for a living planet ® WETLANDS OF THE AMUR RIVER BASIN RUSSIA-CHINA-MONGOLIA o o o 110 120o 130 140 50o 50o Number Name 1 Torey Lakes 2 Zeya-Bureya Playns 3 Khingano-Arkharinskaya Lowland 4 Bolon lake and river estuaries 5 Udyl Lake and river estuaries 6 Khanka lake 7 Xingkai lake 8 San Jang 9 Honghe 10 Zhalong 40o 11 Xianghai 12 Dalai Lake 13 Buir Lake and wetlands 14 Mongol Daguur 15 Khurkh-Khuiten Valley Lakes 2008 – the Year of Ramsar Wetlands in Amur River Basin World Wildlife Fund declared the Amur River The most important aim in conserving biodi- • Keep the level of ground waters; Basin (Heilong Jiang in Chinese) one of its versity of Amur ecoregion is development of • Purify water, withhold contaminants; Objectives of the Year global priorities. There are situated three of 200 the system of protected areas, connected by • Produce and emit oxygen to the atmo- of Ramsar Wetlands: global ecoregions of the world: Ussury broad- ecological corridors and buffer zones (ecologi- sphere; leaved forests, Dauria steppes and Amur fresh- cal network). The name of this program is “The • Act as the largest stock and reserve of at- 1. To provide the informational support for water ecosystems. Since 1994 WWF Russia Green Belt of Amur-Heilong” and the Oriental mospheric carbon; conservation of Ramsar sites and other wet- conducts nature conservation projects, united in White Stork serves as flagship specie. In the • Stabilize microclimate conditions, espe- lands of Amur River basin. 2002 in one of the largest ecoregional programs. year 2008 the Amur branch of WWF started a cially precipitation and temperature; 2. To raise profile of Ramsar sites in the Far WWF offices in the North-East China and East- program to support Ramsar wetlands. Nowa- • Slow down erosion and stabilize coast posi- East of Russia, North East China and East Mon- ern Mongolia were established for implementa- days in Amur river basin people are poorly tion; golia to boost better protection and expansion tion of Amur-Heilong Ecoregional Programme. informed about the importance of Ramsar wet- • Present the highest primary ecosystem pro- of protected areas. 3. To promote establishment of Amur-Heilong Several communication campaigns were run to lands, little awareness exists among the gov- duction Ramsar Regional Initiative for preservation of support Amur program within last 3 years: “The ernment agencies and local populations of all • Support biodiversity; Amur River wetlands and founding of coordinat- year of the crane”, “Precious wave”, “The Crane three countries of the basin. This creates seri- • Serve as a habitat for many species of plants ing international secretariat supported by gov- above Amur”, “The days of Amur” in Amur- ous difficulties for wetland protection and ex- and animals, including rare and economically significant. ernments of Russia, China and Mongolia. skaya, Chitinskaya, Primorskiy, Khabarovskiy, pansion of protected area. 4. To call for development of joint strategy for Evreyskaya provinces. Campaigns annually Wetland functions are extremely important in In 2008, in advance of the upcoming Ramsar 10th Conference of Parties in Seul, we focus wetland conservation and wise use of in Amur gather over 20 thousand participants, are sup- the ecosystem, because they provide the fol- River basin integrated into the regional develop- ported by management bureaus of 18 national lowing services: on wetlands of international importance: Torey lakes, Zeya-Bureya Plain, Khingano-Arkharins- ment plans and decision making processes. nature reserves, 10 local NGOs public organiza- • Accumulate and keep fresh water; 5. To elaborate the joint information strategy and tions, 4 student unions of nature protection. • Regulate surface groundwater runoff; kaya Lowland, Lake Bolon and the mouths of the Selgon and Simmi Rivers and Lake Khanka. database for better information and education in In three of those Ramsar wetlands efforts will the field of transboundary wetlands protection. start to enlarge existing national protected ar- 6. To draw attention of local people to the role eas and to establish additional local reserves of Ramsar sites and other wetlands in keeping in their close neighborhood with total planned water balance of the river, in water purification expansion of about 3000 km2. Udyl Wildlife and conservation of biodiversity, provision and Refuge will shift under management of Rus- maintenance of livelihood. sia Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology rare species of birds the «Strategy for conserva- of Russian Federation (Minpriroda Russia) and tion of Oriental White Stork in Russia» will be will receive support for protection infrastruc- completed and submitted for endorsement by ture. Work is underway to support nomination as a Ramsar wetland for recently