VOL. LIV AUSTIN, TEXAS, JANUARY, 1970 No. 5 State Basketball Playoff Schedule Announced Communications Dean To Conduct Regional Committees ILPC Teachers' Discussion Session Will Decide Site, Time Wayne A. Danielson, Dean of the UT Austin School of Communica­ For the 1969-70 school year each Region II, Districts 9-16, Texas tion, will conduct a special Friday region in Conference AAA Boys A&M University, College Station, evening Publications Problems Dis­ Basketball has a Regional Chair­ Marvin Tate, Tournament Director. cussion for teachers at the ILPC man appointed to serve with the Region III, Districts 17-24, Uni­ convention on March 20-21. district winning schools in deter­ versity of Houston, Houston, Harry Dr. Danielson earned his B.A. in mining which method will be used Fouke, Tournament Director. Journalism at State University of in selecting a regional champion. Region IV, Districts 25-32, Trin­ Iowa, his M.A. in Journalism at The Regional Committee may ity University, San Antonio, War­ Stanford, and his Ph.D. in Mass elect to play a tournament at a site ren Woodson, Tournament Direc­ Communication Research at Stan­ and time determined by the Reg­ tor. ional Committee, or they may elect ford. AA Boys Regional Sites He was Dean of the School of a regional play-off series. The reg­ Region I, Districts 1-8, Journalism of the University of ional play-off series may be paired Texas Technological College, Lubbock, North Carolina from 1964 until he and played under the following Charlie Lynch, Tournament Direc­ came to Texas last year. He has schedule: tor. had broad experience in journalism In Region I, AA, as an illustra­ Region II, Districts 9-16, teaching, administration and re­ tion, the winner of district 1AAA North Texas search. plays 2AAA, and 3AAA plays State University, Denton, TILF WINNERS AT TCU Lois Reed (left), Carolyn Pete Shands, Tournament Caffey and Loring Johnson confer with Dr. James He served as a reporter-research 4AAA in a one-game play-off to be Director. Region III, Districts 17-24, Blinn Newcomber, TCU vice chancellor for academic affairs. Misses Reed and Saffey are winners of- Brown manager for the San Jose, Calif. played either on Feb. 23 or 24, at College, Brenham, W. C. Schwartz, Memorial Awards. Johnson is a Welch scholarship winner. Mercury and News in 1953-54, and sites to be selected by participating Tournament Director. was consultant for the Philadelphia ;eams. The winners in each case Region IV, Districts 25-32, Inquirer and Perry Publications. will then play a one-game series on Texas Feb. 27 or 28, at a site to be deter­ A&I University, Kingsville, Dr. Photojournalism Expert mined by the two participating Stewart Cooper, Tournament Di­ TCU Trio Won UIL Contests, schools. rector. Bill Seymour, director of photo­ In case there is a tie vote as to journalism at the William Alien AA Girls Regional Sites what procedure shall be used, the White School of Journalism, will Region I, Districts 1-8, Texas present two sessions for photogra­ hairman will break the tie by cast­ Brown, Welch Scholarships ing his vote. Technological College, Lubbock, phers. Seymour has combined ex­ Mr. E. Buchanan and Mrs. Betty perience in newspaper and Three recipients of Texas Inter- Loring Johnson Regional Chairmen Bailey, Tournament Directors. of Henderson re­ Texas Greatest Asset television with study to become an ceived a four-year Region II, Districts 9-16, North scholastic League Foundation Robert A. About the recipients TILF direc­ outstanding leader in photojournal­ Conference AAA regional chair­ Welch Texas State University, Denton, scholarships are enrolled in Texas Foundation scholarship. tors said: "These students repre­ ism. men are: The Brown $1,000 on-year Region I Districts Kenneth Bahnsen and Mrs. Agnes Christian University's sent Texas' most valued asset, and "Bill Seymour was one of the 1-4 Bill freshman awards are presented Cannon, Tournament Directors. annually to in the best interest of the state quickest students I ever had at Vardeman, Supt., Levelland. class. Holding- Brown Memorial League academic WAYNE A. DANIELSON Dr. Danielson, Dean of the UT Austin Region III, Districts 17-24, Blinn and literary con­ very effort should be made to en­ Texas Christian University," said Region II Districts 5-8 Wil- awards, a division of the T. J. test winners in the School of Communication, will moderate a special teachers session at College, Brenham, Dean W. C. state-wide com­ courage more of these young Haddick. "He was in my classes 3urn Echols, Supt., Gainesville. Brown and C. A. Lupton Founda­ petition who plan to attend the Interscholastic League Press Conference Schwartz and Mrs. Judy Smith, Texas people to remain in Texas and to then, but I know that I could learn Convention on March 20. Region III Districts 9-12 D. tion, Tournament Directors. are