Vietnam Generation Volume 4 Number 3 Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number Article 1 3-4 8-1992 Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number 3-4 Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration Part of the American Studies Commons Recommended Citation (1992) "Viet Nam Generation, Volume 4, Number 3-4," Vietnam Generation: Vol. 4 : No. 3 , Article 1. Available at: http://digitalcommons.lasalle.edu/vietnamgeneration/vol4/iss3/1 This Complete Volume is brought to you for free and open access by La Salle University Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Vietnam Generation by an authorized editor of La Salle University Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. A Journal of Recent History and Contemporary Issues V olu m e A N um ber 3-4 Contents In This Issue................................................................ 2 A Peo pIe Not Stronq: V ietnamese Imaqes of The iNdochiNA War, by ALan FarreII..........................62 Publishers S tatem en t............................................... 4 SEMiOTic ANd AqoNisTic Reason iN ThivtcNh Chey, DatecI Notices............................................................8 by PhlllipE Hunt.................................................... 65 A nnouncements, N o tices, & Re p o r t s ....................... 10 PoETRy by LeNARd D. M o o r e ....................................77 ChiN Bo Lam M uo (NiNE Down MAk.ES Ten) In The Belly of tIie B east: MIAs ANd tIte Body by PhAM Thi HoAi.................................................57 PoliTic, by MARiA Da m o n .....................................78 The Last VC, by WAyNE KarUn ................................. 41 WhAT Do W e Want? by WilliAM M. KiN q................. 85 ViET Nam ATter The 7Th Party CoNqRess, Alice ANd JiMMy M ac, by Dan D uffy........................45 by TAckshi M io................................................. 85 A CowARd foR O ne MInute, Why My DAuqhTER Won't G row up iN PeRkAsie, by STEpheN T. BANko, III......................................47 by W.D. EhRhART...............................................89 Rock S tar, by JiM M orrIson....................................50 Poetry by DAvid CoNNolly...................................... 91 ViET Nam NIrvana: The NiNE S teps "Home is WIiere Y ou Diq It " (ObseRVATiONS on by S ean CoNNolly................................................ 55 Life at tIie Khe SANh CoMbAT B ase), by Peter BrusIt .................................................. 94 PoETRy by ReNNy ChRiSTophER.................................60 Doves iN a HAwk's Nest: ViET Na m ANd The PoETRy by Horace C oIem an.................................... 60 A merican Peace M ovement, 1965-75, by CItarIes Ho w Ie t t ...........................................98 Summer-FaU, 1992 VoIume 4 NuMbcR 5-4 V iet Na m G eneration, Inc. ViCE-PRESidENT PRESidENT SECRETARY, TREASURER H erman Beavers K ali T al Cynthia J. F uchs EdiTORs: Dan Duffy, K ali T al „ , _ , Book Review EdiTOR: Dan Scripture CoNTRiburiNq EdiTORs R enny Christopher, David DeR ose, A lan Farrell, Cynthia J. F uchs, W illiam M. K ing, Steve P otts, Bill Shields, T ony W illiams, David W illson AdvisoRy BoARd RUTH ROSEN LYDIA FISH NANCY a n is f ie l d MICHAEL KLEIN UC Davis St. Michael's College Buffalo State College University of Ulster WILLIAM J. SEARLE DAVID HUNT JOHN BAKY GABRIEL KOLKO Eastern Illinois University La Salle Unversity William Joiner Center York University JAMES C. SCOTT University of Massachusetts KEVIN BOWEN DAVID MARR Yale University William Joiner Center . PHILIP JASON Australian National University ROBERT SLABEY University of Massachusetts US Naval Academy JOHN CLARK PRATT University of Noire Dame JEAN BETHKE ELSHTAIN BEN KIERNAN Colorado State University BARBARA TISCHLER Vanderbilt University Yale University TOM RIDDELL Columbia University RICHARD FALK WILLIAM M. KING Smith College CHRISTINE PELZER WHITE Princeton University University of Colorado University of Hawaii e d it o r ia l correspondence a n d in q u ir ie s t o D a n D u f f y , 18 C e n t e r R d ., W o o d b r id g e , CT 06525; 203/432-3432. E d it o r ia l o r b u s in e s s correspondence t o K a li T a l , Viet nam Generation, 2921 T e r r a c e D r iv e , C h e v y C h a s e , MD 20815; 301/608-0622; f a x : 301/608-0761. S ubscriptions: $40/ year individuals; $75/ year institutional. ISSN: 1042-7597 S u m m e r -Fa U, 1992 ViET Na m G eneration V o Iu m e 4 Nu m [>CR 5-4 ViET Nam War REfouqkr: Kent State, 1977, by MiRiAM H. JAcksoN........................................110 In T his Issue Poetry by James ScofiEld.......................................119 Here’s how it works. There are four sections: Announcements, Notices and Reports; Features; Teaching; and Book Reviews. We place information with States of Shock, by DAvid J. DeRo se ..................... 