University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-15-1907 Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1907 Journal Publishing Company Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_mj_news Recommended Citation Journal Publishing Company. "Albuquerque Morning Journal, 09-15-1907." (1907). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_mj_news/3231 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Morning Journal 1908-1921 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. TEN PAGES PAGES 1 TO 6. ALBUQUERQUE MORNING JOURNAL. TWENTY-NINT- H YEAR SUNDAY, ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, SEPTEMBER 15, 1907, Mr Carrier, o, , Mnnlli. PRICE 5 CENTS m m a--, mm m mm m a m a. 01 icasi a pretenee that the reve- government and this nue was needed Hut here Is a simple will surely be granted if In no other proposition to establish a tax for the way than by substituting the authority CONSTITUTION purpose of reducing swollen fortunes, to do so under the power of congress HUNDREDS DIE COMPETITION A WHITE WINGED M KIHLEY DAY an dlf It brings revenue, which we do over interstate commerce or by some not need, we can readjust our revenue other equally forced construction. system so as to abolish other taxes. A The regulation of swollen fortunes, progres-iv- e income tax would natural- the limitation of overgrown corporate ly be the next step. power, the abatement of abuses grow- But our statesmen are not content ing out of undue concentration of INADEQUATE with the exercise of powers granted wealth, the adequate taxation of ab- III FLAMES AT ANGEL OF OBSERVED III even though they exercise them for sentee landlords and employers all very different purposes from those in- these problems will call for the co- tended, thereby twisting and wrench- operation of the federal power, and If ing the constitution violently. The It cannot he obtained by direct grant, possible exercise of granted powers is it will be Inferred or construed or TOMTIOÜ'S far too limited to meet the needs ,,i from or with the eonstiiu the hour. They have advanced a new lion as it is. E BUSINESS PEACE CANTON and marvelous doctrine in as flagrant There are other great questions contradiction to the constitution as which have not yet become critical one can well conceive. It may be which will call for and receive fed called the doctrine of continuous tur eral assistance In their solution Edu- Isdlction The whole Held of nosslhle cation is cerlalnlv a national Interest TOWN ALMOST RAILROAD MEN NEW DESCRIPTION OF SIXTH governmental authority, according i,, If ther is one. It is plain that It can JAPANESE CHEER ANNIVERSARY NEEDS this theory. Is divided between the never be adequately cared for without THEODORE state and federal governments. Theiel the of the federal power, ENTIRELY DESTROYED CHAIRMAN KNAPP ROOSEVEL OF MARTYR'S DEA! H Is no gap the fleld Is continuous. and It Is equally plain that this co- Whatever does not belong to the si re operation will he given. In fact, the government belongs to the federil national government has already ren- Thirteen Thousand Houses Are Commerce Commissioner De- New Yoik Univeisity Man Pays Appropriate Ceremonies Maik Pi osident of Illinois University government What does not belong to dered great help In the building up of Institutions, and it Anti-Tiu- the federal government belongs lo the our educational Swept Away; the Insurant nounces Sherman st Glowing Tribute to Presidenl Memorial Services in Honor in state government. And If the state Is only at the beginning of this work Daring Address at Jamest- up tTie government does not advance to oc- In short, and this sums Companies, Liable for Act as Vicious l egislation in in Addres on American Rev- - of the Dead Mi, cupy Us portion of the field the lei arhOle case we are today a nation Piesiden- t- own Advocates Adoption of eral government must do It for it al; Willi an ever Increasing consciousness rec- ions, in Shaky Condition, Speech to traffic Managers, tin aw, Roosevelt Sends Floweis, New Law, this in flat contradiction to the consti- rtf ourunlty. with an ever clearer Organic tution, which says expressly that ,11 ognition of our solidarity, with an ever to do powers not granted to the gov Increasing determination I 1 I federal Victoria. H C Hepi The Chicago, III Sepl I 4 "I believe Y Sept. a glow lag I 4 - It t Ii Is necessary the of 'anion. 0 Sept. Today, the ernment or prohibited to or what for welfare ,,r 1 peo .