AVBRAOB DAlLg ODUJULATKIN tut tlw ew etb o f ■eptiMber. IMS 5.436 VOL. U V - NO. 14. ;d aftga ld i) MANCHESTER, CONN„ TUESDAY. OCTOBER 16, 1934 Youth Admits Hiding Child’s Body In Furnace TYPHOON IN MANILA AWAIT REPORTS CLAIM HAUPTMANN OF CHEMIST IN CAUSES MUCH LOSS LEFT KIDNAP NOTE CHILDJURDER At Least Five Are Dead — PAL OF ASSASSIN IN LINDY NURSERY Police Keep Constant Guard Thousands Made Home MAKES CONFESSION Over Connectient Man less — Damage May OFFICERS BLAMED | Handwriting Expert Reports Fearing He Will Attempt Reach Seyeral Millions. Tells French Pofice He Was FOR SHIP TRAGEDYj R*®"® Notes Snidde. Similar to One Left at Manila, P. I„ Oct. 16.— (A P )—At to Also Fire Shots at King •east five persons lost their Uvea and Mount Vernon, N. Y., Oct. 16.— Monro Castle’s Skipper and Lindbergh Home on tbe thousands were left homeless by a Alexander. P ) — Pathological analysis of sudden tropical typhoon whicb on his clothing and smears on Night of the Abdnetion. twisted ManUa from a weU-ordered an apttrtment house basement floor Subordinates Acensed of Melun, France, Oct. 16— (A P ) .c ity into a confuaton o f debris in tee were awiBted today to draw tee Tbe Surete Natlimale announced to- early morning hours today. mesh of stafe^ evidence more close- Negligence by Board. day that Mlo KiaJ, aUaa Sylvester New York, Oct 16.—(A P)—At- ly about Lawr^u^e Stone, 24. for tee Five drownlngs in one section of Malny, aUas Chelny, bad confessed torney Genera] David T. Wllentx, of tbe city were tee first fatalities re- killing Sunday o f^ o n c y Jean Costi- he wae sent to Marseille with New Jersey, told Supreme Court ported in tbe violent storm. gan, 5. X New York, Oct. 16.— (A P ) — The "Petrus Kalemen" to assassinate Justice Ernest E. L. Hammer that "It seeme a miracle teat there are Police kept a constant over World Telegram says a preliminary King Alexander of Yugoslavia. tee Lindbergh ransom notes, which not numerous deaths in view o f tee tee prisoner in an inn'^ cell at "Kalemen," whose real name was report of tee United tatea steam- he claimed the state had proved failing roofs, trees and poles," said headquarters to prevent iiia, trying Vlada OeorMeff, a Macedonian to commit suicide. N boat Inspection service denounced were written by Bruno Richard Go'vemor General Frank Murphy revolutionary leader who also called Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. C os^ a n tee conduct of Capt. William F. Haupttnonn, “ are an ad^sslon and after a survey of tee havoc-strewii himaelf "Tschernocemaky,” actuaUy of Forest Hills were to leave N8w Warms and four o f his subordinate a confession on tee part o f Haupt- city. "Everything has been done that killed tee King but tee authorities York at 1:16 o’clock this afternoon' officers of the ill-fated Morro Cas- mann teat he waa in the baby's can be done to prevent suffering. said KraJ told teem he find-before on the North Shore Limited carry- tle. and ordered them before a room tee night of tee kidnaping.” He said estimates o f damage m tee assasalnatioD because be feared ing in an urn the ashes of their h()ar(l Oct. 29 to show cause why The attorney general's statement ManUa alone varied from S250.000 tc he would Injure other persons in tee only child for burial at Chicago. their licenses should not be sus- came after Albert D. Osborn, hand- SJ.500,000. attempt to take tee King's life. Stone, descendant of a once! pended''or revoked. writing expert testified with "rea- Extent of Damage In broken German, KraJ told the wealthy and landowning Connecticut The World Telegram said that sonable certainty" teat spedmens Associated Press today teat he had No reliable source attempted to Yankee family, feeble-minded and tee report Ahows that had tee ves- of Hauptmann’s handwriting were been in Marseilles. Lawrence Clinton Stone (top), fur- guees tee extent of damage north of three times confined In correctional sel been stopped and tee SOS sent identical with teat of tee kidnity " I am a Croat," declared KraJ. nace-nuin at an exclusive Mount Panic stricken after having killed 5-year-o1d Nancy Jean Costigan, the city where tee gale reached iU Institutions before he was 18, in- when the fire flrst discovered notes. "What I did and what I wanted to Vernon, N. Y „ apartment house, con- height as it roared across Luxon Lawrence Stone, 24, is said to have confeased placing her body in sists the child was dead before he tbe loss of life would probably have . Wilentz dramatically read ex- do were for Croatian liberty.” Here fessed to pdllce teat he placed the been less. X . island ripping thatched huts o f tee disposed of