This document is made available through the declassification efforts and research of John Greenewald, Jr., creator of: The Black Vault The Black Vault is the largest online Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) document clearinghouse in the world. The research efforts here are responsible for the declassification of hundreds of thousands of pages released by the U.S. Government & Military. Discover the Truth at: http://www.theblackvault.com AGENCY INFORMATION AGENCY: FBI RECORD NUMBER: 124-10216-10120 RECORD SERIES: HQ AGENCY FILE NUMBER: 45-10852-27 DOCUMENT INFORMATION ORIGINATOR: FBI FROM: MOSHER, CHARLES A. TO: DIRECTOR, FBI . TITLE: DATE: 10/25/1968 PAGES: 236 SUBJECT: OBA, ASSOC, INSTR, PHOTO, BOMBING, COROMOTO DOCUMENT TYPE: PAPER, TEXTUAL DOCUMENT, PHOTO ORIGINAL NEW Secret - CLASSIFICATION: CLASSIFICATION: REVIEW DATE: 12/12/1997 UPDATE DATE: STATUS Redact RESTRICTIONS: JFK Act 6 (1 )(B) JFK Act 6 (l)(C) JFKAct 6 (4) COMMENTS: TABLE OFCONTENTS PAGE 2 Docld:32295844 Page 1 ' Released wtde"r the John F. Kerin:edy Assassination Records Collection A.ot o:f 1992 · ( 44 usc 2107 Nife). DATE: 11-14-2017 i ., I! SJ 45-789 i JOSE DIAZ MOREJON ~ aka Tony Prieto - FUGITIVE3 :aiFIQ~ JCR GE LUIS G1LJTIERREZ ULLA, ak ~' ~ ~ George Gutierrez = FUGITIVE; PAULINO :t'.ARIO G·UTIERREZ VIDAL ~. FlUGITIVE3 AIMEE MIRANDA CRUZ "" FUGITIVE" INli'ORMANTS ~ All logical informants of the San Juan Office have been conta.ct;ed in ~onnection with instant matter and no posi= 'tive i)n.f:'ormation has been developed. • Negative contacts in. this Hlat;·cer are not being se:t forth in this report 8 On 9/13/683 the New York Office advised that Cuban source"s of that off' ice had--been -a.~l:erted to the Burea:u' s interes·t in captioned matter. The Miami Office advised that-on the evening <:>f' 9/12/68~ OSCAR ANGULO REYES~ PSI .(UB) had advised he was 1 "informed by AN"DB.ES JORGE :"GONZALEZ GONZALEZ~ Chief Bomb , -· Expert for ORLA.NDO BOSCH AVILA that G-0NZALEZ had ftlaced a , _.; ho:mb on the British Freighter 11Laneastrian Prince 1 and on a _ / .--- 1 s ~m ll unidentified Spanish ship. GONZALEZ claims to be us.i.Jag tJ.ew diving e~uipment which enables. him to remain under water :for five eotiseeutive hours and a new type float for towing t he bombs under watero~IL) . ...,-- · At 8 ~ 15 a o mo , 9/13/68 .ll OS CAR. ANGULO RE!""ES .~~ · PSI • (UD) who has furnished reliable inf'ormation in the past and· who J:.a "Gell acquail'lted with members .of th.e Movimiento Ill'!t surrecional li d r::; Reeuperacion Revolucio:naria (MIRR) ,. headed by ORLANDO BOSCH il AVILA , who has erganized an auxiliary action grcmp t.nown a13 I: [! ~' 'Cuban Power"s advised that BOSCH ltad just telephonically . ' (~on tacted .A..NGULO. BOSCH directed ~ - ANGULO"' s attention to fact that ··. a news release was then being :issued from Miami · radiCD ·:d:;.a tions WQBA a:md WFAB relative to an announcement by ·· ugaHEST0 11 of · ncuban Power 11 claiming ·responsibility for a :. ip anish ship bombLY-!g ~~) -B­ COVER PAGE L------~----~~----------------------------------------------- Dooid:32295844 Page 2 Released rmde·r the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act o:f 1992 ( 44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 ~' ( \ . /'""\ . ~ oGQ~{/IIf~I'MJ WNFiiif#{l IEC~£1 BOSCH t hen t ol d ANGU£(( itft his "Cuban Powe r" wars responsible for the bombing and that the bom.b was supposed to have exploded at the end of• f'i.ve days but troubl e in the batteries of the time delay device caused ·. trr.e bomb to 1 1 1 explode last night o . BOSCH added that· next week ~ERNEST 0 will announce the appointment of a c ivilian del egat e f or 11 "Cuban Pmlieir o . BOSCH has previously told ANGULO t h.a t a s soon as his .group succeeded in sinking a ship at sea "ERNESTO" (mythical head of 11 Cuba:n Power") woul d a nnounc e the appointment of BOSCH as the civilian delegate~~) At 8~30 aomo:~ 9/1.3/68.$ ANTONI O ARI AS 51 SRo (protect)$ an official of radio station WFAB$ advised that he had · received an anonymous telephone call a t approxima tely 7 ~ 2 3 ·a omo :y 9/13/68.9 .from a Spanish speaking male whose voice h.e bel ieve s t.o be that of ORlANDO BOSCH, :but ARIAS is not absol utely certain. of this voi.ce identification . The ano:n;y1nous caller stated that he had news from 11 11 Guban.