Mercyhurst College IAbrm% THE CRUCIFIED Erie, PertTisylvania This is the throne man made for Him. And from it Christ looks down In pity on a selfish world That blasphemes Rambj »ng for His gown. Volume XV, No. 5 Mercyhurst College, Erie, Pa. MarchI21, 1945 s 1. Dr. Charles De - *r k.^ Konink Returns - • ^ • To Lecture Gala Event Long years have gone Planned C?5 since, midnight Heard angel carols • air Dr. Charles De Koninck re­ for His birth His arms are opened x« Benefit Card Party wide, tog hold turned to Mercyhurst March 19 The weary hearts. of all {the I earth. and 20 to present the faculty Sponsored By Seniors And pinioned fast are and| Student Body with three gentle hands That healed and gave • • ; the blind jtheir interesting lecture series. Dr. jfo angel carols echo sight Six hundred tickets have been distributed and reservations are now De Kon hack's Itopics for discus­ In Calvary's terrifying night. " already pouring in for the most talked about* event of the year sion were as follows: "Primacy The Mercyhurst card party, scheduled for April 28, is expected Peace cannot come to of The Common Good," "Sci­ to exceed, in size and entertainment, even the famed Mercyhurst 1 war-torn lands Until we turn dear card parties of a few years ago, when visitors came from all * Lord, to Thee ence of Good and Evil," and Until our hearts, like Yours, shall blaze points, north, south, east and west, and the halls of our school With * perfect charity: "Modern Philosophy and Dialect­ overflowed. Tl H ic of Limits." Until our selfless Ve-fe hands reach out The college and seminary are giving their all-out support to To seek them in the —J- .' world of men, Educated in Belgium the Senior Class who is sponsoring the party in conjunction with To spread Thy light through all {the earth the administration. A style show will be the main feature of the And bind the torn world s wounds again. Head of the Department of party, where college girls will model fashions made by the Home Philosophy and Theology at La­ — 1 j Economic Department. Miss Pat val University in Quebec, Can­ De Foreest, chairman of the ada, Dr. De Koninck was edu­ Chancellor show, finds a very promising se­ lection in the beautiful suits, cated at Louvain University in Visits College rie oneges o Diiscussio n dresses, and coats, of which this Belgium. For the past ten years On April 12, Mercyhurst will year's sewing classes are justly In anticipation of the United Peace Conference which will be Dr. De Koninck hasfbeen asso­ | be honored by the annual visit proud. ciated with the University of jld April 25, in San Francisco, California, the International! Re- of His Excellency, John Mark It will be;. open-house day at Laval. He is philosophy director pons Club of Mercyhurst $s sponsoring a Panel Discussion Mercyhurst and guides will be •of the Society of {Quebec, mem- 1 Gannon, Bishop of Erie, and ong six students from Mercyhurst? and Gannon Colleges. Chancellor of the college. As is on ^hand for any visitors who ber of the Canadian Academy would like to see the school. Old |At the request of the President of the United States and his of St.{Thomas Aquinas, profes­ customary, |the students will be friends of Mercyhurst will wel- retary of State, all college students, as well! as American sor of cosmology, and! philoso­ farmally presented to His Ex­ come this opportunity to renew rt, t gtizens, have been asked to dis- pher of science and scientific cellency, after which a program, acquaintances. Resident students method. I the Dumbarton Oaks-Yalta under the direction of Miss Mil­ are invited to bring their guests N.F.C.CS. Meets from home. nferences. Former j Lectures dred Curtin, will be presented. On April 14 the council of the Benediction of .the Blessed Sac­ Tables will be placed in the On Thursday, March 22, Miss- ^Last year Dr. De | Koninck Lake Erie Region I of the N. F. rament in the Chapel of Christ auditorium.