DOCUMENT RESUME ED 079 752 CS 200 644 AUTHOR Saporito, Leo C., Ed.; And Others TITLE English Language Arts Curriculum Guide, Intermediate Elementary Level: Grade 5.. INSTITUTION Vermilion Parish School Board, Abbeville,La.. PUB DATE 70 NOTE 84p. EDRS PRICE MF -30.85 HC -53.29 -DESCRIPTORS Behavioral Objectives; Composition (Literary); *Curriculum Guides; *English Curriculum;. *Grade 5; Handwriting; Informal Reading Inventory; *Language Arts; Linguistics; Listening; Literature; Reading; Reading Materials; Spelling IDENTIFIERS Elementary Secondary Education Act Title III ABSTRACT Prepared for use in grade fives this language arts curriculum guide bases its reading strandon "Trails to Treasure" (Ginn 100), its English strand on."Roberts EnglishSeries" (darcourt), its spelling strand on "Sound and Sense in Spelling" (Harcourt), and. its handwriting strand on "Better Handwritingfor You" (Noble and Ncible)..San-of the divisions in the guideare given to general and specific objectives for; language arts, time allotments, a linguistic program for grade five,a proofreading checklist for written.composition, reading,an informal reading inventory, reading materials, suggested stories fororal reading, spelling, handwriting, listening, literature, and oralcomposition. (HOD) LAM OF HEALTH U S DEPARTMENT EOUCATIDN WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTEOF .MAR 2.5.tpo EDUCATION BEEN REPRO THIS DOCUMENT HASRECEIVED c RON. OUCED ExAC TO, AS ORGANIZATICNORIOIN THE PERSON OP VIEW OR OPINIONS ATING IT POINTS Or TITLE Ali, ES EA NECESSARILY REPRE STATED DO NOT NATIONAL INSTITUTE OT SENT OrA,C1AL EDUCATION POS NONOR PO00, FILMED FROM BEST AVAILABLE COPY A COMPREHENSIVEELEMENTARY PROJECT AND TITLESECONDARY FOR III IMPROVEMENT EDUCATION IN ACT LEARNINGterminationReturn to Principal, of assignment. upon EnglishIntermediate LanguageGRADE ArtsElementary FIVE Curriculum Level Guide VermilionUnderEnglishLeo theC. of,Parish SaporitoSpecialistDirection Schools Dr.Vermilion Joseph C. ParishIssuedKite,1970lot bySuperintendentSchool Board FOREWORD LanguageOver Artsthe yearsprogram, the butVermilion while theParish whole Public pace Schools of life have around had usa successfulis being changed Er,.glish ofbeyond oneOur thing--changerecognition, English Language wewill cannot beArts the standcurriculum pervasive still; andcharacteristicAs instructionalwe look to ofthe programour future, lives. must we canbe flexiblebe sure viewfieldand resilientthe of existingEnglish enough Languageprogram to meet andArts. themake Teacherstest "necessary of changeaid changesadministrators and newand developmentsadaptations must,hold thatas in they constantwill occur enable re-in studentsand administrativeThis to curriculum function and effectivelyguide supervisory is the in product personnel.our contemporary of a cooperativeI feel society. the curriculumeffort involving committee teachers under whichthe teachingdirection should ofmake of English Mr. it Leosimpler Language C. Saporito and Arts.easier has fordone teachers an excellent to complete job of morepreparing successfully this guide, encouraged.continuingThis is dearellopmentIT aThe tentative curriculum andguide. committeestrengtheningYour activewill of welcome involvementour English suggestions andLanguage participation, and Arts comments curriculum in from the is guideteachersSchools will and be in parentsmade this as country; throughoutrequired have and/or the set school deemedthe patternyear. necessary. Revisionsfor the world and bymodifications making room offor the theevery pursuit child.child, of but Thisexcellence. that is theobjective objective is beingfor our superseded schools--a by systemanother--quality for all, dedicated education to for excellence.this programI urge alland, teachers in so doing, to work he'll) diligently our school in helpingsystem achievechildren a achievehigher standardsuccess ofwith ti JosephSuperintendent C. Kite, ofPH.D. Schools nt. ^01, ^ Acknowledgments Table1 of Contents vi ,PhilosophyEnglish Defined 21 SpecificGeneralIntroduction ObjectivesObjectives to Language forfor LanguageLanguage Arts Program ArtsArts 6.S3. SuggestedLinguisticIntroduction Time Program to Allotment the for Linguistic Grade for LanguageFive Program Arts 161312 ProofreadingInformalIntroduction, Reading Checklistto theInventory Reading for Written Program Composition 302826. SampleSystematicDetermining Informal Recording Reading Reading Levelsof InventoryErrors 3332'31 Multi-levelGuideKeeping to Cumulative Using Use Supplementaryof RecordsSupplementary Reading Reading Materials Materials - Grade Five 493534 SuggestedReadingIntroduction Stories Stories to tothe forChildren Spelling Oral Reading Program by the Teacher SS5756 , HelpfulHandwritingList of HintsSpelling for Demons the Teaching of Handwriting 656359 ListeningPre-Test andActivities Post-Test and for