Agenda AGENDA FOR A MEETING OF THE EDUCATION, LIBRARIES AND LOCALISM CABINET PANEL IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER ON TUESDAY, 5 JUNE 2018 AT 10:00AM ___________________________________________________________________ MEMBERS OF THE EDUCATION, LIBRARIES AND LOCALISM CABINET PANEL (13) (Quorum 3) J Billing, A P Brewster, C Clapper, T L F Douris (Chairman), M S Hearn, N A Hollinghurst, T R Hutchings (Vice Chairman), J R Jones, A K Khan, A Plancey, A F Rowlands, J F Wyllie, M A Watkin Meetings of the Panel are open to the public (this includes the press) and attendance is welcomed. However, there may be occasions when the public are excluded from the meeting for particular items of business. Any such items are taken at the end of the public part of the meeting and are listed under “Part II (‘closed’) agenda”. The Council Chamber is fitted with an audio system to assist those with hearing impairment. Anyone who wishes to use this should contact main (front) reception. Members are reminded that all equalities implications and equalities impact assessments undertaken in relation to any matter on this agenda must be rigorously considered prior to any decision being reached on that matter. Members are reminded that: (1) if they consider that they have a Disclosable Pecuniary Interest in any matter to be considered at the meeting they must declare that interest and must not participate in or vote on that matter unless a dispensation has been granted by the Standards Committee; (2) if they consider that they have a Declarable Interest (as defined in paragraph 5.3 of the Code of Conduct for Members) in any matter to be considered at the meeting they must declare the existence and nature of that interest. If a member has a Declarable Interest they should consider whether they should participate in consideration and vote on the matter. Agenda Pack 1 of 194 PART I (PUBLIC) AGENDA 1 1. MEMBERSHIP AND REMIT OF THE PANEL To note the membership of the Panel as stated above, and the remit which is as follows: The responsibilities of the Executive Member for Education, Libraries & Localism - School improvement and standards, school place planning and admissions, relations with maintained schools and academies, Herts for Learning, further and higher education. Culture including libraries, museums and the arts. Localism, volunteering, relations with the voluntary sector, District Council local strategic partnerships, relations with Town & Parish Councils, Armed Forces Covenant Board lead. 2. MINUTES To agree the minutes (Part I and Part II) of the last meeting of the Education, Libraries and Localism Cabinet Panel held on 17 April 2018. 3. PUBLIC PETITIONS The opportunity for any member of the public, being resident in Hertfordshire, to present a petition relating to a matter with which the Council is concerned, which is relevant to the remit of this Cabinet Panel and which contains signatories who are either resident in or who work in Hertfordshire. Members of the public who are considering raising an issue of concern via a petition are advised to contact their local member of the Council. The Council's criterion and arrangements for the receipt of petitions are set out in Annex 22 - Petitions Scheme of the Constitution. If you have any queries about the petitions procedure for this meeting please contact Stephanie Tarrant, Democratic Services Officer, by telephone on (01992) 555481 or email [email protected]. Notification of intent to present a petition has been received for the following petitions:- 1. Armaiti Bedford, details provided under 2A below. 3A. TO RECEIVE A PETITION FOR COUNCIL - TO SAVE HERTFORDHIRE PUBLIC ART COLLECTION Report of the Director of Resources Notice has been received that Armaiti Bedford wishes to present a petition in the following terms: “Hertfordshire County Council wants to ‘dispose’ of 91% of its public Art Collection. Out of a total of 1,826 artworks, only 167 are to be retained. The rest are to be sold or otherwise dispersed. If these plans go ahead, a significant body of art, mostAgenda of itPack bought 2 of with 194 public funds and including 2 many works by celebrated modern British artists, will disappear into private hands and be lost to the public forever. What is the Collection? The majority of it began in 1949 as the Hertfordshire Schools Art Loan Collection, giving all children in schools across the county the chance to see, use and be inspired by original works of art. Today this comprises 1,496 works by local and national artists, and includes paintings, prints, drawings, sculpture, ceramics and textiles. It includes work by Barbara Hepworth, John Nash, George Chapman, Sylvia Gosse, Anne Redpath, Keith Vaughan, Edward Wadsworth, Carel Weight, Josef Herman, Joan Eardley, Malvina Cheek, John Tunnard, Alan Davie, Chris Orr, Peter Blake, and many other highly regarded artists. It is a significant part of Hertfordshire's