invrtes behalf of the President of lndia, portit e-tencter on the thr;ugh cPP tor tne i:!.".ry,,.q works as per the work REPAIRS To specification given berow under sourH slDdBURJl oF MEHMaT rHaNA r,T TAJ thenal, contractors of Archaeological AGRA from the registered survey of lndia or uny Cuniirl Gorurnrent oepartment. 3{fiaq qRfiq Ssrddftq g{racq *r{efl 3rFRr srcd, 3TFrrr. rTt{q-r qBqq .i {ryqftI +.} ei{ si sllo dto ,1jo elcic.r q); fr ord REPAIRS To sourH slDE BURJT oF MEHMAN KHANA AT TAJ MAHAL, 1r{(lrq de s."m* d q,fi-q( acne dq rl{rrir,i ,{r,jerur ,rr fu-fi fiqrq d ddcrfi + I a"sc ,r#i,i'**o, t, Eliqibilitv Criteria: - qEff,f +IMeg:- 1' The firm/Agency should have reqistration in ASI or any central Government Department. o. q-SZgfrS oT +r-{frq gvrils s{qr"r * +s s.r{ +'#.t frrnq r| ffisyur s}+r qrpdr 2. Tl".firm/Agency should have GST registration. s. s-ql\r$St 6 crfl fro q,;fi-osr V*o Oo #qr qret r 3. ffe firyla.gency Should rr have registration in EpF and ESl. E-dlq$fr d qm {fr\q 3fli $qq3lri q ffi diT ;Ct i- 4' should have income tax return for the tast lff 5i11',_i3iJr", three financiat year (2017-20,t8,20,18-201s s mdZq-SS o) frird (zorz-zo fic q$o o{ 18, 2o1s-201e Tcr 201e- zozo) wsrp1w p7g qvr qrf&l e}cr r 5' The Firm /Agency should have experience for q+s similar nature of work at the heritage sites /Monument. s s-q./ ol ftgrnir rercil/ Hr*D'{ o.H d ."" ; ffi qlrrq'$;; *ruq , 6' The firm/agency should have average annual financial"qfr turno,ver during the last 3 years ending 31,r March of the p.revious.financial year, should be at r".rt-iii,u" certificate ri"'i"nou. cost i.e. Rs. 6,72,76 2t-. A in this r-ega.ra issued oy ffre cA has to be "i .F-d submitted. s. 7q+S d qrs ft#d fr-dq qq a qrd .F) ,, irrfr .it;Jftrq s ad .$ dg{ str$ir .rrffio ld*ftq oders fthfl vrPr or o-q d E-q 30 sfrsrd Ei-{r qrB} rrrft ro 6,12,762t- fut So go rmr qrfi sqrq, q, ti rq d rcgo o-r* *.n t 7' The firm / agency-sho-uld-completed three similar nature of work costing not less than tender cost i'e' 8,97,016/' oR Two similar 40%of the Nature of works costing not less than s0% of the tender i'e' Rs" 11'21'271t- oR one similar Nature cost of work costing not leis tnan aor of the tender 17'94'0331'' And thauthose work/works cost i.e. Rs. should have bee-n cornpreteo'during the last seven years. i.e. 20,t2-2013 to 201 9-2020. financial s-d s 7q-ss o1 wqrc a-qRf d fi-{ ord frfuqT vrfu ao rfrvro g,g7,016/- * * oq r-fi srfi uo qr d *r,rr.r s-e-ft or orq' frfu{r qrfu or so sfrsrf, * o-q l_s qrft qr r'o 11 ,21,271/- qo wrrt ffi oT .rr*r ftlill n*r .lr srtrd .ft sq fr{ orql qsr ffiH HH fl-::,i1"1,'::j;. r# o\ ftv-d wo friftq .