NUMBER 42 VOLUME 38 EAST JORDAN, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1931. COUNTY COUNCIL OF STANDARD OIL C, of C. Hold RELIGIOUS EDUCA­ Harbor Springs School Fair LAUNCHES BIG Ninth Annual Road Meeting TION MEET MONDAY Falls To Fast Friday, Oct. 23 AD CAMPAIGN Potato Show The annual meeting of the Char­ . Standard Oil Company of Indiana FINE PROGRAM ARRANGED FOR WORK ON M-68 TO BE STARTED MUCH INTEREST BEING CREAT- announced recently plans to carry levoix County Council of Religious Going Locals GAYLORD EVENT. ' IN NEAR FUTURE. Education will'be held at the Metho­ ED SUPT. BUSCH WILL GIVE out in the remaining months of 1931 dist Church in Charlevoix, Monday,, Bradley or no Bradley, East Jordan ADDRESS. the biggest advertising and sales cam­ Oct. 19th, beginning on central stan­ paign the Company has ever under­ Perhaps one of the best Chamber Would Be too Strong for Tra­ The Top O' Michigan Potato As­ dard time. taken in so short a period. sociation has arranged a very aEEfac- of Commerce Road meetings ever verse Bay Outfit. Certain rooms in the schoolhouse held in East Jordan took /place Wed­ PROGRAM begin to take on the appearance of Directors have decided that the tive program for those who attend its nesday, night at the Russell Hotel. 2:00—Devotions, Rev. W. W. Hurd the*exhibition held at a County Fair way to end the trench warfare with ninth annual show at Gaylord during Ten or twelve Mancelona road en- 2:30.—Address, "Objectives in Re­ Continuing the form shown from grounds-because of the large -number depression is to go over the top in the three days beginning Wednesday, thusiastes, along with some twenty ligious Education," Rev. C. W. Side- the beginning of the season, ' East of displays being brought' in. something resembling in a business Oct. 28th. local Chamber of Commerce mem­ botham. Discussion led by Rev. Paul Jordan easily scalped Harbor Springs. way what a major offensive is in war­ Tho very first day opens with Girls are beginning to rub the dust fare. bers, Herman Meyers of Boyne Fall, Boodagh. For a time Harbor made it a real off. the canned fruit they put up last speakers that everyone should hear. and A. L. Burridge, Division Supt, of 3:15—Address, "Music in the Sun­ football game, but the locals out­ summer, 4-H club members are busy Advertising is to lay down the pre­ H. A. Berg of the Michigan State Col­ the Nbrtherri Michigan Road District day School," Mrs. G. Russell Parker. classed them in every department of selecting their samples, -Agriculture liminary and prolonged intensive lege will discuss "Cost Factors in met. Discussion led by Rev. W. H. Rauch, the game and seemed to go stronger students are wiping out the eyes of bombardment of gloom and hard Potato Production." Stanley. John­ ston, Superintendent of the South The principle topic of discussion Special music, Misses Terrill and/Gest as the game progressed. They scored their best potatoes, etc., and Manual times. And as the barrage prepares 1 Haven Experiment Station will talk was M-66 which may soon be East 4:00—Address, "Needs of our a touchdown in the middle bf the Arts students are polishing up the the way, the foot soldiers of'the sales Youth," Supt. A. J. Duncanson. Dis­ first quarter'and kept Harbor on the furniture they have made. organization are to follow with a de­ about "Small Fruits for Northern Jordan's main outlet. Nothing in the Michigan." P. R. Miller of the Mich­ immediate future is more important cussion led by Rev. G. E. Smock. defense nearly all the first half, then . This is the first school fair we have termined onslaught to secure new 4:45^-Business. Reports of offi­ they started to steam-roller Coach had for some time, and everyone is business. igan State College will discuss "Al­ to East Jordan than that this road'be' falfa Seed Production." completed. It has necessarily long cers, and committees. Election of Quinn's boys from then on. Howard more than willing to take part. The Introducing New Gasoline been delayed. Qther roads of An­ officers, and other business. Sommerville on an end run with a date of the Fair is Friday, Oct. 23rd. The advertising .campaign began The women will have a special pro­ trim County have received the . pre­ 5:30—Fellowship Supper. Young couple of passes scored, a'long end The exhibits will all be set up in October 9 and continues until the gram on Wednesday, with Miss Mary. ference. This may have helped to Peoples Rally in connection directed run by Heinzelman ran across for the the Gymnasium. • The evening pro­ middle of December. The main am­ Iford, club leader in charge. Miss delay 66 to East Jordan for one by Rev. E. P. Linnell.' third marker in the beginning of the