Sunrise Records present . ..-------------..... The Best from the S'UNTONES' plus something new* K([PAItIlR Star SA:. leA SINGING this I rtg!f!d B G"".SMyCou a"'1e, C !t!$s A_ nfry A. Oha/l Medl"e''-C;J Gme'lCa Th ey SOt.l£VlH£Rl ~e ~le yO::, ~eaUt'fUI Bye Blues 1""""OUt POOr Ired Bye. d' "t Believe Me ~.ICdley lheY (). n WalU AI lennessee A/~Y NO. No, NOla sf Cot/ntl}< ", My Buddy 8a,'::~ "'led'e~ 0' Thee I"m GoIng Bae"- RepuJ;nOl/he \0 CalOhna fe A lillie Street Wlle Old Fllends Meel Just A Bunc!le 01 Old Love LeiterS West S"de 5tofY NOW YOU CAN SING ALONG WITH THE SUNTQNES ... WITH 20 GOOD, OLD-TIME SONG ARRANGEMENTS That's right folks. The "A *TOUCH OF OLD" Songbook is now available. An exact arrangement of every song on the Suntones latest album, "A TOUCH OF OLD", is contained in this magni· ficent new songbook. Be sure to order your personal ATOUCH Of GOLD copy now - price $5.00 The Chord Busters March I Had The Crallest Dream postpaid. LalY Bones Mother Machree tou~hf l'mConlessin' That I love You Oh. Teacher That Old Black MagIC The LItHe Boy That 'I(J Sanla Claus Forgot ( (1 Ooln' The Raccoon JO MIghty lak A Rose For All We Kno .... America Please Send Me the Songbook at $5.00 8a. 0 Please Send the following Record. Albums and Tapes (Post Paid) (Canadian Orders Please Add $1.0OJ Mail to Sunrise Records P.O. Box 15736 \IV. Palm Bch. Fla. 33402 Name _ Street _ City --------------;::=.~S~"~I.~=:;::==~S~I~al~.~====.__4 Album 8 Track Casette A TOUCH OF OLD Song BooK SOMEYVHERE WATCH WHAT HAPPENS AFTERGLOW A TOUCH OF GOLD KEEP AMERICA SINGING BUY SEVERAL & SAVEl Single record album-$5; The 01 advertising 01 unoflidal mordings is nola repleSenlalion lhallhe conlents any two-$9; additional albums-$3 each. Single tape-$]; of 5uth recordings are appropriate lor contest use. any two $13; additional tapes $5 each. IlItematiolld/Officers President, Leon S. Avakian, P.O. Box 254, Asbury Park, New Jersey 07712 Immediate Past President, Charles E. Aber­ nethy, 300 E. Grand Ave., Ponca City, DEVOTED TO THE INTERESTS OF BARBERSHOP QUARTET HARMONY Oklahoma 74601 Vice President, F. Richard Ellenberger, 2476 Poersch Ct., Schenectady, New York 12309 JANUARY· FEBRUARY 1974· VOL. XXXIV· NO.1 Vice President, Sam Aramian, 4435 W. Tierra Buena Lane, Glendale, Ari~ona 85301 Vice President·Treasurer, Plummer Collins, 216 Conewango Ave., Warren, Pennsylvania 16365 Executive Director, Barrie Best, 6315 Third l't'a fUI-.'s Avenue, Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 More Than One Leon ........•......•....•.•....•.•......... 2 Board Members Mini-Course in Copyright ..........•.•....•.•....•.•......... 4 Cardinal, Robert C. Martin, 410 N. Morton St., Crawley Visits Canada . ............•.•.............•......... 8 Fairmount, Indiana 46928 1973 District Quartet Champions 10 Central States, WillIam M. McLatchie, P.O. Box 153, Durant, Iowa 52747 Invitation to Kansas City ...............................•.... 13 Dixie, Robert E. Roark, 213 Marchmont Dr., Ontario Explains Why They Lead in Logopedics Support 17 Knoxville, Tennessee 37919 Evergreen, Ray D. Greaves, P.O. Box 367, Woodshedding: Instant Gratification , 18 Coquille, Oregon 97423 Far Western, Lynn Brittan, 231 Ridge Estates, OPs Meet; Finalize Plans for '74 .......................•.......22 Nevada City, California 95959 So Vou've Been Elected' . ............•....