House of Commons Defence Committee UK land operations in Iraq 2007 First Report of Session 2007–08 Report, together with formal minutes, oral and written evidence Ordered by The House of Commons to be printed 20 November 2007 HC 110 [Incorporating HC 727-i & ii, Session 2006–07] Published on 3 December 2007 by authority of the House of Commons London: The Stationery Office Limited £15.50 The Defence Committee The Defence Committee is appointed by the House of Commons to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of the Ministry of Defence and its associated public bodies. Current membership Rt Hon James Arbuthnot MP (Conservative, North East Hampshire) (Chairman) Mr David S Borrow MP (Labour, South Ribble) Mr David Crausby MP (Labour, Bolton North East) Linda Gilroy MP (Labour, Plymouth Sutton) Mr David Hamilton MP (Labour, Midlothian) Mr Mike Hancock MP (Liberal Democrat, Portsmouth South) Mr Dai Havard MP (Labour, Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney) Mr Adam Holloway MP (Conservative, Gravesham) Mr Bernard Jenkin MP (Conservative, North Essex) Mr Brian Jenkins MP (Labour, Tamworth) Mr Kevan Jones MP (Labour, Durham North) Robert Key MP (Conservative, Salisbury) Willie Rennie MP (Liberal Democrat, Dunfermline and West Fife) John Smith MP (Labour, Vale of Glamorgan) The following Members were also Members of the Committee during the Parliament. Mr Colin Breed MP (Liberal Democrat, South East Cornwall) Derek Conway MP (Conservative, Old Bexley and Sidcup) Mr Mark Lancaster MP (Conservative, North East Milton Keynes) Mr Desmond Swayne MP (Conservative, New Forest West) Powers The Committee is one of the departmental select committees, the powers of which are set out in House of Commons Standing Orders, principally in SO No 152. These are available on the Internet via www.parliament.uk. Publications The Reports and evidence of the Committee are published by The Stationery Office by Order of the House. All publications of the Committee (including press notices) are on the Internet at: www.parliament.uk/defcom. Committee staff The current staff of the Committee are Philippa Helme (Clerk), Eliot Wilson (Second Clerk), Ian Rogers (Audit Adviser), Stephen Jones (Committee Specialist), Richard Dawson (Committee Assistant) and Stewart McIlvenna (Senior Office Clerk). Contacts All correspondence should be addressed to the Clerk of the Defence Committee, House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. The telephone number for general enquiries is 020 7219 5745; the Committee’s email address is [email protected]. Media inquiries should be addressed to Alex Paterson on 020 7219 1589. Cover image of 1st Battalion, The Irish Guards training the Iraqi Army reproduced with the permission of the Ministry of Defence; © Crown Copyright Images from www.defenceimages.mod.uk IRAQ GOVERNORATES 44° 38° 40° l Mardin 42° Daryªcheh-ye 48° 50° CASPIAN SEA ZªkhÜ R anlÏurfa Q l - lmÂdÌ OrñmÌyeh ñ l e d DAHUK (Lake Urmia) z k l e Mahªbªd h Zanjªn Al QªmishlÌ l ª l TURKEY Dahñk l O n w e l Rawªndiz¸ z h Ìr l a -y Tall Kñjik ab l PÌrªn Shahr n e l K a ) b ab LOCATION l Tall 'Afar ª Z Al asakah Al Mawêil Z t Rªnya¸ l z a 36° a re TEHRN l r ArbÌl l h (G Sinjªr a l BuÉayrat N l Bªneh H 36° al Asad Koi Sanjaq l BÌjªr ( Ar Raqqah ARBL l Al Qayyªrah WªdÌ ath Tharthªr l As SulaymªnÌyah Kirkñk NNAW l Sanandaj lAsh Sharqªï Chamchamªlï l Dayr az Zawr l AS SULAYMNYAH AT TAMM Qom Hamadªn l Nahr al Khªbñr l Tuz Khurmªtñ l BajÌ l Kalªr AL AD DN l r al Furªt Malªyer Nah TikrÌt l Kermªnshªh l l Tadmur uphrates) Rªwah KhªnaqÌn Qaêr-e ShÌrÌn dkhªneh Arªk l 34° SYRIA Abñ Kamªl (E l l l ñ -ye l l l BuÉayrat ath R mareh Kªshªn l nah Sªmarrª l Eslªmªbªd SÌ uêaybah Al adÌthah Tharthªr l Jalñlª l l l Al KhªKhªliê Nahr l Al MuqdªdÌyah 34° Al HaqlªnÌyah Diyªlá l MandalÌ Dorñd l l lªm Khorramªbªd Khan al BaghdªdÌ Ba'qñbah l l HÌt At TªjÌ l l z l l BAGHDD e Qubaysah Ar RamªdÌ DIYLA D e BAGHDD y l l - H h Eêfahªn Mehrªn e Al HabbanÌyah Al Badrahl l l n ( Salmªn Pªk l ª IRAN Fallñjah h Ar Ruïbah Nahr Dijlah k BuÉayrat ar d l l Al IskandarÌyah