heritage. As one of very few remaining local authority school art loan collections, it could also be of wider importance. What’s going on? This Collection was suspended in 2012. According to the Council's most recent Report, other options to use and fund the Collection, such as collaboration with the County’s museums and galleries, have not been explored. The Council estimates the sale of art will raise a maximum of £300,000 net. This one-off amount equates to just 0.03% of its £817 million annual budget. The Council recently consulted on the initial 428 artworks proposed for sale, but not on its overall plans for the Collection. What can you do? We need your help to show Hertfordshire County Council that the public Art Collection it holds is a valuable cultural resource - we want it to remain in public-ownership for the benefit of us all. We want the Council to: Revoke the authority given to the Director of Resources to sell artworks Seek alternative funding and management options for the Collection Ensure the artworks are retained in Hertfordshire Place the Collection in Trust for the benefit of current and future generations” A report on the subject of the petition is attached (3A). 4. PROPOSAL TO RECONFIGURE EXISTING SERVICES TO SCHOOLS TO SUPPORT THEM TO MEET THE NEEDS OF PRIMARY AGED CHILDREN WITH SPECIFIC LEARNING DIFFICULTIES (SPLD) BY 31 AUGUST 2018 Report of the Director of Children’s Services 5. RELOCATION OF THEAgenda PRIMARY Pack SUPPORT 3 of 194 BASE AT SPRINGMEAD 3 PRIMARY SCHOOL, WELWYN GARDEN CITY Report of the Director of Children’s Services 6. HERTFORDSHIRE’S STRATEGIC PLAN FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE 2018-21 Report of the Director of Children’s Services 7. ENLARGEMENT AND RELOCATION OF WESTFIELD PRIMARY SCHOOL, HODDESDON, OUTCOME OF PUBLIC CONSULTATION Report of the Director of Children’s Services 8. DEVELOPER CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEW SCHOOLS Report of the Director of Children’s Services and the Director of Resources 9. ‘SHARED HERITAGE’ STRATEGY: INFORMATION UPDATE Report of the Director Resources 10. OTHER PART I BUSINESS Such other Part I Business which, if the Chairman agrees, is of sufficient urgency to warrant consideration. PART II (‘CLOSED’) AGENDA EXCLUSION OF PRESS AND PUBLIC There are no items of Part II business on this agenda. If Part II business is notified the Chairman will move:- “That under Section 100(A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public be excluded from the meeting for the following item/s of business on the grounds that it/they involve/s the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph/s ... of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the said Act and the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.” If you require further information about this agenda please contact Stephanie Tarrant, Democratic Services, on telephone no (01992) 555481 number or email [email protected]. Agenda documents are also available on the internet at https://cmis.hertfordshire.gov.uk/hertfordshire/Calendarofcouncilmeetings.aspx KATHRYN PETTITT CHIEF LEGAL OFFICER Agenda Pack 4 of 194 4 Minutes To: All Members of the Education, From: Legal, Democratic & Statutory Services Libraries and Localism Ask for: Stephanie Tarrant Cabinet Panel, Chief Ext: 25481 Executive, Chief Officers, All officers named for ‘actions’ EDUCATION, LIBRARIES AND LOCALISM CABINET PANEL 17 APRIL 2018 ATTENDANCE MEMBERS OF THE PANEL J Billing, A P Brewster, C Clapper, T L F Douris (Chairman), B A Gibson, T R Hutchings (Vice Chairman), M S Hearn, A Plancey, M A Watkin, S K Jarvis, J F Wyllie OTHER MEMBERS IN ATTENDANCE D A Ashley, F Button Upon consideration of the agenda for the Education, Libraries and Localism Cabinet Panel meeting 17 April 2018 as circulated, copy annexed, conclusions were reached and are recorded below. Note: No declarations of interest were made at this meeting. PART I (‘OPEN’) BUSINESS ACTION 1. MINUTES 1.1 The minutes (Part I and Part II) of the previous meeting held on 6 February 2018 were agreed. 2. PUBLIC PETITION 2.1 There were no public petitions. 3. ‘INSPIRING LIBRARIES’ – DELIVERING THE NEXT PHASE [Officer Contact: Andrew Bignell – Head of Libraries and Heritage Services Tel: 01707 281559] 3.1 The Cabinet Panel considered a report which detailed the work undertaken to explore the case for adopting an alternative delivery model for Hertfordshire Libraries. CHAIRMAN’S INITIALS Agenda Pack 5 of 194 ……………. 1 3.2 The Panel noted the work of the multi-disciplinary project group and the initial preferred option of a Public Service Mutual being the most appropriate alternative model for the delivery of library services, subject to a full business case. It was noted that the Public Service Mutual model provided the greatest scope to achieve future benefits within an affordable model.
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