ie Price of This Paper is 3 cents everywhere—Pay no CARTERET PRESS 1H3QBMH CAKTKKKT, N. .1.. FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1932 PRICE THBBB Federal Agents Wreck Young Defnacmta To ife Savings Of ! Policeman Fined Warren Street Still Ukrainian Minstrels Endorto School Ticket Democrats Pick I'Vilern! prohibition agents from The Younic Men's Democratic Club Couple Kept In House But Returns To Work Ni'Wnrk, visited Cartoret Saturday Score Big Hiwiltl hold a meting Monday night in and destroyed a large still In a house Firehouse No. 2 to endorse the three Rusnak Loses Six Weeks Pay in Warren street near Salem avenue. Performance At High School cnndldaU* favored by the party for I Tom Devweux lad Recently Been Withdrawn From Local police were not notified of the thhe schoohl l electionli . Thhe publiblic is in- Loan — Robber* Represented Them- and Hi» Vacation —• Chevro- raid and had no report of it. Resides Pleases Big Crowd — Mati- vited to attend. Thera will be speak- Jakeway and Sam let truck Offer It Lowest In the still, the federal men found a nee Show For Emergency ing by local leaders and the candi- Endorsed —Two kl Men Searching For Liquor — Sus- quantity of mash and some alcohol. dates. After the "peaking refresh- Bidding Contest. i Fund. ments will be served. Withdrawn To Prevent Two well attended performances Deadlock. ; r in the answprcd in the affirmative. Then Patrolman Walter Rusnak who Thorn Again Heads were given Saturday in the high the .spokesman said that he and his was suspended about the end of No- school auditorium by the minstrel The Democratic organisation at aturday cnmpnnion were federal men and vember on charges brought by Chief [company of the Ukrainian Social Mrs. Stremlau Acts the borough, at a meeting ta. Fire- ey cou- Umt they had a warrant to search the of Police Henry J. Harrington will • Boy Scout Council Club. There were catchy new songs hou.ic No. 2 Saturday night, endors- "he vic- •Snhok home upon advice and infor- be reinstated on February 1. He was and choruses and plenty of endmen'a To Help Sale ed Thomas Jakeway, Thomas Deva- Sebok mation that liquor was kept there. given a hearing before the council gags. The proceeds of the matinee remt and Samuel Wexler as candi- Wednesday night in the mayor's of- Other Carteret Men Assigned dates for members nf the Board at ,100 in Tho two men immediately went up- were turned over to the Relief Fund. Card Party Given To Help and stairs. Soon they returned with the fice. John Gall charged that Rusnak To Important Posts At An- The cast had been holding rehears- Education at the election to be bald ays be- monry and hastily left. There is no was intoxicated and called him Christmas Seal Campaign on February 9. Five men were nom- names. All of Gall's charges were nual Dinner of Raritan Coun- als for weeks and were well drilled ttake electric light in the Sabok home and in their respective parts. Walter Here. inated during the meeting but two, itu- the men used a flashlight in search- supported by William Nadolski. cil. Wadiak was chairman of the general George Morgan and Joseph Conlon, ing for the money. Other witnesses backed Rusnak's withdrew their names when a qoss~ '$, home, committee in charge of the arrange- Mrs. Emil Stremlau, chairman of to Despite the poor light Mrs. Sabok story that he was sober and that ments. tion of selecting three for th« party Gall made all the trouble. Howard W. Thorn of Carteret was the Christmas Seal Sale campaign in endorsement arose. For several days The was able to give the police a fair de- unanimously re-elected President of In the cast were: Edward 1. Walsh, Carteret held a card party Tuesday book scription of the two men. Later Rusnak was fined six weeks pay it had been understood that Morgan the Raritan Council Boy Scouts of interlocutor; endmen: John Daluiski, in a Rahway furniture store. There who formerly served as a school Com- Louis [Hump*, agod 28 y««ri, was and will not have a vacation Jhig sum- America at. tha Thirteenth Annual Stephen Mortsea, Jack Boos, Michael were fourteen tables in play. The rounded up by police and Mrs. Sa- mer. meeting held on Tuesday at the Elks' Pally, John Leschek and Peter Mort- party wag for the benefit of the seal missioner and aa district clerk, WBJ bok said she thought he was one of At the meeting of the council prev- Club, Perth Amboy. sea. Members of the chorus: Helen sale. Those present, all of Carteret, the party choice with Wexler snl the men. Stumpf was examined in ious to the hearing on the police Former Governor Morgan F. Lar- Fedak, Anna Proscura, Catherine were: Mrs. C. Thomas, Mrs. Louis Jakeway. of Woodbridge and then was held for case, bids were received for a truck son was