Fall Home Improvement Pages 8A & 9A 57 FREE Years We will be Open See Page 7A for Monday, Oct. 8 ECRWSS PRSRT STD US Postage PAID Permit #2 North Haverhill, NH POSTAL CUSTOMER Independently Owned & Locally Operated OCTOBER 03, 2018 | WWW.VERMONTJOURNAL.COM VOLUME 57, ISSUE 19 BF American Legion joins in Centennial celebration BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. – In 2019, scars, wounds, and memories. help me in putting together a War II than I thought I would. I’ve With one World War II veteran the American Legion will be turn- And they still made this com- complete history. The fam- seen raw perspectives from men I found, not only artifacts from ing 100 years old. The Pierce Law- munity a better place to live. ily of Phileas Grignon and who held their emotions in for so her service, but also her husband’s ton Post #37 has a rich history of I realized the history of Post Mary Francis (Grignon) Clark many years. I could see I jogged from World War II, and her father veterans who not only served their #37 and the veterans of Bellows and James Carr opened their memories they had not returned to from World War I. It was a trea- country but came back and served Falls have never been collect- homes to me for this project. in many years. sure chest of papers and magazines their communities in every aspect ed. There were memories and I did not realize how diffi- April 20, 2019 will be an open from 1920s to ‘40s. So you never of life. stories but nothing concretely cult it would be. The Histori- house for the community to see know what you may have. They were businessmen, doctors, put all together with timelines cal Society has no records on what we have uncovered. For those I hope everyone will look at www. dentists, lawyers, and judges. They and facts. When we forget our World War I. World War II families who may have relatives, centennial.legion.org and search were teachers and principals; post history, we forget their sacri- is slim as well. The public li- friends, or just be history buffs, “Vermont Post 37” and see what masters to postal workers; town fices and their contributions. brary had Bellows Falls Times we hope they will find something we have. We will be adding more managers and town clerks. More That is why people never knew articles on microfiche, but the good about what we have uncov- each and every week. It has been importantly, they did more than how important they are. So, pictures could not be printed ered to celebrate our first 100 years an honor to learn more about the just live and work here. They made with the help of The American so it was also limiting. serving others in this community. men and women that have bravely certain that kids around this com- Legion National organization’s Instead, I have interviewed We are accepting any pictures, answered the call of their country. munity were given the support they centennial website, I began World War II veterans in uniforms, artifacts, news clippings, I am proud to be a veteran and needed. They were mentors and collecting history. I contacted town and asked a lot of ques- or anything that will tell the story certainly proud of the members of leaders. They made this commu- Jim Managan, Larry Clark, tions. Everyone has been so of veterans from this Post or the lo- Post #37. nity great. They saw the horrors of and Doug and Tom MacPhee, Bellows Falls Veteran, Reuben Miller. gracious. I have learned more cal area. You can reach me by email war and they came back with those and asked if they would like to PHOTO PROVIDED BY ROBERT MILLER about Bellows Falls and World at [email protected]. Written by Linda Perham. Wastewater treatment plant ribbon cutting BY BETSY THURSTON ed chemical storage building. cover, which increases methane gas knowledged this was temporary, but The Shopper The Bellows Falls WWTF was built storage. The gas produced is then gave the Village time to find a long- in 1987 and refurbished in the early used to heat the sludge and advance term solution. Although it looks like BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. - The rib- 2000s. In 2011 they started the up- anaerobic digestion as well as power compost, the sludge is a Classified B bon cutting ceremony at the Bellows dating process including the head- much of the plant in the summer and and unable to be used as such. Falls Wastewater Treatment Facility works and rotating biological con- heat the processes and buildings in The last upgrade was the addition was held Saturday, Sept. 29 and was tactors (RBCs). the winter. of a Dewatering Press, which greatly followed by a tour of the facility. Mu- The LM Mixer purchase was sup- Along with the additional build- reduced water content and overall nicipal Manager Wendy