^the lounge, andvthe Margaret O'Connor, Frances spoke onf "When Man Stands parlors. An elaborate tea will C. C. S. will meet;at Canisius Alone" and "Art and Imitation." the King will close thavprogram kk, and Sally iLund will be held in the dining room. College, Buffalo, N. Y., to'make In these topics he discussed the for the afternoon. Adjourning [icipate in the event. The plans for the coming year. Jun­ philosophy of humanism, its im­ to the State Dining Room, the Seniors are Chairmen J * jdents from both colleges ior and Senior delegates of each plications in the realm of human Senior'!Class of 1945 will have Misses • Margay Savage and fVe heen earnestly preparing affairs, and the consequences to Sally Lund are general co-chair­ Mfl member college will- attend. the honor of dining with ;His r points for discussion. a society which has adopted its men; the Committees are under Reports of the National Coun- principles. Excellency at a formal dinner. the chairmanship of the follow­ pis is the first time students il meeting at Marygrove Col- ing girls: c Acclaimed by Students The entire student body of P these two Erie colleges lege, Detroit, Michigan, will be Tickets and reservations, Ma­ . Mercyhurst is anxiously await­ > met for a Panel Discussion, given. At this time Mr. Robert Dr. De|KoninckJwas received rie Wolman; Prizes, June Moore;;, with such enthusiasm in this re­ ing Bishop'sf.Day, and the visit Decorations, Marilynne Cooper; r students are invited to at- Smith Shea of St. Bo naventure's of His Excellency. Bishop Gan­ i-j d turn lecture serieslthat the stu­ Table Decorations, Margaret O'­ this worthwhile meeting. College was elected President of dents of Mercyhurst are anti- non brings with him a kindly Connor; j Refreshments, Loretta the Federation. cipatingihis return. smile and a word of advice, bas­ Crowley; Publicity, Anne King­ ston. 4 ed on a wide range of experi­ *th Club Gives ; ence as! ai statesman, traveller, The full cooperation of every­ I" one at 'Mercyhurst is expected St. Pat's Party Hannah Reforms .[Today and clergyman. His courageous to make this the real highlight I efforts have been recognized ^l n k«*Ping with the annual of our post Lenten season, and Among the finest traditions at Mercyhurst is the annual Cour- ^ d throughout the mm on accIaim€ to fully revive an old Mercy­ H » the Math Club enter- hurst tradition. tn d the tesy Campaign and Program. This year the program will be held f world. r Sisters of Mercy at in the auditorium during the morning of March 21, at the r- ^trick's Day^Party, Sun- assembly period. It islsponsored by the Junior Class and is under J ^mg, March 18. The the direction of Miss Mildred Curtin, head of the Dramatic De­ Slc s IT ' Lab, converted into "A partment. This marks the culmination of the Courtesy Campaign STUDENTS AID WAR EFFORT tle Bit [ of Erin," was thefset- which the Juniors have been carrying on during the year and The Mercyhurst girl hasftaken her^place in the war effort. iin°! festivities- Straina s of .« continue until the end of the semester. Today she is helping those on the fighting front by'renewing loved her efforts on the home front. I " Irish Itunes filled the Hannah, the imaginary central character of their campaign, and her diary will be featured in the program. It is an original Through the sponsorship of the Sodality, the students now aid Jgram of readings, songs, dream sequence written by the Juniors. The acts of discourtesy the Red Cross by folding bandages. Each Saturday morning two dan was presented by nfrecorded in Hannah's diary will be vividly pre- different groups, working for one hour each, fold a total of 1600 'bem wMch have bee lrs °* the club. Following sented in pantomime. At the climax Hanah will^enew her reso- bandages. By doing this, the student workers release student 9 e e £' vening was spent in lutions to be thoughtful and to be courteous. Appropriate songs nurses to do morejimportant tasks m the hospital, «L * sames. At a suitable will accompany each scene in the skit. I Also on the home front,Ithe student body has recognized the esllm ilri L ents were served Miss Gloria Middleton is General Chairman of the program, and urgent need for * lay workers in c the hospitals of the city. In f L olleens attired in green Miss Natalie Hirtle will play thefrole of Hannah. All the members &Ue**cC<ir realization of this great 'need, jk *• A he community sing­ of the Junior Class will make up the cast. Irifi March 21—Courtesy Campaign they have offered their services. le h favorites carried 22—Mercyhurst-Gannon re grou Plans have been completed to L 2 P hack to the The program will be as follows: Discussion have a small group go to St. of shi Introduction—-The Dilemma 23—Easter Vacation Be­ Crocks. Act I Vincent's Hospital every Sat­ $ gins urday afternoon. *• f'aditi Hannah's Nightmare: l«8i °n of entertaining Act II. April 4—Return from Easter «ten 5 Vacation These two projects are activ­ ks rj6^ °f Mercy on St.;Pat- Courtesy to Upperclassmen a Scene I 12—Bishop's Day . ities of the student I body as a li0n / ^ » begun in recog- Courtesy Downtown Retreat whole.; Each member of the stu­ of Scene II k\fttodA the great work tnis 14—N.
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