119 date deadlines at the front of the issue. Announcements, Notices, and Reports does not Ziplocksd, by CyNThiA J. Fuchs........................... 122 have a table of contents. Many of the best articles in the issue are there, but you have to go in and get them. There ThE MARqiNs of ThE ViET Nam War, is an explanation of the guy with a revolver on the cover, by FRtdtRic PaIIe z .............................................125 a report on AIDS in Viet Nam, a discussion of why Scarlet, the sequel to Gone with the Wind, is a ViET Nam War STudiEs: A C uLturaL M aterIaUst bestseller in Ha Noi, and a perceptive and insightful AppROAch, by ToNy W illiAMS........................... 126 discussion of the 25th Anniversary Commemoration o f Vietnam Veterans Against the War written by Jack Mallory, as well as 22 other items you're not going to read PoETRy by Rod M cQ u eary..................................... 152 about anyplace else. In this issue, the Announcements section has grown from my private soapbox to a regular TEAch Your CUldREN WeII: RAisiNq ThE Next Hyde Park full of articulate people with something to say GENERATiON ON ThE ViET NAM WAR, about the U.S. and Viet Nam and Cambodia. by Steve Po t t s .................................................154 Articles in the Featuresand Teaching sections and the Book Reviews are listed in the table of contents. Book RsviEws Features starts with Chin Bo Lam Muoi (Nine Down Makes Ten), a story by Pham Thi Hoai, a leading writer from Ha Noi. She was bom in 1960. Her narrator describes Michael Steven Smith, Notebook o f a Sixties Lawyer, An nine men she has been with, leaving the reader with a Unrepentant Memoir sense of ten Viets who are substantially more vivid and ReviEWEd by BARbARA TischlER......................... 158 complex than the characters who people my daily life. The translator, Peter Zinoman, contributed Nguyen HuyTiep’s Allan Gurganus, Oldest Living Confederate VangLua (Fired Gold) to issue 4:1-2. By the kindness of Widow Tells A ll Keith Taylor, that translation has been used by 35 college John Irving, A Prayer for Owen Meany teachers this summer at Ann Arbor, in the intensive REviEWEd by R e n n y ChRiSTophER..................... 159 course on Southeast Asian Literature in Translation. We will bring as much of Zinoman’s work to you as we can. Next come four more narratives. Wayne Karlin’s James Lee Burke, The Neon Rain, Heaven's Prisoners, The Last VC evokes a young Afro-Viet American woman, Black Cherry Blues, A Morning for Flamingos followed by Alice and Jimmy Mac, a chapter from my Charles Durden, The Fifth Law o f Hawkins story. Spoils. Alice was the narrator's wife, and Jimmy Gustav Hasford, A Gypsy Good Time was his friend. A Coward fo r One Minute, by Stephen Sharyn McCrumb, If Ever I Return, Pretty Peggy-0 Banko III, tells the story of an unfortunate accident on Carsten Stroud, Sniper's Moon recon. Jim Morrison's Rock Star explains what it felt like REviEWEd by KaLi TaL....................................... 140 to carry the name of The Doors' lead singer to the war in Viet Nam. Sean Connolly closes this run of fiction with a REMF tale, Viet Nam Nirvana: The Nine Steps. Then there is a poem from Renny Christopher about knowing soldiers and fighting against men, and a collection of five poems by Horace Coleman—whose book of verse we will publish next year. Horace recently suffered a stroke and is slowly but steadily recovering. We wish him a speedy journey to good health. Literary criticism comes next. Contributing Editor Alan Farrell discusses ways that the French and the Viets have used insect imagery to describe Viet people. A People Not Strong first appeared as a presentation at the 1992 Popular Culture Association conference in Louisville, KY. Phillipe Hunt's essay Semiotic and Agonistic Reason in Thmenh Chey was written after Cambodian friends invited Hunt to address them in Phnom Penh on Cambodian literature. Thmenh Chey is a centerpiece of Cambodian culture, in the literate and oral traditions. 2 S u m m e r -Fail, 1992 ViET Na m G eneration V o Ium e 4 NUMbER 5-4 Hunt is the first to point out that he does not even speak Shock. Shepard wrote the play to denounce Desert Khmer. When I obtain literary criticism from Cambodians, Storm. The New York critics panned him for being stuck I'll publish it. Hunt’s essay is an especially strong piece, on the war on Viet Nam. In The Margins of the Viet Nam in the best skeptical strain of his teacher Paul De Man. War Frederic Pallez takes a cultural theorist's perspective Then comes poetry from Lenard Moore, an Army veteran on the task of studying the Viet Nam War. After Williams' born in 1958, who writes of his career Marine father essay, the Featuresend with poems from Rod McQueary, leaving for Viet Nam, and coming back.
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