NEW ADDITIONS TO PARLIAMENT LIBRARY English 000 GENERALITIES 1 Cortada, James W. The digital flood: the diffusion of information technology across the U.S., Europe and Asia / James W. Cortada.-- Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. xix, 789p.: tables: figs.; 25cm. ISBN : 978-0-19-992155-3. 004 COR-d B203205 Price : RS.**3650.00 2 Davies, Dombro L. Library and information science / Dombro L. Davies.-- New Delhi: Random Exports, 2013. viii, 320p.; 25cm. Bibliography: p. 317-318. ISBN : 978-93-82226-31-4. 020 DAV-l B203067 Price : RS.**1495.00 3 Deshmukh, Shamkant, ed. Digital libraries and modern era / edited by Shamkant J. Deshmukh.-- Delhi: Ancient Publishing, 2013. 272p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-81385-67-8. 025.04 DES-d B202838 Price : RS.***675.00 4 Paithankar, Rajiv Rameshchandra, ed. Information system in digital libraries / edited by Rajiv Rameshchandra Paithankar.-- Delhi: Ancient Publishing, 2012. vi, 264p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-81386-64-7. 025.04 PAI-in B203200 Price : RS.***675.00 5 Chavan, Subhash P., ed. Cataloguing and libary classification / edited by Subhash P. Chavan, and Aute Govardhan Pralhadrao.-- Delhi: Ancient Publishing, 2012. vii, 280p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-81385-65-4. 025.31 CHA-c B203014 Price : RS.***675.00 6 Mathew, Mammen, ed. Manorama Yearbook 2013 / edited by Mammen Mathew.-- Kottayam: Malayala Manorama, 2013. 1040p.; 20cm. R 030 MAT-m B203088 Price : RS.***200.00 7 Ghosh, Vijaya, ed. Limca book of records: India at her best / edited by Vijaya Ghose.--special cinema ed.-- Gurgaon: Coca-Cola, 2013. 396p.: plates; 27cm. ISBN : 978-93-82867-00-5. R 030.954 LIM-g B203442 Price : RS.***500.00 8 Samaddar, Ranabir Passive revolution in West Bengal: 1977-2011 / Ranabir Samaddar.-- New Delhi: SAGE Publications, 2013. xxv, 240p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-321-1094-1. 070.44 SAM-p B203453 Price : RS.***650.00 9 Hawkins, Ed Bookie, gambler fixer, spy: a journey to the heart of Cricket's underworld / Ed Hawkins.-- London: Bloomsbury, 2012. vii, 232p.; 24cm. Bibliography: p. 229-232. ISBN : 978-1-4088-4130-3. 070.449796358 HAW-b B202541 Price : RS.***345.00 10 Ansari, Md. Yakub Muslim freedom fighters of India: selected documents / Md. Yakub Ansari.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2013. 2vols; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-5053-157-0. 080 ANS-m B202839,V.1; B202840,V.2 Price : RS.**2500.00 11 Bhattacharya, Manoshi Chittagong: summer of 1930 / Manoshi Bhattacharya.-- New Delhi: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012. 419p.: plates; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-5029-212-9. 080 MAN-c B203084 Price : RS.***450.00 150 PSYCHOLOGY 12 Magoon, Atul Extraordinary: 5 steps to achieve success / Atul Magoon.- New Delhi: Penguin Books, 2012. xi, 140p.; 20cm. ISBN : 978-0-143-06843-3. 158 Q2 C70544 Price : RS.***199.00 13 Sandel, Michael J. Justice: what's the right thing to do? / Michael J. Sandel.-- London: Penguin Books, 2009. 308p.; 20cm. ISBN : 978-0-141-04133-9. 172.2 P9 B204001 Price : RS.***499.00 14 Sandel, Michael J. What money can't buy: the moral limits of markets / Michael J. Sandel.-- London: Allen Lane, 2012. viii, 244p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-1-846-14472-1. 174.4 Q2 B204000 Price : RS.***650.00 15 Reddy, Prahlada Yoga for you: tips and techniques for everyone / Prahlada Reddy and Shameen Akthar.