/ =T' ^ J**-*-^^ . -h-.y M ' ^ . •. TBID.WRATHaBB,, . 7 ^ ~ !*.^-.J V-’. > - i,-;5 ^,1 Ffe.,y" ■.' V *, . i a ' f . i»' Fore^BSt by D* R* -'>«f.' ■«vi- ">%v H • 4fi) ____ ■. .Hbrtfsrt* - - NWE^PRIW irrF B B SS *liN^ " ' ■ ' ^ v t ; , ■ -t'^i ‘ v'-.. ’ 4.--V-' ---' . a v e r a g e d a il y circulation . i v< ,• • tonii^t sad Fridby, lor the Wonth of August,; 19*0 modi diange :to tenapweati^ ; UembcTS5,400 of the AaSlt Bureau of Clrculationo PRICE THREE CENTS; Conn. State Library—Comp. SOOTH M A N C m ^ CONk,. THUIKDAY, SEPTEMBER 18. 1930. (Classified Advertising on Page 1*) VOL. XUV„ NO. 298. D estroyer Get^ R Broken Nose- CUBA (^— LEAGUE S T A M f f l f f <t> — Hopelessly OiltdistaBced tke ‘^We Will Not Submit to Dic-j Ruth Alexander Planned to New Peruvian Shamrock Giyes Up Cha^ tation by Any Nation” De­ Race Across Continent To Try Ex~President On Last Leg — American clares Senor Ferrara at With One Stop in Kansas; Shop Finishes Thirty Mile T, „ 1R—fAP)—The Na-i; The former premier has b e^ in Mrs. Beery Surprised That Lima, Sept. 18.-{A .P ) ^ since the revolutfon and wUl] Assembly. Think Gas Tank Exploded. tional sanctions court has stareD summoned by posteD notices. Conrse in Three Honrs, Husbaud Notified Police to 1 legal proceeDings against Augusto LiCguia was transferreD to Unaa I Geneva, Sept. 18.—-(AP) In a B Leeuia, the deposed president i penitentiary TuesDay from the p^i- Ten Minutes and Five Sec­ heateD encounter before the Assem­ ! San Diego, Cal., Sept. 18.—(AP) niw if u m h Phhitentihry. ahD Ben- j tic^ pri»n on San Lorenpo M e. He Search-for Her. ; _Ruth AlexanDer, 24 year old San 3;? ,(» bly of the League of Nations toDay ' ' jamin Huamao de Lea Heroa. ” ■ j “ -^gahlat the, ouated onds; Thirty-Seventh Vic- Cuba defended her sovereign nghi^ _____ Diego aviatrix, plunged to Death In ' V t as an InDependent state within the o * ip ^ A fi^ her airplane here today shortly after I* s/ Los Angeles, Sept. i ^ff on a projected one stop last weeK unDer the military^ junta league—anD won. which haa ruleD- . ------Peru atoce— LeguiaLeptla tory for America. Cuba’s critic who met Defeat was Mrs. Marguerite Beery. | transcontinental flight to NewarK, bv revolt, ordered)rDereD pers and corfe^nDence—for Nicholas Politis of Greece. He sharp- missing by her h!usbaaA No&b j ^ was^at unseateDrh^formerVaiDentis Dcposl*ff is i- ', tti^.V**»W*J a——and aU ot^er---- personst __ in pos- Iv censured the West Indian state Beery, film actor was at th* hoine | . AlexanDer left UnDbergh tion be“;eceiveDS‘aturDay by Justice , session of anything owmeD^ by l ^ tr. S. Kane, Off America’s Cup for blocKing entry into force of the guia must deliver them to the court. Course, Sept. 18.—(AP)— (By' protocol for revision of the World of frienDs in HollywooD today. She, g^t 3:28 a. m., (PST), and flew Manuel Felipe Umeres. Court statute. „ saiD there was no mystery attacheD! t,ut four miles when Death stoppeD Radio to toe AP)—The American “Cuba.” declared Orestes Ferrara, a b ..n « from their sloop Enterprise today completeD a the island nation's ambassador at successful Defense of toe historic Washington, “will not submit to HollywooD ranch. ' , i^to a hiU four : miles north DEMOCRATS TO USE •T was much [surprised upon niy j yjroKen body was BIG LIQUOR PLANT America’s cup when she won the Dictation by Mr. Politis. nor by fourth straight race,raD toe series, Greece, nor by any member of the return to read I had mysteriously | the wrecKage. Parts of the Disappeared” Mrs. Beery saiD.. strevra for several hun- four victories to non£> Xicague of Nations.” _ , , PROHIBITION ISSUE The wind had backed more toward Then he announced that Cuba s “There is'no mystery to my absence.! , IN BOLTON RAIDED I went to Las Vegas to estaWish a ; Explosion the westwarD, maKing it possible to rea.Spns for objecting to the coming finish the course sis.a spinnaKer nm. into force of the protocol must be residence. I may return there to . ., . hccp.ahei..h7 Bh?D“;» ^ H ^ ^ neither challenged nor DiscusseD by make it a permanent residence. • Witnesses said they saw The leg had starteD as, a broaD reach. the committee. WiU you a sc e r t^ what reward j flying close ^ Cross to Make Six Major iwr BprT^ offered for information as j seconDs later----- ~heard a crash., The. State Police Capture Huge Shamrock sipparently haD given Not a Super State lyn Navy YarD for_a jace^mu^g^p^^^ waterline, limpeD in on her own "We entereD the league regarDing to 'my hereabouts? If sufficiently j cause of the crash was