= • - - Fraternitp Directory FOUNDERS OF FRATERNITY Maggie Campbell ...... .... ,.' ......................... Monmouth, 111. Libbie Brooks·Gaddis .. .. ...... .............. ... .. ........ Avon, Ill. Ada Bruen-Gri er . ............. •...•• . ..... .. .••.. ... Belleview, Pa. Clara Brownlee-H utchinson ...... • ............ .. .. ... Monmouth, Ill. Emma Brownlee-Kilgore , . .....• • ...... ....... .... .... Monmouth, Ill. Fannie Whitenack Libby ... '" .. .. .......... ...... .. Red Wing, Mon. Rosa Moore ..... ......... .. .... _... 207 W . 55th St., New YorlC City. J ennie Nicol (decea!Oed) . lna Smith Soule ....... ' .. ' ........ ........ ........ ' " Monmouth, Ill. J enni e Horne-Turnbull ..........••..... 2546 N. 32 St., Philadelphia, Pa. Fannie Thompson (deceased ). Nancy Black-Wallace .......... ... ................... ..... Salem, Ore. GRAND COUNCIL PRESlDENT-Elizabeth Gamble, 49 Alexandrine Ave., West, Detroit, Mich. VICE PRES IDENT-May Copc1and -Reynold~, La Rue, Ohio. SECRETARy-Mary Bartol-Theiss (Mrs. Lewis E. Theiss), 64 W. I09th St, New York City. TREASuRER-Martha N. K imball, Box V, Leadville, Colo. EDITOR-Florence P orter Robin son, 543 M arshafl St., M ilwaukee, Wis HISTORIAN S usan Vi. Lewis, 5605 Madison Ave., Chicago, Ill. CATALOGUER Mary Bartol-Theiss, 64 W. I<>9th St., New York City. CORRESPONDING SECRETARIES ALPUA PROVI.NCE PRESIDENT-Anna Morris Jackson, 50 Beekman St.. New York City. VERMONT ALPHA-Middlebury College, Bertha C. Duncan, Middlebury, Vt. VERMONT BETA-University of Vermont, Elizabeth Durfee, 128 Colchester Ave., Burlington, Vt. COLVMIlIA ALP HA-Columbian University, Adele Taylor, 2jO':; P. St., vVashillgton, D. C . PENNSYLVAN IA ALPHA-Swarthmore College, Elizabeth E. J ohnson, Swarthmore, Pa. PENN SYLVANIA BETA-Bucknell College, F erne F. Braddock, Lewisburg, Pa. P ENNSYLVAN IA GAMMA-Dickinson College, Gertrude H ell er, Carlisle, Pa. OU10 ALPHA-Ohio Unive rsity. Mary Trcudley, Athens, Ohio. OUIO BETA-Ohio State Uni \'crsily, Clare \V. Postle, 118 W . loth Ave., Columbus, Ohio NEW YORK ALPHA-Syracuse University, Grace McCoon, 11 2 Waverly Ave., Syracuse, N. Y. NEW YORK BnA-Barnard College, Florence Hubbard. MA SSACHUSETTS ALPHA-Boston University, 1\1. Lillian Horne, 12 Somer- set St., Boston, Mass. MARYLAND ALPHA-Woman's College of Baltimore, Irene T. F enton. 