Index to vols. 1-21 1 Tropical Bryology 22: 1-46, 2002 Tropical Bryology, index to vols. 1-21 compiled by Jan-Peter Frahm II. Index to authors.........................................15 Dicranaceae) in Central America. III. Index by subjects....................................29 Tropical Bryology 1: 63-94. I. Index by volumes Churchill, S.P. 1989. Nuevo Catalogo de los Musgos de Colombia. Tropical Bryology 1: 95ff. Volume 1, 1989 Delgadillo M., C. 1989. A Guide to fieldstations Volume 2: in the tropics I., Mexico. Tropical Bryology 1: 1-4. Allen, B. 1990. A Revision of the genus Salazar Allen, N. 1989. A Guide to fieldstations Crossomitrium (Musci: Hookeriaceae). in the tropics II. Panama. Tropical Tropical Bryology 2:.3-34. Bryology 1: 5-8. Buck, W.R. 1990.Biogeography of the Greater Frahm, J.-P. 1989. Bryohumbertia subcomosa Antillean Mosses. Tropical Bryology 2: (Dix.) J.-P. Frahm, a new name for 35-48. Bryohumbertia Delgadillo, C.1990.Advances in Mexican walkeri (Mitt.) J.-P. Frahm. Tropical Bryology. Tropical Bryology 2: 49-52. Bryology 1: 9-10. De Luna, E. 1990. Developmental Evidence of Frahm, J.-P. 1989. The genus Chorisodontium Acrocarpy in Hedwigia ciliata (Musci, (Musci, Dicranaceeae) in the Hedwigiaceae). Tropical Bryology 2: Neotropics. Tropical Bryology 1: 11-24. 53-60 Gradstein, S.R., Florschütz-de Waard, J. 1989. Enroth, J. 1990. Altitudinal Zonation of Results of a botanical expedition to Bryophytes on the Huon Peninsula, Mount Roraima, Guiyana. I. Papua New Guinea. Tropical Bryology Bryophytes. Tropical Bryology 1: 25- 2: 61-90. 54. Frahm, J.-P. 1990. Campylopus, a modern and Een, G. 1989. Mosses from the Mascarenes - 3. successful genus ?. Tropical Bryology Tropical Bryology 1: 55-62. 2: 91-102. Allen, B. 1989. A preliminary treatment of the Glime, J.M., P.S.Hudy & S. Hattori genus Campylopus (Musci: 1990.Diversity and altitudinal niche TROPICAL BRYOLOGY 22 (2002) 2 Frahm width characteristics for 35 taxa of the Volume 3, 1990 Papua New Guinea Frullania flora with consideration of sibbling pairs. Tropical Frahm, J.-P. 1990. The origin and distribution Bryology 2: 103-116. of Neotropical species of Campylopus. Gradstein, S.R. , D. Montfoort & J.H.C. Tropical Bryology 3: 1-18. Cornelissen 1990.Species richness and Ochyra, R. 1990. Gradsteinia andicola, a phytogeography of the bryophyte flora remarkable aquatic moss from South of the Guianas, with special reference America. Tropical Bryology 3: 19-28. to the lowland rainforest.. Tropical Cornelissen, J.H.C. & Gradstein, S.R. 1990. Bryology 2: 117-126. On the occurrence of bryophytes and Griffin, S.R.1990. Floristics of the south macrolichens in different lowland rain American Páramo mossflora. Tropical forest types at Mabura Hill, Guyana. Bryology 2: 127-132. Tropical Bryology 3: 29-36. Hu, R.1990. Distribution of bryophytes in China Bruggeman-Nannenga, M.A. 1990. On the . Tropical Bryology 2: .133 anatomy of the costa in Fissidens. Iwatsuki, Z. 1990. Origin of the New Caledonian Tropical Bryology 3: 37-44. bryophyte flora. Tropical Bryology 2: Gradstein, S.R. 1990. A Key to the New World 139-148. species of holostipous Lejeuneaceae. Koponen, T. 1990. Bryophyte flora of Western Tropical Bryology 3: 45-58. Melanesia. Tropical Bryology 2: 149- Allen, B. H. 1990. A preliminary treatment of 160 the Holomitrium complex (Musci: Luo, J.