Carolyn Caffey of Fort universities and colleges. The much P. O'Quinn, Supt., Alvin. take advantage of the many oppor­ if I could sit in on his classes Region IV, Districts 25-32, Worth and Lois Reed of Carrollton. Welch grant is for $4,000. Author-Historian On Program of the award-winning Little Har­ Region IV Districts 13-16 tunities available to them in their now." Texas A&I University, Kingsville, vester newspaper of Pampa High Drew Reese, Supt., Pleasanton. dome state." Miss Hazel Presson, author oi Dr. Stewart Cooper and Mrs. Dor- Miss Caffey, daughter of ILPC Variety Show The Student School, will have a major role in Rev. Journalist and News Conference AAA (Girls) ris Binnion, Tournament Directors. and Mrs. Hugh E. Caffey of 6925 The convention will open Friday Reporting and a history of Arkan­ the program. Her papers have won In Conference AAA for girls, in Superintendent Lauds Rockdale, Fort Worth, was co- night, March 20, with the annual sas, will participate in both news­ top awards in all competition, but A Boys Regional Sites have been especially cited for over­ Region I, Districts I and 2 will play winner in spelling in the 1969 In­ variety show and talent contest and paper and yearbook sessions. Miss Region I, Districts 1-8, Texas all excellence in advertising. ach other in a one-game play-off terscholastic League competition. A the Teachers' Special Session. Presson, former president of the Technological College, Lubbock, A number of other consultants on Feb. 16 or 17. The winner of graduate of Everman high school, ILPC President Tom Prentice of Arkansas High School Press As­ Charlie Lynch, Tournament Direc­ Training In Discipline will be on the this game will play District 3 win­ she was a member of the band and Richardson High School, Vice- sociation, has won acclaim for her program. Details of tor. the program will be mailed out to ner for the regional championship orchestra, winning awards for clar­ President Jeff Hart of Lutcher lectures and books. She is a holder Region II, Districts 9-16, North The University Interscho­ all schools and will be in the Feb­ on Feb. 20 or 21. inet and bassoon solos. She was a Stark High School of Orange and of the CSPA Gold Key, and is a Texas State University, Denton, ruary Leaguer. In Regions I, III and IV the odd- lastic League represents to me member of the Future Teachers of Secretary Toni Ristom, also of leading contender for the Skeeball Pete Shands, Tournament Director. Lutcher The University of Texas School numbered districts will play the an organization that gives America and the French Club and Stark High, will be in championship of Manhattan. Region III, Districts 17-24, Blinn of Communication faculty again even-numbered districts in a first- each year to many thousands was an officer in the National charge of the show and all ILPC Oklahoma Prize Winning Teacher College, Brenham, W. C. Schwartz, Honor Society. business sessions. Mrs. Elizabeth Burdette, jour­ will take a major role on the pro­ round regional game, e.g., 3 vs. 4; of young people 5 vs. 6; and Tournament Director. throughout Editor of her high school news­ The Officers will judge the talent nalism teacher at North West gram. Dr. Norris G. Davis, chair­ 7 vs. 8; on Feb. 16 or 17. Region IV, Districts 25-32, Vic­ the state of Texas opportun­ paper, Miss Reed is the daughter of acts and present the act judged Classen High School in Oklahoma man of the journalism department, The winners toria College, Victoria, Harlon Ger- ities for basic leadership train­ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest David Reed of best with the ILPC Officers' Talent City, will also be a double duty con­ and Dr. Robert Kahan, chairman of of the first round will hold, Tournament Director. ing. Inherent 2022 William Lane in Carrollton. Award plaque. sultant, working in both newspaper the ILPC executive committee, play each other for the reg­ in this training ional championship on either Feb. She is a graduate of R. L. Turner and yearbook sessions. Mrs. Bur- have promised the aid of the full A Girls Regional Sites is the vital ingredient of self- Paschal On Yearbooks faculty. 20 or 21. high school, where she received dette's publications have won just Region I, Districts 1-8, Texas discipline which requires the state James F. Paschal, dean of The results of the annual rating honors for four years in stu­ about every top award available, A and AA Championships Technological College, Lubbock, E. organization of one's time and of newspapers will be announced at (Boys) ready-writing competitions and dents and former director of Okla­ and she has earned the CSPA Gold Buchanan and Mrs. Betty Bailey, the Awards Banquet, Saturday The following schedule for se­ talent to produce intended re­ district awards for two years.
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