ZBv\Vo^CzD[I]Z]Z Broadside

ZBv\Vo^CzD[I]Z]Z Broadside

i]ZbV\Vo^cZd[i]Z]Z broadSIDE FALL 2009 Archives Month in Virginia, page 2 INSIDE STORY broadSIDE THE i]ZbV\Vo^cZd[i]Z LIBRARY OF VIRGINIA Challenging Times Continue FALL 2009 I]ZZXdcdbnVcYi]ZA^WgVgnd[K^g\^c^V[Vb^an A>7G6G>6CD;K>G<>C>6 HVcYgV<#IgZVYlVn f you are a regular reader of Broadside, you know that A>7G6GN7D6G98=6>G Ithe Library of Virginia is a state agency—but it is also ?d]cH#9^Ndg^d so much more. It is a family. Not a conventional family connected by bloodlines, perhaps, but a family nonetheless, :9>IDG>6A7D6G9 bound together by our shared passion for the remarkable ?Vc^XZB#=Vi]XdX` collections housed within our walls. Any day you visit you will 6cc:#=ZcYZghdc <gZ\\9#@^bWVaa see staff members throughout the agency working together BVgn7Zi]BX>ci^gZ to find new ways to preserve and make accessible the books, HjonHoVhoEVabZg documents, newspapers, photographs, and maps as well as the church, business, and genealogical records entrusted to :9>IDG our care. Every day we share our passion with visitors and 6cc:#=ZcYZghdc researchers who flock to us—in person and through our Web 8DEN:9>IDG site—in their quest to learn more about Virginia and its rich 400-year history. :b^an?#HVabdc Like all families today, the Library has experienced the stresses of the current <G6E=>89:H><C:G economic climate. Successive waves of budget reductions—including the most recent one 6bn8#L^cZ\VgYcZg this September—have compelled us to tighten our belts more than any other time since the 1930s. The state funding that we worked so hard to acquire for our conservation, E=DID<G6E=N E^ZggZ8djgid^h preservation, and micrographics programs is nearly all gone. We have drastically reduced our journal subscriptions and have put on hold the purchase of most books and 8DCIG>7JIDGH manuscripts, including new works of Virginia history and genealogy. We have closed the 7VgWVgV8#7Vihdc Virginia Shop to investigate more-effective business models for its operation. We have also EV^\ZHiZkZch7jX]W^cYZg lost several dedicated staff members and have many unfilled positions because we simply I]dbVh:#8VbYZc cannot cover the salary costs. ?^b<gZkZ The Library’s situation is not unique. Every family, business, government agency, 9dcVaYL#<jciZg IVbZ`V7#=dWWh and not-for-profit organization is facing the same reality. We will adjust and regroup, and, @Vi]n?dgYVc with luck, will emerge from this challenging time stronger, more focused, and even better 7ZihnG#Bdhh prepared to meet the future. ?Zcc^[Zg9Vk^hBX9V^Y Service to the public is our foremost priority, and we have tried to minimize the impact 9VaZA#CZ^\]Wdgh of our budget situation on our users. Still, we have had to make some changes, and we 8Vi]Zg^cZ<#DWg^dc thank you in advance for your patience and understanding if you encounter a waiting period 6jijbcH^behdc for materials or if it takes longer for someone to return your e-mail or phone call. If there 9VcHiVX`]djhZ is a positive note in this difficult situation, it is that we have so many loyal donors who continue to amaze us with their generous gifts. Those gifts help us keep our momentum going, despite the odds. We are grateful for your continued support of the Library of Virginia Foundation, whose fund-raising efforts are now more vital than ever. If you haven’t already broadSIDE^hejWa^h]ZYfjVgiZganWni]Z done so, please consider joining the Foundation’s Semper Virginia Society. Become an A^WgVgnd[K^g\^c^V#'%%.A^WgVgnd[K^g\^c^V# active member of the Library family—and join us on the road to recovery. 