- Power . to the effect that a communic ation had just b~e- n received from 11 ERN"ESTO11 in . Mexico, expl aining that 11 11 11 the Spanish ship Corom.oto" was boinbed by Cuba n. Power • 11 The anonymous caller also· stated· that· next week ER~~ESTO tl . was coming to Miami for a presg c cm.ference during wh i ch time h.e. would publ:lcly name two individuals to t ake charge of the political and economic affairs of 11 Cuban Poweron ANGULO will attempt to c6!lltact ANDRES JORGE GOI'·i'ZALEZ GONZALEZ 3 BOSCH's c h ief b{)mb . e:xper tj who rev ea l ed · to AHGULO on night of - 9/12/68~ -- that - GONZALEZ h a d placed a bomb on a small Spanish · freigh'te±·: at· the sa:m.e pl ace where· he had plac ed a bo:mb on the uL.ancastrian Pf i n.ce o 11 Indica t-iorr.H3 are that the bomb was placed o:n 11 L.r:tneast:r.iarn Prince YI at New Or leans or possibly_Mobile. \)((cy . .. .... On 9/2/68, GON'ZALEZ ' · sis-ter told ANGULO that her • I brother had left that morning for an out~o:f :::.t own operation -but . ' did not di.sclose his destination nor describe na-ture of the operation o~~) ··=C = CO\i'ER PAGE I I ~ . A __· ___y Docid:32295844 Page 3 1 Released under the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act of 1992 (44 usc 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 (""' ' SJ 45-789 BOSCH advised under his instructions the Spanish ship was photographed by his men prior t® the.bomb:Lng .in . order th.at t1s1ese photographs could be sent ·to local 'Spanish · papers: to prove this bombing was effected by ncubal'tl.l PG;wero" BOSCH expected these photographs im mail on S~ptember 13.\\ 1968':, but they did not arrive and he a1~ticipates their arrival in the mail from Puerto R.ico on .9/14/68., It is .noted MORALES previously furnislrled ·BOSCH 300 pounds of simulated dyraamite with Bureau approvalo This material was supplied to BOSCH -piecemeal between 7/2 and _ 8/27/680 During J;>ast week, BOSCH advised he was aware this dynamite was rwte·t real dynamite but to date has · indl.eated n0 suspi.cien of' MOHALES o MORlU..ES ill"J. future conversations with. BOSCH \'till attempt t<:) elicit X:Aames · of' BOSCHvs men in .- P~:i.erto Rico .. MORALES observed ANDRES . JORGE· GONZAJ.J!:Z GO~"ZALEZ :i.tl :Miami on 9/11/68 ·and Bureau. Age:!!ts· observed GONZAI.EZ in Miami on 9/10/680 On 9/16/68!) RICARDO MORALES NAVARP..E ~l'E (PI'oteet);;. who has f'm:'nisheid reliable in.fo:rmatiow~ in the past.9 who ls :l.n.timately acq1.1.ai.nted with ORLAND0 BOSCH' and his· people3 :reported that BOSCH advised him ·that TONY PRIETO~ ;1.628 S oW;. ?3!~· Street!' 1:1i~mi..5! Flc;rid~., obta~ned the e~losive-s iri Sa.n 11 Jo.an and· partJ..c~pated . ~!'1 t~1.e bomb~!iig of' the 'Coromoto. · On 9/17/68s OSCAR ANC·ULO REYES { PSI~tiD~pr0tect).s> \\1!~1~ has fur:f!ished ·reliable i..'l'lf'ormatiGn . in the . past 3 ~. dvised ": ~ :~~a t ANDRES JORGE GOT~"ZALEZ GONZAIJ!lZ :> BOSCH 1 s chief be:mb . :c'::Jt:pert, told h:i.m that he had ·placed the bomb on: the, ncoromo·to ji i n San Jus.n despite the elaborate security precautions takeno~) !. '· --D~ CO\TER PAGE \L_ ________ Docid:32295844 Page 4 ' Released unde'r the John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collect'i.'on Act o:f 1992 ( 44 USC 2107 Note). DATE: 11-14-2017 ,r \ '--._) . l "' SJ 45-789 ~~;) ·~ ~ fi22~ · (protect J ~ who h.~s furnished . reliable :lt:&f~rmatimf·m th~ _ ast9 adv:1sed 9/15/689 while. in The · Doghou~e Re:stau:re.nt, Mia:m.i!l a.nd seated nex-t to ORLIUIDO BOSCH ·and ·an · u.nid~ntif"ied .. Cuba11'l male believed ·&o be a Cuban medical doc.tor, she overheard the following conversation which. W13.s co1ntduo:ted in the Spanish la:n\gt1.age o . BOSCH related his 'Jcub:an. Pow~r~~· group wa.s. respol!llsible for the bombing of the !:S3b.ip in s. an ·Jua.Wn.·. d.·· 'the shelling .. of the uPolanica ~~ :tn .the Miami harber. _ .' :"~ ·Mia:nti source whose identity rill!'a~S previously furrdshed ·to tlle Bur·eau and San. Juan had indicated that one of tb.e ast~roci.ates of ORLANDO BOSCH AVILA that had traveled to San ,Juan · for the purpose of' participating in. i.nsta:nt bombing 11 11 was · ,~ru~::;own .... · t· o ""'ij ·]. :m ·as · TO'l\r;-.t~x · I)Ri!"..1'..£.1't:'irt'O ... ·· .. IJ:1he same source on.
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