2223 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md. B ET ~4. I'" R Ol ' INCE PRESIDENT-Elda Smith, 710 S. 6th St., Springfield, III. h.LINOIS BnA-Lombard Coll ege, Delia, Conger, 573 N. P rairie St., Gales­ burg. 111. I LLiNOIS DELTA- Knox College, Cla ra Lindley, Whiting H all , Galesburg, III. ILLINOI S EI'SILox-Northwestern Unive rsity. Margaret H ammond, 225 Kedzie Ave., Evanston, 111. ILLINOIS ZETA-University of Ill inois, Kate Mann, 209 E. Green St., Cham­ paign, 111 . I NDIANA ALP HA- Franklin College. Grace Bryan, Franklin, Ind. INDl ANA BETA-University o f Indiana, Florence M . J ohn son, Blooming­ ton, Ind. INDI ANA GAM:\IA-Univcrsity of Indianapolis, Lulu B. Kellar, College Resi dence, I rvington. Ind. l\I!CHIGAN ALI'HA-Hillsdale College. Evelyn Gates. Hillsdale, ~1 ich. MICHlG!!.!\' BETA-University of Michigan, May Edwards, 406 Packard St., Ann Arbor, Mich. G AJI ~I A )"UOV1NCE PRESIDE:ST-Sue Stone, Columbia, Mo. IOWA ALPHA-Iowa Wesleyan University. Gem Russell, 1\11. Pleasant, Ia. IOWA BETA-Simpson College-Ruth Baker. Indianola, Ia. IOWA ZETA-Jowa State Unin rsi ty, Sadie H oliday, Iowa City, la. \,yISCONSIN ALP HA-University of \ ¥isconsin. Rose \ Vellman, 233 Lang- don St., Madison, \-Vis. MISSOURI ALI'HA-Uni"ersity of Mis.;:ouri, Olive Boland, Columbia, Mo. DELTA pn O V~CE P RESIDENT-A nne Stuart, 1906 D. St., Lincoln. Neb. LoUISIANA ALP HA-Newcomb College, Gcncvie,'e L. J ackson, 2928 Pry­ tania St., New Orleans, La. KAN SAS ALPHA-Kamas Uni\'cr~ity, Lesley Hill. Lawrence, Kan ~as. NEBRASKA BETA-University of Nebraska, Kate H eacock, 307 N. 24th St., Lincoln, Neb. TEXAS ALNtA-Uni"ersity o f Texas, Edith Clagett, 2300 San Antoqio St., Austin, T exas. COLORADO ALPIIA-Oni"ersi ty of Colorado, Clara Morse. Boulder, Colo. COLORADO BETA-Denver Cni\'ersity, Lena H a rper, 1512 Fillmore St., Den­ ver, Colo. CALIFORNIA BETA-University of California, Clara L. Cooper, 2428 Col­ lege Ave., Be rkeley, Cal. Alumnae A ssociation Director}! COUNCIL PRESIDENT-May Copeland-Reynolds, La Rue. Ohio. VTCP' PRI!!HDENT-M. Eloise Schuyler. 418 W. James St. Lancaster. Pa. SECRETARy-Anna S. Hazelton, 1215 9th St. N. W., Washington, D. C. TREASURER-M rs. Bertha Myers Kempton, North Adams, Mich. ALUl-tNAE EDITOR-Iva A. \Velsh, 416 N . Livingston St., Madison, Wis. CI RCLE S ECRETARIES FOUNDERs-Mrs. May C. Reynolds, Washington St., Hartford City. Ind. ALPHA CIRCLE-(New York and New England) Leora Sherwood, 1514 S. State St., Syracuse, N. Y. BETA CIRcLE-(Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Delaware) Grace S. Wood­ ard. Hamburg. N. Y. GA)'IMA CIRCLE-(District of Columbia. Maryland and the Southeast) Edna Stone, 1618 Rhode Island Ave., ' ''ashington, D. C. DELTA CIRCLE-COhio) Mrs. R. S. Belknap, 