Materials Handwriting 696766 BibliographyOralLiterature Composition 757371 1 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS culminationthe processThe construction of effortscurriculum of of thisdevelopmentteachers, curriculum administrators, in theguide Vermilion is an andoutstanding Parish consultants Schools. example workingTheof cooperation,guidetogether. is the Suchin Hargravean organizationSpecial for gratitudeinterpreting approaches is expressed andthe typingideal to ourof Nelwyn total-staffscribbling, M. Musumeche, involvement. to Wilmer Mildred Geoffroy A. Guidry forthe and printing Sue F. of the guide, to Jeanne P.English Sellers IntermediateLanguage for assistance Arts Elementary Curriculum with research.Level Committee ThomasEast Abbeville J. Guidry ElementaryPrinciphl School GRADE FIVE AbbevilleFloyd Guidry Junior - Teacher, High School Grade Eight AnnE. Brous'sard B. Langlinais High -School Teacher, Grade Five JoanIntermediate B. Hollier Grades - Master Teacher vi VERMILIONPhilosophy PARISH of Education. SCHOOLS provideThe educational Vermilion Parishopportunities Schools whichhave thewill responsibilityprepare the to ofwithindividual knowledge the necessary for and the understanding skills,society attitudes,in whichthat willhe habits lives :e his ofand instrumentmind, equip kinds him andfor mankind.evaluatingThese responsibilities and effecting canworthwhile best be changesachieved in and himself sustained whenindividualand commuLitythe school and toof system promotesociety. works the ingrowth concert and withdevelopment the home, of church,the 1 SPEAKING WRITING ENGLISH DEFINED: English is comprised of language skills--listening, speaking, reading, bothcomposition,writing--along content and with skillg.literature. the threeThe relatedBydefinition this areasdefinition makes of EnglishpossibleEnglish content: a consistsdetermination language, of timeof what and belongsemphasis. in an English2 course and of how to setpriorities in ! THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE ARTS I ti There is no subject Introductionof greater value for the child than English abilityuponLanguage the to Arts.acquisition thinkAll clearly future of reasonableandlto learning organize facilityand academic thoughts in the success effectively language is dependentarts--the in order thinkto becomeThe and child's toproficient communicate understanding in reading,with othersand writing, appreciation is basic listening, to of all his humanand surroundings, speaking. behavior.To ofchallengehis the interpretation English of an language. expanding of his ownworld experience's, are ltrgely anddependent his ability upon histo meetmastery the in determiningIn a broad thesense, quality the Thelanguageof hisusage life. arts of hismay languagebe thought plays of as a tilt:,major partskills. permitwhichskills areapermit person receptive the to expressionreceive and those ideas of which ideasfrom are others.to expressive.others.The expressiveThe receptive language skills 3 a:. 1, 1.1.,-, needslanguageThe careful approachso that guidance heto canlanguage andmanipulate a well-developedaffects it theto servedepth program hisof learning.needs. to understandThe childhis 4 General Objectives 1. ment,Totool help for. the the communication.power, child and acquire the significance an appreciation of language of the develop-as a 2. writtenToarts assist skills expression, the of child reading, spellingto become listening, and efficient handwriting. observing, in the orallanguage and 3. Tofluently,ability contribute to and communicate interestingly.to the growth ideas ofcorrectly, each individual effectively, child in 4. Tothe diagnose individual the needs. limitations of all students and to meet 5. Toof constructliterature, a composition,sequential program and language. through the interaction 5 Specific Objectives ( 1. 1. Listeningfor listening activities. 2.3. To selectprovidehelp the appropriate readiness child recognize materials desirable for listening physical purposes.and 4. Topsychological teach the child aspects how ofto listeningdecide at'v*.ichsituations. levelof 5. hisTolistening teachlistening. thehe shouldchild tofunction. become more discriminatingin, II. Reading 1.2. Tohis teachdevelop own rateevery in of everychild learning. childto read reading to the habits best andof hisskills ability. at 6 1," 3.II.ToReading make the(Cont'd) child increasingly aware of the purposes for 4. Towhich develop he reads, in the and child of histhe progressability toin usereading. reading mate- 5. Togramrials provide of independently; reading for the activities. child with a balanced and varied pro- III. Literature 1. To help the child acquire desirable reading interests, 2. Totastes,andget help into the the attitudes.child habit discover of spending the
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