-- New Delhi: Westland, 2012. vii, 212p.: plates; 20cm. ISBN : 978-93-82618-02-7. 181.45 Q2 B202987 Price : RS.***250.00 200 RELIGION 16 Vardhan, Vijai Kurukshetra: timeless sanctity / Vijai Vardhan; photographs by Atul Sharma.-- New Delhi: Wisdom Tree, 2013. xv, 115p.: plates; 25cm. ISBN : 978-81-8328-298-7. 203.5095414 Q3 B203188 Price : RS.***995.00 17 Sharma, Jyotirmaya Cosmic love and human apathy: swami Vivekananda's restatement of religion / Jyotirmaya Sharma.-- Noida: HarperCollins Publishers, 2013. xxvi, 300p.; 21cm. ISBN : 978-93-5029-564-9. 294.556 Q3 B202983 Price : RS.***499.00 18 Ranjodh Singh Nankana Sahib and Sikh shrines in Pakistan: a spiritual odyssey / text and photography by Ranjodh Singh.-- Ludhiana: Wisdom Collection, 2012. 120p.: plates; 31cm. ISBN : 978-93-5067-128-3. 294.635095491 Q2 B203006 Price : RS.**1469.00 19 Brown, Vahid Fountainhead of Jihad: the Haqqani Nexus, 1973-2012 / Vahid Brown and Don Rassler.-- Gurgaon: Hachette, 2013. xiii, 320p.: plates; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 295-305. ISBN : 978-93-5009-636-9. 297.72 Q3 B203448 Price : RS.***650.00 300 SOCIOLOGY 20 Rege, Sharmila Against the madness of Manu: B.R. Ambedkar's writings on brahmanical patriarchy / selected and introduced by Sharmila Rege.-- New Delhi: Navayana Publishing, 2013. 266p.: tables; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 245-260. ISBN : 978-81-8905-953-8. 303.330811 Q3 B203345 Price : RS.***350.00 21 Abdul Kalam, A.P.J. Thoughts for change: we can do it / A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and A. Sivathanu Pillai.-- New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 2013. xxv, 289p.: plates: figs.; 24cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-8274-707-4. 303.4830954 Q3 B203055 Price : RS.***495.00 22 Rosenberg, Tina Join the club: how peer pressure can transform the world / Tina Rosenberg.-- London: Icon Books, 2011. xxiv, 402p. ; 24cm. Bibliography: p. 371-379. ISBN : 978-184831-300-2. 303.484 Q1 B203450 Price : RS.***499.00 23 Gaikwad, Atma Ram Dynamics of social reform movements: an analytical synthesis / Atma Ram Gaikwad.-- New Delhi: Cyber Tech Publications, 2013. viii, 232p.: tables; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 220-229. ISBN : 978-93-5053-135-8. 303.4840954 Q3 B202880 Price : RS.***800.00 24 Gandhi C.M., ed. Social and cultural history of India / edited by Gandhi C.M.-- Delhi: Ancient Publishing, 2012. vi, 272p.; 23cm. ISBN : 978-93-81385-62-3. 303.4840954 Q2 B203034 Price : RS.***675.00 25 Gudavarthy, Ajay Politics of post-civil society: contemporary history of political movements in India / Ajay Gudavarthy.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2013. x, 263p.: tables; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-321-1041-5. 303.4840954 Q3 B203347 Price : RS.***695.00 26 Ouedraogo, Francois D. Sourcebook on social violence and unrest / Francois D. Ouedraogo.-- New Delhi: Random Exports, 2013. viii, 328p. ; 24cm. Bibliography: p. 323-326. ISBN : 978-93-82226-50-5. 303.60954 Q3 B203066 Price : RS.**1395.00 27 Susewind, Raphael Being Muslim and working for peace: ambivalence and ambiguity in Gujarat / Raphael Susewind.-- New Delhi: Sage Publications, 2013. ix, 159p..; 23cm. ISBN : 978-81-321-1042-2. 303.66095451 Q3 B203171 Price : RS.***550.00 28 Suryanarayan, V., ed, Conflict resolution in South Asia / edited by V. Suryanarayan and Teresa Joseph.-- New Delhi: Reference Press, 2013. x, 308p.: figs.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-8405-079-0. 