Vertical Files A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U - V | W | X - Y | Z A A1 Automotive Ltd. A2Z (musical group) A & E Computer Services A & R Services Ltd. A & W Restaurant ABA Access (company) A.B.M. see Lundrigans ACAP (Atlantic Coastal Action Plan) SA St. John's Harbour A.C.C.E.S.S. see Association for Co-operative Community Living, Education & Support Services ACE (Association of Collegiate Entrepreneurs) see M.U.N. - ACE ACE (Atlantic Container Express) SA Oceanex A.C.E. (Atlantic Container Express) see ACE ACME Financial Inc. A.C.O.A. see Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency ACRO-ADIX School of Acrobatics ADI Nolan Davis (NF) Limited AE Bridger (musical group) A.E. Hickman Co. Ltd. A.E. Services Ltd. 1 A/F Protein Canada Inc. AGRA Earth & Environmental Limited A.H.M. Fabricators Limited A.H. Murray & Co. SA St. John's Buildings & Heritage - Murray Premises A. Harvey & Co. A.J. Holleman Engineering Ltd. A.J. Marine A.L. Collis & Son Ltd. A.L. Stuckless Ltd. A.L.S. Society of Canada (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) A.M. Carew Gallery AM/FM Dreams (musical group) AMI Offshore Inc. A.M.P. Fisheries Ltd. A.N.D. Co. Ltd. (Anglo Nfld. Dev. Co. Ltd.) A.N.D. Company Players (theatre group) A.P.L.A. see Atlantic Provinces Library Assoc. APPA Communications (after May 1992, see: Bristol Communications Inc.) ARDA see Rural Development ATV Association of Newfoundland and Labrador A Dollar a Day Foundation SA Health - Mental A Legge Up Therapeutic Riding Facility Aaron's Sales and Lease Ownership 2 Abbacom Logic Corporation Abbott Brothers (musical group) Abbeyshot Clothiers Abilities (store) Ability Works Abitibi-Price Inc. (end of 2004) (2005) (2006- ) SA Price Nfld. Able Home Centre Able Sail NL (non-profit group) Aboriginal Artists of Newfoundland and Labrador Aboriginal Land Claims see Indigenous Peoples (General) - Naskapi/Montagnais - Inuit Abortion Abracadabra Magic Theatre Abydoz Environmental (company) Acabella (musical group) Academics for Nuclear Disarmament Academy Canada Academy of Learning Acadia Gas Engines Ltd. Acadians in Newfoundland SA French in Newfoundland Acan Windows Inc. SA Labour Disputes Accent (musical group) 3 Access Centre Access to Information and Privacy Protection (ATIPP) Office Accessibility for the Disabled SA Handicapped Accessories Plus (store) Accidents (end of 2004) (2005-2009) (2010- 2013) (2014 – 2017) (2018- ) SA Traffic Accidents Achieva Educational Services (company) Acid Rain Acoustic Zoom Inc. Acquaintance Ensemble Act 3 Restaurant see Pinafore Acting Up Entertainment (theatre group) Action Lazer (company) Action Truck Caps & Accessories Acushla (musical group) ACZEN Innovations Inc. Adams & Associates Addahome Development Inc. Addiction Treatment Centres Addictions Awareness Committee SA Substance Abuse Adelaide’s Newfoundland Honey Inc. adfinitum Network Inc. Admiral Bliss (company) Admiralty House Museum and Archives SA Comm. File: Mount Pearl 4 Adnatech see Comm. File: Buchans Adopt-A-Highway Program Adoption Adrianna's Lingerie and Evening Wear Boutique Adult Enrichment Day Centre Adult Survivors of Child Abuse Advanced Autoworks & Detail Care Advanced Immuni T Canada Inc. (AITI) Advanced Office Equipment Ltd. Advanced Podiatric Institute (Foot Clinic) Advanced Training and Services Inc. Advantage Signs & Graphic Design Ltd. Adventure Log Homes Adventure Sales & Service Adventure Tourism Adventure Tourism Association of Newfoundland and Labrador Adventure Tours see Ships File: Scademia Advertising Advisory Council on the Economy (before 1991, see: Economic Council of Nfld. & Lab.) Advocate Mines Ltd. SA Comm. File: Baie Verte Advocates for Senior Citizens’ Rights Adwise Associates (company) AERO Bowling League see Sports & Recreation - Bowling 5 AERO Dynamics Newfoundland Ltd. Affordable Homes see Housing Afinin Labs Inc. Afonso Group (business) After Silence (musical group) Afterforever (musical group) Age-Friendly Newfoundland & Labrador (AFNL) Grants Aged (end of 1999) (2000-2004) (2005-2009) (2010-) SA Health - Home Care; SA Nursing Homes; SA Housing; SA New Horizons; SA Fifty-Plus Outreach Association; SA Golden Age Senior Services; SA Retirement Communities Agent Orange Agile Sensor Technologies Inc. Agnes Pratt Home see Nursing Homes Agriculture (end of 1979) (1980-1999) (2000-2005) (2006-2009) (2010-) SA Sprung; SA Provincial Farm Women's Assoc.; SA Poultry Industry; SA Farm Produce; SA Livestock; SA Dairying; SA Peat Agricultural History Society of Newfoundland and Labrador Agricultural Research Station see Agriculture Agrifoods Industry Ahrm's Way (theatre group) AIDS (3 files: 1. to end of 1989; 2. 1990-1999; 3. 