Harrison ported by an Efficiency Vermont ings and efficiency upgrades, Wheel- weight of the compost-like sludge. offered the heavy duty scissors to incentive offer. The Bellows Falls er added that they shifted from oil This was the first screw press to be State Senator Jeanette White and Vil- WWTF was the first in the state to to propane for all heating systems. installed in any Vermont WWTF. lage President Deborah Wright who install this efficient mixing technol- The facility seems to be operating at Summing up the goal for all up- performed the ceremonious cut. ogy. It has an oscillating motion, and similar costs as before, but Wheeler grades, their brochure reads, “ Bel- Wastewater Treatment Facility Chief the vortex blade plunges for digester said, “We need a year to see where we lows Falls wanted… to serve their Operator Rob Wheeler, Select Board mixing using 70 percent less energy are at…” with comparative operating Village wastewater customers for Chair Susan Hammond, and Devel- than the conventional models. costs. the next 20 plus years with reliable, opment Director Gary Fox were also The double “balloon” membrane Currently, there is no space for cost-effective and energy efficient present. cover replaced a failed steel cover. sludge removal and a three-year equipment… [and] also stabilize op- Wendy Harrison, Gary Fox, Deborah Wright, Jeanette White, and Rob Wheel- Wheeler give a tour of the facility, Bellows Falls is the first plant in the contract was approved for Casella erating costs over the life of the re- er at Sept. 29 ribbon cutting ceremony. beginning with the newly construct- state of Vermont using this floating to truck it to Coventry. Harrison ac- furbishments.” PHOTO BY BETSY THURSTON SHS students are “not throwing Congo Church Quilters support away their shot” at Hamilton Springfield Area Parent Child Center BY KAREN ENGDAHL one-time high school English SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - Springfield To request one of SAPCC’s Wel- the program coordinator, Celeste The Shopper teacher, wrote the book and the Area Parent Child Center serves come Baby Bags, or find out more Marquise, at 802-886-5242 or email musical after being inspired by Ron families in southern Windsor and about this program, please contact [email protected]. SPRINGFIELD, Vt. - What do you Chernow’s 2004 biography of Al- northern Windham counties with get when you mix the creative efforts exander Hamilton. “Hamilton” is a numerous programs and services. of a former Manhattan English teach- sung and rapped-through musical Welcome Baby Bags are just one er, the life story of a famous American about the life of American Found- of the wonderful programs of- Founding Father, a mixture of musi- ing Father Alexander Hamilton, fered by the parent child center. cal styles from rap to show tunes, the incorporating hip-hop, R&B, pop, These bags are filled with useful amazing talent of Broadway’s best the- soul, and traditional-style show materials for new parents, includ- ater people, the generosity of a foun- tunes and color-conscious casting ing a beautiful one-of-a-kind re- dation devoted to American History, of non-white actors as the Found- ceiving blanket, often made by the the enthusiasm of local teachers and ing Fathers and other historical fig- Congregational Church Quilters students, and the price of “one Ham- ures. of Springfield. ilton?” An opportunity to learn about The show, which opened on This group of eight to 15 ladies professional theater behind the scenes Broadway in August of 2015, meets twice a month for a day and see a live performance of “Hamil- SHS librarian Jen Wasyliko. earned the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for of social time, snacks, and sew- ton: An American Musical” in Boston. PHOTO BY KAREN ENGDAHL Drama, 2016 Grammy for Best Mu- ing! They take their mission se- Thanks to a program funded by the sical Theater Album, and was nom- riously – fellowship, service, and Gilder Lehrman Institute of American research using primary sources and inated for a record 16 Tony Awards, learning. To date, this group has History, high school students through- create an original piece - a rap, song, of which it won 11. donated over 200 blankets to the out New England will participate in script, letter, or something else - that “It’s a one-of-a-kind opportu- Welcome Baby Bag program, on learning activities culminating with a could be performed. Out of all the nity,” said Wasyliko, “an amazing top of the many other charitable matinee performance of the musical at submissions, we’ll choose one to vid- combination of American history, efforts they contribute to. They the Boston Opera House Nov.
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