303.690954 Q3 B203287 Price : RS.***950.00 29 Neerja Arun, ed. Voices and versions: Indian diaspora discourse / edited by Neerja Arun.-- New Delhi: Creative Books, 2013. xxiii, 276p.: tables; 22cm. (Creative new literature series; 144). Bibliography: p. 270-276. ISBN : 81-8043-098-7. 304.80954 Q3 B203338 Price : RS.***700.00 30 Bhattacharya, Arundhati Indian women at the crossroads / Arundhati Bhattacharya.- New Delhi: Adhyayan Publishers, 2013. viii, 145p.: tables 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-8435-377-8. 305.40954 Q3 B202783 Price : RS.***450.00 31 Kelkar, Govind, ed. Women, land and power in Asia / edited by Govind Kelkar and Maithreyi Krishnaraj.-- New Delhi: Routledge, 2013. xx, 388p.: tables: figs.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-0-415-66214-7. 305.420954 Q3 B203446 Price : RS.***995.00 32 Kolaskar, Ashok S., ed. Women and society: the road to change / edited by Ashok S. Kolaskar and Motilal Dash.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012. xv, 222p.; 24cm. ISBN : 978-0-19-808078-7. 305.420954 Q2 C70562 Price : RS.***495.00 33 Philipose, Pamela, ed. Across the crossfire: women and conflict in India / edited by Pamela Philipose and Aditi Bishnoi.-- New Delhi : Women Unlimited, 2013. xx, 163p.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-81-88965-20-5. 305.420954 Q3 B202990 Price : RS.***275.00 34 Rao, D. Pulla Self help groups and women empowerment / D. Pulla Rao.-- Delhi: Manglam Publications, 2012. xx, 390p.: tables: figs.; 22cm. ISBN : 978-93-81142-44-8. 305.420954 Q2 B203280 Price : RS.**1450.00 35 Roy, Sirla, ed. New South Asian feminisms: paradoxes and possibilities / edited by Sirla Roy.-- London: Zed Books, 2012. x, 198p. ; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-1-78032-189-9. 305.420954 Q2 B203337 Price : PD ****19.99 36 Saigol, Rubina The Pakistan project: a feminist perspective on nation and identity / Rubina Saigol.-- New Delhi: Women Unlimited, 2013. xiii, 357p.; 22cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-88965-21-2. 305.42095491 Q3 B203302 Price : RS.***650.00 37 Ahirrao, Jitendra Entrepreneurship and rural women in India / Jitendra Ahirrao.-- New Delhi: New Century Publications, 2013. xvi, 210p.: tables; 23cm. Bibliography: p. 195-204. ISBN : 978-81-7708-329-3. 305.433380954 Q3 B203044 Price : RS.***675.00 38 Singh, A.K., ed. Women entrepreneurship: emerging issues, challenges and strategies / edited by A.K. Singh, K. Suguna and R.V.M. Reddy.-- New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2013. 2v.: tables: figs.; 23cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN : 978-81-8387-562-2. 305.433380954 Q3 B203039,V.1; B203040,V.2 Price : RS.**4200.00 39 Gopal Guru The cracked mirror: an Indian debate on experience and theory / Gopal Guru and Sundar Sarukkai.-- New Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2012. ix, 248p.; 23cm. ISBN : 0-19-807831-5. 305.56880954 Q2 C70898 Price : RS.***625.00 40 Gayer, Laurent, ed. Muslims in Indian cities: trajectories of marginalisation / edited by Laurent Gayer and Christophe Jaffrelot.-- New Delhi: HarperCollins Publishers, 2012. x, 403p.: tables: figs.; 22cm. Bibliography: p. 383-390. ISBN : 978-93-5029-546-5. 305.69754 Q2 B203077 Price : RS.***499.00 41 Kothari, Rita Memories and movements: borders and communities in Banni Kutch, Gujarat / Rita Kothari; foreword by Urvashi Butalia.-- New Delhi: Orient Blackswan, 2013.
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