Committee Date: 27/11/2014 Application Number: 2014/06455/PA Accepted: 15/09/2014 Application Type: Householder Target Date: 10/11/2014 Ward: Perry Barr 127 Dyas Avenue, Great Barr, Birmingham, B42 1HJ Erection of two storey side & rear extension, and single storey rear extension, and replacement detached garage to rear Applicant: Ramzan Sharif c/o Agent Agent: Mr Hussain Tariq 218-220 Windsor Street, Nechells, Birmingham, B7 4NE Recommendation Approve Subject To Conditions 1. Proposal 1.1. Consent is sought for the erection of a two storey side and rear extension, and single storey rear extension. 1.2. The proposed extension would measure 4m in width from the side wall of the main house and would extend 4.5m beyond the main rear wall at ground floor, and 3m deep at first floor. The proposal would be designed with a hipped roof and include a single storey bay window feature to the front. The development would provide a ground floor granny flat and wet room for an elderly family member, and a new family kitchen would be provided at the rear, and a study, two additional bedrooms and en suite shower room at first floor. 1.3. A new replacement detached garage is also proposed to the rear of the site. The garage would measure 5.7m x 3.9m and would be designed with a pitched roof at a maximum height of 3.6m (2.4m to eaves) 1.4. In addition to the above, a new vehicular hardstanding is shown on the submitted plans; this has been indicated to be laid out with permeable materials. This constitutes permitted development and does not form part of my assessment. Proposed Elevations Proposed Plans Proposed Garage 2. Site & Surroundings 2.1. The application site comprises of an end terraced dwelling house. The main dwelling is designed with a hipped roof and a two storey bay window feature to the front. The neighbouring properties are of similar age and design. To the rear of the property is Page 1 of 7 a detached pre-fabricated garage, which would be replaced as part of the proposed development. The garden rises towards to the rear of the application site. 2.2. The property is located on the junction of Dyas Avenue and Cathel Drive. The rear of the property is enclosed by 1.8m high fencing with mature conifer trees and hedging along the side boundary with Cathel Drive. 2.3. There are some examples of two storey side extensions on Dyas Avenue, including comparable corner plots at the junctions with Charnwood Road and Rockford Road. Location Street View 3. Planning History 3.1. 04/06/2014 - 2014/03236/PA – Prior Approval application for the erection of a 6m deep single storey rear extension. Maximum height 4m, eaves height 3m - Accepted as not needing prior approval from the Council (works not implemented) 4. Consultation/PP Responses 4.1. Local ward councillors and the occupiers of neighbouring properties have been notified. 6 letters of objection have been received on the following grounds: • Loss of light/outlook • Overlooking • Impact on property values • Parking issues • Scale/over development of the site • Loss of trees/landscaping • Insufficient details on submitted plans • Use of garage/granny flat • Drainage on site • Disruption at time of building works 4.2. One letter has been received from Councillor Ray Hassall who raises concerns in respect of the detached garage and its proposed use. 5. Policy Context 5.1. The following local policies are applicable: • Birmingham Unitary Development Plan (Adopted 2005) • Places for Living (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 2001) • Extending your Home (Adopted Supplementary Planning Document 2007) • Draft Birmingham Development Plan (2013) • 45 Degree Code (Adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance 1996) 5.2. The following national policies are applicable: • NPPF: National Planning Policy Framework (2012) 6. Planning Considerations Page 2 of 7 6.1. The principal matters for consideration are the scale and design of the extension and garage, the impact on the architectural appearance of the property, general street scene and the impact upon neighbouring properties’ amenities. 6.2. The applicant has recently submitted a notification of Prior Approval for a 6m deep rear extension along the boundary with No 129 (2014/03236/PA). Following consultation with neighbours, a decision was issued to confirm that ‘no prior approval’ was required subject to matching materials and completion by May 2016. Works have not commenced on site but both the agent and applicant have been informed that the permitted development works need to be completed prior to the implementation of any works approved as part of this planning application. 6.3. Amended plans have been submitted which make improvements to the overall scale and design. The width of the proposed development has been reduced by 600mm from 4.6m to 4m and the depth of the proposed extension has been reduced by 1.3m at ground floor and 800mm at first floor. In addition to this the proposed two storey bay window feature has been changed to a ground floor bay only. 6.4. I consider the scale and design of the proposed development as amended would be in keeping with the original dwelling house and would not compromise the existing character or architectural appearance of the property. Other two storey side extensions are visible within the surrounding area, including Nos 149, 187 & 195. The resulting building would not be out of scale or character with other developments in the locality. The scale and design of the proposed garage is also acceptable. The pre-fabricated garage that would be replaced is in a poor condition and its removal would be an improvement. As amended, the proposal would comply with the design principles contained within the design guide 'Extending Your Home' Supplementary Planning Document. 6.5. The proposed developments would comply with your Committees’ 45 Degree Code policy and numerical guidelines contained within ‘Extending Your Home’ Supplementary Planning Document and ‘Places for Living’ Supplementary Planning Guidance would be met. There would be no overlooking issue, or adverse impact on the amenities of the occupiers of the adjacent dwellings by virtue of loss of light, outlook or overlooking. 6.6. Objections have been raised by residents in respect of on street parking pressures. The development proposes to retain the existing parking provision to the rear and the level of off road parking to the front would be increased by including a new vehicular hard standing. 6.7. Impact on property values and disruption during building are not material planning considerations and cannot be taken into consideration when assessing this application. 6.8. While I note concerns have been raised in respect of insufficient details on the submitted plan, the information available within the application and from the officer site visit is sufficient to make an informed assessment of the proposal. 6.9. My tree officer has raised no concerns in respect of the existing conifer trees and planting to the side boundary. 6.10. Finally with respect to the concerns raised regarding the use, a condition is recommended to be attached to ensure that the use of the granny flat remains incidental to that of the main dwelling house. There is no evidence on the submitted Page 3 of 7 scheme to indicate that the replacement garage would be used for any purposes other than incidental to the main dwelling house. 7. Conclusion 7.1. Notwithstanding the objections received from neighbouring occupiers I consider that the proposed development complies with the objectives of the policies outlined above. As such the development would not cause sufficient detriment to warrant a refusal of the application. 8 Recommendation 8.1. Approve subject to the following conditions 1 Requires that the materials used match the main building 2 Requires the scheme to be in accordance with the listed approved plans 3 Limits the use of the accommodation to incidental occupation only 4 Limits the approval to 3 years (Full) Case Officer: Philip Whittaker Page 4 of 7 Photo(s) Photo 1: Front Elevation Photo 2: Rear Elevation Page 5 of 7 Photo 3: Detached Garage Page 6 of 7 Location Plan This map is reproduced from the Ordnance Survey Material with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office © Crown Copyright. Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings. Birmingham City Council. Licence No.100021326, 2010 Page 7 of 7 .
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