cultures." He also was well c Jeff Morgan finance and trade. Perfectlypo Globa|Heritage Fund His first stop was travelingt ciry whose temple was feature ca 'When Last Crusade." he four Saving World Heritage industry in the whole countl One Site at a Time benefit of preservation. Trave were crumbling into ruin, Jeff "V/e had a uisionfrom the beginningthat we werenot goingto be a one-trick his first few years. He saw ho PonJ." -Jeff Morgan economic enginesin country al Jeffs initial foray into soutl of Lijiang. "This area was b lf you enjoyedthe "National Treasure"movies, then you might think development, and China had tw of Jeff Morgan as a Nicholas Cage for the world. group," Jeff recalls. "'V7eput As executiveclirector of the nonprofit Global Heritage Fund (GHF), processcallecl'Preservation By leads a mission to preserve and protect humanity's most important Jeff workecl with them in a scientif archaeologicaland cultural treasuresin developingcountries. His vision leaders createa financial fundir takeshirn on questslike savingancient ruins in lrac1,creating the largest term sustainability for their pro national park in Guatemala, and protecting historic villages in China For Lijiang, GHF raised threatenedby looting, lumbering, neglect,and urban sprawl. With 14 fund Chinese government matched t projects underway or in clevelopment,Jeff works with local governrnents local Chinese in to re-cliscoverand value jewels like the Harnpi ruins in India, the My Californiathril comfortable knowing Son temple in Vietnam, the lUat Phou temple in Laos, and projectsin they had a restoration, without Pakistan,Turkey, Libya, ancl Peru. Although GHF is only 5 yearsold, the corruption with a professional organizationis alreadya "multi-trick pony." internati( Chinese government to get fund As the son of legendary tecl-rnologyleader Jim Morgan, Jeff worked Although many in Silicon Valley as a software marketing specialist. "\Uhen I cashedout historical sites construction, of rny second high-tech start-up, I decidecl to switch careers and find GHF was instrun China's last sornething that would use my unique set of skills, wl-richare working in ancient towns-into years,the annual number of tou language and culture ," Jeff statecl. "Tl-rere are 40 large wildlife-nature the process,many preservationgroups worldwide, anclyet nobody was focuseclon restoring of the native\ sanitation, sewage endangereclheritage sites,especially in the developing world. Since there systems,watel 'volunteered'." were improved. was a big hole with no one filling it, I Successin Lijiang the 1,2OO-year-olclFoguang Teml In 2002, the 45-year-oldStanforcl MBA and father of three switched of wood, right down to the nails gearsto create the Global Heritage Fund. "From high tech to low tech, In GHF's second year, exp it is all the same skills," Jeff says."ln marketing, I was alwaysworking Jeff capital model of scalingup to ra overseasancl had learned four foreign languages(Manclarin, Japanese, new park French, and Spanish), as well as how to cleal with people of different 600,OOO.acrenational 134: CelebratingBusiness Passionaries cultures." He also was well connected in the world of international Morgan finance and trade. Perfectly positioned, Jeff began his odyssey. Heritage Fund His first stop was traveling to Petra, Jordan, the ancient, rock-carvecl city whose temple was featured in the movie "lndiana Jones and the @ Last Crusade." \7hen he found that tourism to Petra was the No. 1 Morld Heritage industry in the whole country, he realized the potential economic benefit preservation. iite at a Time of Traveling to ancient cultural landmarks that were crumbling into ruin, Jeff logged about 144,000 air miles each of e were not going to be a one'ttick his first few years. He saw how restoring these sites could jump-start :ff Morgan economic engines in country after country. Jeffs initial foray into southwest China was the 1,000-year.oldcity of Lijiang. "This area was being destroyed by unplanned modern movies,then you might think development, and China had two people sipping tea astheir management world. group," Jeff recalls. "'We put them through our unique step-by.step 'Preservation Slobal Heritage Fund (GHF), processcallecl By Design' and createcla master plan, then ct humanity's most important worked with them in a scientific conservation process.We helpecl the ,velopingcountries. His vision leaders create a financial funcling base moclel so they could achievelong ins in lraq, creating the largest term sustainability for their projects." ing historic villages in China For Lijiang, GHF raiseclfunds in Palo Alto, California, and the local t, and urban sprawl. With 14 'works Chinese government matched the money. "It was exciting to see some with local governments local Chinese in California