2000- ) Aim Services Aims Ltd. Air Atlantic SA Dobbin Group of Companies; see Bio. File: Dobbin, Craig Air Cadet League (end of 2004) (2005-2009) (2010-2014) (2015- ) 6 Air Canada Air Labrador Air Nova Air-Tite Sheet Metal Ltd. Air Tite (musical group) Air Travel (up to 1989) (1990-1999) (2000-2009) (2010-) Airbnbs Airials Gymnastics Circus Troupe Airplane Accidents (up to 1989) (1990-1999) (2000-2009) (2010-) SA Arrow Air; SA Cougar Helicopters Flight 491 Tragedy Airplanes - Models Airport Inn Airports see Air Travel; St. John's Airport Aislin House (musical group) SA The Palmer Girls (musical group) Aker Solutions Canada Aladdin’s Hookah Lounge Albatross Motel Albedo (musical group) Albert Fayth (musical group) Alcan Aluminum Ltd. Alcohol & Drug Dependency Commission (after March 1992, see: Drug Dependency Services) Alcohol & Drugs (end of 1989) (1990-1999) (2000-2004) (20005-2009) (2010-) SA Food & Drink; SA Drunk Driving; SA Labrador Inuit Alcohol & Drug Abuse Program; SA Substance Abuse 7 Alcohol & Drugs – Cannabis Legalization Alcoholics Anonymous SA Substance Abuse Alder Institute Inc. Alec G. Henley and Associates The Alexander Murray Geological Club Alfa Pizza (company) Aliant Inc. Aliant Pioneers SA NewTel Pioneers Alice Productions (company) All Events (business) All Pro Roofing Ltd. All-Star Insurance see Bio. File: Atkinson, Doug All Terrain Vehicles see Sports and Recreation - ATVs All That Music (company) All the Wiles (musical group) Allagash (musical group) Allandale Nurseries (1978) Ltd. Allen's Fisheries Ltd. Alliance of Deep Sea Fishing Communities see Fisheries 1992 Alliance of Manufacturers and Exporters of Newfoundland (AMEN) Alliance Security Systems Allied Health Services Allied Youth SA Drug Dependency Services 8 Allstar Furniture (company) Alpine Country Lodge Altair Marine Systems Ltd. Altera Newfoundland Technology Centre Alternative Bookstore Co-operative see Books for a Change Alternative Measures Program SA Young Offenders; SA Youth Crime; SA Youth Diversion Program Altius Minerals Corp. Always & Forever Formalwear (business) Alzheimer's Disease Amalgamation see Municipal Government - Amalgamation SA Elections, Municipal - 1992 Amateur Songwriters Association of Newfoundland see Music and Song, 1990- Ambassador Newfoundland and Labrador Program see Politics & Government – Programs Amber Alert Program Ameil Constructors Ltd. American Federation of Musicians of the United States and Canada (AFM) Local 820 American Hockey League see Sports & Recreation - St. John's Maple Leafs Amina Anthropological Resources Association Inc. (AARA) Amnesty International (Group 60) SA Human Rights Anchormen Barbershop Chorus Anchors Aweigh (musical group) Anderson Engineering Consultants Inc. Andrew Palmer and Associates Anecdotes and Jokes SA Folklore - Folktales; SA Humour 9 The Angel Fund Angel House Antiques Angelina's Bridge (musical group) Angels Corner (memorial) The Angelshakes (musical group) Anglican Church of Canada (up to 1999) (2000-2009) (2010 – 2016) (2017- ) Anglo Newfoundland Dev. Co. Ltd. see A.N.D. Co. Ltd. Animal Control Centre see Animals, treatment of Animals (General) SA S.P.C.A.; SA Wildlife Diseases - Alpacas - Bats - Bears - Beaver - Buffalo - Caribou - Cats - Coyotes - Dogs (up to 2004) (2005-2010) (2011-2015) (2016-2017) (2018- ) - Fox - Goats - Hares - Horses - Lynx 10 - Mink - Moose - Pine Marten - Rats - Reindeer - Sheep - Squirrels - Wolf - Therapy animals - treatment of Anna Templeton Centre for Textile Studies Anniversaries see Cabot Anniversary Celebrations; see Confederation Celebrations Another North (musical group) Anstey, Pardy, Pelley, Inc. see APPA Communications Anthony Insurance (company) Anti-Entertainment (theatre group) Anti-Litter Campaign see Refuse and Refuse Disposal (General) Anti-Poverty NL Anyday (Musical Group) Apollo Group Apostolic Faith Mission Apothecary Hall see Comm. File: St. John's - Buildings & Heritage Appalachian Chalets and RV Appalachian Component Homes Ltd. see Comm. File: Stephenville 11 Apparel Design Consultants Inc. Apparel Producers of Newfoundland & Labrador Apple Auto Glass (company) Appraisal Institute of Canada – Newfoundland & Labrador Appraisal Services Ltd. (company) Apprenticeship Board Apps (mobile/software applications) April Wine see Bio. File: Henman (Family) Aqua Alert see M.U.N. - Whale Research Group Aquarena SA Labour Dispute Aquatek Environmental Inc. Aquatic Centre for Research and Education (ACRE) Aquatic Foods Ltd. Aquaculture see Fisheries - Aquaculture Aqueon (musical group) Arby's (company) Arcade Stores Archaeology SA Newfoundland and Labrador Archaeological Society - General File - Bird Cove Site - Blaketown - Boyd’s Cove (Notre Dame Bay) - Burnside 12 - Cape Ray - Churchill River Power Project - Colony of Avalon (Ferryland) - Cupids - Dildo Island - Fleur De Lys - Fort Townshend - Harbour Grace - Isle Aux
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