The Flamsteed Collection

The Flamsteed Collection

The Flamsteed Collection Compiled by Richard Dibon-Smith © 2001-2012 Richard Dibon-Smith all rights reserved Andromeda (I) AND HD HIP α δ B-V µ(α)″ µ(δ)″ µ″ Dir Spect. Var? α 358 677 00h08m23.2 s +29º05′26″ -0.038 0.1357 -0.1630 0.212 140º B9IV:pHgMn (ACV) β 6860 5447 01 09 43.9 +35 37 14 1.576 0.1756 -0.1122 0.208 123 M0IIIvar γ1 12533 9640A 02 03 53.9 +42 19 47 1.370 0.0431 -0.0509 0.067 140 K3IIb γ2B 12534 9640B 02 03 54.7 +42 19 51 0.030 0.0431 -0.0509 0.067 140 B9V γ2C 12534 9640C 02 03 54.7 +42 19 51 0.030 0.0431 -0.0509 0.067 140 A0V δ 3627 3092 00 39 19.6 +30 51 40 1.268 0.1154 -0.0831 0.142 126 K3III ε 3546 3031 00 38 33.3 +29 18 43 0.871 -0.2294 -0.2541 0.342 222 G5IIIcomp ζ 4502 3693 00 47 20.3 +24 16 02 1.100 -0.1012 -0.0819 0.130 231 K1II (EB/GS) η 5516 4463 00 57 12.4 +23 25 04 0.940 -0.0437 -0.0461 0.064 224 G8III-IV ϑ 1280 1366 00 17 05.4 +38 40 54 0.059 -0.0500 -0.0179 0.053 250 A2V ι 222173 116631 23 38 08.1 +43 16 05 -0.083 0.0277 -0.0012 0.028 92 B8V κ 222439 116805 23 40 24.4 +44 20 02 -0.071 0.0813 -0.0190 0.084 103 B9IVn λ 222107 116584 23 37 33.8 +46 27 30 0.984 0.1592 -0.4215 0.451 159 G8III-IV (RS) µ 5448 4436 00 56 45.1 +38 29 58 0.130 0.1528 0.0368 0.157 76 A5V ν 4727 3881 00 49 48.8 +41 04 44 -0.136 0.0227 -0.0181 0.029 129 B5V SB ξ 8207 6411 01 22 20.3 +45 31 44 1.077 0.0322 0.0087 0.033 75 K0III-IV οΑ 217675 113726A 23 01 55.2 +42 19 34 -0.099 0.0225 0.0002 0.022 89 B6IIIpe+A2p (GCAS) οΒ 217675 113726B 23 01 55.2 +42 19 34 -0.099 0.0225 0.0002 0.022 89 – π 3369 2912 00 36 52.8 +33 43 10 -0.123 0.0152 -0.0036 0.016 103 B5V ρ 1671 1686 00 21 07.2 +37 58 07 0.442 0.0583 -0.0397 0.071 124 F5III σ 1404 1473 00 18 19.6 +36 47 07 0.054 -0.0665 -0.0425 0.079 237 A2V τ 10205 7818 01 40 34.7 +40 34 37 -0.068 0.0167 -0.0235 0.029 145 B8III υ 9826 7513 01 36 47.8 +41 24 20 0.536 -0.1726 -0.3810 0.418 204 F8V ϕΑ 6811 5434A 01 09 30.1 +47 14 31 0.012 0.0038 -0.0130 0.014 164 B7III ϕΒ 6811 5434B 01 09 30.2 +47 14 30 0.012 0.0077 -0.0100 0.013 142 – χ 10072 7719 01 39 20.9 +44 23 10 0.883 -0.0205 0.0150 0.025 306 G8III ψ 223047 117221 23 46 02.0 +46 25 13 1.086 0.0091 -0.0063 0.011 125 G5Ib ω 8799 6813 01 27 39.2 +45 24 25 0.421 0.3570 -0.1093 0.373 107 F5IV 2AAnd 217782 113788A 23 02 36.2 +42 45 28 0.094 0.0557 -0.0048 0.056 95 A3Vn 2BAnd — 113788B 23 02 36.2 +42 45 29 0.094 0.0557 -0.0048 0.056 95 – 3 And 218031 113919 23 04 10.9 +50 03 08 1.058 0.1667 0.1673 0.236 45 K0III 4 And 218452 114200 23 07 39.2 +46 23 14 1.409 -0.0119 -0.0300 0.032 202 K5III 5 And 218470 114210 23 07 45.3 +49 17 45 0.449 0.1522 0.1321 0.201 49 F5V 6 And 218804 114430 23 10 27.1 +43 32 40 0.450 -0.2022 -0.2077 0.290 224 F5IV 7 And 219080 114570 23 12 32.9 +49 24 23 0.302 0.0898 0.0956 0.131 43 F0V 8 And 219734 115022 23 17 44.6 +49 00 55 1.668 0.0345 0.0067 0.035 79 M2III 9 And 219815 115065 23 18 23.4 +41 46 25 0.215 -0.0096 -0.0110 0.015 221 A7m AN(EB) 10 And 219981 115191 23 19 52.3 +42 04 41 1.512 0.0478 0.0043 0.048 85 M0III 11 And 219945 115152 23 19 29.7 +48 37 32 1.014 0.0230 0.0519 0.057 24 K0III 12 And 220117 115280 23 20 53.2 +38 10 56 0.468 0.1296 -0.0612 0.143 115 F5V 13 And 220885 115755 23 27 07.3 +42 