thrillecl to invest back in their own country, {ampi ruins in lndia, the My comfortable knowing they hacl an aucliteclU.S. nonprofit managing the :mple in Laos, and projects in restoration, without corruption," Jeff says.The fact they were working ;h GHF is only 5 yearsold, the ,, with a professional international partner-GHF-enablecl the local Chinese government to get funds from national offices in Beijing. rder Jim Morgan, Jeff worked Although many historical sites in China were being decimated for new rpecialist."'When I cashed out construction, GHF was instrumental in transforming Lijiang-one of ed to switch careers and find China's last ancient towns-into a major tourist attraction. In just three of skills, which are working in years,the annual numlrer of tourists grew from 300,000 to 800,000. In re are 40 large wildlife-nature the process,many of the native Naxi families were profounclly affecteclas rbodywas focusedon restoring sanitation, sewagesystems, water quality, construction, and preservation : developingworld. Since there were improved. Successin Lijiang led to other Chinese projects, including lunteered'." the 1,ZOO-year-oldFoguang Temple, China's last building made entirely l and father of three switched of wood, right down to the nails. , "From high tech to low tech, In GHF's seconclyear, Jeff expanded to six projects, using the venture rrketing, I was always working capitalmodel of scaling up to raise capital. El Mirador in Guatemala-a nguages(Mandarin, JaPanese, new 600,000-acre national park-was the largest project. "This is very deal with people of different GlobalHeritage Fund: 135 important for us, combining Mayan ruins with Maya biosphere,along GHF is working with Iraclileader witl-rsaving jaguar ancl wildlife habitat," Jeff sl-rares.Opposing loggers believeclto be the capital of the z 'Working ancl slash-ancl-br-rrnfartners, GHF fought to save the area's 26 ruins, with foreign govern expanclpark bounclaries,:rncl develop this region as a tourist attraction. some ChineseLrusinessmen are' Mel Gibsor-r'smovie "Apocalypto" helpec{bring visitor attention to this sake of money, Chinese cultural area, wl-ricl-ris known f,.rr unbroken jr-rngleguirrclecl by howler mor-rkeys passionateabout the historical re and snakes,as well as its magnificent 2,000-yeirr-olclpyrarnicl. Tourism at the funcling anclget a bit of help f El Miraclor has grown from 300 to 3,200 irnr-ruaily,ancl GFIF has l-relpecl than almost anytrocly."Jeff acldec: Natiotrs Educational, El Miraclor apply fc,r recognition as a Unitecl aclept. In Peru, they gave r.rs$4 Scientific anclCultural Organization (UNESCO) World Heritage Site. helpe,.lrrs l,tril.l r newvisitors cer laur-rchingGH F in 2002, l-rasptrt together a worlclwiclenetwork Since Jeff Jeff c-loesn'tsee olcl ruins as of more thar-r600 archeologists,preservation experts, anthropologists, tencl to be economic enginesfor antitluities conservators,structLtral ettgineers, ancl otl-rersplecialists to grtrwflt, jol.s, I ntl long-termint guirleIorrg-term plaur-ring, training, irnclrestoration efforts. His strategyis Ir-r the encl, though, Global Her to tleveloppartnerships with clonors,local governn)ents,entrepreneurs, ancl cleterminationof local peol antl conservationinterests to work exclusivelyin developing cottntries, committeclto helping conserveo where GHF grants crn go far. Witlr the uecessaryinfrastrtrcture antl For who majoreclin urbar accessibiIi ty, localeconotn ies ca n f Ior-rrish, Jeff, College of Architecture,Art, an "We benefiting people in surrounrling areas, put them tlvouglr has come fr-rllcircle. He has travr sonre of whose annual iucotnes are less our unique step bv technology and come back to ci step processcalled than $ 1,000per persolr. '?reservation gltibal trersLlres. By The high-energy, first-talking, fully [)esigTtt't trd creafed foctrseclJeff Morgan ()periltes GHF witl-r il mosrerplan. then a full-tirle staff of or-r[ysix employees vorked with tlrcm in q from a snrall Victoriau office builcling scien f i fic cotrs erva f io il irr clowntowr-rPalo Alto. With 14 sites Process. worlclwicle,he trnvelst() renlote locntious often reachable only ()r1 fcrot ()r by horseback.He l-rasraisecl awilreness arrcl ftrn.lir-rg, leveragir-rg mttre thttt $ l0 nrilliorl t() save anrl protecf ruir-rs.He creirtes()pp()rtllnities for resiclenrsliving rrearprecior-rs treasLlres like the lost tnotrtttuentsof the Cl.ran'rpraKingclonr which rtrleclMy Son, Vietuittn, from the fotrrth tcl 13'l'centuries,ancl the ancient city of Kars in easterrrTtrrkey, which rlatesback to the Ottonran E.r'npire. Iraq nrighr be ravagerlby war, btrt it also is home to aucieut biblical cities sr.rclras Babykrn, Nineveh, antl Ur. With strpptirt frotn CHF to restc)regkrrious
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