120 Bank St., Painesville, O. EpSILON CIRcL£-(Michigan, \Visconsin, Minnesota) Margaret Cousin, 54 Rosedale Place, Detroit, Mich. ZETA CtRCL£-(1ndiana) Katherine Stevenson, 2319 College Ave., Indian­ apolis, Ind. THETA CIRCL£-(IIlinois) Elda Smith, 710 S. 6th St., Springfield, III. IOTA CIRCLE-(Iowa, Missouri, Louisiana) Sue Stone, 1003 Conley Ave., Columbia, Mo. KApPA CIRCLE-(Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas) Anne Stuart, 1906 D. St., Lincoln, Neb. LAMBDA CIRCL£-(Rocky Mountain States) Mary C. Traylor, 1384 S. Pearl St.. Denver, Colo. Mu CIRcL£-(Pacifie Coast States) Elizabeth Kennedy, Fresno, Cal. ALUM N AE CLUB SECRETARIES BOSTON, MA ss.-Fannie L Ray, 23 Lyle St., Malden, Mass. NEW YORK CITy-Mrs. L'lUretta S. Dutton, 110 Gardiner Place, Mont- clair, N. J. \VASHINGTON , D. C.-Lola M. Evans, 2227 13th St. N. \V . BALTIMORE, MD.-Mrs. Helen Grant. Mt. Washington, Baltimore. z PHILADELPHIA, PA.-Bess Wells, Moorestown, N. J. CoLulfBuS.O.-Mrs. F. D. Connolley, 1507 Michigan Ave.. ATUENS, O.-Mazie Earhart. FRANJt:LIN , I ND.-Anna Morris. INDIANAPOLI S, ]N TI.-Mrs. j e!;sie C. Brown, Irvington, Ind. DETROIT, MICH.-Clara Foster, 124 Charlotte Ave. CRESTON, IA .-Grace Harsh. INDIANOLA, IA.-Inez Henderson. DES MOINES, IA.-Elia ]. Cummnis, 424 28th St. MT. PLEA SANT, lA .-M. Blanche Swan. KANSAS CITY, Mo.-Agnes Bushnell, 2111 E. 13th St LINCOLN, NEB.-Bessie Turner, 1527 L St. LAWRENCE. KAs.-Harriette Miles, Larnard Ave. BOULDER, Cow.-Mrs. Edith McClure, 2227 8th St. VERMONT ALPHA. Jessie P rCDUs. Eme Smithson. J oslo Ji"nlth Powers. Annie Melenlt. Florellce DUIlCIiIl. Bessie !J ump. Florellce Glddlllgs. Gwcndollne llughcs. Myrtle Moaler, F'lorence Perley, Bertha FJammond. Katherine Collins, Ina Gove, Allee Duncan. VERMONT RETA. EWlila Bean. Lillian Bean. EII1.nbetb Durfee. Suzanne Edson. Grace StI·ong. J essie BateS'. Lucln Warren. Claire n eynold:!. ~ AlIce Durfee. Amy Metcalf. Gertrude Strons. Lillian Carpenter. Carolyn Preston. Ge l·trud., J ObpirtOD. Helen Allen. o ' . ' ... " 0 ~:c o 0 o 0 =~ OH 10 :\U' H ..\. E[[zftl K' th )'I U"J:nIH', Bayard l'lIom, ),111)('1 ll o rlt'ic. F k ra Co nnpr. ~~' Ivln )I oorp, Twlle nliihop, ).llr), Trf'udlpy. )'lll.ry Wood. )'hH\' t ' hBI>I~lp"r , ),19), !o:eott. Iwrnh,i: t ',mitral), FlorPli ce Clayton ~ t .:7.2 :':"g .; :::: ~ i:' 0 :;• " ;; NEW YORK BETA. Mnry C. 11. Henrdon. DorH n. Ne\· 11l8. Florence E. lIubbnrd. Julia lI. J;> reed. Idn Eo l ..cwla. Llzzette M. Metca lfe. Margaret L. C. Clntry. )lIullle n . Uoulger. Ella l . Henney. MI 1I8cen t E. Perk ins. M. Ellen 'Ihomn8. Beasle L. l....:m'11!.. Vl rglnlll nlllp ~. Mory W. Mu rtba. i\[ASSACHUSETTS ALPHA. Carda A. linton. Edlin Cui lis. .'lIl<ln .,<l A. Wright. 