6aag^\]ihgZhZgkZY#GZegdYjXi^dc^cl]daZdg ^ceVgil^i]djieZgb^hh^dc^hegd]^W^iZY# Sincerely, broadSIDE^h[jcYZYWni]ZA^WgVgnd[ K^g\^c^V;djcYVi^dcVcYdi]ZgheZX^Va[jcYh# >CFJ>G>:Hq8DBB:CIHq699G:HH8DGG:8I>DCH Sandra G. Treadway, Librarian of Virginia 6cc:#=ZcYZghdc!:Y^idg!7gdVYh^YZ -%%:#7gdVYHi#!G^X]bdcY!K6'('&. Vcc#]ZcYZghdc5akV#k^g\^c^V#\dk -%)#''*#'''* FIND US ONLINE WWW.LVA.VIRGINIA.GOV Hig^`^c\HigjXijgZh NEW The Carneal & Johnston architectural photograph collection NOTEWORTHY will soon be online ]Z A^WgVgn gZXZcian VXfj^gZY bdgZ i]Vc '%% \aVhh"eaViZ cZ\Vi^kZh IYdXjbZci^c\ hdbZ d[ i]Z bVcn YZh^\ch XgZViZY Wn i]Z G^X]bdcY VgX]^iZXijgVa Ògb 8VgcZVa ?d]chidc# EjgX]VhZY Vi VjXi^dc Wn i]Z A^WgVgn d[K^g\^c^V;djcYVi^dc!i]ZXdaaZXi^dc^cXajYZh^ciZg^dgVcYZmiZg^dgk^Zlhd[ XdbbZgX^VaWj^aY^c\hVcYeg^kViZgZh^YZcXZhYZh^\cZYWni]ZÒgb#I]ZcZ\Vi^kZh VgZ WZ^c\ hXVccZY VcY i]Z ^bV\Zh l^aa hddc WZ XViVad\ZY VcY VkV^aVWaZ [dg gZhZVgX]jh^c\9^\^Idda!i]ZA^WgVgnÉhcZlY^\^iVaVhhZibVcV\ZbZcihnhiZb# L^aa^VbAZ^\]8VgcZVa?g#VcY?VbZhBVg`]Vb6bWaZg?d]chidcWZ\Vc i]Z^g Ògb VWdji &.%- V[iZg heZcY^c\ V nZVg ldg`^c\ ^cYZeZcYZcian l]^aZ h]Vg^c\d[ÒXZheVXZ#I]ZÒgblZcidcidWZXdbZdcZd[i]Zbdhi"egda^ÒXVcY adc\"ZhiVWa^h]ZYVgX]^iZXijgVaegVXi^XZh^ci]ZhiViZVcYWn&.*%]VY]ZaeZYid bdaYi]ZVgX]^iZXijgVaZck^gdcbZcid[XZcigVaK^g\^c^V!ZheZX^VaanG^X]bdcY# GZhedch^WaZ[dgbdgZi]Vc&!(%%Wj^aY^c\h^cXajY^c\i]ZhZXdcYHiViZA^WgVgn Wj^aY^c\!l]^X]deZcZY^c&.)%!8VgcZVa?d]chidcegVXi^XZY^cVl^YZgVc\Z d[ egd_ZXi ineZh! [gdb i]Z bjcYVcZ id i]Z bdcjbZciVa# HdbZ d[ i]Z bdhi cdiVWaZhigjXijgZhgZegZhZciZY^ci]ZXdaaZXi^dc^cXajYZ;^ghiK^g\^c^VGZ\^bZci 6gbdgn&.&(!i]ZG^X]bdcY9V^gn&.&)!i]Z8dadc^VaI]ZViZg&.&.Ä&.'%! i]ZK^g\^c^VHiViZD[ÒXZ7j^aY^c\&.''Ä&.'(!VcYkVg^djhhigjXijgZh dc i]Z XVbejhZh d[ G^X]bdcY 8daaZ\Z cdl i]Z Jc^kZgh^in d[ G^X]bdcY VcY K^g\^c^VB^a^iVgn>chi^ijiZ#I]ZA^WgVgnVahd]VhhZkZgVa8VgcZVa?d]chidc VgX]^iZXijgVaYgVl^c\XdaaZXi^dch# PROLIFIC PRATICE The Carneal & Johnston architectural firm designed more than 1,300 commercial buildings and residences, including these Richmond structures. CLOCKWISE FROM TOP: First Market, 1913; Standard Paper Manufacturing Co. Warehouse, 1910; and McCann Residence, undated. broadSIDE contents FALL 2009 Archives Month To Choose Our Better History 2 Brown Endowment teacher research fellowship 6 Musician of Mark Tommy Edwards follow-up 10 Celebration 2009 award winners announced 10 800800 EastEastst BroadBror ad StreetStrreeet | Richmond,RiR chhmomondnd, VirginiaViV rgginia 223219-8000322199 804.692.3500880 6992 3 00 | www.lva.virginia.gov On the Web new resources revealed 11 Open Monday–Saturday, 9 AM–5 PM Underground parking available for visitors Calendar fall events and