WSI£ ñ Razªzah (Tigris) R KaKarbalª' An NumªnÌyah AndÌmeshk lI I l I l I I Dezfñl I BBIL I Al Kñt AL ANBR KARBAL I 32° I I I I Al illah I I MAYSN I Al ayy JORDAN I I l I I I I I I AfakI I I I An Nukhayb l I Al Kñfah I l I I l I I Al 'Amªrah I I Ad DÌwªnÌyah I Kh I e 32° An Najaf I r I s I ª I Ar Rifª'Ì Sñsangerd n AL QDISYAH I I Al Majarr I l I l £urayf I Ash Shinªfiyah I l I l I al KabÌr l l Ar RumaythahIIIIIII l Ahvªz Nahr a I Nahr l I F I u I l rª I Ash Shaïrah t I AlIzz (E I u I n p I h I r ñ AN NAJAF ate I s) I r I I DH QR I ª As Samªwah I I I K I l e Medinal Al Qurnah - Behbahªn An NªêirÌyah l d l Arar Sñq ash Shuyñkh ñ l Ash Shabachah R Bandar-e Emªm l Al Baêrah Khorramshahr l l KhomeynÌ As Salmªn l bªdªn l l Zohreh AL Az Zubayr Kñt Abd Allªh 30° International Boundary afwªn l BARAH l Al Fªw Administrative Boundary Al Buêayyah l l H Capital City l Umm Administrative Centre n l AL MUTHANN tÌ Qaêr 30°N ª Ar Raw»atayn BñbÌyªn Major Airport B l ( a Rafɪ Ì THE l d Faylakª Approx. scale ª Al Jahrª' W l HAL KUWAYT 0 100 200 Km Bandar-e l KUWAIT ( l Aê abªÉÌyah GULF Bñshehr 0 100 Miles SAUDI ARABIA MÌnª Suñd l (Az Zawr) 38°E 40° 42° 44° 46° 48° 50° Geographic Support Main Building, DGC, GSGS 11157, Edition 12, March 2003 700/03 OP21/7/03 Produced by DGIA, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom 2003 For briefing purposes only. Maps produced by DGIA are not to be taken as necessarily representing the views of the UK Government on boundaries or political status. © Crown copyright 2003 IRAQ 44° 38° 40° 42° Daryªcheh-ye 48° 50° CASPIAN SEA Mardin R anlÏurfa ZªkhÜ Q - mÂdÌ OrñmÌyeh ñ e d DAHUK (Lake Urmia) z k e h Zanjªn l ª TURKEY O Al QªmishlÌ n Dahñk ¸ w e Tall Kñjik Ìr Rawªndiz z h b Mahªbªd a - a n ye l K PÌrªn Shahr a ) b ab LOCATION ª Z Tall 'Afar Al Mawêil Z t Al asakah z a ¸ a e Rªnya r r ArbÌl TEHRN 36° h G Sinjªr a ( N BuÉayrat Bªneh BÌjªr 36° al Asad Koi Sanjaq Q Ar Raqqah NNAW ARBL Al Qayyªrah As SulaymªnÌyah WªdÌ ath Tharthªr Kirkñk Sanandaj Ash Sharqªï AS SULAYMNYAH alabjaï Dayr az Zawr AT TAMM Qom Nahr al Khªbñr Hamadªn Tuz Khurmªtñ BajÌ SYRIA TikrÌt ahr al Furªt Kermªnshªh Malªyer N hrates) Rªwah Qaêr-e ShÌrÌn hª Arªk 34° Abñ Kamªl (Eup AL AD DN KhªnaqÌn ñdk neh-ye Tadmur R mareh Kªshªn nah Sªmarrª Eslªmªbªd SÌ uêaybah Al adÌthah BuÉayrat ath Al Khªliê Nahr Al MuqdªdÌyah 34° Al HaqlªnÌyah Tharthªr Diyªlá MandalÌ Dorñd lªm Khorramªbªd HÌt At TªjÌ Ba'qñbah z BAGHDD e Ar RamªdÌ DIYLA D e BAGHDD y - Al HabbanÌyah h Eêfahªn Al Badrah Mehrªn e n Q Fallñjah ª IRAN Nahr Dijlah h Ar Ruïbah k d BuÉayrat ar (Tigris) ñ WSI£ R AL ANBR Razªzah Karbalª' An NumªnÌyah AndÌmeshk I I I I I Dezfñl I BBIL I Al Kñt KARBAL I 32° I I Al illah I JORDAN I I I I Al ayy I I MAYSN I I I I I I AfakI I I An Nukhayb I I I I An Najaf I I Al 'Amªrah I I I Ad DÌwªnÌyah I Kh I e 32° I r I s I ª I Sñsangerd n AL QDISYAH I Ar Rifª'Ì I Al Majarr I I Ash Shinªfiyah I I I I al KabÌr Ar RumaythahIIIIIII Ahvªz £urayf Nahr a I Nahr l I F I u I rª I AN NAJAF t I AlIzz (E I u I Ash Shaïrah n p I h I r ñ ate I s) I r I I As Samªwah I ª I DHI QR I K I Medina e Al Qurnah - Behbahªn An NªêirÌyah d Arar Sñq ash Shuyñkh ñ Height in metres above Sea Level R Bandar-e Emªm Al Baêrah Khorramshahr Ash Shabachah KhomeynÌ MND (SE) bªdªn 0 100 200 500 1000 1500 2000+ Az Zubayr Zohreh As Salmªn AL Kñt Abd Allªh 30° International Boundary BARAH afwªn Al Fªw Al Buêayyah Division Boundary Umm Brigade Boundary n Ì AL MUTHANN t Qaêr 30°N Capital City ª Ar Raw»atayn BñbÌyªn B l Administrative Centre a Ì THE Major Airport d Faylakª Rafɪ ª Al Jahrª' Q W Approx. scale AL KUWAYT Bandar-e 0 100 200 Km KUWAIT Q Aê abªÉÌyah GULF Bñshehr 0 100 Miles SAUDI ARABIA MÌnª Suñd (Az Zawr) 38°E 40° 42° 44° 46° 48° 50° Geographic Support Main Building, DGC, GSGS 11157, Edition 12, March 2003 16/05 OP21/1/2005 Produced by DGIA, Ministry of Defence, United Kingdom 2005 For briefing purposes only. Maps produced by DGIA are not to be taken as necessarily representing the views of the UK Government on boundaries or political status.
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