not appar^t four holes in her port side below the waterline, up toe chase aa hopeless, sis she DiD lar^ ’'l u^Thave~inyseIf brought in j after the initial survey of the Speeches in State — Not not nm out her spinhstoer. • it as a society of nations ®nD not^M large i wui nave, ,6 , ^plosion of gaso- power. Quantity of Intoxicants at 'The white huU^ American sloop a super state able to override the immeDiately. he De- line was suspecteD by investigators, finitoeD toe thirty mile triangulra sovereignty of any member, “Newspapers reported Mr. Beery Miss AlexanDer’s flight officially toUsePersonafities. course at 1:*50:05, maKing toe run in clnrsd. saiD I had *750 off my person at the Anthony Piano Farm. The discussion was closed by began at Agua Caliente, Mexico, three hours, ten minutes anD ^ve time I Di^ppeareD. May I aDD that shortly after 1 a'm . She lanDed ber Chairman Scialoja of Italy ^^^er Duripg my married life with Mr. seconDs. * . spectators and Delegates haD risen plane, christeneD the Agua Caliente. Within twenty-four hours after a New Haven, Sept. 18.—(AP.)— j ;(t wsis the thirty-seventh time ra Beery of 22 years I have never seen at Lindbergh FielD for checKing. The Democrats, beUeving toe Rc- American boat haD beaten toe suc- to their feet in excitement and per­ *750.” liquOr raid on the establishmen.. sons from outsiDe the committee A low fog swept in from the sea V.1J V.QQ "atruDDi^” th® I cessivB British chsillengers in toe 79 Ha:., Trust Fund but the aviatrix was thought to that John Caselli anD Ray Solo of publican party has - ^ ' years during which toe cup'haD room had rushed in to see what all BY CONNECTICUT COURT question wlU maKe prohibition their jjj competition. the commotion was about. Beery had saiD he learned Mrs. have hurdled it shortly after her Manchester are allegeD to have op­ Dr. C. G. Wu, of China, took the Beery had received her ponthly in­ eastwarD taKeoff, having gaineD an <8 Tvigjn issue iu the Connecticut politi- British challengers have won only altituDe of 500 f§et. How she hap­ erateD in Bolton, State Police De three .-races of the forty contesteD, role of peacemaKer. He said that come from the *250,000 trust funD soended on a barn on toe farm cal campaign. China regretteD the protocol could which he established for her some­ pened to be flying close to the WOMAN, A.GBD 86,; CanDiDates incluDing Dr. Wilbur two of these going to Sir Thomas ground later was not determined. World Famous FKer Has Anthony. Fiano in the L. Cross, nominee for governor raD Lipton’s ShamrocK in 1920 when it not be brought into force but .no­ time ago. tain section of that boDy, he aDDeD, could challenge^ Beery reported to police Monday 1 Planned One Stop FOOTBALL VICTIM State Central .Committeemen laid won the first two races. The other The aviatrix had planned to stop 1 and uncovereD toe biggest Distilling victory was scoreD by James Ash­ Cuba’s rights to her objections that his wife had disappeared Sep- Case NoUed in W aterbnry; 1 plant ever discovereD in the Bolton their plans at a meeting here yes­ w^hich, inDeeD, were provided for m tember 8 without explanation and only at Wichita, Kansas, which she terDay at which it was decided that bury's schooner Livonia, in 1871, asKeD aid in locating her. He saiD had expecteD to reach at 7 o clock, Fills in Team of Children, Hills. A still of 300 gallons capacity she winning by a sailover when tfee the protocol itself. in full operation, a 400-gallon vat Cross should maKe about six major “This warm passage of arms hM she had been ill and he feareD harm | (CST), tonight. Was Arrested on OM Lasts Until ThirD Quarter speeches. He will, however, make DefenDing Columbia carried away Miss AlexanDer was bom at Irv­ full of redistiUed denatured alcobol, her .flying jib . stay, hook and her gone far enough,” said Dr. Wu, with haD befallen her. and Her Hip is ShattereD. 50 full barrels of denatured spirito, an appearance at a number of po­ a smile and a slow drawl in his Eng­ After his wife had been locateD ing, Kas., in 1906. It was there in litical rallies to give toe voters a steering gear. 1919 when she first' roDe a plane as 35 hundred-pound bags of salt, The unsuccessful British chaUen- lish. “You have noticed that the Beery asked; the authorities to con­ Charge. Prattville, Ala., S6pt. 18.— chance to see him. temperature in this room is higher a passenger with an itinerant flier, five-gallon cans and 35 empty Dean Cross DiscusseD at length ger.
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