Only he is a Marxist who extends the rec- Subscriptions (£30 p.a. or £15 six months - pay og Bulletin Publications) and circulation: £2 nition of the class struggle to the recogni- Economic & tion of the dictatorship of the proletariat. p&p epsr, po box 76261, This is the touchstone on which the real Philosophic London sw17 1GW [Post Office Registered.] Books understanding and recognition of Marxism e-Mail: [email protected] is to be tested. V.I.Lenin Science Review Website — WWW.epsr.orG.uk Vol 15 driver (representing Britain’s Leninist perspective on triumphant police-military dictatorship), and that the IRA itself intended to hold an inquiry to reprimand Irish national-liberation struggle those responsible for such an ill-judged attack, plus well- Part Two (June 1988 - January 1994) recorded apologies (for the casu- alties to innocent by-standers) expressed by Sinn Féin and the IRA. EPSR books Volume 15 [Part One in Vol 8 1979-88] Channel Four’s News at Seven even added a postscript to its far further afield, particularly hour-long nightly bulletin that More clues from the dog not barking in the Republic and in the huge its coverage of the Fermanagh [ILWP Bulletin No 450 29-06-88] North American Irish-descent border incident should have population). made it clearer that the target Pieces continue to fit together again showed up the limits of Some key sections of the Brit- of the IRA attack was the UDR revealing British imperialism’s philosophical, political and ish capitalist state media delib- bus driver, and not the children plans to finally quit its colonial cultural emancipation of the erately held back from this prize inside the bus. enclave in the occupied north bourgeois-nationalist ideology opportunity handed them by All of this smacked of deliber- of Ireland, - driven out by the (as compared to the historically- IRA clumsiness to crucify once ate Whitehall news manage- unbeatable national-liberation proven all-round transforma- again the “evil men of violence”, ment. struggle (climaxed by Sinn tion of liberation struggle when etc, in the usual one-sided way Why? Because the deal is Féin’s Bolshevisation of the led by the dialectical-materialist in which the casualties of the coming up in which Sinn Féin Irish proletariat inside the revolutionary theory of Leninist national-liberation war are will be accepted as having colony), - and to try to hand proletarian-dictatorship organi- exaggerated when caused by earned a legitimate role in over a snail’s pace reunification sation). guerrilla action, but completely the devolution-reunification under Dublin rule. But it was a far more remark- whitewashed or covered up convolutions which will funda- The crass military misjudg- able event for the indirect when the result of SAS death mentally end up with Ireland at ment by the IRA in planting evidence it provided that a squads, indiscriminate RUC last getting its full independ- a bomb in a school bus with deal is in the offing for a new baton-rounds, or systematic ence from British imperialism, apparently a tilt-mechanism constitutional conference for army night-raid terror or tor- - just as the national-liberation detonator (which not too the whole island of Ireland in ture barracks treatment, etc. struggle has been demanding surprisingly failed to go off which Sinn Féin will be invited But remarkably, this time, and fighting for, - ending at last 1 with just its UDR driver-target to play a major role (represent- some of the coverage was almost the British colonial enclave in on board but did explode once ing the indomitable liberation self-consciously fair to the the gerrymandered portions the bus was loaded with Brit- struggle in the north, and IRA, carefully pointing out that of six of Ulster’s nine counties ish and Irish schoolchildren) representing Irish sentiments the target the UDR-regiment which were ripped out of Ireland EPSR Books Vol 15 Ireland pt2 by Black & Tan bayonets in the important role in pretending to nial sections of the Tory Party. always going to be a poisonous shameful Partition in 1921, be reclaiming full Irish inde- So the implacable murder- relic for British imperialism (– denying that earlier heroic pendence under the proposed ous supremacy of the ‘rule of to divest itself of. The armed national-liberation struggle the new deal (but in reality staying law’ must be made to stand out UDI Carson campaign failed full fruits of its outstanding very close to the West’s counter- supreme even as the political miserably (and predictably - see guerrilla war victory over Brit- revolutionary general inter- framework is being trans- ILWP Books vol 8 & 15 – Ireland), ish imperialism.) ests, – in particular, fear of the formed solely as a result of that but Paisley’s powerful propa- Whitehall ‘get-out-of-empire’ Leninist-leaning of part of Sinn unbeatable national-liberation ganda slander remains nearly circles still have