(the nation, no matter what becomes steamer Shnwmul. which arrived last the most mlachevlnua piece laapi-- tribuí, lo l'i, Men! itoosevell. In sixth anniversary of the PRESENT INSTRUMENT slates, are hereby reserved lo the night from Manila via lip. in and latton in the htstor) ,,f the count rv is death of pie or respectively es- of the constitution in the process. which in- wii- - to as "a white-- Preatdenl McKlnley, the states thus China, brought further ,,f the the Sherman anti trust law. as inter-- 1 referred ' was observed tablishing so many discon- W'e forget by what a w PRONOUNCED ARCHAIC in words a sometimes great In It seems lb, bv the inged angel of pi a, c, was a n ature wllh every evidence in tinuous or said world of change we are separated fire Hakodate. loeled United States supreme of sorrow hi' Jurisdiction, better tin big conflagration originated in a soap court It Is unlnlelllgable and I Of the of In possibility of it. From such a doctrine from the times and conditions of the atritos address lea' Franklin home city. Wreaths or flowers ajara In factory near the Mlgnshlf. t chool, .1 blow at development aim progress. itii., i: ,.f Ihe New York university. as Ibis it would only be h single step men who drew the instrument. raptdiiv sweep- hv sent by Presidenl Itooscvelt, members Twentieth Century we and spread with great This statement t'halrman Mart'n K. i..,.- - Problems to the further proposition that If the agriculture have Introduced the away of nam boo of e ""' Viinrban Social Hclence of the cabinet and personal machine the tools; In In- ing hundreds houses. Knapp. the interslat mm friends of slate did not occupy the fleld satisfa instead of dig (ire a ptrwdei magaalne commission wio warmly applauled bv Bssoclat n,n toda Or. Itussell's the Require Twentieth torlly If Its were not dustry we have replaced wind ami I'm the lata chief executive, and acora of ,'ljry laws efficient exploded. involving railway offici i - teji-n- bv in poll-tic- s at Klshlmachl Ihe iwo hundred here tret was Iteverencii for Canton people It would he the duty of water steam and electricity, A who had known and the l great loss of life In all lit) lives Unlay al the annual meeting of 'tie'i-- u i I we human slavery spoke In pan e follows: Means for Their vilution; govern Ríen to advance and extend its have abolished were lost during the flic, and 13,00 American Association of Freight Traf- loved Ihe Martyr president and his over Held to nil, and accepted, In principle at least, "Beh Id presiden!! A.ve. Jurisdiction the the houses were burned. A strong wind ile Managers, Nearl) ail the targe mi there's wife placed Hura I tribuí ,n tin Statesmen Afraid of Issue, mate exclusion of the state. This is manhood suffrage on the basis of the the lire, which spread with railways of the Stales, a man What eulogy can his ven- elective was a league fanned I'nlted 'mil. overstate tom'i liberal Interpretation with a franchise. Theirs great rapidity. All the foreign con- and Mexico were icptcscntcd. t h i'r- - virtue The verv defects of his tem- - geance. of small states of sparse population; sulates, administrative offices banks, man Knapp advócale,! eomblnallon, peí, un. nt, which his critics are quick A meeting of I he I ritsiee of I he M w of little wealth; of small commerce; Klnley Vail, nal Memorial association Norfolk. Va.. Sept. 14. A large Under such a process ns this company office, schools, theaters, etc., and the control to point out. Ills intense passion for should top a without banks; with few schools; with burned, exception of axiom' truth and Justice and liberty and will be held here Monday, when final number of llllnolslana. headed by Oov- - gradually dare supi'in an organization of society were with the oi traiikfuitatloB lines "Th details th government worn aristocratic tin I' i ra right In resplendent patriotism and for dedication of the in.ni tu,r Charle S. Deneen, participated centralized which .1 the American consulate, court lhal competition Is Ihe life le. on slavery, Ii - on Sn extend it Jurisdiction Into every field based human ours house, railway and custom must he If we ar.- lo pre- - glowing enthusiasm for humanltv indent September will be ar- today In the celebration of minóla day of extent Im- station discarded ranged. I, I, nation world wide and ten-de,- " It Is two been decided lhal Ihe iii the Jamestown exposition Dr. and gradually supersede that of the In house greys." he said. "The nbvioua these that made him hope portance; loader of modern states , I ago de- bodies of ihe lale president Mm I states, or at Ahy rate emasculate th m steamer, Natin.v.
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