54 43 -0.007 0.0874 0.0171 0.089 79 B9III 14 And 221345 116076 23 31 17.3 +39 14 11 1.029 0.2873 -0.0838 0.299 106 K0III 15 And 221756 116354 23 34 37.5 +40 14 12 0.096 -0.0177 -0.0458 0.049 201 A1III V340(DSCT) 18 And 222304 116709 23 39 08.3 +50 28 18 -0.061 -0.0167 -0.0019 0.017 264 B9V 22 And 571 841 00 10 19.2 +46 04 20 0.405 0.0045 0.0002 0.005 87 F2II 23 And 905 1086 00 13 30.8 +41 02 08 0.331 -0.1228 -0.1469 0.191 220 F0IV 26 And 1438 1501 00 18 42.1 +43 47 28 -0.074 0.0233 -0.0027 0.023 97 B8V 28 And 2628 2355 00 30 07.3 +29 45 06 0.271 0.0436 -0.0572 0.072 143 A7III GN(DSCT) 32 And 3817 3231 00 41 07.1 +39 27 31 0.891 -0.0144 -0.0030 0.015 258 G8III 36AAnd 5286 4288A 00 54 58.0 +23 37 42 1.012 0.1371 -0.0456 0.144 108 K1IV 2 Andromeda (I) AND m M π pc l.y. V RV L F mc Bin? ADS α 2.07 -0.30 0.0336″ 30 97 32 -12 104 21 H V 32 94 β 2.07 -1.86 0.0164 61 199 60 0 437 43 Barnard 949 γ1 2.33 -2.86 0.0092 109 355 36 -12 1092 57 2.10 Σ 205 1630AxBC γ2B 5.50 -0.16 0.0092 109 355 37 -14 91 57 5.02 ΟΣ 38 1630B γ2C 6.30 -0.16 0.0092 109 355 34 - 91 57 ΟΣ 38 1630C δ 3.27 0.81 0.0322 31 101 22 -7 37 31 β 491 548 ε 4.34 0.77 0.0193 52 169 119 -84 39 30 ζ 4.08 0.35 0.0180 56 181 42 -24 57 34 β η 4.40 0.04 0.0134 74 243 25 -10 76 38 Fox ϑ 4.61 0.16 0.0129 78 253 20 1 68 24 ι 4.29 -1.65 0.0065 154 502 20 0 359 17 κ 4.15 0.57 0.0192 52 170 22 -9 47 19 h 1898 16916 λ 3.81 1.75 0.0387 26 84 56 7 16 16 β pm µ 3.86 0.75 0.0239 42 136 32 8 39 37 h 1057 788 ν 4.53 -2.06 0.0048 208 679 37 -24 527 35 ξ 4.87 0.98 0.0167 60 195 15 -12 32 46 οΑ 3.73 -2.90 0.0047 212 692 27 -14 1143 1 3.62 bin:A οΒ 6.03 -0.61 0.0047 212 692 23 - 138 1 bin:B π 4.34 -2.18 0.0050 201 656 17 9 585 29 h 1030 513 ρ 5.16 1.71 0.0204 49 160 19 9 16 27 σ 4.51 1.33 0.0231 43 141 18 -8 23 25 τ 4.96 -1.64 0.0048 209 681 32 -14 356 53 β 1311 υ 4.10 3.45 0.0743 13.5 44 39 -28 3.3 50 β pm ϕΑ 4.52 -2.25 0.0044 226 736 15 0 624 42 4.26 ΟΣ 515 940A ϕΒ 5.81 -0.95 0.0044 226 736 13 - 190 42 ΟΣ 515 940B χ 5.01 0.66 0.0135 74 242 11 7 43 52 ψ 4.97 -3.05 0.0025 402 1309 33 -25 1305 20 β ω 4.83 2.57 0.0353 28 92 51 11 7.0 48 β 999 1152AB 2AAnd 5.26 0.11 0.0093 107 349 28 2 71 5.09 β 1147 16467A 2BAnd 7.43 2.28 0.0093 107 349 28 - 10 β 1147 16467B 3 And 4.64 0.94 0.0182 55 179 71 -35 33 4 And 5.30 0.20 0.0095 105 342 17 -6 66 h 1849 16526 5 And 5.68 3.02 0.0293 34 111 33 -2 4.9 6 And 5.91 3.65 0.0354 28 92 58 -43 2.7 7 And 4.53 2.58 0.0408 24 80 20 13 7.3 8 And 4.82 -1.69 0.0050 201 655 34 -8 375 β 717 16656 9 And 5.98 0.17 0.0069 145 472 11 -4 67 10 And 5.81 -0.30 0.0060 166 542 38 3 103 11 And 5.44 0.43 0.0100 101 328 29 11 53 12 And 5.77 2.63 0.0236 42 138 30 -9 7.0 β 13 And 5.75 0.97 0.0111 90 294 39 -9 32 14 And 5.22 0.80 0.0131 76 249 123 -59 38 15 And 5.55 1.28 0.0140 72 233 21 13 24 18 And 5.35 -0.04 0.0084 120 390 13 9 82 22 And 5.01 -2.44 0.0032 309 1006 8 -5 743 23 And 5.71 2.99 0.0286 35 114 43 -29 5.0 26 And 6.10 -0.53 0.0047 212 692 25 7 129 ΟΣ 5 254 28 And 5.20 1.43 0.0176 57 185 22 -10 21 β 1095 409AB 32 And 5.30 0.18 0.0095 106 344 9 -5 67 36AAnd 6.19 3.23 0.0257 39 127 27 2 4.0 5.67 Σ 73 755A 3 Andromeda (II) AND HD HIP α δ B-V µ(α)″ µ(δ)″ µ″ Dir Spect.

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