15,000 People Read Uie HERALD. Published Every Tuesday and Friday, THE SUMMIT HERALD and SUMMIT RECORD FIFTY-FIRST YEAR, MO. SUMMIT, N. j , FRIDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 6, 1939 $3 50 PER YEAR VO'I hKV LAST t if AM K I Music at Book Sale Local Activity in Council Sets October 25th As Date For i Register Now for ' | 10 RN,iSHR $49,830 Is the Goal for the Adult Education lUj;.-->l>r H'-tt so as iu lit able ! For Fellowship Fund Campaign Fire Prevention Public Hearing On Housing Authority Plans to line n ii,v ut-iu iai ele.i'tiou en .NinciiibfT 7iu is the warning J j An Adjustment Campaign siiiii,(it-(l ny City Ciei'k Kie.(U-fick TIH '. xtMu ii vv board of i he Sum an.iill .-iiiiimm ti;tiici(:.- i Committee Anxious to { WMl, ,)ii!>in- Si Detailed Presentation oi Plans io Be Published—Peti- <'. Keictz. to lliD.-.e uhgitjk'. voters llii! Biuiuh of the A. A. I . W at f'-l > aiij 1 The goal of I tie fiiiied L'aniiiaUii lias been .set fur this tu;l at V\!H» <I re lu.'l jie i iisuueiitly leglH it.s regular meet ing ou Wednesday, %\\) H'M> '.''ti, 't'tiis is a smailir dirunun uian the- iu-st ciiiiipai^i; *iH tion Favors Proposal—New I ire Department Rules Have Large Advanced (uie In lire are I'air.viiig mil «n in ti icd. Tiit- jierind of I <-'gi»tia- was uskfcU by Mr», Russell T, Keiby, ; lliis one ia Iu < over e.\|>enst.-ri of the seven Agencies for uiiiy nine 1 ! tensive campaign in i.bsei VdHce u Registration Before Hull Will cklKt- Ot) OcHltlKf 111. Oil chuiruiuii of the FtilriWhhip Cuin-, •—Refuse Apartment Permit in Residential Zone inouihs iiiMtciid i»f twelve as In nil |irwt:ding canu>ait;iis. ! National Hi •• Prevention Wet-i Oi li.ticr ti, !l and U) the. office niitlee, to consider me bust niuans j When it was decided to havtj a fall instead of a winter ••am- 'which wiil open Sunday by piorla Classes Open Tuesday , d! I he city I'lerk ul City Hall of raismg Uie contribution of the; i AIIi r 11 11 s^iiiii lor a i -n e ft illi members of the Summit 1 ! puign U serUiMd wise to the Ceiitrai Coniniittee to fhanse aisu tiif | illation of the Governor of the Siai uill b»- (ipen evenings truin 7 Summit ('olietie Club to tin: A A. I . '• Hiiu.Miig Am lii.ri; v. (minium il 0:, Tuesday luL'ht aauouneeci that fim-al year whicli has alwa>s lieen Aiiril 1st to March :ilst, to u |and by President Roosevelt. until !t. Ki'tiular hours, except \V. Fellowship Fund. Fiii' the past | Wednesday hit: til Oi loher ;ii. I'I lot Ii in ilie iiitMi .SCIKXII auiliiuriuUi Register at High School! calendar year. As the last campaign wus to cuvtr the expt-nsos I The Summit Fire .Department, th Saturday, are fioin !l a. in. iiiit.i] -two years money for tins purpose' would he l he I iili" aiul J)Ue v the puiilji' heisiii-ti wouui be conduct- of the AgenciuM until March Slst. 1S»4U, whal is being uski-d at this 'pti-hlic, private and parochial; 1 fi [i. in. On Saturday, tin- ' itv has been raised by means ol u movie , ed pel "lailii'lj <>> I he i •!; 111 -; iii' Ilie asiitiionly for Uie t«u housing iiioje-.tB, While rejiisiriitiuii fur Adult Ivl-' tinit: is fur Hie cvptMises Iruai April 1st in Uticuiiila-r :-}lsl, 1'J40 It ^schools, the Summit Hoard of l;n- ch-rk'.s office clones Itt IU noon. benefit tindtii' the auspices of the one to he in Kas< .Summit ami ilaoilie- r in Nonh Suinmil. i Uiei writers anil Tile Mayors Coinmii- j j Recent (iraduule (iroup. The sug-•', will cost as much to run tlu- Agi. iK-if.s the full year as before, lull M> I t-t( ii I'S I Ol' ''(JiliiliOH CoUjuil; the expenses, for the first iliri-e months of l'J-11 will coinu into i lee on Safely are cii-dpeiating in t.ht; rale wl;icii lias bei-n normal lor; "•gestion lias been nia.de repeatedly, 0< TOlii It l'\ Til ,11 HY PANKI, j TliF Sl'MMlT H KHALI > in iln isHUte jlhe educational work designed to other .veins, Hie commit let- in j however, thai, some purl of the. lu-xt year's cuinpulfiu inslcaU of tins. jarouse residents of tlie city against of fur.