•..................24 Illinois, Tom Watts, 30 Lincoln St" Glenview, Illinois 60025 Johnny Appteseed, Steve Hanrahan, 522 North Blvd" Huntington, West Virginia 25701 (10111 111 ('II f Land O'Lakes, Roger Thomas, 3720 St. Andrews BI ... d., Racine, Wisconsin 53405 Tips Franl the Top ..... ,,,,, ...•......•.•....•.• ,, ..•.• ,. ,. 6 Mid-Atlantic, Ernest A. Matson, Jr., 1501 Raleigh Rd., Mamaroneck, New York 10543 Northeastern. Richard Meinsen, 425 Main St., Hamden, Connecticut 06514 Ontario, Elmer Down, 894 Florel! Drive, dl'llal·fI11cnfs Oshawa, Ontario, Canada Pioneer, William C. Warner, 23531 Meadowlark, Mail Cal! From Harmony Hall, .....•.• , •.• , .• , •.•..•.• , •.. ,., ,28 Oak Park, Michigan 48237 Seneca Land, James Steedman, 616 Delaware Road, Kenmore, New York 14223 Southwestern, Ernie Hills, Box 66, Medford, Oklahoma 73759 Sunshine, Dr. Henry Vomacka, 1881 Rose St., Sarasota, Florida 33579 IIliseellancous AHd Past l"ten/atio1lat Preside"ts Logopedics Contributions . .........•........•..•.•....•.•.... 5 Wilbur D. Sparks, 6724 N. 26th St., Arlington, Virginia 22213 Tag Contest Information . ...............•.•.•....•....•.•.... 7 Ralph Ribble, NorthPark National Bank, P.O. Kansas City Housing Application .........•......•.•....•...... 16 Box 12206, Dallas, Texas 75225 Richard deMontmollin, 4664 Oakwood Rd., Century Club ...................•...........•.•...........17 Columbia, South Carolina 29206 Bargain Basement ,... ...•.•....•.•..•.•......26 COIning Events. , ..........•.•.• , .....•.•..•...•.•..•.•. , ..27 Executille Director BARRIE BEST conI."ibnlo."s Music Edrlcdtiou dud Services ROBERT O. JOHNSON, Director Leon S. Avakian .. , Dan Bowser ... Bob Hockenbrough ... John MllSic Services Assistatlts Jones, .. Phil Schwartz . .. George Shields . .. Vlilbur Sparks MALCOLM L. HUFF DAVID M. STEVF.NS Comtmmica tiOIlS HUGH A. INGRAHAM, Director Field Represelltatives SAMUEL K. KENNEDY THE HARMONIZER is lhe oHicil1 publiulion of the Society lor lhe Preservllion Ind En· LLOYD B. STEINKAMP courAgement of BAr~f Shop QU.i/lel Singin/l: in America. Inc. It is published in the months of ):Inu3r)', l'ohrch. May. July, &ptem~r and NO\'em~r al 631 ~ . 3rd Avenue, Kenosha. ComHll4'licatioHs Assistaut ~ Wisconsin 3 1-1 1. s«ond·class pOSlage paid I{ Kenosha. \'(fisconsin. Edilorial and Ad\'erlis;ng O. WILLIAM FITZGERALD effices are al ImCtnllional HeJ.dquaJfen. NOlice of chan,lle 01 addrt'Ss should ~ submiued 10 lhe editorial oHicn of THE HARMONIZER. 63D THIRD AVE., KENOSHA, WIS­ Editor CONSIN 53 1-1 1. II IeJ.Sl lhirty days ~'ere lhe n("XI publiulion date. SubsCliplion price is LEO W. FOBART $2.00 )'early Ind $ .)0 all issue. Fi"ance cmd ildmi"istratioH DALLAS A. LEMMEN, Director fUlure con,'elll!olls Admhlistrdtive Assistmlt DAVID L. WILT INTERNATIONAL MID·WINTER MaHager, Membership Sen/ices 1974 Kansas City, Mo. July 8-13 ROBERT J. MEYER 1975 IndianapoIiS,lnd, June 24-29 1974 Phoenix, Ariz. Jan. 25·26 bltemcitionalOffice 6315 Third Avenue 1976 San Francisco, Calif. July 5-10 1975 Honolulu, Hi. Jan. 31·Feb. 1 Kenosha, Wisconsin 53141 1977 Philadelphia, Pa. July /1·9 1976 Washington, D.C. Jan. 30-31 414·654·9111 THE HARMONIZER - January·February, 1974 ..RINHO IN U.S.A. More Than One Leon By Past lnt'l President Wilbur D. S!larks, 6724 N. 26th St., Arlington. Va. 22213 Prosldent leon reviews construction drawings for one of his municipal engineering projects. "What?" you exclaim, "You say there are