gram will be one of the outstanding munition will be introduction of a Margaret Harris of Marquette will county can not get more than its due Evening Service fourth quarter." A lirtle later on in features because we know you will new gasoline which the Company has appear on this program and conduct share of the roads. Antrim County 7:15—Song Service led by Mr. the quarter, Sommerville on the 30 be much interested in hearing what been making at refineries for some a potato cooking demonstration. Miss happens to have 131 and 88. It has Harker Kirby. Devotions, Rev. Jas. yard line intercepted a pass for the Gerald Busch, Supt. of Charlevoix time and now has at distributing Muriel Dundas of the Michigan State been difficult for Mr. Burridge and Leitch. Special Music, Boys' Glee final marker and left East Jordan a Schools has to say to our students points ready for' delivery, but about College will talk about "Practical others Interested in 66 to put over Club, directed by Albert Rider. top heavy score of 25" to Harbor's and their parents. which the story is not being told in Nutrition." Address, "Religious Education and nothing. The first score was made the proposition at the Capitol. But The following program has been advance of the actual advertising. The certified seed growers will hold according to Mr. Burridge Wednes­ American Democracy," Dr. James after Hignite made a ~.iiee return of a their annual luncheon On Wednesday King, Pres. Olivet College. Offering. punt, East Jordan's passing and end arranged and we know everyone will Following a series of "teaser" ads day evening it is expected that con­ find it more than just interesting. the campaign will come out in force noon with John Tucker of Ottawa, struction will be started on 66 in Closing Song. Benediction, Rev. running to the Harbor 10 yard, line Canada as their main speaker. Marvin Jewell. where LaLonde then plunged the rest PROGRAM today with large announcements in .earnest before the first of the year. 6:00-8:30—Inspection of JExht 1,462 newspapers in the thirteen' On Thursday forenoon the junior Every Sunday School is urged to of the distance "for the touchdown. program- wiH^be-beleV—Speakers- on- With the closing of the Antrim bits. Music by High School Orches­ north central States in which Stan- send a good delegation. A penant tra. ' dard of Indiana operates. These this program include Prof. Glerin Iron Company and all of its logging will be presented to the largest dele­ The game was marred by an un- Schonhals of Onaway and Prof. E. camps, L. S. Baldwin, Supt. of the ferseen incident which might have .8:30^-8:45—Girls' Glee Club. newspapers have a circulation of 12,- gation of young people present from 5717677. in "a "territory; of 32,000,000 R. Austin of the Michigan State Col­ Antrim Iron Co., stated Wednesday any Sunday School. caused strained relations- between 8:45-—-9:00—Awarding of pre­ lege. Thursday afternoon the general night that nearly 800 men were Harbor Springs and East Jordan. miums by the Judges—Supt. W. H. population where 8,371,750 cars and program will continue with O. B. thrown out of employment. Most of James Bradley, one of the half backs VanPetten, Bellaire; K. Ousterhout, trucks are operating with a gasoline Price of the New York Central Lines them had acted as though they had of Harbor Springs was not allowed Antrim County. Agr'l Agent, Bellaire. consumption of nearly five billion gal­ discussing the Agricultural Progress lost their parents. Therefore it turn­ to,play, due to the fact that Harbor 9:00—9:15—"Leave It to The lons a year. Follow-up advertise­ of Northern Michigan. ed out that at the present Time-Man-' Meeting of PTA Springs- did not apply to the State Home Ec's." ments will appear regularly in the celona is vitally interested in immedi­ following two months. John' Tucker of "Ottawa, Canada, Athletic Association in time to have 9:15—10:00—Address by Supt. of will tell the potato growers of this ate construction of 66 in order to his status clear.. Thursday, Mr. Dun­ Schools, Gerald Busch, Charlevoix. „. Newspaper Ads Main Reliance relieve the critical labor situation at Great Success region what the Canadian farmers canson in talking with C. E. Forsythe, The newspaper advertising which are doing in potato production. J. 'the latter place, Mr. Burridge was Assistant to A. W. Thompson", after is to be the main reliance of the cam­ one of the speakers called upon by HARVEST-HOME SUPPER HON- season. J. Bird of the Potato Department, inquiring abqut Bradley's status it paign, will be supplemented by ad­ Michigan State College, will talk the acting President of the local ORS FACULTY.
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