and him not since been rcHtunocl. In wtrongly In favor of this diver]the exact political situation in Iowa loyal BervJce, not only In politic*, 1 ^ > IN THE SECOND DISTRICT low ifhelr adoption by the „ DAVENPORT REPUBLICAN. France not nearly so Inrgc n proportion idea? . I county.' Tii doing this Mr. Kuney is I but in every good work for n half ceii- We 1iave «een the ruin aocoiupliwhe ot'tb'b busini-fcs of -the people j» done Well, -the farmers u« u. general tiling; also feeling the pulse on the. business miry in Johnnon and Muscatine coun- by the free trade declaration of 180; TRIBUNE. Promiocnt Republican* From the Dlf aud we Lave now heard a demand tha by «hcck or draft as in fhte country, fcrent Counties dive Their Views. maJnJy on account- of low prices for Ultuntion, and will «oou be able to give tics, and an u soldier in the war of the the ruin fihnU'be made complete by th S. D. COOK. EDITOR. although a Ktrcnuoun effort lias been (•heir products. They feel that price* not only the political, but the business (rebellion. overthrow of our finnneiul system an inn tic bv the iroveriMiicnt Wirougih its tire very low and ;lhey can-not niukc |Bontlinent of his county: Mr. Itoney the substitution of an experiment tha 5UBSCRIPT1ON RATES-BV MAIL. 4 ^ ff Information *f lnUr*5t to the Friend* cl Good ^d. Blalscr, chairman of the banking list to encourage this form of * them any worse.by a change, Thatisisays Mart he finds the fanners of Iowa county republican committee, can result only in untold misery am DAILY—Cue year KV.OO Oovenuaent In the Second Iowtt incalculable loss. Six months *. • «* • * • •••* 1.2Ti French people, Con- their main argument. county generally very much interested was iu the clty yesterday as a delegate Three months * . t * * * * * • District. "We believe that every possible flue IVJEKKLY—Oue year * » » * * * * * • sequently, need a somewhat larger per Cannot they be made to reali/e that in the present discussion of the money J to the convention, und in a very neat tuation of money standards betweei MX months *• •- • * • ** eaplfu of chvulation than do -those of it could be much worse by putting this I question, and while some fanners arej anner seconded the nomination of U'lircc moutJis * * ft • •» CAPT. J. IX FEGAX, OF CLINTON. m the Iowa producers and his conKume TO CITY 8V1WCHIK1CRS. the United SUvtai where comparative- country on the free silver basis? inclined to the free silver idea, many [Mr/Curtjs. Mr*. Blaiser is so enthus- is a margin between them; If it is no "Captain, what do you think of the DAIJ/Y—Pcllvornd»per v/cck 10 cents ly few ixjople ch'oose to handle coin, I -think they can. I do not -think more- ami u large majority of them ore Mastic for Mr. Curtis that he is ready an advantage to have a common stand prospects of McKinley's election, and Give iicitoflOco address in full. and this is more esj)ecially true since they have got that fju-along yet. If more inclined to fnvor sound money now to promise Mr. Curtis a good round ard with his customer'.abroad, then i und county. 3 n ordfirlnt: fcluiiKO of r upon what states do you think we can is no advantage to huvc a eommoi fcotli old and new addresses, r™.. the issuance of coin certificates. they are made to see -that this would and good government. Many of them |majority this fall. Moon- may be sent fcyrostofflw Money onw. depend for the electoral vote without standard with the other coramunitie Express Moncv Order, Hofclsierod Utter or cut the IT farms in two 'they will see it^remeinber very distinctly the prosper- of this union. question or reasonable doxibt?" JIr T T sl Draft at our risk. , , n . THE KKl'UJJUCAN'S PICTURE. is not the thing for them. 'ity tha,t visited them during the yeaxs " " - ° ><>™. one of the pro- In the interest of our export trade Kates to nosnnasters. newsdealers and putt- "J believe that McKinley can and netors f the Ushers sent on application. Sample copies sent One of, our citizens sent a copy of Do you believe th«t the average sil- of 1891 and 1892 when they were selling P -° Willianwburg Journal, for the furtherance of the policy o will be elected v/ithout any doubt, but reciprocity, and for the promotion .o .1RI-CITY PUBU5HINGCO the Republican with its picture of Me- vir'advocate realizes the vast amount the products of their form, iu their ™ '"dependent P*P<* published at Wil- the republicans cannot Jic or sit down our commerce, as well as for the J>ene Telephone No. 31* Kinley and Hobart rolled therein, to of silver ra tflus country? , Iowa, was secretary of the and do nothing-. They must be up and own market at an average