-.lay, Oi tuber Jdih. wjii fea-- (•hiirtie is si ili hopeful that :i milch j proceeds of the annual College Club [ All Hit; Atrcnci'e.i have Had to eiii their cxpeiiscs this year on On the first ii<! i i jury panel for •the common hazards of fire. Spe- liire a dtiaiietl ])l'eseiilniHiii of tiles larger pi oiMirtioii of the students Patten VicePres. at Hook Sale tie assigned to tht'-Fel-' account of failure to reach the goal of ;hc hist campaign hy over i lie October term of liir county cial iuspcet ions will lie made mir- plans of the Ilimsing Authority as t.iiuii lust year will register in ad- •i 1^ /^ |lowK.hij) Fund, tn order to relieve if.S.uou, 'I'liis has meant sai rificinti ninny very essential iictivitieK courts, drawn ihi.s weei; bcinrc (: lle ing the week by firemen as well as ins-pared by it.s chairman, William vance of Hie opening nielli, Ih'lu- IT I THM (fl I ° S« ('lull members of lh<: bur- j 1 hat have been part of tlicir programs heretofore, and should he Judge Kdward A. Mcdralh hy I'lt- restored, 'i'iifi Agencies have lived within their curtailed budgets | I.V School ehikiren and their par-; H,"""«!,',."'iff Charles K Ave Darling. Also in the same issue ber Mltli. thereby avoiding the ei>»- *l 1 I 1131 vUtiden of sponsoring two benefits in' and not an easy tliinj? to do. It is therefure hoped that the giving will ieiits in search lor the every-day CoinniiHsiojier William A. Hounion will he a compendium of all tlie nestinii and loss of class-room lime one year. On the other hand, the' leaustis of fire. «• p | splendid work done by the Scholar-| be so {•eliertiUM this fall that all of thi-in may not only receive the jari' these names: Summit Donald questions that have been directed to I which otherwise is inevitable. Keg- j | ustructum pyrncularly in Pie! ,. « ,, ,.,,,,.,, b i,. ard. I uinouut asked, l)tit also, enough In m»ki up for whal they have Ma kay 4 K nt 0U V Council and the Housing Authority ' f istrat ions may still lie sent, in" hy j. J. IMCUregOr j ship Committee in giving needed f 1- i had to sacrifice in this year'M operations. The finance committee [schools, will be given (luring .next! ^ew j>,H,vi lence IioriuiL>li Sidiu IUUR: U a lu ! week in, precautionary measures • jj '.^ ]{usk l'tl Ion the proposed projects am / mail la Lynn ('. Dundoli, executive Trust Offirpr ' * l<l outstanding Summit: of the United Campaign has gone over all the budgets carefully t Laviiia ami HUM UIIICCI K,,.l8 )s H0 gent)|.aiiy appreciated by j (against fire through the medium «*! Artb'ur C lioty, answers thereto. I secretary. High School Office; and and assert that every dollar asked for is needed and more too. South s the Pesitlellt!iOl thls<! t thatlhere j lectures, demonstrations, poators, As the HICHAM) goes to presa, •• this (Friday) afternoon uud evt'- and Wm. Baker Madei ' ! y i The campaign opens Otitobw ^7th with the dimifr at the window displays and general pub- •j Hint; students may register in per- 1'resident Maxwell Lester of Cou% Assistant Trust Officer has been a strong sentiment against, Parish House of the Central I'reBbyte.riau Church, and closfs on licity, j cii states that Mr. Darling will bt» son at tlie high school office. diverting even a small fraction of, November 8th. School campaigns are extremely' A few of the courses iu which the tlie proceeds of the book sale to j Employment Service n coiiKideruhle lime at the meet- successful, according to experts in) i tile 2-1 ill to present the evolu- •numbers must be limited are alPromotion- s in the Staff any other purpose, j the fire prevention field, because; ready full; but iu a large majority As Mrs, Kerby pointeypdy out, it isj I • f the whole uitualiou pertain- 1 school-age children enjoy the; Reports Increase ;;r: ot-rhe'V'oursou there Is room for ad- Two promotions were made bytli ? easieambitiour tos aroushigh eschoo sympathl senioy rfo than'r a:n spectacular and fire is siiseep-i | in A' to the plans for the housing ditional students. One course Hoard of lHrectorsj of. the Summit for ait older woman of intellectual j tlhle ot spectacular portrayal.! projects as they are contemplated which did not appear iu the early An increase of approximately 50 Trust Company at its regular nieet- power who desires to spend her life |"You Can't Take It Wins Highest The children carry the cam-! , „, ., ,„„,.for Summit. It is ulso believed that, list is that in French, which will he iiiK on October Hrd,*ae.c,ording to an in scientific research. The public (;( lai montl> iu H palgn Into then- homes, oc-u j, ! with the previous tin; detailed program for the.
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