Corona Curfew Stands Extended Till 7 Am On

Corona Curfew Stands Extended Till 7 Am On

$!$("&#!"%%%!!"& %!$#"!%$$%" %%$$%""##! !%$% "' # &$%#!$##'$#" & #&!"# !%#" "'% !"!#$%"(# JAMMU, SUNDAY, MAY 2 , 2021 VOL. 37 | NO.120 | REGD. NO. : JM/JK 118/15 /17 | E-mail : [email protected] | | Price : Rs. 2.00 Covid control measures- Corona Curfew stands extended till 7 am on Thursday, JK reports3832 new 6th May in four Districts- Srinagar, Baramulla, Budgam, and Jammu positive cases,147242 @41?5@A-@5;:C588.1@-71:.12;>1 recovered so far @;B1>:;>/8;?18E9;:5@;>5:3@41;B50 @4!-E2;>8-E5:30;C:2A>@41> -/@5;:<8-::?@>A/@5;:?C1>15? 2>;9 -?495> 5B5?5;: ?5@A-@5;:5: ?A10@;@41/;:/1>:10;225/1>?2;> //;>05:3 @; @41 0-58E '41 ;B1>:91:@ ;: /;:@5:A5:3 95/>;/;:@-5:91:@ !105- A881@5: ;: :;B18 &-@A>0-E 5:2;>910 @4-@ 4-5>?453481B18911@5:3@;-??1??@41 F;:5:3-?<1>>1=A5>191:@'41 ;>;:- B5>A? ;B50 :1C<;?5@5B1/-?1?;2 ;>;:-/A>21C-@:534@?4-88/;: ;A@;2 <;?5@5B1/-?1? :;B18 ;>;:- B5>A? ?/1:->5; @5:A1 5: -88 !A:5/5<-8 (>.-: ->1/@5B1$;?5@5B1 #) 2>;9 ;/-8;0E8595@?;2-88 05?@>5/@? 4-B1>1/;B1>10-:0 -99A 05B5?5;: -:0 5>1/@?2;>#DE31:A05@5:1B1>E4;?<5@-8 ;2-99A-:0-?495>5:/8A05:3 4-B1 0510 5: 2>;9 -?495> 05B5 @41-.;B12;A>05?@>5/@?"534@/A> -99A05B5?5;:-:0 5: @;1:?A>1;<@59-8-B-58-.585@E ?5;:4-B1.11:>1<;>@10@; 21CC588.15:2;>/12>;9<9@; -?495>05B5?5;: 0-E @4A? @-75:3 @41 @;@-8 -9#@41>>1?@>5/@5;:?C41:/A> '41A881@5:2A>@41>?-50 :A9.1>;2<;?5@5B1/-?1?5: ;:?@5@A@1?25B1919.1>>5?5?!-:-3191:@ 21C5?:;@@41>1C588/;:@5:A1-? @4-@;A@;2 @1?@>1 -99A -:0 -?495> @; .12;>19<4-?5F5:3;:;<@59-8 ?A8@? -B-58-.81 >;A<2;>1221/@5B1;B50!-:-3191:@ 8?; #) -B-58-.585@E;2;DE31:?A<<8E@41 ?-9<81?4-B1.11:@1?@10-? 01-@4?4-B1.11:>1<;>@10 '4101/5?5;:C-?@-71:0A>5:3- :->5;5:-:05?@-75:3>13A8-> @;B1>:;>05>1/@102;>/;:0A/@ :13-@5B1@588 ?@!-E :?@>A/@5;:?5??A102;>/;:@5:A5:395/>; 2>;9 -99A 5B5?5;: 453481B18 911@5:3 /4-5>10 .E >1B51C 911@5:3? 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