of three lit of pur silver producers, we.. pledgi a lady relative at Kansas City, ^10. On 1 do not. They have no idea% Mex- times what they are now getting, and convention yesterday, and is very en- the support'of Iowa representative, Entered at tlie Davenport postofflceas second- doing fioci now until election day. J : class mutter* ,the margin of the paper, in violation ico today is taking but only 10 per cent in many cases they refer to special ar- thusiastic for Mr. Curtis. in congress to the promotion o f.ai believe he can carry every state east of International agreement :to estaiiiisj THE KF.vuiii.irA>' may be *°,uua of the postal law, he wrote: "Enclosed of what fecr mines are capable of pro- nicies tliat they were then able io place Hon. 'Euclid Sanders, of Johnson the Mississippi river and north of the j V • a joint standard universally; and .fron York Trilnmc offlc*?. Xewlork; Aliprn you will find 'My Picture.'" Yester- ducjng. Mexico alone could swamp news stsmd. Pus Molncs; Clifton House new* Ohio commencing- with Maine, Connec- ill large eastern cities in coin petit ion county, accompanied by his wife and tiie same considera-tiohs to opp^se'th< stand. State and Monroe streets. rejected day a letter from the lady Sn acknowl- this country \vftfli silver. It would be- proposition to.carry the United'State will always ticut, Massachusetts, Xew Hampshire, • j • vri-th our fanner friends across the daug-hter and Miss Stebbins, spent the manuscripts or sucli as arc not available or ^e edgment, said: come almost as .cheap as iron. Almost to silver monometallism. Vermont, New York, Jlhode Island, lake at good and satisfactory prices to day in Davenport yesterday. 2vfr. San- : in tts columns, wlien postage for that purpose is "I received the paper containing- *My We aifc oppotied to the change tb a enclosed. every mountain in Mexico is full of sil- flie Iowa farmer. Under present con- Lers is one of the workingVepiiblicans Ke\v Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, r single silver standard because"it-Hvil g^Orders for tlie delivery of Picture." At first I was afraid to look ver. I do ''not think thc\ realize the ditions, hoAvever. tJiis is all changed, Lf the Second district who is loyal to Maryland, West Virginia, Ohio, Illinois-:, • ^' decrease and-not increase the to either residence or wlace of. O"suu.ss at it, as Iowa is reported to be so much amount of silver in sicrht with the ini- bo made Dy posUil card or Oirouftlnelepnoie*o. Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, O and the Iowa farmer is in tftat long- every interest of his party. He is of money'in. the,country: because^iri 51, or at the counting-room of the .HE u Hue A>. in the silver ring- I was fearful yoa Anv irregularity in delivery should oe immedi- proved facilities, four mining. talbed-of market'one of the world—^and thoroughly convinced that with prop- stead of restoring confidence, it might be too. But it was all right, and the latter being on both sides of the destroy credits; .instead of inspiriu. ately reported to the onice of publication, When they are made to see this and i:* reaping the benefits therefrom.not to er management Johnson county ivill r \ Mississippi, and he-will carry Iowa. We . i enterprise, it will spread-alarm; i lam glad to have such a good picture to what a low state of financial engi- jv^irua^^x STQKIKS —\\e arc- will give'him 231 electoral votes. He liis satisfaction, liowever. give Curtis a larger majority than it stead of aiding the debtor, it will i a remarkable series of stories, which win of our next president and vice i>rlnted throuph iho summer in da»> *^' will carry California, Oregon and neering Mexico 'has fallen do you be- As to the political situation the out- [did two years ago. volve him in bankruptcy; instead .o xnents Tlie greatest living authors will president . ] had never before lieve they ivould change their senti- furnishing employment "to labor. Sfbute. to the list of authors, names appear North Dakota, with chances of carry- look is quite favorable for repTiblican familiar to every reader of fiction seen what this evidently is, ment? - success in this county. The defeat of ^ L. Brooke and Hon. John E. Evans, will .make more iincertiiiii and ing Tennessee, and possibly Kentucky. f * * . ^ *J , ., , ^ , I of^ Wes-• * *• tr Liberty•-*- • ii . , are t\\-. o of_ the'renub. _ - *nutnerativ Til * t *l *IT**I r i **/e* tlia-» n *tt 4- whk-•*-. V , ^h- V , itI i hasT__,.; _ histea; - LTCA>-'* GKEAT OFKKR!-!• or a lim- a good likeness of Hobart.
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