The Beacon 100 years as “A Light in the Hills” No. 7 Riverside Christian School May 2006 25 cents Graduates celebrate their heritage It wasn’t the Oscars or a vis- first, welcomed everyone, and iting foreign dignitary, but looked to the past for the cameras were everywhere, and class. the flashes could nearly have Two other Valedictorians, replaced the mercury lights. Kendra Miller and Kimberly It was Commencement night Miller, also delivered their in the Riverside Christian addresses. Both spoke about School gymnasium. The their classmates and in relation graduating Class of 2006 and to their class motto “Learning the eighth grade graduates from our heritage while step- were being honored by par- ping into our future.” ents, family, teachers, and The eighth grade class took friends. the platform next for their Junior class escort Brett presentation “Dare to Do Stacy lit the candles that lined Right.” the aisle and then escorted in The elementary chorus sang the eighth grade graduates. two songs, first announcing The crowd that filled the the dedication of them to the gymnasium stood as the sen- seniors and saying “We love iors marched in to the tradi- you, Seniors.” tional Pomp and Circum- A presentation of awards stance. They were escorted by followed. A number of juniors Paige Sizemore and awards were presented on Brandon Hudson. Honors Day but the highest After Arnett Napier led in ones were reserved for gradua- prayer, each of the seven sen- tion night. The awards were iors had a part in the program. as follows: Bobbie Jo Haddix, one of the Curriculum Area Winners/ Baccalaureate honors grads three Valedictorians, spoke Cont. to GRADUATES p 6 The seniors made their first “Heavenly Sunlight.” Then the sang another hymn “He appearance in their caps and Responsive Reading “The Way Leadeth Me” and David Back, gowns Sunday, May 14 at the of Life” was read by Bobbie Jo Senior, lead everyone in a Baccalaureate service held at Haddix, senior. closing prayer. While “Savior the Drushal Memorial Brethren After that, the 2006 eighth Like a Shepard Lead Us” was Church right here on the River- grade class gave a presenta- being played, the graduates side campus. tion. Then Donald Tapio was Cont. to BACCA. page 3 Then service began about there to provide special music. 3:00 p.m. with Miss Beverly Next the 2006 senior class Burroughs playing a nice prel- gave a choral reading followed ude. After everyone was in the by Donna Southwood who chapel, a hymn “God Of Our sang a solo. Fathers” was sung. Then Rev. Tommy Miller, River- Kendra Miller, senior, stood up side alumnus, shared a special and gave a very moving message to the congregation he prayer. had prepared especially the After she was seated, every- seniors. Tommy Miller one sang another hymn After the message everyone The eighth grade graduates spoke at the baccalaureate service 2 THE BEACON May 23, 2006 Don’t be late…..for a very important date Learning outside of the classroom Too many people are wasting their high school experience In high school we learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. Then and only deciding to do things during their senior year. after a full day of learning some of us students enjoy extracur- Do not wait until your senior year to… get serious about your ricular activities. Do we realize, however, that while we are school work. By that time, most of your grades will already be enjoying softball, drama, football, or whatever the activity may on your permanent record. be, we are still actually learning. Don’t wait until your senior year to… worry about your per- Extracurricular activities teach students and prepare them for manent record because by that time all the things you’ve done their futures in a way that teachers and parents can not. are already there and you can’t do anything about it. They teach students commitment first of all. Being a part of a Don’t wait until your senior year to… get involved in school team of club requires all member to be there for everything to activities because then you’ve already missed out on all the fun, work properly. Generally, when a member doesn’t show up the and the experience that helps you to excel as a senior. coach or team leaders may get on to them but they’ll probably Hostetler receives Don’t wait until your senior year to… make friends. They can catch more slack from fellow members. Having to repeat in- help you get through high school and through the problems structions for absent members clarifies the need for commit- another award high school can bring. ment. The importance of each individual encourages commit- Another honor came posthu- Don’t wait until your senior year to… decide whether you ment. mously to Doran Hostetler. want to go to college and what you want to become. If you pro- Secondly, students learn to be on time. In “the real world” The coaches of the 55th Dis- crastinate about college, you might not get in right away. when you’re late for a meeting or job interview, it’s entirely trict selected Mr. Hostetler to Don’t wait until your senior year to… start thinking about unacceptable. Being involved with extracurricular activities be in the 14th Region Bas- scholarships and financial aid. When you wait, you might not teaches students that they have to be on time or there may be ketball Association Court of get the amount you normally would. consequences. Honor. Don’t wait until your senior year to… learn how to budget Also, being involved with extracurricular activities requires The announcement was your money. If you learn now, you might be able to afford col- team work and being able to work out problems with other peo- made at a special awards lege with help from scholarships and financial aid. ple. This is also a must in the work place. If you can’t get along dinner held at Hazard High Don’t wait until your senior year to… listen to your teachers, with your co-workers or boss your job will be a lot more diffi- School recently. A plaque parents and upperclassmen. The advice they give you can help cult. was presented to Mrs. you throughout life. Through extracurricular activities students are able to learn Hostetler in recognition of We encourage you to do everything now instead of waiting these different attributes and improve on them before they enter her husband. During his for your senior year. If you wait, you might regret it for the rest the work place. They’ll benefit now but also later on in life. forty years at Riverside, Mr. of your life. So do whatever it takes to prepare yourself for your future. Hostetler coached several Get involved. sports, including cross coun- try, basketball, baseball, and Persistence produces better persons softball. His love for sports reached As children grow, parents try to instill in them high standards, back to his high school days morals, and good character. This is good because what is in- when he participated in sev- stilled in a person at a young age is more likely to be seen in eral sports and to his college them as a teenager. years of football. The old phrase “ finish what you start” is one characteristics The Association also rec- many parents try to teach their children. This principle is very ognizes All—Region (14th) important in many areas of life, for example: education, athlet- young men and women and ics, clubs, etc. coaches. They, too, received Many times as young people we go into things head first and plaques. The Association find out very quickly that it is not quite what we expected. In does some services projects these situations we want to give up and get out quick. And that throughout the season as is understandable because we want to enjoy life and at that mo- well. ment the situation we are in does not seem enjoyable. Although sticking things out even when it is not what we want do is very commendable. The Beacon If we would take a minute to look back in history we would This is a special issue see that many famous men are only famous because they were Rose Wolfe and her daughter Sarah presented Kendra and published by the English 11 committed to a task. One of these famous men was Abraham Kimberly with special awards for community service class for the senior class. Lincoln. Before he was elected president he had run several Contributing writers are times for other offices and was defeated but he stayed commit- Paige Sizemore, Brandon ted to his desire to serve the people and now he is in all our his- Hudson, Brett Stacy, tory textbooks. Thomas Edison is also one who failed several Nancy Hostetler. times before he succeeded in inventing the light bulb. Persis- Technical support came tence can be very rewarding. from Becky Baker, Larry As we travel down the pathways of life we are going to be in Monroe, Kendra Miller, situations we would prefer to not be in. In those time we must Kimberly Miller, Bobbie stay committed, press on and in the end we will be a better per- Jo Haddix. son for it. Paige & Brandon escort seniors Brett Stacy lit the candles. THE BEACON May 23, 2006 3 It rained on their rides Seniors, juniors enjoy all-nighter On April 28 the juniors and By Paige Sizemore that could be completed by seniors spent the night in Lex- Beacon Staff using mathematical shills and ington, Kentucky.
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