-S. 1990.A synopsis of chinese Dicranaceae) in epiphyllous liverworts. Tropical Central America. Tropical Bryology 3: Bryology 2: 161-166. 59-72. Miller, H. & H.O.Whittier 1990. Bryophyte Touw, A. 1990. Additional notes on Neckeropsis. floras of tropical pacific islands. 3. On the identity of Thamnium Tropical Bryology 2: 167-176. quisumbingii Pócs, T. 1990. The exploration of the East Veloira. Tropical Bryology 3: 73-74. African bryoflora. Tropical Bryology 2: Frahm, J.-P. & Gradstein, S.R. 1990. Ecology 177-192. of tropical bryophytes: a bibliography. Pursell, R. 1990. Fissidens in the Neotropics. Tropical Bryology 3: 75-77. Tropical Bryology 2: 193-200. Vitt, D.H. 1990. Desmotheca (Orthotrichaceae): Redfearn, P. 1990. Tropical component in the Gondwanan fragmentation and the moss flora of China. Tropical Bryology origin of a 2: 201-222. Southeast Asian genus. Tropical Robinson, H. 1990. A functional evolution of Bryology 3: 78-88. the Leucobryaceae. Tropical Bryology Florschütz - de Waard, J. 1990.A Catalogue of 2: 223-238. the Bryophytes of the Guianas. II. Schuster, R.M. 1990. Origins of neotropical Musci. Tropical Bryology 3: 89 ff. Leafy Hepaticae. Tropical Bryology 2: 239-264. Tan, B., Engel, J.J. 1990. A preliminary study Volume 4, 1991 of the affinities of Philippine, Bornean and New Guinean Gradstein, S.R. 1991.Diversity and distribution Hepatics. Tropical Bryology 2: 265-272 of Asian Lejeuneaceae subfamily Thiers, B.M. 1990. An overview of the Ptychanthoideae. Tropical Bryology 4: Lejeuneaceae in Australia. Tropical 1-16. Bryology 2: 273 ff. But, P. P.-H. & Gao, C.-H. 1991. Epiphyllous Hepaticae of Kowloon Peninsula (Hong Kong). Tropical Bryology 4: 17-22. TROPICAL BRYOLOGY 22 (2002) Index to vols. 1-21 3 Vital, D.H., Giancotti, C. & Pursell, R.A. 1991. (Mitt.) Broth. with additional notes on The Bryoflora of Fernando de Noronha, certain taxa of Breutelia. Tropical Brasil. Tropical Bryology 4: 23-24. Bryology 5: 55-60. Morales Z., M.I. 1991. Las Hepaticas Gradstein, S.R. & Salazar Allen, N. 1992. communicadas para Costa Rica Tropical Bryophyte diversity along an altitudinal Bryology 4: 25-58. gradient in Darién National Park, Frahm, J.-P. 1991. Taxonomische Not izen zur Panama. Tropical Bryology 5: 61-74. Gattung Campylopus XV. Tropical Wolfe, J. & McQueen, C.B. 1992. Bryology 4: 59-62. Biogeochemical Ecology of six Species Gradstein, S.R. & Yamada, K. 1991. The Ge- of Sphagnum in Costa Rica. Tropical nus Radula (Hepaticae) in the Bryology 5: 73-78. Galapagos Islands. Tropical Bryology Sipman, H.J.M. & Aptroot, A. 1992. Results 4: 63-68. of a botanical expedition to Mount Pócs, T. & O´Shea, B.J. 1991. Quick Reference Roraima, Guyana. II. Lichens. Tropical List of Basic Literature to Identify Bryology 5: 79-108. Tropical African Bryophytes. Tropical Florschütz - de Waard, J. 1992. A Revision of Bryology 4: 69-854 the Genus Potamium (Musci: SalazarAllen, N.1991. A preliminary treatment Sematophyllaceae). Tropical Bryology of the Central American species of 5: 109 ff. Octoblepharum (Musci, Calymperaceae). Tropical Bryology 4: 85 ff. Volume 6, 1992 Sipman, H.J.M. 1992. Results of a Volume 5, 1992 lichenological and bryological exploration of Cerro Guaiquinima Arrocha, C. 1992. Musgos de Costa Rica: (Guayana Highland,Venezuela). nuevos registros. Tropical Bryology 5: Tropical Bryology 6: 1-34. 