a bitter fight on Féin; and determined to help struggle. abandoned now by the whole ex- their hands against the colonial- London head it off by doing this There is also a firm wish to colonial community (apart from reactionary/political police new snail’s pace reunification see the boasted-of ‘excellence’ handfuls of National-Front-type circles who insist that appalling deal) – was Hermon’s half-stran- in secret-police counter-revolu- thugs), and so ready to do noth- consequences for capitalism gled announcement that he tionary (‘anti-terrorist’) regimes ing but kick the bucket of slops will follow if Britain is seen would probably step down from in the occupied zone being over as the vicious imperialist to be “giving in to the men of running the RUC next year, – 5 maintained “for the benefit dream of a gerrymandered ‘Brit- violence”, etc. years before compulsory retire- of the anti-communist strug- ish Ireland’ fades for ever. Hence the ruling group’s wish ment. Today, the background to gle” for the whole of Ireland, Hermon is already being to deliberately NOT inflame this strange announcement was whatever the political colouring quietly eased out,- to avoid his public opinion against the Sinn revealed, – the decision by the of its final devolved or reunified prosecution, and appease the Féin national liberation group- police committee in the zone constitutionality (probably a Dublin demands that justice in ings on this occasion. NOT to prosecute Hermon over mixture of both). the Occupied Zone must at least Another interesting sign of the death-squad SAS/killings Although the SAS will ‘be seen’ to be cleared up - a lit- clearing up difficulties with investigated by Stalker. probably not have any official tle before respectable reunifica- Dublin Green Tories for their J.H. jurisdiction inside any new tion can - take place (which still all-island Ireland, its methods leaves the capitalist establish- British colonial community in occu- and experience are very much ment intact in Ireland, north embodied in the RUC which it and south). pied Ireland kicking the bucket is hoped will be continued as But Paisley’s savaging could the leading force of ‘law and badly easily taint the whole RUC [ILWP Bulletin No 451 06-07-88] order’. It is the whole history of yet. British imperialism’s furtive Harland and Wolff read Britain’s ‘counter-insurgency operations’ And there are added dangers scuttle out of Ireland is gather- colonial enclave in Ulster, and which monopoly-capitalist from the victimised 20 officers, ing pace. Although complex and vice versa. interests wish to see preserved or from Paisley-type vengeance, contradictory, some aspects of it A contradictory impression in reputation in Gibraltar, not of spilling even more of the are almost turning into a rout or to the reality of British impe- just the individual assassins. mouldy rotten past of Britain’s a stampede. rialism’s capitulation to the But this aspect of preserving police-military dictatorship in The proposed abandonment unbeatable strength of Ireland’s the RUC’s reputation is going Ireland. of age-old UK government national-liberation struggle, very badly. The whitewash of Simultaneously, news is now subsidies to the Harland and led by Sinn Féin and the IRA, Hermon’s death-squad role (see freely admitted of the steady Wolff shipbuilding giant in may appear to be given by last Bulletin) while 20 junior exodus on one-way tickets of Belfast represents a massive London’s vicious intransigent officers are to face ‘obstruction much youth (especially from the blow not just at the entrenched determination to protect its of justice’ disciplinary investiga- old disillusioned supremacist Orange-colonial employment SAS death-squad assassins at all tion stinks to high heaven, And colonial community) out of the sectarianism which has kept costs from being found guilty worst of all the scorned Orange Occupied Zone for ever. the Irish proletariat as second- of cold-blooded murder of three colonial hardman Paisley is The ‘British Ulster’ farce, class citizens trapped inside the unarmed Irish republicans on vengefully stirring the stench viciously born by Black and Tan British enclave - discriminated the streets of Gibraltar by the as hard as he can, - demanding bayonets in 1921 ripping gerry- against for jobs in favour of the Mickey Mouse local inquest Thatcher and Hermon go on mandered parts of this province Rule Britannia bully boys of (which has declared in advance trial if trial there has to be, - not out of the newly-won independ- colonial-fascist so-called ‘Prot- it will refuse to allow any at- their loyal underlings. ence for the Republic of Ireland, estantism’. tempted implication of the As the ILWP has explained, — is dying a death. But even more is it a conclu- British unformed killers in any diehard Orange ‘loyalism’ was Good riddance.
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