several Leon vocal music teacher in elementary schools. (She estimates she Avakians?" The answer of many Barbershoppers who know has taught about 15,000 youngsters during the past 15 years!) our 1974 international president is that there are, in fact, The Avakian family today reflects the musical interests of many Leans. He is a man of many interests and many Leon and Ruth. Tom (now 22 years old) is a recent Lehigh dedications. grad in !::nglish literature. Peter (now 19) is a second-year civil engineering student at his father's alma mater; both sons have First, there is the Leon whose devotion to his family is clear been instrumentalists and singers throughout high school and to all who observe. college, with Tom playing and singing in the All-State High School Band and Chorus (making this achievement a continu­ Then there is the Leon who serves his church as a leader ing family tradition). Both sons have followed Dad by singing and a member of its choir. in the Lehigh Glee Club - a fact which Leon recites with pride_ Certainly many of his local friends in Asbury Park, N.J., For many years the Avakian family - all of them - have know the Leon whose engineering firm is consulted by sung in the First Presbyterian Church choir at home in Belmar, several cities and who serves his community as its city N.J. On many, many occasions Leon has influenced his engineer. chapter chorus and his quartet to learn hymns and has taken them into this church for worship service performances. A There is also the Leon whose dedication to the Society has close barbershopping friend says, "Leon believes that barber­ spurred him to organize a new chapter (his own for the past shopping has a place in his religious faith, and we believe he is 20 years) and has led him to serve as a leader of that right!" To add to this, Leon has been active in his church as an chapter, of his district and in the upper echelons of the elder and lay leader. In an allied field he has served on the Society. board of directors of the local YMCA and has worked industriously for the Asbury Park Kiwanis Club of which he is Finally, not at all to be overlooked, there is the Leon whose a past president. interest in his hobby as a singer has made him a constant President Leon is widely known and highly-respected In woodshedder, tag singer and organized quarteter. business and civic circles in Asbury Park and nearby towns. His consulting engineering firm, operating as Leon S. Avakian, President Leon comes by his love for music quite naturally. Inc., specializes in municipal and highway work; it acts as As a youth in Bogota, N.J., he sang in the high school glee advisor to eight towns in designing roadways, storm sewers and club, performed in stage musicals, played violin in the school sanitary' sewers, advising municipal planning operations and orchestra, joined on bass fiddle in the "swing band" (his assisting zoning boards. As City Engineer for Asbury Park, he words) and organized a popular barbershop quartet. has been responsible for the design and construction of many After high school, Leon enrolled in Lehigh University, beach erosion control structures in the Atlantic Ocean, on Bethlehem, Pa., and finished two semesters of college before which the city fronts, and has pioneered in the design and entering the Navy as an electronics specialist.
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