Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction Volume 6 Issue 2 The Journal of Mine Action Article 11 August 2002 One Leg Dancing (Um Pé Que Dança) Angola Embraces the Future Joe Lokey Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at JMU (CISR) Ken O'Connell MgM Follow this and additional works at: https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/cisr-journal Part of the Defense and Security Studies Commons, Emergency and Disaster Management Commons, Other Public Affairs, Public Policy and Public Administration Commons, and the Peace and Conflict Studies Commons Recommended Citation Lokey, Joe and O'Connell, Ken (2002) "One Leg Dancing (Um Pé Que Dança) Angola Embraces the Future," Journal of Mine Action : Vol. 6 : Iss. 2 , Article 11. Available at: https://commons.lib.jmu.edu/cisr-journal/vol6/iss2/11 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Center for International Stabilization and Recovery at JMU Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction by an authorized editor of JMU Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Lokey and O'Connell: One Leg Dancing (Um Pé Que Dança) Angola Embraces the Future Published by JMU Scholarly Commons, 2002 1 Journal of Conventional Weapons Destruction, Vol. 6, Iss. 2 [2002], Art. 11 • The Ludana The war destroyed over nire role in rhe process and almost no in­ UNITA rhat hampered the free move­ governments and private donations. A slums. c/o 5,000 schools in Angola volvement in the administration of rhe ment of parry representatives so crucial major problem is rhat demining is only Rodger Bosch for MgM and those who do man­ camps. The Angolan government quickly ro rhe political reintegration of UN ITA as a being conducted in eight of Angola's 18 age ro periodically make points our rhar rhe UN peace agreements viable political parry in Angola. This ban provinces. The following demining or­ ir to overcrowded class- brokered in 1991 and 1994 enabled has si nce been lifted, but the continued ganizations have operational bases, with ad­ rooms- sometimes UNITA to rearm and rebuild and rhar obstacles ro a equate funding levels, in these provinces: holding as many as 90 fu rther UN involvement could once workable peace NGO Provlnce(s) in one room-have few again forrif)r UN ITA borh logistically and presented by Norwegian Peoples Aid (NPA) Huila, Malanje, Kwanza Norte, Moxico resources with which to politically. T hey are determined rhar rhis rhe United Na- Mines Advisory Group (MAG) Moxico, Cunene learn. Even with access will nor happen again. tions are nor HALO Trust Huambo, Bie, Benguela (Cubal) to educati on, children The recent survey report from rhe unnoticed. frequently arrive late or Geneva l nrernarional Center for Hu­ INAROEE remains a viable entity Two other demining organizations, leave early to help earn manitarian Demining (GICHD) (The in Angola though plagued with the same I NTERSOS of Italy and Sta. Barbara of a living for rheir fami­ Mine Action Sector in Angola-Mission Re­ resource constraints as other governmen­ Germany, have no funding committed lies. About three our of port) is an example of rhe UN's desire to tal activities. They have pur together a for 2002 and are not active in thei r op­ ten rural women over expand UN influence and control over mobile ream in Bie Province working erational province of Huila. This means I 5 can read or write. rhe landmine process in Angola. While wirh T-55 tanks equipped with KMT-5 rhar rhe following provinces have no Only a third reach fifth minimizing and dismissing rhe role of rollers. They have also begun coordinat­ demining cover at the moment: Luanda, grade and none bur rhe INAROEE, rhe report does support rhe ing with the Angolan Armed Forces Kwanza Sui, Uige, Zaire, Benguela (ex­ children ofAngola's rich new inter-ministerial coordination body (FAA) combat engineers who will have a cept Cuba!), Cuando Cubango, Lunda governmental elite have (CN IDAH) bur recommends the injec­ 25 percent representation on rheirdemining Norte, Lunda Sui, Namibe and Cabinda. rh e opportunity fo r tion of UN advisors and the replacement reams. The I NARO EE Dem i ni ng School This may change as coordinating com­ higher education. Teach­ of the Angolan landmine database wirh ar ETAM is operational and rhe instruc­ mittees in provincial capitals work with gent UNITA rebels, Jonas Sav imbi, was NGOs have remained present, deter­ ers musr overcome landmines ro reach rhe rhe UN's Information Management Sys­ tors who were trained by Sourh Africa arc government officials to get their mine ki lled in February of2002. mined ro keep roads open, fie lds clear and srudenrs. tem for M ine Action (IMSMA) system in camp and preparing