exhibitions 12 Welcome to the Library of Virginia, the state’s oldest Thank You! Foundation Annual Report 14 institution dedicated to the preservation of Virginia’s history and culture. Our resources, exhibitions, and events attract more than 216,000 visitors each year. In Circulation Dwayne Betts & Poe Family Day 19 Our collections, containing nearly 110 million items, Serving Breakfast & Lunch document and illustrate the lives of both famous Mon–Fri until 2:30 PM | Sat until 2 PM Virginians and ordinary citizens. 804.692.3808 Challenging Times private gifts can help 20 E]did\gVe]EgV`Vh]EViZa FALL 2009 broadSIDE 1 ARCHIVES MONTH IN VIRGINIA TO CHOOSE OUR BETTER HISTORY 6gX]^kZhbdci]i]ZbZZmeadgZYi]gdj\] edhiZg!LZWh^iZ!Zm]^W^i^dch!VcYZkZcih I]Zi^bZ]VhXdbZidgZV[ÒgbdjgZcYjg^c\he^g^i0 idX]ddhZdjgWZiiZg]^hidgn0idXVggn[dglVgYi]Vi egZX^djh\^[i!i]VicdWaZ^YZV!eVhhZYdc[gdb \ZcZgVi^dcid\ZcZgVi^dc/i]Z<dY"\^kZcegdb^hZ i]ViVaaVgZZfjVa!VaaVgZ[gZZ!VcYVaaYZhZgkZV X]VcXZidejghjZi]Z^g[jaabZVhjgZd[]Vee^cZhh# —EgZh^YZci7VgVX`DWVbV^c]^h'%%.^cVj\jgVaVYYgZhh gX]^kZhBdci]^cK^g\^c^VXZaZWgViZhi]dhZ^chi^iji^dch 6VcY^cY^k^YjVahi]Vi]ZaeegZhZgkZVcYbV`ZVXXZhh^WaZi]Z ^bedgiVcigZXdgYhd[djgVXi^dchVhX^i^oZch!Wjh^cZhhZh!gZa^\^djh \gdjeh!\dkZgcbZci!VcYhdX^Zin#I]Zldg`d[i]ZhZ^chi^iji^dchVcY ^cY^k^YjVah\^kZhjhVhZchZd[WZ^c\eVgid[VaVg\Zge^XijgZVcY]Zaeh jhWZ\^cidhZZdjghZakZhXdccZXiZYiddi]Zgh—[Vb^an!Xdbbjc^in! cVi^dc!dgV\gdjeYZÒcZYWnZi]c^X^in!gZa^\^dc!ldg`!dgeaVn#I]Z gZhjai^hVhZchZd[WZadc\^c\!Y^gZXi^dc!VcYbZVc^c\#;Vg[gdb [dXjh^c\dcandceVhiVXXdbea^h]bZcih!i]dhZl]dXVgZ[dgdjgVgX]^kZhVcYheZX^VaXdaaZXi^dch]Zaeegdk^YZjhl^i]V[djcYVi^dc[dgY^hXjhh^c\ i]Zi]^c\hi]VibViiZgbdhi^cdjgXdbbjc^i^ZhidYVn#7negZhZgk^c\]^hidg^XVagZXdgYhVcYbV`^c\i]ZbVkV^aVWaZidgZhZVgX]Zgh!VgX]^k^hih eaVnVjc^fjZVcYkVajVWaZgdaZ^cWj^aY^c\Xdbbjc^i^Zh!^che^g^c\X]Vc\Z!VcYXdccZXi^c\\ZcZgVi^dch# Conference. Brian Daugherity, a historian and collateral instructor and assistant to the chair of the history department at Virginia ARCHIVES MONTH EVENTS Commonwealth University, will speak at the Museum of the Confederacy at noon. All events are free. Through October 31, 2009 Tuesday, October 27 | 11:00 AM–3:00 PM EXHIBITION Virginia History and Archives Fair Thursday, October 29 | Noon–1:00 PM To Choose Our Better History Place: Museum of the Confederacy, Richmond BOOK TALK & SIGNING Place: Library of Virginia Come learn more about archives and special I Am Murdered: George Wythe, The items in this exhibition represent collections at the Library of Virginia, Roanoke Thomas Jefferson, and the Killing That individuals and groups and the causes they College, the Valentine Richmond History Shocked a New Nation have taken up—fighting for woman’s rights, Center, Virginia Commonwealth University, Place: Library of Virginia working to assist the poor, combating a the Virginia Historical Society, the Virginia American cultural historian Bruce Chadwick corrupt city council, and providing relief to Museum of Fine Arts, and more, as well as will discuss his book I Am Murdered: George those in need during difficult times.

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