her body but county au- cerpts from the ransom notes, in- KraJ's Germs i failed him and he body of 5-year-old Nancy Jean Cos- tee furnace of tee building In which she was visiting relatives natiVM to bits, flooding roads and thortUes believe otherwise from tee According to tee p^rar tee re^ cluding one which asked "'Why did waa unable to say more. tigan (below) in tee buildlhg’a oil Blowing down power and communi- in Mount Vernon, N. Y. A detective is shown examining tee fire evidence In tee apartment base- port shows teat tbe cretv of tee you ignore our letter we left in His Cmfeeelon burner. His confession asserted she cation lines. ment. Morro Castle, after lowering, teem' your room." Another quotation The Surete said that in his con- died when struck by a ball he threw box o f tee oil burning furnace in which her cremated bones were Manila was a scene o f desolation Child Not Dead selves into the sea in lifeboauv^ail' was "N ow we will send you the fession, KraJ called Egon Kvaternik at her in play. found. os convicts, poUce and city work' ed to aid passen,' era left on th e sleeping suit fro’ i tee baby,” and a ^ tee "delegate” o f Dr. Ante Paveltch, Medical Ebcamlner Amos O. boat. men, Joined to clear debris strewn third asked “ Did you send tbe little head of tee revolutionary secret so- Squire and District Attorney Frank Warms Accused 'iMckage to Mr. Lindbergh? It con- streets. Streets and parks were H. Coyne, withholding official state- flooded. Thousands of trees were ciety Ustoshl. The confession is al- Acting Captain Warms, accord' telned tee sleeping suit from the lege to say teat Kvaternik disap- ments, are of, tee opinion Nancy was uprooted by tee 57 miles an hour Ing to tee World Telegram, was aC' baby,” peared 0(ff, 9, bn tee morning of not yet dead when Stone carried her wind. Four ships were washed ALEXANDER’S BODY cused of negligence in five separate An AdraUelon tee assassination after shaking IDLE ARE ON INCREASE from room to room in the apart- specifications. Chief Engineer Eben The last note, tee attoraey gen- ashore. Telephone and telegraph bands with Georgieff and KraJ at ment basement and finally to the S. Abbott, Second Officer Clarence eral conte^ed, was an "admiamm'* poles were blown down. Business ^x-en-Provence and giving teem furnace. The man stated tee fire Hackney, Third Officer Harold Han from Hauptfiiann that he had tak- and transportation were at a stand LYING IN STATE was not burning, but Janitors say •tUl. final instructions on tee killing. sen and Assistant Chief Engineer en tee sleeping suit from tee Lind- T am going away," Kvaternik D E C L ^ S SEN. W A L C O n tee furnace had been lighted con- Antonio R. Bujlo, are ail charged In bergh baby. No Warning. was aald to have told tee pair. "You tinuously for several days. specifications, tee paper says. In testifying teat Hauptmann al- U&like tbe leaser typhoons Whicb knoi^ tee King Is arriving. You Dr. Squire expected to receive Acting Chief Officer Ivan Free' legedly had written >Shs ransom preceded it in recent weeks, tee also know what you must do— go sometime today from Dr. Gilbert man was tee only deck officer who notes, Osborn said he had made a Thoasands of Yugoslavs File trof>ical storm struck without warn- to Marseilles and fire on tee King." Says Recovery Efforts Dalldbrf of Grasslands hospital was not found negligent by tee comparison of tee handvriltlng in ing. ofjsEEKING TWO MEN KraJ, saiij tee police, admitted analysis oT blood from Stone's cloth- board, tee World Telegram says. these exhibits "B " and "E ,” which Ships had no time to leave their that he and Georgieff arrived in Past His Bier in Belgrade; ing, from tee basement floor, of two According to the paper, tee re' were admitted specimens of Haupt- anchorages behind the breakwater Administration Have Been MarseiUea at 3:30 p. m. on the day Mount Vernon Policemen hurt in an port, signed only by Captain Karl mann's handwriting. The flrst note and aeek safety in broad Manila Bay. o f tee oasaaalnaUon and immedlate- IN STOLL KIDNAP accident responding to tee murder C. Nellsen and James Smith, InspeC' contained tee original demand tot;_ While the heaviest property dam- Queen Near Collapse. iy picked m favorable spot in the Spent — No Important (mil. and of Stone himself. The ac- tors of tee New York District, ransom. age probably was in ManUa, weath- crowd along the thoroughfare where cused fays be was cut helping tee In raferring to the note marked makes no mention of tee Ward line, er bureau officials said loss of life the King would pass.
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