1-4. Bello y Bello, B. 1992. La colección briológica Enroth, J. 1992. Identity of Porotrichum del Herbario Nacional de México perplexans (Neckeraceae, Musci) from (MEXU). Tropical Bryology 6: 35-38. China. Tropical Bryology 5: 56. Bourell, M. 1992. A checklist of the bryophytes Piippo, S. 1992. On the asexual reproduction of of Chiapas, Mexico. Tropical Bryology Plagiochila pluma Steph. Tropical 6: 39-56. Bryology 5: 79. Cárdenas S., A. 1992. Situación de la enseñanza Thiers, B. 1992. A Re-evaluation of de la briología en México. Tropical Cheilolejeunea subgenus Xenolejeunea. Bryology 6: 57-60. Tropical Bryology 5: 10-22. Delgadillo M., C. 1992. El banco de datos de Frahm, J.-P. 1992. A Guide to Fieldstations in los musgos neotropicales. Tropical the Tropics III. Colombia. Tropical Bryology 6: 61-64. Bryology 5: 23-26. Pinheiro da Costa, D. 1992. Morphology of Wu, P, 1992. The Mossflora of Xishuangbanna, Metzgeria conjugata Lindb. Southern Yunnan, China. Tropical (Metzgeriales, Hepaticopsida). Tropical Bryology 5: 27-34. Bryology 6:.65-70. Lewis, M. 1992. Meteoridium and Durán D., A., Cisneros C., A.E. & Vargas V., Zelometeorium in Bolivia. Tropical A. 1992. Evaluación briológica de los Bryology 5: 35-54. efectos de la contaminación atmosférica Griffin III, D. 1992.The distribution and en la Ciudad de México. Tropical synonyms of Breutelia microdonta Bryology 6: 71-82. TROPICAL BRYOLOGY 22 (2002) 4 Frahm Gradstein, S.R. 1992. Threatened bryophytes of Volume 7, 1993 the neotropical rain forest: a status report. Tropical Bryology 6: 83-94. Hicks, M.L. A new species of Cronisia Berkeley Granzow-de la Cerda, I. 1992. Análisis (Corsiniaceae) from Mexico. Tropical cladístico de la familia Bryology 7: 1-6. Anomodontaceae. Tropical Bryology 6: Delgadillo M., C. The Antillean Arc and the 95-104. distribution of neotropical mosses. Hoffmann, A. & Riverón, R. 1992. Tropical Bryology 7: 7-12. Biorelaciones entre los musgos y su Reiner-Drehwald, M.E. Las Lejeuneaceae acarofauna en México. Tropical (Hepaticae) de Misiones, Argentina I. Bryology 6: 105-110. Las especies holostipas. Tropical Ireland, R.R. 1992. The moss genus Bryology 7: 13-46. Isopterygium (Hypnaceae) in Latin Een, G. Mosses from the Mascarenes - 4. America. Tropical Bryology 6: 111-132. Tropical Bryology 7:.47-54. Morales Z., M.I. 1992. La identidad de Ahti, T., Stenroos, S., Xavier Filho, L. The Aphanolejeunea heterophylla Schuster. lichen family Cladoniaceae in Paraiba, Tropical Bryology 6: 133-138. Pernambuco and Sergipe, Northeast Moreno, E.J. 1992. Revisión histórica de la Brazil. Tropical Bryology 7: 55-70. briología en Venezuela. Tropical Lumbsch, H.T., Elix, J.A. Notes on the Bryology 6: 139-146. circumscription of the lichens Lecanora Moreno, E.J. 1992. Aproximación al leprosa and L. sulphurescens conocimiento de las briofitas de (Lecanoraceae, lichenised Venezuela. Tropical Bryology 6: 147- Ascomycotina). Tropical Bryology 7: 156. 71-76. Motito, A., Potrony, M.E. & Reyes M., D. 1992. Gradstein, S.R. A decade of neotropical Estado actual y perspectivas futuras del exsiccates. Tropical Bryology 7: 77-86. estudio de los musgos cubanos. Tropical Galloway, D.J. Nomenclatural notes on Bryology 6: 157-160. Pseudocyphellaria V: Some Brazilian Moyá, M.T. 1992. Phenological observations taxa. Tropical Bryology 7: 87-92. and sex ratios in Marchantia chenopoda Farkas, E.E.
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