} <rr,r .1tr 8' Copy of work order and completion certificate should required. be uploaded on cpp portal as per tender q' 6Td qTeYI 3ilY unrT xfor T{ of vftftft on-€q?D ftrfqT d ar-gwn $o fto fio qlfo qs srq"i)s of "rr.ft "]rfei r REPAIRS TO SOUTH SIDE EURJI OF MEHIVIAN KHANA AT IAJ MAHAL, AGRA 3 The eligible contractors may upload their tender documents. online only gov'in/ eprocure at cppp website: httos:// orocure. /app' upto 15:d0 hours of 16102t2021 wnicn hours will be opened on dated 17to2t2o21at 15:30 cr, #ER d.To fro SIo fio ae-strc n,,p,,rr"oroa,rr,".oor.,nraoroarrarroo ,* etq.) Dficr ri(rlr.)ul y r:,:0, 021at15:30 *or qrq,nr TENDER]Itj?1101"t 695 rrrrrv I v'\r I Tworuutr' rHousAmiMeInvUDANU FlvE nuruoneDHUNDRI I 9TE^ONIp roniV srRr:- ro 22,42,541.00 (ro e[$-i{ dlg I @1ro-,mfl-e :.----rr) srxrY ;tiffi*.nFouR 01'rln--- :HE#[sr,ilr;-iTRi* vo;; il;;if.lfit$;i 5"t-"#rHousAND (Exemption as per rutes) i i The earnest money should be in the form of FDR drawn ,,supERlNTENDlNG ARCHAEoLoGIST' in raroff of the ARGHAEoLoGICAL SURVEY oF lNDlA" Payabte at Agra guaranteed by of any scheduted bank the Reserve Bank of lndia and enclose with the tenoler. 3rrlr;la llfri \-Do so erno d i;q d ftft-il d lrrq s-erl 6Fil q1ftq q1 "qnfi-q grqr fifr 3l-Jqfrd R,q.j d.r, rrqfihr 3r,rr{r ch fi ilo i 3{tfier"r r{kTdh-q, ,od" g*,u- 3rrRr qn-sd, 3{ma qa ri "i* d tq ri r Time allowed for completion of work will be 210 Days which will be reckoned after fifteen days from the date of issue of order' Tenders of the contractors who do nclt deposit earnest money in favour of the SUPERINTENDING ARCHAEOLOGIST, ARCHAEOLOGICAL SI..IRVEY OF INDIA, AGRA CIRCLE iN thE prescribed form will be liable to be summarily rejected. ortl f,u *i.{tr qrru 210 'S'n YTqd R'I fud orrl srr*r di +1 <ir{rsq d rr,ii. fl.ii d .ir,i *i qr.rr wvrlTIsc ffii of ftilET\ furq.r cilg'ft a{flerrr 'irff c gtroof.}q ,,i,to grr,i.r rrilerq 3{rrl(T rru.s(.r, (h rrel ,\ fiqtRd rrfrT q*n znrd 'nfr 3rJl{r 'rfr H r conditions and tender forms can be downloaded from our ASr website www asraoracircle4 and e- portal eprocure.qov'in. w'e.f. o5to2t2o21 to 16t02120ii upto 1s:00 hours of each day. ftfail cd w qq{ 6qrft to-*rr{:,t YYry.asiaoracircleh :rtt e-portal eprocure.qov.in. sJ f,}.,+, 0510212021 d nqrn 1610212021 upto 15oo .d d* qr fibq irq,-d r =Tuqdt-s d No tender shall be entertained after this deadline under any circumstances what so ever tenders will be opened on'l7lo2t2o21AT The Bids of 15:30 HRS. in the presenr:e of authorized representative as may wish to be personally present. of Bidders [s srrq SrT d qrE qRRarft ,ft qq ffi fi d o]{ ft-filET fi-qR q-S fuqr W\-rrT I fifd,ir3{i +t tr+,llf,}, .lif),rr *#ildT3il d eiD-qo cftftfu sfi sqRerft ql tuftf,,rf, { r;q il sqftcrflil l) fe+ro 17102t2021 o'i 15:30 .r,.r ,rqi,.lr "urn.li I Tender documents are available in the ASI website.ww\,v.aslirqracircle-in and e-portal The bidder must attach the copy cggqLr*-ggy_Ln.
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