re-elected Honorary Presi- Malenchek, Mary Zap, Marie Proscu- Ruderman, Mrs. Rusnell Miles, Mrs. Jakeway WHS nominated by Louis the action of the Grand Jury in for the road department. Roosevelt dent and Dr. Fred H. Albec of Co- ra, Marie Dymetriw, Anna and So- Alice Woodman, Mrs. J. E. Dunne, B. Nagy and seconded by John 115,000 bail. Motors offered a Ford truck' for $986 Ionia was re-eleoted Honorary Vice- Mra. Peter Lewer, Mrs. J. H. Nevill, e. Thomas Devereux was nomi- and made an allowance of $125 for phie Hamulak, Natalie Wadiak, Sel- nated by William V. Coughlin and President. President Thorn served as la Bayus, Mary Matwy, Anna Pavlik, Mrs. Sam Harris, Mr«. T. J. Nevill, the old borough truck. The Economy Mrs. George Gaudet, Mrs. Dorsey thp nomination 'was seconded by Garage company Chevrolet agents Toastmaster over the program and Olga Kowalchuk, Anna Yaminoff, Henry Staubach. Joseph Conlon was Calvin Derrick the superintendent of Sophie Hamadyk, Mary Kravitz, So- Feehan, Mrs. Isador Rrown, Mrs. Odd Fellows Win 2 beat this bid by $21, offering a re- Conrad Anderson, Mrs. Hnrry Mann, nominated by Louis Huber and sec- bate for the old truck of $175 on the State Home for Boys at James phie Bobenehuk, Mrs. C. Ginda, Mi- onded by Edward Conlon. Adolph burg, was the speaker of the evening. chael Haluko, Nicholas Dymetriw, Mrs. Henry Nannen, Mrs. John Don- the price of a new Chevrolet truck ovan, Mrs. Julius Kloss, Mrs. N. A. Noaring nominated George Morgan costing $985. The bids were referred Mr. Derrick delivered a stirring ad- Michael Gregor, Joseph Hamadyk, and the nomination waa seconded by ib From Newark Lodge dress stressing the importance and Joseph Pukaa, John Kleban, Walter Jncoby, Mrs. Charles Roth, Jr., Mrs. to the road department. fl. B. Brown, Mrn, Adolph Clrepn- John Balog. Samuel Wexler was nom- the value of the Boy Seoul Muve- Pavlik, John H&mulak, Michael inated by C. A Sheridan and the Carteret Pinners Victorious In East Rahway residents complained ment for the upbuilding of American Markowit7., Alex Ginda, Walter Wa- wald, Mrs. E. Lefkowitz, Mrs. Henry in a petition of the damage done in Harrington, Mrs. Emil Stremlftu, nomination Was seconded by Philip State Odd Fellows League boyhood, and he gave many fticts ciiak, Stanley Pukas and Theodore Turk. that section by a band of boys and based upon his study nf delinquent Sofka. Mrs. T. G. Kenyon Mrs. Charles Match. young men. Better police protection boya and paid high tribute to Scout- Phillips, Mrs. Alan Messinger, Mrs. When the nominations were closed was asked. The petition was referred ing for what it is doing for the Char- George Bradley, Mrs. Robert Brown, the question of selecting three of the deliv- The Odd Fellows defeated the to the police department. acter building and citizenship train- Mrs. J. McCarthy, Mrs. Howard five was put before the meeting by fore the Newark lodge in a State Bowling ing of boya. Burns, Mrs. Alexander Lebowita:, President Frederic T. Colton of the PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Carteret Democratic Club. Several Sun- g match at Newark Wednes- One of the most interesting fea- Mrs., Thomas Cheret and Mrs. Carrie erian Drake. suggestions were offered but no so- day evening. The locals won the tures of the evening was the presen- The Community Bible Institute of. lution was found. Conlon withdrew ith, state first and third games, losing the sec- Women Plan Party tation of the Silver Beaver Awards the St. Mark's Episcopal, the German f and Lit- his name in the interest of party ond by 22 pins. for distinguished service. These Luthern, the Methodist Episcopal harmony. ' a card and Presbyterian Churches which are Woman'* Club Directors With Bill Donnelly smashing the awards were presented to Dr. Fritz The situation! remained deadlocked in Feb- pins for a 217 score in the first game, ' At Turks Grill Abegg of Perth Amboy who has been being held in the Presbyterian Meet With President is Church each evening this week,.in- then for several mtnutes hnd it wag nyon the locals had little trouble in win- Scoutmaster of Troop 6 Perth Am- decided to adjourn to some evening charge. ninjj, 848 to 764. The tables were boy for over 12 years and John cluding Sunday, are being attended The directors of the Woman's Club Auxiliary Of Brotherhood Of by large groups of people. Much of Cartevet met Monday afternoon early this week. Before the gather- Oakley I reversed in the second game, and the Tracy Dill who has been Scoutmas- ing could disperse Mr. Morgan with- by n.' Carteret team rolling poorly was de- Israel Will Have Afternoon ter of Troop 91 South Amboy for interest is being shown by the fact in the home of Mrs.
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