expanded Minpriroda Russia as the official document. This Tashinsky wildlife refuge. will launch 5-year strategy implementation pro- One of the WWF objectives is strengthening gram carried out in alliance with Bolon, Khin- international cooperation of Russian nature re- gan, Khanka and Bastak strict scientific nature serves with their partners in China and Mon- reserves., The Strategy also includes exchange golia. In 2008 WWF plans to take part in in- programs with the for Stork Breeding Centers ternational meetings of governoing committees in Japan and South Korea. The WWF supports for transboundary reserves: Dauria (DIPA) and widening of the “Nest Keepers Movement” that Khanka Lake, as well as in meeting of Biodi- undertakes protection measures at every known versity Task Force of Russia-China Subcom- nest of the Oriental White Stork. mitee for Environment, and support staff ex- This brochure published in Russian and Eng- changes between protected areas that signed lish presents data on Ramsar wetlands in bilateral cooperation agreements. Amur river basin obtained from Ramsar–re- The Oriental White Stock and many other species lated web-sites and information sheets ( See depend on wetlands ecosystems status. To protect back cover for list of sources). Wetland name: Torey lakes, including national reserve “Daursky” Torey Lakes Geographical coordinates: 50°05’ N 115°40’ E (49°55’-50°14’N, 115°05’- Russia, Zabaikalsky Province, Onon and Borzinsky districts 115°98’E) atures vary from 26°C in January to +19°C in of the wetland there grow close to each other Geographical location: July. The daily range of temperature is 15-200С, species of steppes and of the wetlands. So far Torey lakes are situated in Transbaikalia, on and the annual variation – 80. Annual precipita- 440 species of vascular plants are known from the territory of Onon and Borzinsky regions tion varies from 150-350 mm (mean 290 mm), of Daursky. Here it’s possible to notice several red- of the Zabaikalsky Province. The south border which 80% fall in the second half of summer. At listed species: Short-leaved asparagus, Mongo- of the wetland coincides with the boundary the same time there are floods on the rivers. Win- lian cotoneaster, Daurian ephedra, Milk-white between Russia and Mongolia. The distance of ter is frosty, windless and not snowy. The warmest iris, Tiger iris, Low iris, Golder thrift, Monop- the western part of the wetland to Borzya is 90 month is July, the coldest – January. km, from the northern part to Chita – 300 km terous saltwort, Narrow-leaved kochia, Ural licorice, Baical skullcap, etc. and from Nizhniy Tsasuchey – 50 km. ECOLOGICAL FEATURES Area: the territory of the wetland. This ecosystem is shaped by 30 year climate cy- THREATENING AND DISTURBING FAC- 172 500 ha cle. Fluctuating water level of steppe lakes with This wetland includes the most of territory of TORS CONSERVATION MEASURES area change from 900 sq. km to several sq. km The conservation of the territory of the wetland in Daursky Biosphere Reserve with 44 752 ha creates dynamic mosaic of habitats and triggers Climate cycle drives sharp dynamics of popula- core area and 163,530 ha buffer zone. tions and communities of Torey lakes. In times the area of the reserve is conducted by its inspec- changes in species populations and migration pat- tors. All human activities are prohibited in the core Altitude: terns. Reed (Phragmites australis) associations of intensive water level rise many shallow lakes 591,4 (the bottom of the lake) to 769,3 m (the are formed outside the territory of the Ramsar zone (Daursky strict scientific nature reserve). In with sedge and cattail (Typha angustifolia) occur the buffer zone it is prohibited to change the hy- highest point of the mountain range along the along the shore of Lake Barun-Torey, in the river wetland, while inside designated wetland open coast of Zun-Torey). The water level is at the area overgrow intensively and this has tempo- drological regime, the use of chemical pesticides, mouths and floodplains. Reedbeds are sparse and all kinds of hunting. Fishing is allowed in specially point 598,2 m a.s.l. occupy 30 to 70% of the habitat area. The sector, rarily negative effect for the quantity of birds Wetland Type: designated places. The control of hunting and fish- covered by reed, is narrow, up to 100m. Only the and of nesting species. ing on the territory of the lake Zun-Torey, that is Ramsar classification - Q, R, Ss, Ts, P, M Kulustaisky bay is totally covered by the reed. Uncontrolled fire hazards in spring in steppes Ramsar Criteria: not the part of the reserve nor the part of its buffer Along river beds there are sedge and cattail com- and river floodplains also give a negative effect zone is conducted
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