for an influx of action needs into rhe national Critical A peace memorand um was signed hope al ive. One of rhose, rhe German T he camps are the focal points of rhar was designed to give evenrual UN deminers, surveyors, explosive ordnance Needs Assessment and adequate resources on April 4rh rhar allows rhe movemenr charity Srifru ng Menschen gegen M in en inrernarional arrenrion bur rhe greater oversight over funding and resources go­ disposal (EOD) personnel and team lead­ are allocated as a result. of fo rmer UNJTA soldiers into 35 can­ (MgM) is one of rhe most well known human tragedy swirl ing around rhcm are ing inro national programs. While rhe ers ready for retraining. The World Food Program (WFP) tonment areas where demobilization and and highly respected demining chari ties mill ions of displaced Angolans rhar have report acknowledges many of rhe chal­ continues to address rhe hunger situation disarmamenr activities coincide with in Angola, and rhis is our view. been avoiding rhe fighting for decades. lenges, ir did lirrle ro recommend Demining Priorities in Angola, compares it to the mine threat retraining and repatriating former com­ Adding to rhis number is another half Angolan solutions ro Angolan problems. in former areas of hostilities, and sets pri­ baranrs and their fami lies. Of particular Impact of the War million or so emerging from previously The United Nations had also been The majority of mine clearance in orities. In Malanje, WFP needed to clear concern, though, is rhar rhe government held UNITA area. Women and young a major obstacle toward peace by con­ Angola continues to be done by a small and prepare areas outside the ciry to allow underestimated rhe numbers of return­ The horror of landmines only mag­ girls are particularly at risk as rhey forage tinuing travel sanctions on members of group of NGOs unilaterally funded via all Internally Displaced Peoples (lOPs) ing soldiers and rheir fami lies with more nifies rhe crisis in basic health provision for food, wood and water. The number within the ciry limits at least than 79,000 arriving with 236,000 fam­ in Angola. Health professionals and aid of displaced people in Angola is d ifficul t 0.5 hectare of arable land. ily members. This has overwhelmed rhe groups cannot travel safely on mined to measure bur NGOs indicate it could This was done to reduce de­ Angolan government and rheir movement roads ro address basic health needs. be over four million with about halfbeing pendency on food aid received throughout the country is only exacer­ Nearly every hospital, clinic and health children. In Moxico alone, there are over from WFP. Likewise in Huila, bated by rhe landmine problems. T hus facility in rhe country has been destroyed. 250,000 displaced and rhey a re expect­ WFP feels that one of rhe big­ far, the demobilization process has been lr is nor uncommon to fmd shocking ing another 350,000 to emerge from gest th rears to the develop­ less than efficient wirh rhe confusion dail y deaths due to malaria, malnurririon former UN ITA areas. As if the daily hor­ ment of safe areas for safety between the government and Un ited and orher prevemable diseases. I mmuniza­ ror ofrhe exposure of war were nor enough, of the population and resettle­ Nations (UN) effectively isolating rhe rion rates in Angola are among rhe lowest as many as halfof those are reported to have ment is large stockpiles of am­ NGOs and aid groups. Confusion is pre­ in rhe world. About half of rhe children witnessed a landmine incident. Trying ro munition. The first priority venting action. Landmines don't care. under five in Angola are underweight and address this has been difficult since less rhan given to MgM is the clearance Of rhe 2,610 known minefields in ar critical risk to a variety of diseases. No 30 percent of the $233 million (U.S.) of a huge cache rhar exists ar Angola, less rhan a fifth have been cleared trained anendam ar births directly con­ sought in an inter-agency appeal has actu­ the end of the runway, next and released for public use. Many more tributes to rhe astonishing 172 deaths per ally been received. to rhe hospital in rhe town of minefields remain in fo rmer UNITA­ I ,000 births in Angola. Angola is one of Caconda. There are more sires conrrolled areas and rhe extent ro which five countries nor to eradicate polio. The UN Role to follow. roads, airporrs, bridges, railways and other Opening access routes is rhe first step. These priorities were infrasrrucrure may be mined is unknown The educational systems in Angola The UN is nor viewed in Angola as written up last year when to anyone. While much of the world has are in a shambles.
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