1>; 11111 ('011.1('8. P.llzuhcth (;11>11. E st he r J ohnSO Il . nora Smith. Alice .1 0Il SSU Il . J\ lice K I' N klll ~. ~ l l U 'Y Gnlbrnlth. rA) ulsc H lchnnlsO Il. Lleta Shnw. ('Ill Ire 'l'IlI'n l.luli. Georglll Alexlludcl'. )):lI'lon BeRn. )1)'l'llc )In!{lIin'. 1\1. Lillian Horne. Belh Bralnurd. !lnde lte O'Oonuld. J enule B. Allyn, Amy \rnllon. Ethcl l'lper. ~a l' ah G. I'OIlH'I'OY. Lom W . I'r:llt. MARYLAND ALPHA. Grace Spettlque. Zaldee Metzger. Mary C. Ames. Mary E. Moore. Frances Dunning. Irene Fenton. Willa K Wilson. Belen Crane. :Mollie Wood. Lillian Beck. f:uphemla Miller. Laura Presby. Mabel Scott. " ILLINOIS DELTA. "\ 1111(' l\ld\l\y. l l y l't'lln Johuslol1 IINthl\ \\'oudil. Inez '\'chllier. vl'llce 1"uiuH.'stock . •\lIldl '('11 T (.tel', L ouise :\fcIlltosh. :'I lnrie B rndley. Nellie Dlt! hl. Della lI u rft'. Katharine Ihlj;by. Xelll'ownsend. :\Iury CmwtOl'd . )llulllc Weyhrich. Lulu I HnchlUre. B lunclie I'OUlI. Xellie We lles. Annie Gn tldl!;. Louise Sencol'd. lluurlne Tilley, Bertha Stevenson. &11th Lnss. Mnry l iarS'. 1;'lorellc(' Warner. Clnra Lind ley. = ~ I:-.JDIANA GA:\I:IJA. , J '('llrl lkElruy. J osephine lIeMa"". " Hie Heapo. Edna Cooper. "-annle lline r. Laura Parker. FrAnef'8 Ooftn. FrflnC't'8 Fuller. Lulu Ellie. ElhE'1 I)un ~· nn . ll8rln JA'ODArd. Elhf'1 Woody. Lulu Kellar. 5• ~ -<:r: :8• ~ :>I -< Z -< Ii :a .... 0 ":r: u.... '":l ::g 11 .l!• iii MICHIGAN BETA. Helen Briggs. Dora l'ayne. Clara Starr. Donna Marsball. Mary Edwards. Madge Sibley. ~ellle Kellogg. Lenore Smith. Helen Lee. Harriet Griffin. lIelen Spier. Ora Follett. glen Twltscblerer. Lottn Broadbrldge. Hhea Tyler. Gertha WIlliams. Maud Brown. Mnrle Winsor. Jessie Elelsell. Alice Coleman. SarlLh Edwards. Genevieve Wblte. ..; 0 ~'" ~ 0 ~ ..= " ::: "i:' 0 =; g ~"' <:.>~ :..:::= ;. ~' ''-; E 0 d '" '"0 '"• ;] ,; "E "" 0 :!! ;; ~ 0 :0 ~ :;;" 2l .., ~, -;; .g= U :.:l ~0 ~ ;. 0 0 < ..= " ::: ~~ 0 g ; .;~ ..: 0 f-< Sl= ., ~ ~ 0 P< S ~• " -< ?~ :oJ ~ ; " 0 ;.. H ~ = ;;0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 "= :a = 0 ~ 0 0" .."'0 ;. ~0 ~ .~ 0" ,; T. " 0 0 • :: :0= < ~ ~ .;! 0 0 ;..= ~ -;; = ~ ;:; 0 ~" ~ = ~ ~ " ] ~ ~ "3 = "• j •o '" % :c• :z: ~ :z:ffl o u ffl ~ ~ C Q.... c< C ..J C U CALIFO RXIA BETA. Olh'e Gundry. J eMie Parks. Mary :\larteo8teln. llaude Schaeffer.
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